Beispiel #1
// require the session
require_once 'session.php';
// check if the script was called after the button pressed in the login form
if (isset($_POST["login"])) {
    // check if the value are empty
    if (!empty($_POST["username"]) && !empty($_POST["password"])) {
        // extract all the values from $_POST array
        $username = $_POST["username"];
        $password = $_POST["password"];
        // include all the classes
        require_once '';
        // create an object of MUUsers
        $user = new MUUsers();
        // check if the user is accepted
        if ($user->isUserAccepted($username)) {
            // login the user
            $loggedUser = $user->loginUser($username, $password);
            // check if the user was successfully logged in
            if ($loggedUser) {
                // start session and redirect to home.php
                $_SESSION = $loggedUser;
                header("location: home.php");
            } else {
                // something wrong happen
                $login_response_success = "0";
                $login_response_message = "Username%20o%20password%20non%20non%20corrispondono";
        } else {
            // user not already accepted