function display_links($module, $submod, $pages) { $MMCApp =& MMCApp::getInstance(); $moduleObj = $MMCApp->getModule($module); if ($moduleObj) { $submodObj = $moduleObj->getSubmod($submod); if ($submodObj) { $submodPages = $submodObj->getPages(); $hasPages = false; $links = "<ul>"; foreach ($pages as $page) { if (isset($submodPages[$page])) { $pageObj = $submodPages[$page]; if ($pageObj->hasAccess($moduleObj, $submodObj)) { $links .= '<li><a href="' . urlStrRedirect("{$module}/{$submod}/{$page}") . '">' . $pageObj->getDescription() . '</a></li>'; $hasPages = true; } } } $links .= "</ul>"; if ($hasPages) { echo <<<SUBPANEL <div class="subpanel"> <h4>{$submodObj->getDescription()}</h4> {$links} </div> SUBPANEL; } } } }
function showFav($sort_a) { $MMCApp =& MMCApp::getInstance(); foreach(getSorted($MMCApp->getModules()) as $mkey => $mod) { if (!$sort_a[$mod->getName()]) { continue; } if ($mod->getName()==$_GET['lmodule']) { $style="_select"; } else { $style=""; } print "<div class=\"modulefav$style\"><h3>".$mod->getDescription()."</h3>"; foreach($sort_a[$mod->getName()] as $key => $al) { $submod = $mod->getSubmod($key); if ($mod->getName()==$_GET['lmodule']) { if ($submod->getName()==$_GET['lsubmod']) { $style="_sselect"; } else { $style="_select"; } } else { $style=""; } print "<div class=\"submodfav$style\"><h4>".$submod->getDescription()."</h4>"; foreach($al as $akey => $value) { $uri = $mod->getName().'/'.$key.'/'.$akey; $getrecop = $_GET; $getrecop['fav_action']='del'; $getrecop['uri']=$uri; ?> <span class="redbutton"><a href="#" onClick="new Ajax.Updater('__popup_container','<?php echo urlStr('base/main/favorites',$getrecop); ?>'); return false">X</a></span> <? $page = getPage($uri); if ($page) { print '<a href="'.urlStr($uri).'">'.$page->getDescription().'</a>'; } else { print $uri; } ?> <br/> <? } print '</div>'; } print '</div>'; } }
function display_content() { $MMCApp =& MMCApp::getInstance(); $errors = ''; foreach ($this->data as $module => $services_infos) { $moduleObj = $MMCApp->getModule($module); if ($errors) { $errors .= "<br/>"; } $errors .= '<strong>' . $moduleObj->getDescription() . ' : <a class="error" href="' . urlStrRedirect('services/control/index') . '">' . sprintf(dngettext("services", "%d inactive service", "%d inactive services", count($services_infos)), count($services_infos)) . '</a></strong>'; } if ($errors) { echo '<p class="alert alert-error">' . $errors . '</p>'; } else { echo '<p class="alert alert-success"><img src="img/common/icn_yes.gif" style="vertical-align: bottom" /> ' . _T("All services are up", "services") . '</p>'; } }
function __construct($moduleName, $pageName) { /* Add the configuration page in the sidebar */ self::$instances[] = $this; global $sidemenu; $sidemenu->addSideMenuItem(new SideMenuItem(_($moduleName . " configuration"), "admin", "configure", $pageName, "modules/admin/graph/img/config/icn_global.gif", "modules/admin/graph/img/config/icn_global_active.gif")); /* Set the pages attributes, create an empty form, etc */ $this->name = $pageName; $this->setSideMenu($sidemenu); $this->PageGenerator($moduleName); $this->form = new ValidatingForm(); /* */ $MMCApp =& MMCApp::getInstance(); $adminModule = $MMCApp->getModule('admin'); $subModule = $adminModule->getSubmod('configure'); $subModule->addPage(new Page($pageName, _($moduleName . ' configuration page'))); }
/** * module declaration */ $mod = new Module("proxy"); $mod->setVersion("2.5.1"); $mod->setRevision('$Rev$'); $mod->setDescription(_T("Web proxy"), "proxy"); $mod->setAPIVersion('1:1:0'); /** * user submod definition */ $submod = new SubModule("blacklist"); $submod->setDescription(_T("Proxy", "proxy")); $submod->setImg('modules/proxy/graph/navbar/proxy'); $submod->setDefaultPage("proxy/blacklist/statut"); $submod->setPriority(300); $page = new Page("index", _T("Blacklist", "proxy")); $submod->addPage($page); $page = new Page("delete", _T("Remove a domain in the blacklist", "proxy")); $page->setOptions(array("noHeader" => True, "visible" => False)); $submod->addPage($page); $page = new Page("add", _T("Add a domain in the blacklist", "proxy")); $submod->addPage($page); $page = new Page("restart", _T("Restart proxy web service", "proxy")); $page->setOptions(array("visible" => False)); $submod->addPage($page); $page = new Page("statut", _T("Proxy status page", "proxy")); $submod->addPage($page); $mod->addSubmod($submod); $MMCApp =& MMCApp::getInstance(); $MMCApp->addModule($mod);
function createRedirectAclTemplate($module_name, $acl, $acltab, $form) { global $descArray; global $redirArray; global $tabDescArray; global $tabAclArray; $key = $module_name; $value = $redirArray[$module_name]; $MMCApp =& MMCApp::getInstance(); $base =& $MMCApp->getModule($module_name); $form->add(new TitleElement(_($base->getDescription()) . " " . sprintf(_(" (%s module)"), $module_name))); foreach ($value as $subkey => $subvalue) { $rowNum = 1; $submod =& $base->getSubmod($subkey); $form->add(new TitleElement(_($submod->getDescription()), 3)); if (sizeof($subvalue) > 1) { $form->add(new SelectElement("acl[" . $module_name . "][" . $subkey . "]", "acltab[" . $module_name . "][" . $subkey . "]")); } $form->push(new Table()); $form->add(new TrTitleElement(array(0 => _("Web page description"), 1 => _("Authorization")))); foreach ($subvalue as $actionkey => $actionvalue) { if ($descArray[$key][$subkey][$actionkey]) { if (isset($acl[$key][$subkey][$actionkey]["right"]) && $acl[$key][$subkey][$actionkey]["right"] == 'on') { $form->add(new TrAclFormElement(_($descArray[$key][$subkey][$actionkey]), new CheckboxTpl("acl[" . $key . "][" . $subkey . "][" . $actionkey . "][right]"), $rowNum, array("value" => "checked"))); } else { $form->add(new TrAclFormElement(_($descArray[$key][$subkey][$actionkey]), new CheckboxTpl("acl[" . $key . "][" . $subkey . "][" . $actionkey . "][right]"), $rowNum, array("value" => ""))); } } else { print _("Warning no desc found in :") . $actionkey; } $rowNum++; if (isset($tabAclArray[$key][$subkey][$actionkey])) { foreach ($tabAclArray[$key][$subkey][$actionkey] as $tabkey => $tabvalue) { if ($acltab[$key][$subkey][$actionkey][$tabkey]["right"] == 'on') { $t = new TrAclFormElement(_($tabDescArray[$key][$subkey][$actionkey][$tabkey]), new CheckboxTpl("acltab[" . $key . "][" . $subkey . "][" . $actionkey . "][" . $tabkey . "][right]"), $rowNum); $t->setTab(); $form->add($t, array("value" => "checked")); } else { $t = new TrAclFormElement(_($tabDescArray[$key][$subkey][$actionkey][$tabkey]), new CheckboxTpl("acltab[" . $key . "][" . $subkey . "][" . $actionkey . "][" . $tabkey . "][right]"), $rowNum); $t->setTab(); $form->add($t, array("value" => "")); } $rowNum++; } } } $form->pop(); } }
/** * this function provide compatibility with old ACL, * system * generate css for all subproc */ function process($module) { foreach ($this->_pages as $page) { $page->process($module, $this->getName()); } $MMC =& MMCApp::getInstance(); if (empty($_GET['submod'])) { $selected = False; } else { $selected = $_GET['submod'] == $this->getName(); } if ($this->_visibility != True && $selected) { if ($this->_alias != Null) { $tmp = $_GET["submod"]; $_GET["submod"] = $this->_alias; //fake url $parent =& $MMC->getModule($this->_parentname); $submod =& $parent->getSubmod($this->_alias); $submod->process($module); $_GET["submod"] = $tmp; return; } } if ($this->_img != Null) { if (!$selected) { $css = '#navbar ul li#navbar' . $this->getName() . ' { width: ' . $this->_imgsize . 'px; } #navbar ul li#navbar' . $this->getName() . ' a { background: url("' . $this->_img . '.png") no-repeat transparent; background-position: 50% 10px; } #navbar ul li#navbar' . $this->getName() . ' a:hover { background: url("' . $this->_img . '_hl.png") no-repeat transparent; background-position: 50% 10px; }'; } else { $css = '#navbar ul li#navbar' . $this->getName() . ' { width: ' . $this->_imgsize . 'px; } #navbar ul li#navbar' . $this->getName() . ' a { background: url("' . $this->_img . '_select.png") no-repeat white; border-left: 1px solid #B2B2B2; border-right: 1px solid #B2B2B2; color: #EE5010; background-position: 50% 8px; }'; } $style =& $MMC->getStyle(); $style->addCSS($css); } }
/** * @param $modules modules like base or samba * @param $submod sub modules like "users" * @param $action action like index or add * @return if action require noheader send */ function isNoHeader($pModules, $pSubmod, $pAction) { $MMCApp =& MMCApp::getInstance(); $mod = $MMCApp->getModule($pModules); $submodo = $mod->_submod[$pSubmod]; $actiono = $submodo->_pages[$pAction]; return $actiono->_options["noHeader"] || $actiono->_options["AJAX"]; }
function getDefaultPage() { if ($_SESSION["login"] == "root") { $url = urlStrRedirect("base/main/default"); } elseif (hasCorrectAcl('dashboard', 'main', 'default')) { $url = urlStrRedirect("dashboard/main/default"); } else { $MMCApp =& MMCApp::getInstance(); # get first page in acl list which is not a popup if (isset($_SESSION["acl"])) { foreach ($_SESSION["acl"] as $module => $modinfo) { foreach ($modinfo as $submod => $submodinfo) { foreach ($submodinfo as $page => $pageinfo) { # check page is not a popup if (isset($MMCApp->_modules[$module]->_submod[$submod]->_pages[$page]) && $MMCApp->_modules[$module]->_submod[$submod]->_pages[$page]->_options['noHeader'] != 1 && $MMCApp->_modules[$module]->_submod[$submod]->_pages[$page]->_options['AJAX'] != true) { # get url $url = urlStrRedirect("{$module}/{$submod}/{$page}"); # stop foreach loops break 3; } } } } } } if (!isset($url)) { return "index.php?error=" . urlencode(_("You do not have required rights")); } return $url; }