Beispiel #1
  * Get dependencies list/install order info
  * @param string $chanName
  * @param string $package
  * @param Mage_Connect_Singleconfig $cache
  * @param Mage_Connect_Config $config
  * @param mixed $versionMax
  * @param mixed $versionMin
  * @return mixed
 public function getDependenciesList($chanName, $package, $cache, $config, $versionMax = false, $versionMin = false, $withDepsRecursive = true, $forceRemote = false)
     static $level = 0;
     static $_depsHash = array();
     static $_deps = array();
     static $_failed = array();
     try {
         $chanName = $cache->chanName($chanName);
         $rest = new Mage_Connect_Rest($config->protocol);
         $releases = $rest->getReleases($package);
         if (!$releases || !count($releases)) {
             throw new Exception("No releases for: '{$package}', skipping");
         $state = $config->preffered_state ? $confg->preffered_state : 'devel';
         $version = $cache->detectVersionFromRestArray($releases, $versionMin, $versionMax, $state);
         if (!$version) {
             throw new Exception("Version for '{$package}' was not detected");
         $packageInfo = $rest->getPackageReleaseInfo($package, $version);
         if (false === $packageInfo) {
             throw new Exception("Package release '{$package}' not found on server");
         $dependencies = $packageInfo->getDependencyPackages();
         $keyOuter = $chanName . "/" . $package;
         //print "Processing outer: {$keyOuter} \n";
         $_depsHash[$keyOuter] = array('name' => $package, 'channel' => $chanName, 'downloaded_version' => $version, 'min' => $versionMin, 'max' => $versionMax, 'packages' => $dependencies);
         if ($withDepsRecursive) {
             $flds = array('name', 'channel', 'min', 'max');
             $fldsCount = count($flds);
             foreach ($dependencies as $row) {
                 foreach ($flds as $key) {
                     $varName = "p" . ucfirst($key);
                     ${$varName} = $row[$key];
                 $method = __FUNCTION__;
                 $keyInner = $pChannel . "/" . $pName;
                 if (!isset($_depsHash[$keyInner])) {
                     $_deps[] = $row;
                     $this->{$method}($pChannel, $pName, $cache, $config, $pMax, $pMin, $withDepsRecursive, $forceRemote, false);
                 } else {
                     $downloaded = $_depsHash[$keyInner]['downloaded_version'];
                     $hasMin = $_depsHash[$keyInner]['min'];
                     $hasMax = $_depsHash[$keyInner]['max'];
                     if ($pMin === $hasMin && $pMax === $hasMax) {
                         //var_dump("Equal requirements, skipping");
                     if ($cache->versionInRange($downloaded, $pMin, $pMax)) {
                         //var_dump("Downloaded package matches new range too");
                     $names = array("pMin", "pMax", "hasMin", "hasMax");
                     for ($i = 0, $c = count($names); $i < $c; $i++) {
                         if (!isset(${$names}[$i])) {
                         if (false !== ${$names}[$i]) {
                         ${$names}[$i] = $i % 2 == 0 ? "0" : "999999999";
                     if (!$cache->hasVersionRangeIntersect($pMin, $pMax, $hasMin, $hasMax)) {
                         $reason = "Detected {$pName} conflict of versions: {$hasMin}-{$hasMax} and {$pMin}-{$pMax}";
                         $_failed[] = array('name' => $pName, 'channel' => $pChannel, 'max' => $pMax, 'min' => $pMin, 'reason' => $reason);
                     $newMaxIsLess = version_compare($pMax, $hasMax, "<");
                     $newMinIsGreater = version_compare($pMin, $hasMin, ">");
                     $forceMax = $newMaxIsLess ? $pMax : $hasMax;
                     $forceMin = $newMinIsGreater ? $pMin : $hasMin;
                     //var_dump("Trying to process {$pName} : max {$forceMax} - min {$forceMin}");
                     $this->{$method}($pChannel, $pName, $cache, $config, $forceMax, $forceMin, $withDepsRecursive, $forceRemote);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $_failed[] = array('name' => $package, 'channel' => $chanName, 'max' => $versionMax, 'min' => $versionMin, 'reason' => $e->getMessage());
     if ($level == 0) {
         $out = $this->processDepsHash($_depsHash);
         $deps = $_deps;
         $failed = $_failed;
         $_depsHash = array();
         $_deps = array();
         $_failed = array();
         return array('deps' => $deps, 'result' => $out, 'failed' => $failed);
Beispiel #2
  * Get dependencies list/install order info
  * @param string $chanName
  * @param string $package
  * @param Mage_Connect_Singleconfig $cache
  * @param Mage_Connect_Config $config
  * @param mixed $versionMax
  * @param mixed $versionMin
  * @param boolean $withDepsRecursive
  * @param boolean $forceRemote
  * @param Mage_Connect_Rest $rest
  * @return mixed
 public function getDependenciesList($chanName, $package, $cache, $config, $versionMax = false, $versionMin = false, $withDepsRecursive = true, $forceRemote = false, $rest = null)
     static $level = 0;
     static $_depsHash = array();
     static $_deps = array();
     static $_failed = array();
     $install_state = 'install';
     $version = '';
     $stability = '';
     $message = '';
     $dependencies = array();
     try {
         $chanName = $cache->chanName($chanName);
         if (!$rest) {
             $rest = new Mage_Connect_Rest($config->protocol);
         $releases = $rest->getReleases($package);
         if (!$releases || !count($releases)) {
             throw new Exception("No releases for '{$package}', skipping");
         $state = $config->preffered_state ? $confg->preffered_state : 'devel';
         $version = $cache->detectVersionFromRestArray($releases, $versionMin, $versionMax, $state);
         if (!$version) {
             throw new Exception("Version for '{$package}' was not detected");
         $packageInfo = $rest->getPackageReleaseInfo($package, $version);
         if (false === $packageInfo) {
             throw new Exception("Package release '{$package}' not found on server");
         $stability = $packageInfo->getStability();
          * @todo check is package already installed
         if ($installedPackage = $cache->isPackageInstalled($package)) {
             if ($chanName == $installedPackage['channel']) {
                  * @todo check versions!!!
                 if (version_compare($version, $installedPackage['version'], '>')) {
                     $install_state = 'upgrade';
                 } elseif (version_compare($version, $installedPackage['version'], '<')) {
                     $version = $installedPackage['version'];
                     $stability = $installedPackage['stability'];
                     $install_state = 'wrong_version';
                 } else {
                     $install_state = 'already_installed';
             } else {
                 $install_state = 'incompatible';
         $deps_tmp = $packageInfo->getDependencyPackages();
          * @todo Select distinct packages grouped by name
         $dependencies = array();
         foreach ($deps_tmp as $row) {
             if (isset($dependencies[$row['name']])) {
                 if ($installedPackageDep = $cache->isPackageInstalled($row['name'])) {
                     if ($installedPackageDep['channel'] == $row['channel']) {
                         $dependencies[$row['name']] = $row;
                 } elseif ($config->root_channel == $row['channel']) {
                     $dependencies[$row['name']] = $row;
             } else {
                 $dependencies[$row['name']] = $row;
          * @todo When we are building dependencies tree we should base this calculations not on full key as on a
          * unique value but check it by parts. First part which should be checked is EXTENSION_NAME also this part
          * should be unique globally not per channel.
         // $keyOuter = $chanName . "/" . $package;
         $keyOuter = $package;
         $this->addHashData($_depsHash, $package, $chanName, $version, $stability, $versionMin, $versionMax, $install_state, $message, $dependencies);
         if ($withDepsRecursive && 'incompatible' != $install_state) {
             $flds = array('name', 'channel', 'min', 'max');
             $fldsCount = count($flds);
             foreach ($dependencies as $row) {
                 foreach ($flds as $key) {
                     $varName = "p" . ucfirst($key);
                     ${$varName} = $row[$key];
                 $method = __FUNCTION__;
                  * @todo When we are building dependencies tree we should base this calculations not on full key as 
                  * on a unique value but check it by parts. First part which should be checked is EXTENSION_NAME
                  * also this part should be unique globally not per channel.
                 //$keyInner = $pChannel . "/" . $pName;
                 $keyInner = $pName;
                 if (!isset($_depsHash[$keyInner])) {
                     $_deps[] = $row;
                     $this->{$method}($pChannel, $pName, $cache, $config, $pMax, $pMin, $withDepsRecursive, $forceRemote, $rest);
                 } else {
                     $downloaded = $_depsHash[$keyInner]['downloaded_version'];
                     $hasMin = $_depsHash[$keyInner]['min'];
                     $hasMax = $_depsHash[$keyInner]['max'];
                     if ($pMin === $hasMin && $pMax === $hasMax) {
                         //var_dump("Equal requirements, skipping");
                     if ($cache->versionInRange($downloaded, $pMin, $pMax)) {
                         //var_dump("Downloaded package matches new range too");
                     $names = array("pMin", "pMax", "hasMin", "hasMax");
                     for ($i = 0, $c = count($names); $i < $c; $i++) {
                         if (!isset(${$names}[$i])) {
                         if (false !== ${$names}[$i]) {
                         ${$names}[$i] = $i % 2 == 0 ? "0" : "999999999";
                     if (!$cache->hasVersionRangeIntersect($pMin, $pMax, $hasMin, $hasMax)) {
                         $reason = "Detected {$pName} conflict of versions: {$hasMin}-{$hasMax} and {$pMin}-{$pMax}";
                         $_failed[] = array('name' => $pName, 'channel' => $pChannel, 'max' => $pMax, 'min' => $pMin, 'reason' => $reason);
                     $newMaxIsLess = version_compare($pMax, $hasMax, "<");
                     $newMinIsGreater = version_compare($pMin, $hasMin, ">");
                     $forceMax = $newMaxIsLess ? $pMax : $hasMax;
                     $forceMin = $newMinIsGreater ? $pMin : $hasMin;
                     //var_dump("Trying to process {$pName} : max {$forceMax} - min {$forceMin}");
                     $this->{$method}($pChannel, $pName, $cache, $config, $forceMax, $forceMin, $withDepsRecursive, $forceRemote, $rest);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $_failed[] = array('name' => $package, 'channel' => $chanName, 'max' => $versionMax, 'min' => $versionMin, 'reason' => $e->getMessage());
     if ($level == 0) {
         $out = $this->processDepsHash($_depsHash, false);
         $deps = $_deps;
         $failed = $_failed;
         $_depsHash = array();
         $_deps = array();
         $_failed = array();
         return array('deps' => $deps, 'result' => $out, 'failed' => $failed);
Beispiel #3
  * Get dependencies list/install order info
  * @param string $chanName
  * @param string $package
  * @param Mage_Connect_Singleconfig $cache
  * @param Mage_Connect_Config $config
  * @param mixed $versionMax
  * @param mixed $versionMin
  * @param boolean $withDepsRecursive
  * @param boolean $forceRemote
  * @param Mage_Connect_Rest $rest
  * @return mixed
 public function getDependenciesList($chanName, $package, $cache, $config, $versionMax = false, $versionMin = false, $withDepsRecursive = true, $forceRemote = false, $rest = null)
     static $level = 0;
     static $_depsHash = array();
     static $_deps = array();
     static $_failed = array();
     $install_state = self::INSTALL_STATE_INSTALL;
     $version = '';
     $message = '';
     try {
         $chanName = $cache->chanName($chanName);
         if (!$rest) {
             $rest = new Mage_Connect_Rest($config->protocol);
         $releases = $rest->getReleases($package);
         if (!$releases || !count($releases)) {
             throw new Exception("No releases for '{$package}', skipping");
         $state = $config->preferred_state ? $config->preferred_state : 'stable';
          * Check current package version first
         $installedPackage = $cache->getPackage($chanName, $package);
         if ($installedPackage && is_array($installedPackage)) {
             $installedRelease = array(array('v' => $installedPackage['version'], 's' => $installedPackage['stability']));
             $version = $cache->detectVersionFromRestArray($installedRelease, $versionMin, $versionMax, $state);
         if (!$version) {
             $version = $cache->detectVersionFromRestArray($releases, $versionMin, $versionMax, $state);
         if (!$version) {
             $versionState = $cache->detectVersionFromRestArray($releases, $versionMin, $versionMax);
             if ($versionState) {
                 /** @var $packageInfo Mage_Connect_Package */
                 $packageInfo = $rest->getPackageReleaseInfo($package, $versionState);
                 if (false !== $packageInfo) {
                     $stability = $packageInfo->getStability();
                     throw new Exception("Extension is '{$stability}' please check(or change) stability settings" . " on Magento Connect Manager");
             throw new Exception("Version for '{$package}' was not detected");
         $packageInfo = $rest->getPackageReleaseInfo($package, $version);
         if (false === $packageInfo) {
             throw new Exception("Package release '{$package}' not found on server");
         $stability = $packageInfo->getStability();
          * check is package already installed
         if ($installedPackage = $cache->isPackageInstalled($package)) {
             if ($chanName == $installedPackage['channel']) {
                  * check versions
                 if (version_compare($version, $installedPackage['version'], '>')) {
                     $install_state = self::INSTALL_STATE_UPGRADE;
                 } elseif (version_compare($version, $installedPackage['version'], '<')) {
                     $version = $installedPackage['version'];
                     $stability = $installedPackage['stability'];
                     $install_state = self::INSTALL_STATE_WRONG_VERSION;
                 } else {
                     $install_state = self::INSTALL_STATE_ALREADY_INSTALLED;
             } else {
                 $install_state = self::INSTALL_STATE_INCOMPATIBLE;
         $deps_tmp = $packageInfo->getDependencyPackages();
          * Select distinct packages grouped by name
         $dependencies = array();
         foreach ($deps_tmp as $row) {
             if (isset($dependencies[$row['name']])) {
                 if ($installedPackageDep = $cache->isPackageInstalled($row['name'])) {
                     if ($installedPackageDep['channel'] == $row['channel']) {
                         $dependencies[$row['name']] = $row;
                 } elseif ($config->root_channel == $row['channel']) {
                     $dependencies[$row['name']] = $row;
             } else {
                 $dependencies[$row['name']] = $row;
          * When we are building dependencies tree we should base this calculations not on full key as on a
          * unique value but check it by parts. First part which should be checked is EXTENSION_NAME also this part
          * should be unique globally not per channel.
         if (self::INSTALL_STATE_INCOMPATIBLE != $install_state) {
             $this->addHashData($_depsHash, $package, $chanName, $version, $stability, $versionMin, $versionMax, $install_state, $message, $dependencies);
         if ($withDepsRecursive && self::INSTALL_STATE_INCOMPATIBLE != $install_state) {
             $flds = array('name', 'channel', 'min', 'max');
             foreach ($dependencies as $row) {
                  * Converts an array to variables
                  * @var $pChannel string Channel Name
                  * @var $pName string Package Name
                  * @var $pMax string Maximum version number
                  * @var $pMin string Minimum version number
                 foreach ($flds as $key) {
                     $varName = "p" . ucfirst($key);
                     ${$varName} = $row[$key];
                 $method = __FUNCTION__;
                  * When we are building dependencies tree we should base this calculations not on full key as
                  * on a unique value but check it by parts. First part which should be checked is EXTENSION_NAME
                  * also this part should be unique globally not per channel.
                 $keyInner = $pName;
                 if (!isset($_depsHash[$keyInner])) {
                     $_deps[] = $row;
                     $this->{$method}($pChannel, $pName, $cache, $config, $pMax, $pMin, $withDepsRecursive, $forceRemote, $rest);
                 } else {
                     $downloaded = $_depsHash[$keyInner]['downloaded_version'];
                     $hasMin = $_depsHash[$keyInner]['min'];
                     $hasMax = $_depsHash[$keyInner]['max'];
                     if ($pMin === $hasMin && $pMax === $hasMax) {
                     if ($cache->versionInRange($downloaded, $pMin, $pMax)) {
                     $names = array("pMin", "pMax", "hasMin", "hasMax");
                     for ($i = 0, $c = count($names); $i < $c; $i++) {
                         if (!isset(${$names}[$i])) {
                         if (false !== ${$names}[$i]) {
                         ${$names}[$i] = $i % 2 == 0 ? "0" : "999999999";
                     if (!$cache->hasVersionRangeIntersect($pMin, $pMax, $hasMin, $hasMax)) {
                         $reason = "Detected {$pName} conflict of versions: {$hasMin}-{$hasMax} and {$pMin}-{$pMax}";
                         $_failed[] = array('name' => $pName, 'channel' => $pChannel, 'max' => $pMax, 'min' => $pMin, 'reason' => $reason);
                     $newMaxIsLess = version_compare($pMax, $hasMax, "<");
                     $newMinIsGreater = version_compare($pMin, $hasMin, ">");
                     $forceMax = $newMaxIsLess ? $pMax : $hasMax;
                     $forceMin = $newMinIsGreater ? $pMin : $hasMin;
                     $this->{$method}($pChannel, $pName, $cache, $config, $forceMax, $forceMin, $withDepsRecursive, $forceRemote, $rest);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $_failed[] = array('name' => $package, 'channel' => $chanName, 'max' => $versionMax, 'min' => $versionMin, 'reason' => $e->getMessage());
     if ($level == 0) {
         $out = $this->processDepsHash($_depsHash, false);
         $deps = $_deps;
         $failed = $_failed;
         $_depsHash = array();
         $_deps = array();
         $_failed = array();
         return array('deps' => $deps, 'result' => $out, 'failed' => $failed);
     return null;