Beispiel #1
 function email($args, $request)
     $this->setupTemplate($request, true);
     $templateMgr =& TemplateManager::getManager();
     $userDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('UserDAO');
     $user =& $request->getUser();
     // See if this is the Editor or Manager and an email template has been chosen
     $template = $request->getUserVar('template');
     if (empty($template) || !Validation::isSiteAdmin()) {
         $template = null;
     // Determine whether or not this account is subject to
     // email sending restrictions.
     $canSendUnlimitedEmails = Validation::isSiteAdmin();
     $unlimitedEmailRoles = array(ROLE_ID_SITE_ADMIN);
     $roleDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('RoleDAO');
     $roles =& $roleDao->getRolesByUserId($user->getId());
     foreach ($roles as $role) {
         if (in_array($role->getRoleId(), $unlimitedEmailRoles)) {
             $canSendUnlimitedEmails = true;
     // Check when this user last sent an email, and if it's too
     // recent, make them wait.
     if (!$canSendUnlimitedEmails) {
         $dateLastEmail = $user->getDateLastEmail();
         if ($dateLastEmail && strtotime($dateLastEmail) + (int) Config::getVar('email', 'time_between_emails') > strtotime(Core::getCurrentDate())) {
             $templateMgr->assign('pageTitle', 'email.compose');
             $templateMgr->assign('message', 'email.compose.tooSoon');
             $templateMgr->assign('backLink', 'javascript:history.back()');
             $templateMgr->assign('backLinkLabel', 'email.compose');
             return $templateMgr->display('common/message.tpl');
     $email = new MailTemplate($template);
     if ($request->getUserVar('send') && !$email->hasErrors()) {
         $recipients = $email->getRecipients();
         $ccs = $email->getCcs();
         $bccs = $email->getBccs();
         // Make sure there aren't too many recipients (to
         // prevent use as a spam relay)
         $recipientCount = 0;
         if (is_array($recipients)) {
             $recipientCount += count($recipients);
         if (is_array($ccs)) {
             $recipientCount += count($ccs);
         if (is_array($bccs)) {
             $recipientCount += count($bccs);
         if (!$canSendUnlimitedEmails && $recipientCount > (int) Config::getVar('email', 'max_recipients')) {
             $templateMgr->assign('pageTitle', 'email.compose');
             $templateMgr->assign('message', 'email.compose.tooManyRecipients');
             $templateMgr->assign('backLink', 'javascript:history.back()');
             $templateMgr->assign('backLinkLabel', 'email.compose');
             return $templateMgr->display('common/message.tpl');
         $redirectUrl = $request->getUserVar('redirectUrl');
         if (empty($redirectUrl)) {
             $redirectUrl = $request->url(null, 'user');
     } else {
         $email->displayEditForm($request->url(null, null, 'email'), array('redirectUrl' => $request->getUserVar('redirectUrl')), null, array('disableSkipButton' => true));
  * Display a "send email" template or send an email.
  * @param $args array
  * @param $request PKPRequest
 function email($args, &$request)
     $this->setupTemplate($request, true);
     $templateMgr =& TemplateManager::getManager();
     $signoffDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('SignoffDAO');
     $userDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('UserDAO');
     $journal =& $request->getJournal();
     $user =& $request->getUser();
     // See if this is the Editor or Manager and an email template has been chosen
     $template = $request->getUserVar('template');
     if (!$journal || empty($template) || !Validation::isJournalManager($journal->getId()) && !Validation::isEditor($journal->getId()) && !Validation::isSectionEditor($journal->getId())) {
         $template = null;
     // Determine whether or not this account is subject to
     // email sending restrictions.
     $canSendUnlimitedEmails = Validation::isSiteAdmin();
     $roleDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('RoleDAO');
     if ($journal) {
         $roles =& $roleDao->getRolesByUserId($user->getId(), $journal->getId());
         foreach ($roles as $role) {
             if (in_array($role->getRoleId(), $unlimitedEmailRoles)) {
                 $canSendUnlimitedEmails = true;
     // Check when this user last sent an email, and if it's too
     // recent, make them wait.
     if (!$canSendUnlimitedEmails) {
         $dateLastEmail = $user->getDateLastEmail();
         if ($dateLastEmail && strtotime($dateLastEmail) + (int) Config::getVar('email', 'time_between_emails') > strtotime(Core::getCurrentDate())) {
             $templateMgr->assign('pageTitle', 'email.compose');
             $templateMgr->assign('message', 'email.compose.tooSoon');
             $templateMgr->assign('backLink', 'javascript:history.back()');
             $templateMgr->assign('backLinkLabel', 'email.compose');
             return $templateMgr->display('common/message.tpl');
     $email = null;
     if ($articleId = $request->getUserVar('articleId')) {
         // This message is in reference to an article.
         // Determine whether the current user has access
         // to the article in some form, and if so, use an
         // ArticleMailTemplate.
         $articleDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ArticleDAO');
         $article =& $articleDao->getArticle($articleId);
         $hasAccess = false;
         // First, conditions where access is OK.
         // 1. User is submitter
         if ($article && $article->getUserId() == $user->getId()) {
             $hasAccess = true;
         // 2. User is section editor of article or full editor
         $editAssignmentDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('EditAssignmentDAO');
         $editAssignments =& $editAssignmentDao->getEditAssignmentsByArticleId($articleId);
         while ($editAssignment =& $editAssignments->next()) {
             if ($editAssignment->getEditorId() === $user->getId()) {
                 $hasAccess = true;
         if (Validation::isEditor($journal->getId())) {
             $hasAccess = true;
         // 3. User is reviewer
         $reviewAssignmentDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ReviewAssignmentDAO');
         foreach ($reviewAssignmentDao->getBySubmissionId($articleId) as $reviewAssignment) {
             if ($reviewAssignment->getReviewerId() === $user->getId()) {
                 $hasAccess = true;
         // 4. User is copyeditor
         $copyedSignoff =& $signoffDao->getBySymbolic('SIGNOFF_COPYEDITING_INITIAL', ASSOC_TYPE_ARTICLE, $articleId);
         if ($copyedSignoff && $copyedSignoff->getUserId() === $user->getId()) {
             $hasAccess = true;
         // 5. User is layout editor
         $layoutSignoff =& $signoffDao->getBySymbolic('SIGNOFF_LAYOUT', ASSOC_TYPE_ARTICLE, $articleId);
         if ($layoutSignoff && $layoutSignoff->getUserId() === $user->getId()) {
             $hasAccess = true;
         // 6. User is proofreader
         $proofSignoff =& $signoffDao->getBySymbolic('SIGNOFF_PROOFREADING_PROOFREADER', ASSOC_TYPE_ARTICLE, $articleId);
         if ($proofSignoff && $proofSignoff->getUserId() === $user->getId()) {
             $hasAccess = true;
         // Last, "deal-breakers" -- access is not allowed.
         if (!$article || $article && $article->getJournalId() !== $journal->getId()) {
             $hasAccess = false;
         if ($hasAccess) {
             $email = new ArticleMailTemplate($articleDao->getArticle($articleId, $template));
     if ($email === null) {
         $email = new MailTemplate($template);
     if ($request->getUserVar('send') && !$email->hasErrors()) {
         $recipients = $email->getRecipients();
         $ccs = $email->getCcs();
         $bccs = $email->getBccs();
         // Make sure there aren't too many recipients (to
         // prevent use as a spam relay)
         $recipientCount = 0;
         if (is_array($recipients)) {
             $recipientCount += count($recipients);
         if (is_array($ccs)) {
             $recipientCount += count($ccs);
         if (is_array($bccs)) {
             $recipientCount += count($bccs);
         if (!$canSendUnlimitedEmails && $recipientCount > (int) Config::getVar('email', 'max_recipients')) {
             $templateMgr->assign('pageTitle', 'email.compose');
             $templateMgr->assign('message', 'email.compose.tooManyRecipients');
             $templateMgr->assign('backLink', 'javascript:history.back()');
             $templateMgr->assign('backLinkLabel', 'email.compose');
             return $templateMgr->display('common/message.tpl');
         if (is_a($email, 'ArticleMailTemplate')) {
             // Make sure the email gets logged if needed
         } else {
         $redirectUrl = $request->getUserVar('redirectUrl');
         if (empty($redirectUrl)) {
             $redirectUrl = $request->url(null, 'user');
     } else {
         $email->displayEditForm($request->url(null, null, 'email'), array('redirectUrl' => $request->getUserVar('redirectUrl'), 'articleId' => $articleId), null, array('disableSkipButton' => true, 'articleId' => $articleId));
Beispiel #3
 function email($args)
     $conference =& Request::getConference();
     $schedConf =& Request::getSchedConf();
     $templateMgr =& TemplateManager::getManager();
     $userDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('UserDAO');
     $user =& Request::getUser();
     // See if this is the Director or Manager and an email template has been chosen
     $template = Request::getUserVar('template');
     if (!$conference || empty($template) || !Validation::isConferenceManager() && !Validation::isDirector() && !Validation::isTrackDirector()) {
         $template = null;
     // Determine whether or not this account is subject to
     // email sending restrictions.
     $canSendUnlimitedEmails = Validation::isSiteAdmin();
     $roleDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('RoleDAO');
     if ($conference) {
         $roles =& $roleDao->getRolesByUserId($user->getId(), $conference->getId());
         foreach ($roles as $role) {
             if (in_array($role->getRoleId(), $unlimitedEmailRoles)) {
                 $canSendUnlimitedEmails = true;
     // Check when this user last sent an email, and if it's too
     // recent, make them wait.
     if (!$canSendUnlimitedEmails) {
         $dateLastEmail = $user->getDateLastEmail();
         if ($dateLastEmail && strtotime($dateLastEmail) + (int) Config::getVar('email', 'time_between_emails') > strtotime(Core::getCurrentDate())) {
             $templateMgr->assign('pageTitle', 'email.compose');
             $templateMgr->assign('message', 'email.compose.tooSoon');
             $templateMgr->assign('backLink', 'javascript:history.back()');
             $templateMgr->assign('backLinkLabel', 'email.compose');
             return $templateMgr->display('common/message.tpl');
     $email = null;
     if ($paperId = Request::getUserVar('paperId')) {
         // This message is in reference to a paper.
         // Determine whether the current user has access
         // to the paper in some form, and if so, use an
         // PaperMailTemplate.
         $paperDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('PaperDAO');
         $paper =& $paperDao->getPaper($paperId);
         $hasAccess = false;
         // First, conditions where access is OK.
         // 1. User is submitter
         if ($paper && $paper->getUserId() == $user->getId()) {
             $hasAccess = true;
         // 2. User is director
         $editAssignmentDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('EditAssignmentDAO');
         $editAssignments =& $editAssignmentDao->getEditAssignmentsByPaperId($paperId);
         while ($editAssignment =& $editAssignments->next()) {
             if ($editAssignment->getDirectorId() === $user->getId()) {
                 $hasAccess = true;
         if (Validation::isDirector()) {
             $hasAccess = true;
         // 3. User is reviewer
         $reviewAssignmentDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ReviewAssignmentDAO');
         foreach ($reviewAssignmentDao->getBySubmissionId($paperId) as $reviewAssignment) {
             if ($reviewAssignment->getReviewerId() === $user->getId()) {
                 $hasAccess = true;
         // Last, "deal-breakers" -- access is not allowed.
         if ($paper && $paper->getSchedConfId() !== $schedConf->getId()) {
             $hasAccess = false;
         if ($hasAccess) {
             $email = new PaperMailTemplate($paperDao->getPaper($paperId));
     if ($email === null) {
         $email = new MailTemplate();
     if (Request::getUserVar('send') && !$email->hasErrors()) {
         $recipients = $email->getRecipients();
         $ccs = $email->getCcs();
         $bccs = $email->getBccs();
         // Make sure there aren't too many recipients (to
         // prevent use as a spam relay)
         $recipientCount = 0;
         if (is_array($recipients)) {
             $recipientCount += count($recipients);
         if (is_array($ccs)) {
             $recipientCount += count($ccs);
         if (is_array($bccs)) {
             $recipientCount += count($bccs);
         if (!$canSendUnlimitedEmails && $recipientCount > (int) Config::getVar('email', 'max_recipients')) {
             $templateMgr->assign('pageTitle', 'email.compose');
             $templateMgr->assign('message', 'email.compose.tooManyRecipients');
             $templateMgr->assign('backLink', 'javascript:history.back()');
             $templateMgr->assign('backLinkLabel', 'email.compose');
             return $templateMgr->display('common/message.tpl');
         $redirectUrl = Request::getUserVar('redirectUrl');
         if (empty($redirectUrl)) {
             $redirectUrl = Request::url(null, null, 'user');
     } else {
         $email->displayEditForm(Request::url(null, null, null, 'email'), array('redirectUrl' => Request::getUserVar('redirectUrl'), 'paperId' => $paperId), null, array('disableSkipButton' => true));