  * Prepare html fields.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @return array
 function prepare_fields()
     $invoice = $this->data['invoice'];
     $currency = MS_Plugin::instance()->settings->currency;
     $user_name = '';
     $transaction_link = '';
     $user_id = 0;
     $user_list = array();
     if ($invoice->id) {
         $member = $invoice->get_member();
         $user_id = $member->id;
         $user_name = $member->name;
         $transaction_link = sprintf('<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>', MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('billing', array('show' => 'logs', 'invoice' => $invoice->id)), __('Show Transactions', 'membership2'));
     } else {
         $user_list = MS_Model_Member::get_usernames(null, MS_Model_Member::SEARCH_ALL_USERS);
     $fields = array('link_transactions' => array('id' => 'link_transactions', 'title' => $transaction_link, 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_TEXT, 'wrapper_class' => 'ms-transactions-link'), 'txt_user' => array('id' => 'txt_user', 'title' => __('Invoice for member', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_TEXT, 'value' => sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('add-member', array('user_id' => $user_id)), $user_name)), 'txt_membership' => array('id' => 'txt_membership', 'title' => __('Payment for membership', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_TEXT), 'txt_created' => array('id' => 'txt_created', 'title' => __('Invoice created on', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_TEXT), 'txt_separator' => array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_SEPARATOR), 'status' => array('id' => 'status', 'title' => __('Invoice status', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SELECT, 'field_options' => MS_Model_Invoice::get_status_types(true), 'value' => $invoice->status), 'user_id' => array('id' => 'user_id', 'title' => __('Invoice for member', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SELECT, 'value' => $invoice->user_id, 'field_options' => $user_list), 'membership_id' => array('id' => 'membership_id', 'title' => __('Payment for membership', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SELECT, 'value' => $invoice->membership_id, 'field_options' => $this->data['memberships']), 'amount' => array('id' => 'amount', 'title' => sprintf(__('Amount (%s)', 'membership2'), $currency), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_NUMBER, 'value' => MS_Helper_Billing::format_price($invoice->amount), 'config' => array('step' => 'any', 'min' => 0)), 'discount' => array('id' => 'discount', 'title' => sprintf(__('Discount (%s)', 'membership2'), $currency), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_NUMBER, 'value' => MS_Helper_Billing::format_price($invoice->discount), 'config' => array('step' => 'any', 'min' => 0)), 'due_date' => array('id' => 'due_date', 'title' => __('Due date', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_DATEPICKER, 'value' => $invoice->due_date), 'description' => array('id' => 'description', 'title' => __('Description', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_TEXT, 'class' => 'widefat', 'value' => $invoice->description), 'notes' => array('id' => 'notes', 'title' => __('Notes', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_TEXT_AREA, 'class' => 'widefat', 'value' => $invoice->get_notes_desc()), 'invoice_id' => array('id' => 'invoice_id', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $invoice->id), '_wpnonce' => array('id' => '_wpnonce', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => wp_create_nonce($this->data['action'])), 'action' => array('id' => 'action', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $this->data['action']), 'separator' => array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_SEPARATOR), 'execute' => array('id' => 'execute', 'title' => __('Execute status change actions on Save (add/remove membership)', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'value' => true), 'cancel' => array('id' => 'cancel', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_LINK, 'title' => __('Cancel', 'membership2'), 'value' => __('Cancel', 'membership2'), 'url' => esc_url_raw(remove_query_arg(array('action', 'invoice_id'))), 'class' => 'wpmui-field-button button'), 'submit' => array('id' => 'submit', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SUBMIT, 'value' => __('Save Changes', 'membership2')));
     if ($invoice->id > 0) {
         $fields['user_id']['type'] = MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN;
         $fields['membership_id']['type'] = MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN;
         $fields['txt_membership']['value'] = $this->data['memberships'][$invoice->membership_id];
         $fields['txt_created']['value'] = MS_Helper_Period::format_date($invoice->invoice_date);
     } else {
     return apply_filters('ms_view_billing_edit_prepare_fields', $fields, $this);
  * Prepare html fields.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @return array
 function prepare_fields()
     $invitation = $this->data['invitation'];
     if (!$invitation->is_valid()) {
         $invitation->code = substr(md5(time()), 0, 20);
     $fields = array('code' => array('id' => 'code', 'title' => __('Invitation code', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_TEXT, 'value' => $invitation->code, 'class' => 'widefat'), 'start_date' => array('id' => 'start_date', 'title' => __('Start date', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_DATEPICKER, 'value' => $invitation->start_date ? $invitation->start_date : MS_Helper_Period::current_date(), 'class' => 'ms-date'), 'expire_date' => array('id' => 'expire_date', 'title' => __('Expire date', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_DATEPICKER, 'value' => $invitation->expire_date, 'class' => 'ms-date'), 'membership_id' => array('id' => 'membership_id', 'title' => __('Invitation can be applied to these Memberships', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'field_options' => $this->data['memberships'], 'value' => $invitation->membership_id), 'max_uses' => array('id' => 'max_uses', 'title' => __('Max uses', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_NUMBER, 'value' => $invitation->max_uses, 'config' => array('step' => '1', 'min' => 0)), 'invitation_id' => array('id' => 'invitation_id', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $invitation->id), '_wpnonce' => array('id' => '_wpnonce', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => wp_create_nonce($this->data['action'])), 'action' => array('id' => 'action', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $this->data['action']), 'separator' => array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_SEPARATOR), 'cancel' => array('id' => 'cancel', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_LINK, 'title' => __('Cancel', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'value' => __('Cancel', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'url' => remove_query_arg(array('action', 'invitation_id')), 'class' => 'wpmui-field-button button'), 'submit' => array('id' => 'submit', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SUBMIT, 'value' => __('Save Changes', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN)));
     return apply_filters('ms_addon_invitation_view_edit_prepare_fields', $fields, $this);
  * Check membership status.
  * Execute actions when time/period condition are met.
  * E.g. change membership status, add communication to queue, create invoices.
  * This check is called via a cron job.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @internal  Used by Cron
  * @see MS_Model_Plugin::check_membership_status()
 public function check_membership_status()
     do_action('ms_model_relationship_check_membership_status_before', $this);
      * Use `define( 'MS_LOCK_SUBSCRIPTIONS', true );` in wp-config.php to prevent
      * Membership2 from sending *any* emails to users.
      * Also any currently enqueued message is removed from the queue
      * @since  1.0.0
     if (MS_Plugin::get_modifier('MS_LOCK_SUBSCRIPTIONS')) {
         return false;
     $membership = $this->get_membership();
     $remaining_days = $this->get_remaining_period();
     $remaining_trial_days = $this->get_remaining_trial_period();
     $comms = MS_Model_Communication::get_communications($membership);
     $invoice_before_days = 5;
     //@todo create a setting to configure this period.
     $deactivate_expired_after_days = 30;
     //@todo create a setting to configure this period.
     $deactivate_pending_after_days = 30;
     //@todo create a setting to configure this period.
     $deactivate_trial_expired_after_days = 5;
     //@todo create a setting to configure this period.
     //@todo: Add a flag to subscriptions with sent communications. Then improve the conditions below to prevent multiple emails.
     do_action('ms_check_membership_status-' . $this->status, $this, $remaining_days, $remaining_trial_days);
     // Update the Subscription status.
     $next_status = $this->calculate_status(null);
     switch ($next_status) {
         case self::STATUS_TRIAL:
             if (MS_Model_Addon::is_enabled(MS_Model_Addon::ADDON_TRIAL) && MS_Model_Addon::is_enabled(MS_Model_Addon::ADDON_AUTO_MSGS_PLUS)) {
                 // Send trial end communication.
                 $comm = $comms[MS_Model_Communication::COMM_TYPE_BEFORE_TRIAL_FINISHES];
                 if ($comm->enabled) {
                     $days = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_in_days($comm->period['period_unit'], $comm->period['period_type']);
                     //@todo: This will send out the reminder multiple times on the reminder-day (4 times or more often)
                     if ($days == $remaining_trial_days) {
                         MS_Model_Event::save_event(MS_Model_Event::TYPE_MS_BEFORE_TRIAL_FINISHES, $this);
             // Check for card expiration
             $gateway = $this->get_gateway();
         case self::STATUS_TRIAL_EXPIRED:
             if (MS_Model_Addon::is_enabled(MS_Model_Addon::ADDON_TRIAL)) {
                 // Mark the trial period as completed. $this->save() is below.
                 $this->trial_period_completed = true;
                 // Request payment to the gateway (for gateways that allows it).
                 $gateway = $this->get_gateway();
                  * The subscription will be either automatically activated
                  * or set to pending.
                  * Important: Set trial_period_completed=true before calling
                  * request_payment()!
                 if ($gateway->request_payment($this)) {
                     $next_status = self::STATUS_ACTIVE;
                     $this->status = $next_status;
                     // Needed because of status change.
                 // Check for card expiration
                 // Deactivate expired memberships after a period of time.
                 if ($deactivate_trial_expired_after_days < -$remaining_trial_days) {
         case self::STATUS_ACTIVE:
         case self::STATUS_EXPIRED:
         case self::STATUS_CANCELED:
              * Make sure the expire date has a correct value, in case the user
              * changed the payment_type of the parent membership after this
              * subscription was created.
             if ($this->payment_type != $membership->payment_type) {
                 $this->payment_type = $membership->payment_type;
                 switch ($this->payment_type) {
                     case MS_Model_Membership::PAYMENT_TYPE_PERMANENT:
                         $this->expire_date = false;
                         // Either keep the current expire date (if valid) or
                         // calculate a new expire date, based on current date.
                         if (!$this->expire_date) {
                             $this->expire_date = $this->calc_expire_date(MS_Helper_Period::current_date());
                 // Recalculate the days until the subscription expires.
                 $remaining_days = $this->get_remaining_period();
                 // Recalculate the new Subscription status.
                 $next_status = $this->calculate_status();
              * Only "Recurring" memberships will ever try to automatically
              * renew the subscription. All other types will expire when the
              * end date is reached.
             $auto_renew = $membership->payment_type == MS_Model_Membership::PAYMENT_TYPE_RECURRING;
             $deactivate = false;
             $invoice = null;
             if ($auto_renew && $membership->pay_cycle_repetitions > 0) {
                  * The membership has a payment-repetition limit.
                  * When this limit is reached then we do not auto-renew the
                  * subscription but expire it.
                 $payments = $this->get_payments();
                 if (count($payments) >= $membership->pay_cycle_repetitions) {
                     $auto_renew = false;
             if ($auto_renew) {
                 if ($remaining_days < $invoice_before_days) {
                     // Create a new invoice.
                     $invoice = $this->get_next_invoice();
                 } else {
                     $invoice = $this->get_current_invoice();
             } else {
                 $invoice = $this->get_current_invoice();
             // Advanced communications Add-on.
             if (MS_Model_Addon::is_enabled(MS_Model_Addon::ADDON_AUTO_MSGS_PLUS)) {
                 // Before finishes communication.
                 $comm = $comms[MS_Model_Communication::COMM_TYPE_BEFORE_FINISHES];
                 $days = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_in_days($comm->period['period_unit'], $comm->period['period_type']);
                 if ($days == $remaining_days) {
                     MS_Model_Event::save_event(MS_Model_Event::TYPE_MS_BEFORE_FINISHES, $this);
                 // After finishes communication.
                 $comm = $comms[MS_Model_Communication::COMM_TYPE_AFTER_FINISHES];
                 $days = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_in_days($comm->period['period_unit'], $comm->period['period_type']);
                 if ($remaining_days < 0 && $days == abs($remaining_days)) {
                     MS_Model_Event::save_event(MS_Model_Event::TYPE_MS_AFTER_FINISHES, $this);
                 // Before payment due.
                 $comm = $comms[MS_Model_Communication::COMM_TYPE_BEFORE_PAYMENT_DUE];
                 $days = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_in_days($comm->period['period_unit'], $comm->period['period_type']);
                 $invoice_days = MS_Helper_Period::subtract_dates($invoice->due_date, MS_Helper_Period::current_date());
                 if (MS_Model_Invoice::STATUS_BILLED == $invoice->status && $days == $invoice_days) {
                     MS_Model_Event::save_event(MS_Model_Event::TYPE_PAYMENT_BEFORE_DUE, $this);
                 // After payment due event
                 $comm = $comms[MS_Model_Communication::COMM_TYPE_AFTER_PAYMENT_DUE];
                 $days = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_in_days($comm->period['period_unit'], $comm->period['period_type']);
                 $invoice_days = MS_Helper_Period::subtract_dates($invoice->due_date, MS_Helper_Period::current_date());
                 if (MS_Model_Invoice::STATUS_BILLED == $invoice->status && $days == $invoice_days) {
                     MS_Model_Event::save_event(MS_Model_Event::TYPE_PAYMENT_AFTER_DUE, $this);
             // -- End of advanced communications Add-on
             // Subscription ended. See if we can renew it.
             if ($remaining_days <= 0) {
                 if ($auto_renew) {
                      * The membership can be renewed. Try to renew it
                      * automatically by requesting the next payment from the
                      * payment gateway (only works if gateway supports this)
                     $gateway = $this->get_gateway();
                     // Check if the payment was successful.
                     $remaining_days = $this->get_remaining_period();
                  * User did not renew the membership. Give him some time to
                  * react before restricting his access.
                 if ($deactivate_expired_after_days < -$remaining_days) {
                     $deactivate = true;
             $next_status = $this->calculate_status(null);
              * When the subscription expires the first time then create a
              * new event that triggers the "Expired" email.
             if (self::STATUS_EXPIRED == $next_status && $next_status != $this->status) {
                 MS_Model_Event::save_event(MS_Model_Event::TYPE_MS_EXPIRED, $this);
             } elseif ($deactivate) {
                 $next_status = $this->status;
                 // Move membership to configured membership.
                 $membership = $this->get_membership();
                 $new_membership = MS_Factory::load('MS_Model_Membership', $membership->on_end_membership_id);
                 if ($new_membership->is_valid()) {
                     $member = MS_Factory::load('MS_Model_Member', $this->user_id);
                     $new_subscription = $member->add_membership($membership->on_end_membership_id, $this->gateway_id);
                     MS_Model_Event::save_event(MS_Model_Event::TYPE_MS_MOVED, $new_subscription);
                      * If the new membership is paid we want that the user
                      * confirms the payment in his account. So we set it
                      * to "Pending" first.
                     if (!$new_membership->is_free()) {
                         $new_subscription->status = self::STATUS_PENDING;
         case self::STATUS_DEACTIVATED:
              * A subscription was finally deactivated.
              * Lets check if the member has any other active subscriptions,
              * or (if not) his account should be deactivated.
              * First get a list of all subscriptions that do not have status
              * Pending / Deactivated.
             $subscriptions = self::get_subscriptions(array('user_id' => $this->user_id));
             // Check if there is a subscription that keeps the user active.
             $deactivate = true;
             foreach ($subscriptions as $item) {
                 if ($item->id == $this->id) {
                 $deactivate = false;
             if ($deactivate) {
                 $member = $this->get_member();
                 $member->is_member = false;
         case self::STATUS_PENDING:
             // Do nothing.
     // Save the new status.
     $this->status = $next_status;
     // Save the changed email queue.
     foreach ($comms as $comm) {
     do_action('ms_model_relationship_check_membership_status_after', $this);
  * Prepare html fields.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @return array
 protected function prepare_fields()
     $coupon = $this->data['coupon'];
     $fields = array('code' => array('id' => 'code', 'title' => __('Coupon code', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_TEXT, 'value' => $coupon->code, 'class' => 'widefat'), 'discount' => array('id' => 'discount', 'title' => __('Discount', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_NUMBER, 'value' => $coupon->discount, 'config' => array('step' => 'any', 'min' => 0)), 'discount_type' => array('id' => 'discount_type', 'title' => __('Discount Type', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SELECT, 'field_options' => $coupon->get_discount_types(), 'value' => $coupon->discount_type), 'start_date' => array('id' => 'start_date', 'title' => __('Start date', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_DATEPICKER, 'value' => $coupon->start_date ? $coupon->start_date : MS_Helper_Period::current_date(), 'class' => 'ms-date'), 'expire_date' => array('id' => 'expire_date', 'title' => __('Expire date', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_DATEPICKER, 'value' => $coupon->expire_date, 'class' => 'ms-date'), 'membership_id' => array('id' => 'membership_id', 'title' => __('Coupon can be applied to these Memberships', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'field_options' => $this->data['memberships'], 'value' => $coupon->membership_id), 'max_uses' => array('id' => 'max_uses', 'title' => __('Max uses', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_NUMBER, 'value' => $coupon->max_uses, 'config' => array('step' => '1', 'min' => 0)), 'coupon_id' => array('id' => 'coupon_id', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $coupon->id), '_wpnonce' => array('id' => '_wpnonce', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => wp_create_nonce($this->data['action'])), 'action' => array('id' => 'action', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $this->data['action']), 'separator' => array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_SEPARATOR), 'cancel' => array('id' => 'cancel', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_LINK, 'title' => __('Cancel', 'membership2'), 'value' => __('Cancel', 'membership2'), 'url' => esc_url_raw(remove_query_arg(array('action', 'coupon_id'))), 'class' => 'wpmui-field-button button'), 'submit' => array('id' => 'submit', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SUBMIT, 'value' => __('Save Changes', 'membership2')));
     return apply_filters('ms_addon_coupon_view_edit_prepare_fields', $fields, $this);
  * Returns property associated with the render.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @internal
  * @param string $property The name of a property.
  * @return mixed Returns mixed value of a property or NULL if a property doesn't exist.
 public function __get($property)
     $value = null;
     switch ($property) {
         case 'type':
             if (!self::is_valid_type($this->type)) {
                 $this->type = self::TYPE_STANDARD;
             $value = $this->type;
         case 'payment_type':
             $types = self::get_payment_types();
             if (!array_key_exists($this->payment_type, $types)) {
                 $this->payment_type = self::PAYMENT_TYPE_PERMANENT;
             $value = $this->payment_type;
         case 'trial_period_enabled':
         case 'active':
         case 'private':
         case 'is_free':
             $value = lib3()->is_true($this->{$property});
         case 'type_description':
             $value = $this->get_type_description();
         case 'period_unit':
             $value = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_value($this->period, 'period_unit');
         case 'period_type':
             $value = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_value($this->period, 'period_type');
         case 'pay_cycle_period_unit':
             $value = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_value($this->pay_cycle_period, 'period_unit');
         case 'pay_cycle_period_type':
             $value = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_value($this->pay_cycle_period, 'period_type');
         case 'trial_period_unit':
             $value = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_value($this->trial_period, 'period_unit');
         case 'trial_period_type':
             $value = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_value($this->trial_period, 'period_type');
         case 'price':
             if ($this->is_free()) {
                 $value = 0;
             } else {
                 $value = $this->price;
         case 'total_price':
             if ($this->is_free()) {
                 $value = 0;
             } else {
                 $value = $this->price;
             $value = apply_filters('ms_apply_taxes', $value, $this);
         case 'pay_cycle_repetitions':
             $value = absint($this->pay_cycle_repetitions);
         case 'disabled_gateways':
             $value = lib3()->array->get($this->disabled_gateways);
         case 'is_paid':
             $value = !$this->is_free;
         case 'public':
             $value = !$this->private;
             if (property_exists($this, $property)) {
                 $value = $this->{$property};
     return apply_filters('ms_model_membership__get', $value, $property, $this);
    public function to_html()
         * Provide a customized invoice.
         * @since  1.0.0
        $html = apply_filters('ms_shortcode_custom_invoice', '', $this->data);
        if (!empty($html)) {
            return $html;
        } else {
            $html = '';
        $invoice = $this->data['invoice'];
        $member = $this->data['member'];
        $subscription = $this->data['ms_relationship'];
        $membership = $this->data['membership'];
        $gateway = $this->data['gateway'];
        $is_free = false;
        $invoice_number = $invoice->get_invoice_number();
        $inv_title = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', get_permalink($invoice->id), esc_html(__('Invoice ', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN) . $invoice_number));
        if ($invoice->amount > 0) {
            $inv_amount = sprintf('%1$s %2$s', $invoice->currency, MS_Helper_Billing::format_price($invoice->amount));
        } else {
            $inv_amount = __('Free', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
            $is_free = true;
        if ($invoice->tax) {
            $inv_taxes = sprintf('%s %s', $invoice->currency, MS_Helper_Billing::format_price($invoice->tax));
        } else {
            $inv_taxes = '';
        if ($invoice->discount) {
            $inv_discount = sprintf('%s -%s', $invoice->currency, MS_Helper_Billing::format_price($invoice->discount));
        } else {
            $inv_discount = '';
        if ($invoice->pro_rate) {
            $inv_pro_rate = sprintf('%s -%s', $invoice->currency, MS_Helper_Billing::format_price($invoice->pro_rate));
        } else {
            $inv_pro_rate = '';
        $inv_total = sprintf('%s %s', $invoice->currency, MS_Helper_Billing::format_price($invoice->total));
        $inv_title = apply_filters('ms_invoice_title', $inv_title, $invoice);
        $inv_from = apply_filters('ms_invoice_sender', MS_Plugin::instance()->settings->invoice_sender_name, $invoice);
        $inv_to = apply_filters('ms_invoice_recipient', $member->username, $invoice, $member);
        $inv_status = apply_filters('ms_invoice_status', $invoice->status_text(), $invoice);
        $inv_item_name = apply_filters('ms_invoice_item_name', $membership->name, $invoice, $membership);
        $inv_amount = apply_filters('ms_invoice_amount', $inv_amount, $invoice);
        $inv_taxes = apply_filters('ms_invoice_taxes', $inv_taxes, $invoice);
        $inv_discount = apply_filters('ms_invoice_discount', $inv_discount, $invoice);
        $inv_pro_rate = apply_filters('ms_invoice_pro_rate', $inv_pro_rate, $invoice);
        $inv_total = apply_filters('ms_invoice_total', $inv_total, $invoice);
        $inv_details = apply_filters('ms_invoice_description', $invoice->description, $invoice, null);
        $inv_date = apply_filters('ms_invoice_date', MS_Helper_Period::format_date($invoice->invoice_date), $invoice, null);
        $inv_due_date = apply_filters('ms_invoice_due_date', MS_Helper_Period::format_date($invoice->due_date), $invoice, null);
        if ($invoice->uses_trial) {
            $trial_date = apply_filters('ms_invoice_trial_date', MS_Helper_Period::get_period_desc($membership->trial_period, true), $trial_invoice, $invoice);
            $trial_date .= sprintf(' <small>(%s %s)</small>', __('ends on', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), MS_Helper_Period::format_date($invoice->trial_ends));
        } else {
            $trial_date = '';
		<div class="entry-content ms-invoice" id="invoice">
         * We hardcode the CSS styles into this file, because the shortcode
         * is also used in Emails, which usually do not load remote CSS
         * files by default...
			#invoice table, th, td { margin: 0; font-size: 14px; }
			#invoice table { padding: 0; width: 520px; border: 1px solid #DDD; background-color: #FFF; box-shadow: 0 1px 8px #F0F0F0; }
			#invoice th, td { border: 0; padding: 8px; }
			#invoice th { font-weight: bold; text-align: left; text-transform: none; font-size: 13px; }
			#invoice tr.alt { background-color: #F9F9F9; }
			#invoice tr.sep th,
			#invoice tr.sep td { border-top: 1px solid #DDD; padding-top: 16px; }
			#invoice tr.space th,
			#invoice tr.space td { padding-bottom: 16px; }
			#invoice tr.ms-inv-sep th,
			#invoice tr.ms-inv-sep td { line-height: 1px; height: 1px; padding: 0; border-bottom: 1px solid #DDD; background-color: #F9F9F9; }
			#invoice .ms-inv-total .ms-inv-price { font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; text-align: right; }
			#invoice h2 { text-align: right; padding: 10px 10px 0 0; }
			#invoice h2 a { color: #000; }

			<div class="ms-invoice-details ms-status-<?php 
        echo esc_attr($invoice->status);
				<table class="ms-purchase-table">
					<tr class="ms-inv-title">
						<td colspan="2"><h2><?php 
        echo $inv_title;

        if (!empty($inv_from)) {
						<tr class="ms-inv-from">
            _e('Sender', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
							<td class="ms-inv-text"><?php 
            echo $inv_from;

					<tr class="ms-inv-to">
        _e('Invoice to', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
						<td class="ms-inv-text"><?php 
        echo $inv_to;
					<tr class="ms-inv-invoice-date">
        _e('Invoice date', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
						<td class="ms-inv-date"><?php 
        echo $inv_date;
        if (!empty($trial_date)) {
						<tr class="ms-inv-trial-end-date">
            _e('Trial period', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
							<td class="ms-inv-date"><?php 
            echo $trial_date;
					<tr class="ms-inv-status space">
        _e('Status', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
						<td class="ms-inv-text"><?php 
        echo $inv_status;
					<tr class="ms-inv-item-name alt sep">
        _e('Name', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
						<td class="ms-inv-text"><?php 
        echo $inv_item_name;

        if (!empty($inv_details)) {
					<tr class="ms-inv-description alt">
            _e('Description', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
						<td class="ms-inv-text"><?php 
            echo $inv_details;

					<tr class="ms-inv-amount alt space">
        _e('Amount', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
						<td class="ms-inv-price"><?php 
        echo $inv_amount;

        $sep = 'sep';

        if (!empty($inv_discount)) {
						<tr class="ms-inv-discount <?php 
            echo esc_attr($sep);
            $sep = '';
            _e('Coupon discount', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
							<td class="ms-inv-price"><?php 
            echo $inv_discount;

        if (!empty($inv_pro_rate)) {
						<tr class="ms-inv-pro-rate <?php 
            echo esc_attr($sep);
            $sep = '';
            _e('Pro rate discount', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
							<td class="ms-inv-price"><?php 
            echo $inv_pro_rate;

        if (!empty($inv_taxes)) {
						<tr class="ms-inv-tax <?php 
            echo esc_attr($sep);
            $sep = '';
            printf(__('Taxes %s', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), '<small>(' . $invoice->tax_name . ')</small>');
							<td class="ms-inv-price"><?php 
            echo $inv_taxes;

        if (!$is_free) {
						<tr class="ms-inv-due-date <?php 
            echo esc_attr($sep);
            $sep = '';
            _e('Payment due', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
							<td class="ms-inv-date"><?php 
            echo $inv_due_date;
					<tr class="ms-inv-total <?php 
        echo esc_attr($sep);
        $sep = '';
        _e('Total', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
						<td class="ms-inv-price"><?php 
        echo $inv_total;

        $show_button = lib2()->is_true($this->data['pay_button']);
        if ($invoice->is_paid()) {
            // Invoice is already paid. We don't need a payment
            // button...
            $show_button = false;
        if ($show_button) {
						<tr class="ms-inv-sep sep"><td colspan="2"></td></tr>
            do_action('ms_view_shortcode_invoice_purchase_button', $subscription, $invoice);
        $html = ob_get_clean();
        $html = apply_filters('ms_compact_code', $html);
        return apply_filters('ms_shortcode_invoice', $html, $this->data);
  * Verify if coupon is valid.
  * Checks for maximun number of uses, date range and membership_id restriction.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @param int $membership_id The membership id for which coupon is applied
  * @return boolean True if valid coupon.
 public function is_valid($membership_id = 0)
     $valid = true;
     $this->coupon_message = null;
     if ($this->_empty) {
         // No coupon-code entered, so don't do anything
     $timestamp = MS_Helper_Period::current_time('timestamp');
     if (empty($this->code)) {
         $this->coupon_message = __('Coupon code not found.', 'membership2');
         $valid = false;
     } elseif ($this->max_uses && $this->used >= $this->max_uses) {
         $this->coupon_message = __('No Coupons remaining for this code.', 'membership2');
         $valid = false;
     } elseif (!empty($this->start_date) && strtotime($this->start_date) > $timestamp) {
         $this->coupon_message = __('This Coupon is not valid yet.', 'membership2');
         $valid = false;
     } elseif (!empty($this->expire_date) && strtotime($this->expire_date) < $timestamp) {
         $this->coupon_message = __('This Coupon has expired.', 'membership2');
         $valid = false;
     } else {
         if (is_array($this->membership_id)) {
             foreach ($this->membership_id as $valid_id) {
                 if (0 == $valid_id || $valid_id == $membership_id) {
                     $membership_allowed = true;
         } elseif ('0' == $this->membership_id) {
             $membership_allowed = true;
         if (!$membership_allowed) {
             $this->coupon_message = __('This Coupon is not valid for this membership.', 'membership2');
             $valid = false;
     $this->_valid = $valid;
     return apply_filters('ms_coupon_model_is_valid', $valid, $membership_id, $this);
  * Check for card expiration date.
  * Save event for card expire soon.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @access protected
  * @param MS_Model_Relationship $subscription The membership relationship.
 public function check_card_expiration($subscription)
     do_action('ms_gateway_check_card_expiration_before', $this);
     $member = MS_Factory::load('MS_Model_Member', $subscription->user_id);
     $card_exp = $member->get_gateway_profile($this->id, 'card_exp');
     if (!empty($card_exp)) {
         $comm = MS_Model_Communication::get_communication(MS_Model_Communication::COMM_TYPE_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRE);
         $days = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_in_days($comm->period['period_unit'], $comm->period['period_type']);
         $card_expire_days = MS_Helper_Period::subtract_dates($card_exp, MS_Helper_Period::current_date(), DAY_IN_SECONDS, true);
         if ($card_expire_days < 0 || $days == $card_expire_days) {
             MS_Model_Event::save_event(MS_Model_Event::TYPE_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRE, $subscription);
     do_action('ms_gateway_check_card_expiration_after', $this, $subscription);
 public function column_post_modified($item, $column_name)
     $html = MS_Helper_Period::format_date($item->post_modified);
     return $html;
 public function column_due_date($item, $column_name)
     $due_now = false;
     $is_paid = $item->is_paid();
     if (!$is_paid) {
         $diff = MS_Helper_Period::subtract_dates($item->due_date, MS_Helper_Period::current_date(), null, true);
         $due_now = $diff < 0;
     $due_date = MS_Helper_Period::format_date($item->due_date);
     if ($due_now) {
         $html = sprintf('<span class="due-now" title="%2$s">%1$s</span>', $due_date, __('Payment is overdue', 'membership2'));
     } elseif ($item->pay_date) {
         $pay_date = MS_Helper_Period::format_date($item->pay_date, 'M j, Y');
         $html = sprintf('<span class="is-paid" title="%2$s">%1$s</span>', $due_date, sprintf(__('Paid: %s', 'membership2'), $pay_date));
     } else {
         $html = sprintf('<span>%1$s</span>', $due_date);
     return $html;
  * Output column content
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @param  object $item The item that is displayed.
  * @return string The HTML code to output.
 public function column_date($item, $column_name)
     $html = MS_Helper_Period::format_date($item->date, 'Y-m-d H:i');
     return $html;
    public function available_content_panel_data()
        $relative = array();
        $absolute = array();
        $membership = $this->data['membership'];
        $rule_types = MS_Model_Rule::get_dripped_rule_types();
        foreach ($rule_types as $rule_type) {
            $rule = $membership->get_rule($rule_type);
            $contents = (array) $rule->get_contents();
            foreach ($contents as $content) {
                if ($rule->has_dripped_rules($content->id)) {
                    $infos = $rule->dripped[$content->id];
                    $key = false;
                    $content->date = $rule->get_dripped_description($content->id);
                    $content->icon = 'visibility';
                    switch ($infos['type']) {
                        case MS_Model_Rule::DRIPPED_TYPE_FROM_REGISTRATION:
                            $content->icon = 'clock';
                            $key = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_in_days($infos['delay_unit'], $infos['delay_type']);
                            $key = 100000 + $key * 1000;
                            while (isset($relative[$key])) {
                                $key += 1;
                            $relative[$key] = $content;
                        case MS_Model_Rule::DRIPPED_TYPE_SPEC_DATE:
                            $key = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $infos['date']);
                            if (!$rule->has_access($content->id)) {
                                $content->icon = 'lock';
                            // Fall through
                        // Fall through
                        case MS_Model_Rule::DRIPPED_TYPE_INSTANTLY:
                            if (empty($key)) {
                                $key = 0;
                            $key = $key * 1000;
                            while (isset($relative[$key])) {
                                $key += 1;
                            $absolute[$key] = $content;
		<div class="clear"></div>

		<div class="cf">
			<div class="ms-half ms-available-soon space">
				<div class="ms-bold">
					<i class="dashicons dashicons-calendar ms-low"></i>
        _e('Available on a specific date:', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
				<div class="inside">

			<div class="ms-half ms-available">
				<div class="ms-bold">
					<i class="dashicons dashicons-clock ms-low"></i>
        _e('Relative to registration:', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
				<div class="inside">

		<div class="cf">
			<div class="ms-half">
				<div class="inside">
					<div class="ms-protection-edit-wrapper">
        $edit_url = MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('protection', array('tab' => $rule->rule_type, 'membership_id' => $membership->id));
        MS_Helper_Html::html_element(array('id' => 'edit_dripped', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_LINK, 'value' => __('Edit Dripped Content', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'url' => $edit_url, 'class' => 'wpmui-field-button button'));
        if (!$membership->is_free) {
            $payment_url = esc_url_raw(add_query_arg(array('step' => MS_Controller_Membership::STEP_PAYMENT, 'edit' => 1)));
            MS_Helper_Html::html_element(array('id' => 'setup_payment', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_LINK, 'value' => __('Payment Options', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'url' => $payment_url, 'class' => 'wpmui-field-button button'));

  * Refreshes the due-date of the invoice.
  * @since  1.0.0
 public function set_due_date()
     // Never change due-date of paid invoices.
     if ($this->is_paid()) {
     $subscription = $this->get_subscription();
     $due_date = false;
     // Handle special cases in due date calculation.
     switch ($subscription->status) {
         case MS_Model_Relationship::STATUS_TRIAL:
             $due_date = $subscription->trial_expire_date;
         case MS_Model_Relationship::STATUS_ACTIVE:
         case MS_Model_Relationship::STATUS_CANCELED:
             $due_date = $subscription->expire_date;
     // Default due date is today.
     if (empty($due_date)) {
         if ($subscription->is_trial_eligible()) {
              * This invoice includes a trial period.
              * Payment is due on last day of trial
             $due_date = $subscription->trial_expire_date;
         } else {
             // No trial period is used for this invoice. Due now.
             $due_date = MS_Helper_Period::current_date();
     // Update the trial expiration date.
     $this->trial_ends = $subscription->trial_expire_date;
     $this->due_date = $due_date;
  * Creates or updates a single payment plan on Stripe.
  * This function is called when the gateway is activated and after a
  * membership was saved to database.
  * @since  1.0.0
 public function update_stripe_data_membership($membership)
     if (!$this->active) {
         return false;
     $plan_data = array('id' => self::get_the_id($membership->id, 'plan'), 'amount' => 0);
     if (!$membership->is_free() && $membership->payment_type == MS_Model_Membership::PAYMENT_TYPE_RECURRING) {
         // Prepare the plan-data for Stripe.
         $trial_days = null;
         if ($membership->has_trial()) {
             $trial_days = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_in_days($membership->trial_period_unit, $membership->trial_period_type);
         $interval = 'day';
         $max_count = 365;
         switch ($membership->pay_cycle_period_type) {
             case MS_Helper_Period::PERIOD_TYPE_WEEKS:
                 $interval = 'week';
                 $max_count = 52;
             case MS_Helper_Period::PERIOD_TYPE_MONTHS:
                 $interval = 'month';
                 $max_count = 12;
             case MS_Helper_Period::PERIOD_TYPE_YEARS:
                 $interval = 'year';
                 $max_count = 1;
         $interval_count = min($max_count, $membership->pay_cycle_period_unit);
         $settings = MS_Plugin::instance()->settings;
         $plan_data['amount'] = absint($membership->price * 100);
         $plan_data['currency'] = $settings->currency;
         $plan_data['name'] = $membership->name;
         $plan_data['interval'] = $interval;
         $plan_data['interval_count'] = $interval_count;
         $plan_data['trial_period_days'] = $trial_days;
         // Check if the plan needs to be updated.
         $serialized_data = json_encode($plan_data);
         $temp_key = substr('ms-stripe-' . $plan_data['id'], 0, 45);
         $temp_data = MS_Factory::get_transient($temp_key);
         if ($temp_data != $serialized_data) {
             MS_Factory::set_transient($temp_key, $serialized_data, HOUR_IN_SECONDS);
  * Prepare the PayPal IPN fields
  * Details here:
  * https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/paypal-payments-standard/integration-guide/Appx_websitestandard_htmlvariables/
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @return array
 private function prepare_fields()
     $subscription = $this->data['ms_relationship'];
     $membership = $subscription->get_membership();
     if (0 === $membership->price) {
     $gateway = $this->data['gateway'];
     $invoice = $subscription->get_current_invoice();
     $regular_invoice = null;
     $settings = MS_Factory::load('MS_Model_Settings');
     $nonce = wp_create_nonce($gateway->id . '_' . $subscription->id);
     $cancel_url = MS_Model_Pages::get_page_url(MS_Model_Pages::MS_PAGE_REGISTER);
     $return_url = esc_url_raw(add_query_arg(array('ms_relationship_id' => $subscription->id), MS_Model_Pages::get_page_url(MS_Model_Pages::MS_PAGE_REG_COMPLETE, false)));
     $fields = array('_wpnonce' => array('id' => '_wpnonce', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $nonce), 'charset' => array('id' => 'charset', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => 'utf-8'), 'business' => array('id' => 'business', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $gateway->merchant_id), 'cmd' => array('id' => 'cmd', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => '_xclick-subscriptions'), 'bn' => array('id' => 'bn', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => 'incsub_SP'), 'item_name' => array('id' => 'item_name', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $membership->name), 'item_number' => array('id' => 'item_number', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $membership->id), 'currency_code' => array('id' => 'currency_code', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => MS_Plugin::instance()->settings->currency), 'return' => array('id' => 'return', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $return_url), 'cancel_return' => array('id' => 'cancel_return', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $cancel_url), 'notify_url' => array('id' => 'notify_url', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $gateway->get_return_url()), 'country' => array('id' => 'country', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $gateway->paypal_site), 'no_note' => array('id' => 'no_note', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => 1), 'no_shipping' => array('id' => 'no_shipping', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => 1), 'invoice' => array('id' => 'invoice', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $invoice->id));
     $fields['submit'] = array('id' => 'submit', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_IMAGE, 'value' => 'https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_subscribe_LG.gif', 'alt' => __('PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online', 'membership2'));
     // custom pay button defined in gateway settings
     $custom_label = $gateway->pay_button_url;
     if (!empty($custom_label)) {
         if (false !== strpos($custom_label, '://')) {
             $fields['submit']['value'] = $custom_label;
         } else {
             $fields['submit'] = array('id' => 'submit', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SUBMIT, 'value' => $custom_label);
     // Trial period
     if ($subscription->is_trial_eligible()) {
         $fields['a1'] = array('id' => 'a1', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $invoice->trial_price);
         $trial_type = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_value($membership->trial_period, 'period_type');
         $trial_type = strtoupper($trial_type[0]);
         $trial_value = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_value($membership->trial_period, 'period_unit');
         $trial_value = MS_Helper_Period::validate_range($trial_value, $trial_type);
         $fields['p1'] = array('id' => 'p1', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $trial_value);
         $fields['t1'] = array('id' => 't1', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $trial_type);
     // Membership price
     $membership_price = $invoice->total;
     $membership_price = MS_Helper_Billing::format_price($membership_price);
     $fields['a3'] = array('id' => 'a3', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $membership_price);
     $fields['amount'] = array('id' => 'amount', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $membership_price);
     $recurring = 0;
     switch ($membership->payment_type) {
         case MS_Model_Membership::PAYMENT_TYPE_RECURRING:
             $period_type = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_value($membership->pay_cycle_period, 'period_type');
             $period_type = strtoupper($period_type[0]);
             $period_value = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_value($membership->pay_cycle_period, 'period_unit');
             $period_value = MS_Helper_Period::validate_range($period_value, $period_type);
             $fields['p3'] = array('id' => 'p3', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $period_value);
             $fields['t3'] = array('id' => 't3', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $period_type);
             // This makes the payments recurring!
             $recurring = 1;
             // == FINITE END DATE
         // == FINITE END DATE
         case MS_Model_Membership::PAYMENT_TYPE_FINITE:
             $period_type = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_value($membership->period, 'period_type');
             $period_type = strtoupper($period_type[0]);
             $period_value = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_value($membership->period, 'period_unit');
             $period_value = MS_Helper_Period::validate_range($period_value, $period_type);
             $fields['p3'] = array('id' => 'p3', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $period_value);
             $fields['t3'] = array('id' => 't3', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $period_type);
             // == DATE RANGE
         // == DATE RANGE
         case MS_Model_Membership::PAYMENT_TYPE_DATE_RANGE:
             $period_value = MS_Helper_Period::subtract_dates($membership->period_date_end, $membership->period_date_start);
             $period_value = MS_Helper_Period::validate_range($period_value, 'D');
             $fields['p3'] = array('id' => 'p3', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $period_value);
             $fields['t3'] = array('id' => 't3', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => 'D');
             // == PERMANENT
         // == PERMANENT
         case MS_Model_Membership::PAYMENT_TYPE_PERMANENT:
              * Permanent membership: Set the subscription range to 5 years!
              * PayPal requires us to provide the subscription range and the
              * maximum possible value is 5 years.
             $period_value = MS_Helper_Period::validate_range(5, 'Y');
             $fields['p3'] = array('id' => 'p3', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $period_value);
             $fields['t3'] = array('id' => 't3', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => 'Y');
     if (1 == $recurring) {
         if (1 == $membership->pay_cycle_repetitions) {
             $recurring = 0;
         } elseif ($membership->pay_cycle_repetitions > 1) {
              * Recurring times.
              * The number of times that a recurring payment is made.
             $fields['srt'] = array('id' => 'srt', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $membership->pay_cycle_repetitions);
      * Recurring field.
      * 0 - one time payment
      * 1 - recurring payments
     $fields['src'] = array('id' => 'src', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $recurring);
      * Modify current subscription field.
      * value != 0 does not allow trial period.
      * 0 - allows subscribers only to sign up for new subscriptions
      * 1 - allows subscribers to sign up for new subscriptions and modify their current subscriptions
      * 2 - allows subscribers to modify only their current subscriptions
     $modify = !empty($move_from_id);
     $fields['modify'] = array('id' => 'modify', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $modify ? 2 : 0);
     if ($gateway->is_live_mode()) {
         $this->data['action_url'] = 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';
     } else {
         $this->data['action_url'] = 'https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';
     return apply_filters('ms_gateway_paypalstandard_view_prepare_fields', $fields);
     * Displays the inline-edit form used to edit the dripped content details.
     * @since  1.0.0
    protected function inline_edit()
        $rule = $this->model;
        $membership = $this->membership;
        $field_action = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'name' => 'action', 'value' => MS_Controller_Rule::AJAX_ACTION_UPDATE_DRIPPED);
        $field_rule = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'name' => 'rule_type', 'value' => $this->model->rule_type);
        $field_item = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'name' => 'item_id');
        $field_offset = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'name' => 'offset');
        $field_number = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'name' => 'number');
        $field_filter = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'name' => 'membership_id', 'value' => isset($_REQUEST['membership_id']) ? $_REQUEST['membership_id'] : '');
        $field_id = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'name' => 'membership_ids');
        $field_type = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SELECT, 'name' => 'dripped_type', 'class' => 'dripped_type', 'field_options' => MS_Model_Rule::get_dripped_types());
        $field_date = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_DATEPICKER, 'name' => 'date', 'placeholder' => __('Date', 'membership2') . '...');
        $field_delay_unit = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_TEXT, 'name' => 'delay_unit', 'class' => 'ms-text-small', 'placeholder' => '0');
        $field_delay_type = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SELECT, 'name' => 'delay_type', 'field_options' => MS_Helper_Period::get_period_types('plural'), 'after' => __('after subscription', 'membership2'));
				<span class="lbl-name"></span> -
        _e('Dripped Content Settings', 'membership2');
			<div class="inline-edit-col">
				<div class="dynamic-form"></div>
		<div class="dripped-form cf no-auto-init hidden">
			<div class="drip-col col-1">
				<span class="the-name ms-membership"></span>
			<div class="drip-col col-2">
			<div class="drip-col col-3">
				<div class="drip-option <?php 
        echo esc_attr(MS_Model_Rule::DRIPPED_TYPE_INSTANTLY);
        _e('Instantly', 'membership2');
				<div class="drip-option <?php 
        echo esc_attr(MS_Model_Rule::DRIPPED_TYPE_SPEC_DATE);
				<div class="drip-option <?php 
        echo esc_attr(MS_Model_Rule::DRIPPED_TYPE_FROM_REGISTRATION);
     * Overrides parent's to_html() method.
     * @since  1.0.0
     * @return string
    public function to_html()
        $fields = $this->prepare_fields();
        $sim = $this->data['subscription'];
        $mem = $sim->get_membership();
        $pay_types = $mem->get_payment_types();
        if (is_admin()) {
            $toggle_icon = 'dashicons-arrow-down';
            $toggle_state = 'collapsed';
        } else {
            $toggle_icon = 'dashicons-arrow-up';
            $toggle_state = '';
        $details = lib2()->session->get('ms-access');
        $denied_url = false;
        $deciding_membership = false;
        $deciding_rule = false;
        if (isset($details[1]) && !$details[1]['has_access']) {
            $denied_url = $details[1]['url'];
            $deciding_membership = $details[1]['deciding_membership'];
            $deciding_rule = $details[1]['deciding_rule'];
        } elseif (isset($details[0]) && $details[0]['has_access']) {
            $deciding_membership = $details[0]['deciding_membership'];
            $deciding_rule = $details[0]['deciding_rule'];
		<div class="ms-sim-info <?php 
        echo esc_attr($toggle_state);
			<div class="ms-sim-block">
				<h4 class="toggle-wrap">
        _e('Simulation Overview', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
					<span class="toggle"><i class="dashicons <?php 
        echo esc_attr($toggle_icon);
				<div class="ms-sim-body">
					<form id="view-site-as" method="POST" class="inside">
					<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
        _e('View as', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
        if ($this->data['datepicker']) {
            _e('View on', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
							<td><button class="button"><?php 
        _e('Update', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);

					<h4 class="inside">
        _e('Simulated Membership', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
					<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0" class="inside">
        _e('Membership', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
							<td style="white-space: nowrap"><?php 
        echo esc_html($mem->name);
        _e('Type', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
        echo esc_html($mem->get_type_description());
        _e('Start Date', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
        echo esc_html($sim->start_date);
        _e('Expire Date', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
        echo esc_html($sim->expire_date);
        if ($this->data['datepicker']) {
            _e('Simulated Date', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
            echo esc_html(MS_Helper_Period::current_date());
        _e('Status', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
        if (MS_Model_Relationship::STATUS_ACTIVE == $sim->status) {
            $status_class = 'ms-sim-active';
        } else {
            $status_class = 'ms-sim-inactive';
        printf('<span class="%1$s">%2$s</span>', $status_class, $sim->status);
        _e('Payment model', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
        echo esc_html($pay_types[$mem->payment_type]);
        _e('Payment details', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
        echo esc_html(strip_tags($sim->get_payment_description(null, true)));
				<div class="ms-sim-footer">
					<div class="inside">
        $this->output_deciding_info($denied_url, $deciding_membership, $deciding_rule);
        $html = ob_get_clean();
        return apply_filters('ms_view_admin_bar_to_html', $html, $this);
  * Remove from queue.
  * Delete history of sent messages after max is reached.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @param int $subscription_id The membership relationship ID to remove from queue.
 public function remove_from_queue($subscription_id)
     do_action('ms_model_communication_remove_from_queue_before', $this);
     // Delete history
     if (count($this->sent_queue) > $max_history) {
         $this->sent_queue = array_slice($this->sent_queue, -100, $max_history, true);
     $this->sent_queue[$subscription_id] = MS_Helper_Period::current_time();
     $max_history = apply_filters('ms_model_communication_sent_queue_max_history', 200);
     do_action('ms_model_communication_remove_from_queue_after', $this);
 public function column_post_date($item, $column_name)
     return MS_Helper_Period::format_date($item->post_date);
  * Sets the manual-state value of the transaction log entry.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @param  string $state The new state of the item.
  * @return bool True on success.
 public function manual_state($state)
     if ('err' != $this->_state) {
         // Not allowed: Only error state can be manually corrected.
         return false;
     switch ($state) {
         case 'ignore':
             if ($this->manual_state) {
                 // Not allowed: Manual state was defined already.
                 return false;
         case 'clear':
             if ('ignore' != $this->manual_state) {
                 // Not allowed: Only "ingored" state can be cleared.
                 return false;
         case 'ok':
             if ($this->manual) {
                 // Not allowed: Manual state is already defined.
                 return false;
             if (!$this->invoice_id || !$this->subscription_id) {
                 // Not allowed: Required data is missing for OK status.
                 return false;
             // Not allowed: Unknown state.
             return false;
     if ('clear' == $state) {
         $this->manual_state = '';
         $this->manual_date = '';
         $this->manual_user = 0;
     } else {
         $this->manual_state = $state;
         $this->manual_date = MS_Helper_Period::current_time();
         $this->manual_user = get_current_user_id();
     return true;
 public function column_post_date($item, $column_name)
     return MS_Helper_Period::format_date($item->post_date, __('Y/m/d', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN));
 public function column_due_date($item, $column_name)
     $due_now = false;
     if (!$item->is_paid()) {
         $diff = MS_Helper_Period::subtract_dates($item->due_date, MS_Helper_Period::current_date(), null, true);
         $due_now = $diff < 0;
     $date = MS_Helper_Period::format_date($item->due_date);
     if ($due_now) {
         $html = sprintf('<span class="due-now" title="%2$s">%1$s</span>', $date, __('Payment is overdue', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN));
     } else {
         $html = sprintf('<span>%1$s</span>', $date);
     return $html;
    public function to_html()
		<div class="ms-account-wrapper">
        if (MS_Model_Member::is_logged_in()) {
            _e('Invoice', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
							<th class="ms-col-invoice-no"><?php 
            _e('Invoice #', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
							<th class="ms-col-invoice-status"><?php 
            _e('Status', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
							<th class="ms-col-invoice-total"><?php 
            printf('%s (%s)', __('Total', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), MS_Plugin::instance()->settings->currency);
							<th class="ms-col-invoice-title"><?php 
            _e('Membership', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
							<th class="ms-col-invoice-due"><?php 
            _e('Due date', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
            foreach ($this->data['invoices'] as $invoice) {
                $inv_membership = MS_Factory::load('MS_Model_Membership', $invoice->membership_id);
                $inv_classes = array('ms-invoice-' . $invoice->id, 'ms-subscription-' . $invoice->ms_relationship_id, 'ms-invoice-' . $invoice->status, 'ms-gateway-' . $invoice->gateway_id, 'ms-membership-' . $invoice->membership_id, 'ms-type-' . $inv_membership->type, 'ms-payment-' . $inv_membership->payment_type);
						<tr class="<?php 
                echo esc_attr(implode(' ', $inv_classes));
							<td class="ms-col-invoice-no"><?php 
                printf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', get_permalink($invoice->id), $invoice->get_invoice_number());
							<td class="ms-col-invoice-status"><?php 
                echo esc_html($invoice->status_text());
							<td class="ms-col-invoice-total"><?php 
                echo esc_html(MS_Helper_Billing::format_price($invoice->total));
							<td class="ms-col-invoice-title"><?php 
                echo esc_html($inv_membership->name);
							<td class="ms-col-invoice-due"><?php 
                echo esc_html(MS_Helper_Period::format_date($invoice->due_date, __('F j', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN)));
        } else {
            $redirect = esc_url_raw(add_query_arg(array()));
            $title = __('Your account', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
            echo do_shortcode("[ms-membership-login redirect='{$redirect}' title='{$title}']");
        $html = ob_get_clean();
        $html = apply_filters('ms_compact_code', $html);
        return $html;
     * Echo a member-list. This function can be overwritten by other views
     * to customize the list.
     * @since  1.0.0
     * @param array $members List of members to display.
    protected function members_panel_data($members, $membership_id)
        $item = 0;
        $max_items = 10;
        $class = '';
        $status_types = MS_Model_Relationship::get_status_types();
		<table class="ms-list-table widefat">
        _e('Member', 'membership2');
        _e('Since', 'membership2');
        _e('Status', 'membership2');
        foreach ($this->data['members'] as $member) {
            $item += 1;
            if ($item > $max_items) {
            $class = $class == 'alternate' ? '' : 'alternate';
            $subscription = $member->get_subscription($membership_id);
				<tr class="<?php 
            echo esc_attr($class);
            echo esc_html($member->username);
            echo esc_html(MS_Helper_Period::format_date($subscription->start_date));
            echo esc_html($status_types[$subscription->status]);
Beispiel #25
  * Returns a string that describes the dripped rule.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @param string $item_id The content id to verify dripped access.
  * @return string Text like "Instantly" or "After 7 days"
 public function get_dripped_description($item_id)
     $desc = '';
     $drip_data = false;
     if (!is_array($this->dripped)) {
         $this->dripped = array();
     if (isset($this->dripped[$item_id])) {
         $drip_data = $this->dripped[$item_id];
     if (is_array($drip_data)) {
         lib3()->array->equip($drip_data, 'type', 'date', 'delay_unit', 'delay_type');
         switch ($drip_data['type']) {
             case MS_Model_Rule::DRIPPED_TYPE_SPEC_DATE:
                 $desc = sprintf(__('On <b>%1$s</b>', 'membership2'), MS_Helper_Period::format_date($drip_data['date']));
             case MS_Model_Rule::DRIPPED_TYPE_FROM_REGISTRATION:
                 $periods = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_types();
                 $period_key = $drip_data['delay_type'];
                 if (0 == $drip_data['delay_unit']) {
                     $desc = __('<b>Instantly</b>', 'membership2');
                 } elseif (1 == $drip_data['delay_unit']) {
                     $desc = sprintf(__('After <b>%1$s %2$s</b>', 'membership2'), $periods['1' . $period_key], '');
                 } else {
                     $desc = sprintf(__('After <b>%1$s %2$s</b>', 'membership2'), $drip_data['delay_unit'], $periods[$period_key]);
             case MS_Model_Rule::DRIPPED_TYPE_INSTANTLY:
                 $desc = __('<b>Instantly</b>', 'membership2');
     return apply_filters('ms_rule_get_dripped_description', $desc, $item_id, $this);
  * Subscribe a user to a Mailchimp list
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @param  MS_Model_Member $member
  * @param  int $list_id
 public static function subscribe_user($member, $list_id)
     if (is_email($member->email) && self::get_api_status()) {
         $auto_opt_in = self::$settings->get_custom_setting('mailchimp', 'auto_opt_in');
         $auto_opt_in = lib2()->is_true($auto_opt_in);
         $update = apply_filters('ms_addon_mailchimp_subscribe_user_update', true, $member, $list_id);
         $merge_vars = array();
         $merge_vars['FNAME'] = $member->first_name;
         $merge_vars['LNAME'] = $member->last_name;
         if ($auto_opt_in) {
             $merge_vars['optin_ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
             $merge_vars['optin_time'] = MS_Helper_Period::current_time();
         if (empty($merge_vars['FNAME'])) {
         if (empty($merge_vars['LNAME'])) {
         $merge_vars = apply_filters('ms_addon_mailchimp_subscribe_user_merge_vars', $merge_vars, $member, $list_id);
         $email_field = array('email' => $member->email);
         $res = self::$mailchimp_api->lists->subscribe($list_id, $email_field, $merge_vars, 'html', !$auto_opt_in, $update);
  * Prepare the fields that are displayed in the form.
  * @since
  * @return array
 protected function get_fields()
     $comm = $this->data['comm'];
     $membership = false;
     $membership_id = 0;
     if (isset($this->data['membership'])) {
         $membership = $this->data['membership'];
         if ($membership instanceof MS_Model_Membership) {
             $membership_id = $membership->id;
         } else {
             $membership = false;
     lib2()->array->equip($comm, 'type', 'enabled', 'period', 'subject', 'description', 'cc_enabled', 'cc_email');
     $action = MS_Controller_Communication::AJAX_ACTION_UPDATE_COMM;
     $nonce = wp_create_nonce($action);
     $comm_titles = MS_Model_Communication::get_communication_type_titles($membership);
     $key_active = __('Send Email', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
     $key_inactive = __('No Email', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
     $key_skip = __('Use default template', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
     $titles = array($key_active => array(), $key_inactive => array(), $key_skip => array());
     foreach ($comm_titles as $type => $title) {
         $tmp_comm = MS_Model_Communication::get_communication($type, $membership, true);
         if ($membership && !$tmp_comm->override) {
             $titles[$key_skip][$type] = $title;
         } elseif ($tmp_comm->enabled) {
             $titles[$key_active][$type] = $title;
         } else {
             $titles[$key_inactive][$type] = $title;
     $fields = array('comm_type' => array('id' => 'comm_type', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SELECT, 'value' => $comm->type, 'field_options' => $titles), 'switch_comm_type' => array('id' => 'switch_comm_type', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_BUTTON, 'value' => __('Load Template', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN)), 'override' => array('id' => 'override', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_RADIO_SLIDER, 'value' => $comm->override, 'before' => __('Use default template', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'after' => __('Define custom template', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'wrapper_class' => 'ms-block ms-tcenter', 'class' => 'override-slider', 'ajax_data' => array('type' => $comm->type, 'field' => 'override', 'action' => $action, '_wpnonce' => $nonce, 'membership_id' => $membership_id)), 'membership_id' => array('id' => 'membership_id', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $membership_id), 'type' => array('id' => 'type', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $comm->type), 'enabled' => array('id' => 'enabled', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_RADIO_SLIDER, 'value' => $comm->enabled, 'class' => 'state-slider', 'before' => '&nbsp;<i class="wpmui-fa wpmui-fa-ban"></i>', 'after' => '<i class="wpmui-fa wpmui-fa-envelope"></i>&nbsp;', 'ajax_data' => array('type' => $comm->type, 'field' => 'enabled', 'action' => $action, '_wpnonce' => $nonce, 'membership_id' => $membership_id)), 'period_unit' => array('id' => 'period_unit', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_TEXT, 'title' => __('Period after/before', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'value' => $comm->period['period_unit']), 'period_type' => array('id' => 'period_type', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SELECT, 'value' => $comm->period['period_type'], 'field_options' => MS_Helper_Period::get_period_types('plural')), 'subject' => array('id' => 'subject', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_TEXT, 'title' => apply_filters('ms_translation_flag', __('Message Subject', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'communication-subject'), 'value' => $comm->subject, 'class' => 'ms-comm-subject widefat'), 'email_body' => array('id' => 'email_body', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_WP_EDITOR, 'title' => apply_filters('ms_translation_flag', '', 'communication-body'), 'value' => $comm->description, 'field_options' => array('media_buttons' => false, 'editor_class' => 'wpmui-ajax-update')), 'cc_enabled' => array('id' => 'cc_enabled', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'title' => __('Send copy to Administrator', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'value' => $comm->cc_enabled, 'class' => 'ms-inline-block'), 'cc_email' => array('id' => 'cc_email', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SELECT, 'value' => $comm->cc_email, 'field_options' => MS_Model_Member::get_admin_user_emails()), 'save_email' => array('id' => 'save_email', 'value' => __('Save Changes', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SUBMIT), 'action' => array('id' => 'action', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => 'save_comm'), 'nonce' => array('id' => '_wpnonce', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => wp_create_nonce('save_comm')), 'load_action' => array('id' => 'load_action', 'name' => 'action', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => 'load_action'), 'load_nonce' => array('id' => '_wpnonce1', 'name' => '_wpnonce', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => wp_create_nonce('load_action')));
     if (!$membership instanceof MS_Model_Membership) {
     return apply_filters('ms_view_settings_prepare_email_fields', $fields);
    public function to_html()
		<div class="ms-account-wrapper">
        if (MS_Model_Member::is_logged_in()) {
            _e('Activity', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
							<th class="ms-col-activity-date"><?php 
            _e('Date', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
							<th class="ms-col-activity-title"><?php 
            _e('Activity', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
            foreach ($this->data['events'] as $event) {
                $ev_classes = array('ms-activity-topic-' . $event->topic, 'ms-activity-type-' . $event->type, 'ms-membership-' . $event->membership_id);
						<tr class="<?php 
                echo esc_attr(implode(' ', $ev_classes));
							<td class="ms-col-activity-date"><?php 
                echo esc_html(MS_Helper_Period::format_date($event->post_modified, __('F j (H:i)', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN)));
							<td class="ms-col-activity-title"><?php 
                echo esc_html($event->description);
        } else {
            $redirect = esc_url_raw(add_query_arg(array()));
            $title = __('Your account', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN);
            echo do_shortcode("[ms-membership-login redirect='{$redirect}' title='{$title}']");
        $html = ob_get_clean();
        $html = apply_filters('ms_compact_code', $html);
        return $html;
  * Validate period type.
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @param string $period_type The period type to validate.
  * @param int $default The default value when not validated. Default to days.
 public function validate_period_type($period_type, $default = MS_Helper_Period::PERIOD_TYPE_DAYS)
     $valid_types = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_types();
     if (!isset($valid_types[$period_type])) {
         $period_type = $default;
     return apply_filters('ms_model_validate_period_type', $period_type, $this);
 public static function get_period_desc($period, $include_quanity_one = false)
     $period_unit = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_value($period, 'period_unit');
     $period_type = MS_Helper_Period::get_period_value($period, 'period_type');
     $types = self::get_period_types();
     if (1 == $period_unit) {
         $desc = '%2$s';
         if ($include_quanity_one) {
             $period_type = $types['1' . $period_type];
         } else {
             $period_type = $types['1-' . $period_type];
     } else {
         $desc = '%1$s %2$s';
     $desc = sprintf($desc, $period_unit, $period_type);
     return apply_filters('ms_helper_period_get_period_desc', $desc);