  * Store the options portion of the Upload MIME Types 
  * @since 1.40
  * @return	boolean	Success (true) or failure (false) of the operation
 private static function _put_upload_mime_templates()
     $mla_upload_mimes = array('custom' => array(), 'disabled' => array(), 'description' => array(), 'icon_type' => array());
     foreach (self::$mla_upload_mime_templates as $key => $value) {
         if ('custom' == $value['source']) {
             $mla_upload_mimes['custom'][$key] = $value['mime_type'];
         if ($value['disabled']) {
             $mla_upload_mimes['disabled'][$key] = true;
         $description = trim($value['description']);
         if (!empty($description) && $description != self::$mla_upload_mime_descriptions[$key]) {
             $mla_upload_mimes['description'][$key] = $description;
         if ($value['icon_type'] != $value['core_icon_type']) {
             $mla_upload_mimes['icon_type'][$key] = $value['icon_type'];
     MLAOptions::mla_update_option(MLAOptions::MLA_UPLOAD_MIMES, $mla_upload_mimes);
     return true;
  * Render and manage iptc/exif support options
  * @since 1.00
  * @uses $mla_option_templates contains row and table templates
  * @param	string 	'render', 'update', 'delete', or 'reset'
  * @param	string 	option name, e.g., 'iptc_exif_mapping'
  * @param	array 	option parameters
  * @param	array 	Optional. null (default) for 'render' else option data, e.g., $_REQUEST
  * @return	string	HTML table row markup for 'render' else message(s) reflecting the results of the operation.
 public static function mla_iptc_exif_option_handler($action, $key, $value, $args = null)
     $current_values = self::mla_get_option('iptc_exif_mapping');
     switch ($action) {
         case 'render':
             switch ($key) {
                 case 'iptc_exif_standard_mapping':
                     $row_template = self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-standard-row'];
                     $table_rows = '';
                     foreach ($current_values['standard'] as $row_name => $row_value) {
                         $row_values = array('key' => esc_attr($row_name), 'name_attr' => esc_attr($row_value['name']), 'name' => esc_html($row_value['name']), 'iptc_field_options' => self::_compose_iptc_option_list($row_value['iptc_value']), 'exif_size' => self::MLA_EXIF_SIZE, 'exif_text' => esc_attr($row_value['exif_value']), 'iptc_selected' => '', 'IPTC' => __('IPTC', 'media-library-assistant'), 'exif_selected' => '', 'EXIF' => __('EXIF', 'media-library-assistant'), 'keep_selected' => '', 'Keep' => __('Keep', 'media-library-assistant'), 'replace_selected' => '', 'Replace' => __('Replace', 'media-library-assistant'));
                         if ($row_value['iptc_first']) {
                             $row_values['iptc_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                         } else {
                             $row_values['exif_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                         if ($row_value['keep_existing']) {
                             $row_values['keep_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                         } else {
                             $row_values['replace_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                         $table_rows .= MLAData::mla_parse_template($row_template, $row_values);
                     // foreach row
                     $option_values = array('Field Title' => __('Field Title', 'media-library-assistant'), 'IPTC Value' => __('IPTC Value', 'media-library-assistant'), 'EXIF/Template Value' => __('EXIF/Template Value', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Priority' => __('Priority', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Existing Text' => __('Existing Text', 'media-library-assistant'), 'table_rows' => $table_rows, 'help' => $value['help']);
                     return MLAData::mla_parse_template(self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-standard-table'], $option_values);
                 case 'iptc_exif_taxonomy_mapping':
                     $row_template = self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-taxonomy-row'];
                     $select_template = self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-select'];
                     $table_rows = '';
                     $taxonomies = get_taxonomies(array('show_ui' => true), 'objects');
                     foreach ($taxonomies as $row_name => $row_value) {
                         $row_values = array('key' => esc_attr($row_name), 'name' => esc_html($row_value->labels->name), 'hierarchical' => (string) $row_value->hierarchical, 'iptc_field_options' => '', 'exif_size' => self::MLA_EXIF_SIZE, 'exif_text' => '', 'iptc_selected' => '', 'IPTC' => __('IPTC', 'media-library-assistant'), 'exif_selected' => '', 'EXIF' => __('EXIF', 'media-library-assistant'), 'keep_selected' => '', 'Keep' => __('Keep', 'media-library-assistant'), 'replace_selected' => '', 'Replace' => __('Replace', 'media-library-assistant'), 'delimiters_size' => 4, 'delimiters_text' => '', 'parent_select' => '');
                         if (array_key_exists($row_name, $current_values['taxonomy'])) {
                             $current_value = $current_values['taxonomy'][$row_name];
                             $row_values['iptc_field_options'] = self::_compose_iptc_option_list($current_value['iptc_value']);
                             $row_values['exif_text'] = esc_attr($current_value['exif_value']);
                             if ($current_value['iptc_first']) {
                                 $row_values['iptc_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                             } else {
                                 $row_values['exif_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                             if ($current_value['keep_existing']) {
                                 $row_values['keep_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                             } else {
                                 $row_values['replace_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                             $row_values['delimiters_text'] = $current_value['delimiters'];
                             if ($row_value->hierarchical) {
                                 $parent = isset($current_value['parent']) ? (int) $current_value['parent'] : 0;
                                 $select_values = array('array' => 'taxonomy', 'key' => esc_attr($row_name), 'element' => 'parent', 'options' => self::_compose_parent_option_list($row_name, $parent));
                                 $row_values['parent_select'] = MLAData::mla_parse_template($select_template, $select_values);
                         } else {
                             $row_values['iptc_field_options'] = self::_compose_iptc_option_list('none');
                             $row_values['iptc_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                             $row_values['keep_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                             if ($row_value->hierarchical) {
                                 $select_values = array('array' => 'taxonomy', 'key' => esc_attr($row_name), 'element' => 'parent', 'options' => self::_compose_parent_option_list($row_name, 0));
                                 $row_values['parent_select'] = MLAData::mla_parse_template($select_template, $select_values);
                         $table_rows .= MLAData::mla_parse_template($row_template, $row_values);
                     // foreach row
                     $option_values = array('Field Title' => __('Field Title', 'media-library-assistant'), 'IPTC Value' => __('IPTC Value', 'media-library-assistant'), 'EXIF/Template Value' => __('EXIF/Template Value', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Priority' => __('Priority', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Existing Text' => __('Existing Text', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Delimiter(s)' => __('Delimiter(s)', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Parent' => __('Parent', 'media-library-assistant'), 'table_rows' => $table_rows, 'help' => $value['help']);
                     return MLAData::mla_parse_template(self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-taxonomy-table'], $option_values);
                 case 'iptc_exif_custom_mapping':
                     if (empty($current_values['custom'])) {
                         $table_rows = MLAData::mla_parse_template(self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-custom-empty-row'], array('No Mapping Rules' => __('No Custom Field Mapping Rules Defined', 'media-library-assistant'), 'column_count' => 5));
                     } else {
                         $row_template = self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-custom-rule-row'];
                         $table_rows = '';
                         $index = 0;
                      * One row for each existing rule, case insensitive "natural order"
                     $sorted_keys = array();
                     foreach ($current_values['custom'] as $row_name => $current_value) {
                         $sorted_keys[$current_value['name']] = $current_value['name'];
                     $sorted_names = array();
                     foreach ($sorted_keys as $row_name) {
                         $sorted_names[$row_name] = array();
                      * Allow for multiple rules mapping the same name (an old bug)
                     foreach ($current_values['custom'] as $row_name => $current_value) {
                         $sorted_names[$current_value['name']][] = $row_name;
                     foreach ($sorted_names as $sorted_keys) {
                         foreach ($sorted_keys as $row_name) {
                             $current_value = $current_values['custom'][$row_name];
                             $row_values = array('column_count' => 5, 'column_count_meta' => 5 - 2, 'index' => $index++, 'key' => esc_attr($row_name), 'name_attr' => esc_attr($current_value['name']), 'name' => esc_html($current_value['name']), 'iptc_field_options' => self::_compose_iptc_option_list($current_value['iptc_value']), 'exif_size' => self::MLA_EXIF_SIZE, 'exif_text' => esc_attr($current_value['exif_value']), 'iptc_selected' => '', 'IPTC' => __('IPTC', 'media-library-assistant'), 'exif_selected' => '', 'EXIF' => __('EXIF', 'media-library-assistant'), 'keep_selected' => '', 'Keep' => __('Keep', 'media-library-assistant'), 'replace_selected' => '', 'Replace' => __('Replace', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Format' => __('Format', 'media-library-assistant'), 'native_format' => '', 'Native' => __('Native', 'media-library-assistant'), 'commas_format' => '', 'Commas' => __('Commas', 'media-library-assistant'), 'raw_format' => '', 'Raw' => __('Raw', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Option' => __('Option', 'media-library-assistant'), 'text_option' => '', 'Text' => __('Text', 'media-library-assistant'), 'single_option' => '', 'Single' => __('Single', 'media-library-assistant'), 'export_option' => '', 'Export' => __('Export', 'media-library-assistant'), 'array_option' => '', 'Array' => __('Array', 'media-library-assistant'), 'multi_option' => '', 'Multi' => __('Multi', 'media-library-assistant'), 'no_null_checked' => '', 'Delete NULL values' => __('Delete NULL values', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Delete Rule' => __('Delete Rule', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Delete Field' => __('Delete Rule AND Field', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Update Rule' => __('Update Rule', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Map All Attachments' => __('Map All Attachments', 'media-library-assistant'));
                             if ($current_value['iptc_first']) {
                                 $row_values['iptc_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                             } else {
                                 $row_values['exif_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                             if ($current_value['keep_existing']) {
                                 $row_values['keep_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                             } else {
                                 $row_values['replace_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                             switch ($current_value['format']) {
                                 case 'commas':
                                     $row_values['commas_format'] = 'selected="selected"';
                                 case 'raw':
                                     $row_values['raw_format'] = 'selected="selected"';
                                     $row_values['native_format'] = 'selected="selected"';
                             // format
                             switch ($current_value['option']) {
                                 case 'single':
                                     $row_values['single_option'] = 'selected="selected"';
                                 case 'export':
                                     $row_values['export_option'] = 'selected="selected"';
                                 case 'array':
                                     $row_values['array_option'] = 'selected="selected"';
                                 case 'multi':
                                     $row_values['multi_option'] = 'selected="selected"';
                                     $row_values['text_option'] = 'selected="selected"';
                             // option
                             if ($current_value['no_null']) {
                                 $row_values['no_null_checked'] = 'checked="checked"';
                             $table_rows .= MLAData::mla_parse_template($row_template, $row_values);
                         // foreach current_values key
                     // foreach sorted_name
                      * Add a row for defining a new rule, existing Custom Field
                     $row_template = self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-custom-new-rule-row'];
                     $row_values = array('column_count' => 5, 'column_count_meta' => 5 - 2, 'Add new Rule' => __('Add a new Mapping Rule', 'media-library-assistant'), 'index' => self::MLA_NEW_CUSTOM_RULE, 'field_name_options' => self::_compose_custom_field_option_list('none', $current_values['custom']), 'iptc_field_options' => self::_compose_iptc_option_list('none'), 'exif_size' => self::MLA_EXIF_SIZE, 'exif_text' => '', 'iptc_selected' => 'selected="selected"', 'IPTC' => __('IPTC', 'media-library-assistant'), 'exif_selected' => '', 'EXIF' => __('EXIF', 'media-library-assistant'), 'keep_selected' => 'selected="selected"', 'Keep' => __('Keep', 'media-library-assistant'), 'replace_selected' => '', 'Replace' => __('Replace', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Format' => __('Format', 'media-library-assistant'), 'native_format' => 'selected="selected"', 'Native' => __('Native', 'media-library-assistant'), 'commas_format' => '', 'Commas' => __('Commas', 'media-library-assistant'), 'raw_format' => '', 'Raw' => __('Raw', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Option' => __('Option', 'media-library-assistant'), 'text_option' => '', 'Text' => __('Text', 'media-library-assistant'), 'single_option' => '', 'Single' => __('Single', 'media-library-assistant'), 'export_option' => '', 'Export' => __('Export', 'media-library-assistant'), 'array_option' => '', 'Array' => __('Array', 'media-library-assistant'), 'multi_option' => '', 'Multi' => __('Multi', 'media-library-assistant'), 'no_null_checked' => '', 'Delete NULL values' => __('Delete NULL values', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Add Rule' => __('Add Rule', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Map All Attachments' => __('Add Rule and Map All Attachments', 'media-library-assistant'));
                     $table_rows .= MLAData::mla_parse_template($row_template, $row_values);
                      * Add a row for defining a new rule, new Custom Field
                     $row_template = self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-custom-new-field-row'];
                     $row_values = array('column_count' => 5, 'column_count_meta' => 5 - 2, 'Add new Field' => __('Add a new Field and Mapping Rule', 'media-library-assistant'), 'index' => self::MLA_NEW_CUSTOM_FIELD, 'field_name_size' => '24', 'iptc_field_options' => self::_compose_iptc_option_list('none'), 'exif_size' => self::MLA_EXIF_SIZE, 'exif_text' => '', 'iptc_selected' => 'selected="selected"', 'IPTC' => __('IPTC', 'media-library-assistant'), 'exif_selected' => '', 'EXIF' => __('EXIF', 'media-library-assistant'), 'keep_selected' => 'selected="selected"', 'Keep' => __('Keep', 'media-library-assistant'), 'replace_selected' => '', 'Replace' => __('Replace', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Format' => __('Format', 'media-library-assistant'), 'native_format' => 'selected="selected"', 'Native' => __('Native', 'media-library-assistant'), 'commas_format' => '', 'Commas' => __('Commas', 'media-library-assistant'), 'raw_format' => '', 'Raw' => __('Raw', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Option' => __('Option', 'media-library-assistant'), 'text_option' => '', 'Text' => __('Text', 'media-library-assistant'), 'single_option' => '', 'Single' => __('Single', 'media-library-assistant'), 'export_option' => '', 'Export' => __('Export', 'media-library-assistant'), 'array_option' => '', 'Array' => __('Array', 'media-library-assistant'), 'multi_option' => '', 'Multi' => __('Multi', 'media-library-assistant'), 'no_null_checked' => '', 'Delete NULL values' => __('Delete NULL values', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Add Field' => __('Add Field', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Map All Attachments' => __('Add Field and Map All Attachments', 'media-library-assistant'));
                     $table_rows .= MLAData::mla_parse_template($row_template, $row_values);
                     $option_values = array('Field Title' => __('Field Title', 'media-library-assistant'), 'IPTC Value' => __('IPTC Value', 'media-library-assistant'), 'EXIF/Template Value' => __('EXIF/Template Value', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Priority' => __('Priority', 'media-library-assistant'), 'Existing Text' => __('Existing Text', 'media-library-assistant'), 'table_rows' => $table_rows, 'help' => $value['help']);
                     return MLAData::mla_parse_template(self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-custom-table'], $option_values);
                     /* translators: 1: ERROR tag 2: option name */
                     return '<br>' . sprintf(__('%1$s: Render unknown custom %2$s.', 'media-library-assistant'), __('ERROR', 'media-library-assistant'), $key) . "\r\n";
             // switch $key
         // switch $key
         case 'update':
         case 'delete':
             $settings_changed = false;
             $messages = '';
             switch ($key) {
                 case 'iptc_exif_standard_mapping':
                     $results = self::_update_iptc_exif_standard_mapping($current_values, $args);
                     $messages .= $results['message'];
                     $current_values = $results['values'];
                     $settings_changed = $results['changed'];
                 case 'iptc_exif_taxonomy_mapping':
                     $results = self::_update_iptc_exif_taxonomy_mapping($current_values, $args);
                     $messages .= $results['message'];
                     $current_values = $results['values'];
                     $settings_changed = $results['changed'];
                 case 'iptc_exif_custom_mapping':
                     $results = self::_update_iptc_exif_custom_mapping($current_values, $args);
                     $messages .= $results['message'];
                     $current_values = $results['values'];
                     $settings_changed = $results['changed'];
                 case 'iptc_exif_mapping':
                     $results = self::_update_iptc_exif_standard_mapping($current_values, $args);
                     $messages .= $results['message'];
                     $current_values = $results['values'];
                     $settings_changed = $results['changed'];
                     $results = self::_update_iptc_exif_taxonomy_mapping($current_values, $args);
                     $messages .= $results['message'];
                     $current_values = $results['values'];
                     $settings_changed |= $results['changed'];
                     $results = self::_update_iptc_exif_custom_mapping($current_values, $args);
                     $messages .= $results['message'];
                     $current_values = $results['values'];
                     $settings_changed |= $results['changed'];
                     /* translators: 1: ERROR tag 2: option name */
                     return '<br>' . sprintf(__('%1$s: Update/delete unknown custom %2$s.', 'media-library-assistant'), __('ERROR', 'media-library-assistant'), $key) . "\r\n";
             // switch $key
             if ($settings_changed) {
                 $settings_changed = MLAOptions::mla_update_option('iptc_exif_mapping', $current_values);
                 if ($settings_changed) {
                     $results = __('IPTC/EXIF mapping settings updated.', 'media-library-assistant') . "\r\n";
                 } else {
                     $results = __('ERROR', 'media-library-assistant') . ': ' . __('IPTC/EXIF settings update failed.', 'media-library-assistant') . "\r\n";
             } else {
                 $results = __('IPTC/EXIF no mapping changes detected.', 'media-library-assistant') . "\r\n";
             return $results . $messages;
         case 'reset':
             switch ($key) {
                 case 'iptc_exif_standard_mapping':
                     $current_values['standard'] = self::$mla_option_definitions['iptc_exif_mapping']['std']['standard'];
                     $settings_changed = MLAOptions::mla_update_option('iptc_exif_mapping', $current_values);
                     if ($settings_changed) {
                         /* translators: 1: field type */
                         return sprintf(__('%1$s settings saved.', 'media-library-assistant'), 'IPTC/EXIF ' . __('Standard field', 'media-library-assistant')) . "\r\n";
                     } else {
                         /* translators: 1: ERROR tag 2: field type */
                         return sprintf(__('%1$s: IPTC/EXIF %2$s settings update failed.', 'media-library-assistant'), __('ERROR', 'media-library-assistant'), __('Standard field', 'media-library-assistant')) . "\r\n";
                 case 'iptc_exif_taxonomy_mapping':
                     $current_values['taxonomy'] = self::$mla_option_definitions['iptc_exif_mapping']['std']['taxonomy'];
                     $settings_changed = MLAOptions::mla_update_option('iptc_exif_mapping', $current_values);
                     if ($settings_changed) {
                         /* translators: 1: field type */
                         return sprintf(__('%1$s settings saved.', 'media-library-assistant'), 'IPTC/EXIF ' . __('Taxonomy term', 'media-library-assistant')) . "\r\n";
                     } else {
                         /* translators: 1: ERROR tag 2: field type */
                         return sprintf(__('%1$s: IPTC/EXIF %2$s settings update failed.', 'media-library-assistant'), __('ERROR', 'media-library-assistant'), __('Taxonomy term', 'media-library-assistant')) . "\r\n";
                 case 'iptc_exif_custom_mapping':
                     $current_values['custom'] = self::$mla_option_definitions['iptc_exif_mapping']['std']['custom'];
                     $settings_changed = MLAOptions::mla_update_option('iptc_exif_mapping', $current_values);
                     if ($settings_changed) {
                         /* translators: 1: field type */
                         return sprintf(__('%1$s settings saved.', 'media-library-assistant'), 'IPTC/EXIF ' . __('Custom field', 'media-library-assistant')) . "\r\n";
                     } else {
                         /* translators: 1: ERROR tag 2: field type */
                         return sprintf(__('%1$s: IPTC/EXIF %2$s settings update failed.', 'media-library-assistant'), __('ERROR', 'media-library-assistant'), __('Custom field', 'media-library-assistant')) . "\r\n";
                 case 'iptc_exif_mapping':
                     /* translators: 1: option name, e.g., taxonomy_support */
                     return '<br>' . sprintf(__('Reset custom %1$s', 'media-library-assistant'), $key) . "\r\n";
                     /* translators: 1: ERROR tag 2: option name, e.g., taxonomy_support */
                     return '<br>' . sprintf(__('%1$s: Reset unknown custom %2$s', 'media-library-assistant'), __('ERROR', 'media-library-assistant'), $key) . "\r\n";
             // switch $key
         // switch $key
             /* translators: 1: ERROR tag 2: option name 3: action, e.g., update, delete, reset */
             return '<br>' . sprintf(__('%1$s: Custom %2$s unknown action "%3$s"', 'media-library-assistant'), __('ERROR', 'media-library-assistant'), $key, $action) . "\r\n";
     // switch $action
  * Read a serialized file of option settings and write them to the database
  * @since 1.50
  * @return	array	Message(s) reflecting the results of the operation
 private static function _import_settings()
     $page_content = array('message' => 'No settings imported.', 'body' => '');
     $message_list = '';
     if (isset($_REQUEST['mla-import-settings-file'])) {
         $filename = $_REQUEST['mla-import-settings-file'];
         if ('none' != $filename) {
             $filename = MLA_BACKUP_DIR . $filename;
         } else {
             $page_content['message'] = 'Please select an import settings file from the dropdown list.';
             return $page_content;
     } else {
         $page_content['message'] = "ERROR: The import settings dropdown selection is missing.";
         return $page_content;
     $settings = @file_get_contents($filename, false);
     if (false === $settings) {
         $error_info = error_get_last();
         error_log('ERROR: _import_settings $error_info = ' . var_export($error_info, true), 0);
         if (false !== ($tail = strpos($error_info['message'], '</a>]: '))) {
             $php_errormsg = ':<br>' . substr($error_info['message'], $tail + 7);
         } else {
             $php_errormsg = '.';
         $page_content['message'] = "ERROR: reading the settings file ( {$filename} ){$php_errormsg}";
         return $page_content;
     $settings = unserialize($settings);
     $updated_count = 0;
     $unchanged_count = 0;
     foreach ($settings as $key => $value) {
         if (MLAOptions::mla_update_option($key, $value)) {
             $message_list .= "<br>{$key} updated";
         } else {
             $message_list .= "<br>{$key} unchanged";
     $page_content['message'] = "Settings imported; {$updated_count} updated, {$unchanged_count} unchanged.";
      * Uncomment this for debugging.
     //$page_content['message'] .= $message_list;
     return $page_content;
  * Read a serialized file of option settings and write them to the database
  * @since 1.50
  * @return	array	Message(s) reflecting the results of the operation
 private static function _import_settings()
     $page_content = array('message' => __('No settings imported.', 'media-library-assistant'), 'body' => '');
     $message_list = '';
     if (isset($_REQUEST['mla-import-settings-file'])) {
         $filename = $_REQUEST['mla-import-settings-file'];
         if ('none' != $filename) {
             $filename = MLA_BACKUP_DIR . $filename;
         } else {
             $page_content['message'] = __('Please select an import settings file from the dropdown list.', 'media-library-assistant');
             return $page_content;
     } else {
         $page_content['message'] = __('ERROR', 'media-library-assistant') . ': ' . __('The import settings dropdown selection is missing.', 'media-library-assistant');
         return $page_content;
     $settings = @file_get_contents($filename, false);
     if (false === $settings) {
         $error_info = error_get_last();
         /* translators: 1: ERROR tag 2: PHP error information */
         error_log(sprintf(_x('%1$s: _import_settings $error_info = "%2$s".', 'error_log', 'media-library-assistant'), __('ERROR', 'media-library-assistant'), var_export($error_info, true)), 0);
         if (false !== ($tail = strpos($error_info['message'], '</a>]: '))) {
             $php_errormsg = ':<br>' . substr($error_info['message'], $tail + 7);
         } else {
             $php_errormsg = '.';
         /* translators: 1: ERROR tag 2: backup file name 3: error message*/
         $page_content['message'] = sprintf(__('%1$s: Reading the settings file ( %2$s ) "%3$s".', 'media-library-assistant'), __('ERROR', 'media-library-assistant'), $filename, $php_errormsg);
         return $page_content;
     $settings = unserialize($settings);
     $updated_count = 0;
     $unchanged_count = 0;
     foreach ($settings as $key => $value) {
         if (MLAOptions::mla_update_option($key, $value)) {
             $message_list .= "<br>{$key} " . _x('updated', 'message_list', 'media-library-assistant');
         } else {
             $message_list .= "<br>{$key} " . _x('unchanged', 'message_list', 'media-library-assistant');
     /* translators: 1: number of option settings updated 2: number of option settings unchanged */
     $page_content['message'] = sprintf(__('Settings imported; %1$s updated, %2$s unchanged.', 'media-library-assistant'), $updated_count, $unchanged_count);
      * Uncomment this for debugging.
     //$page_content['message'] .= $message_list;
     return $page_content;
  * Render and manage iptc/exif support options
  * @since 1.00
  * @uses $mla_option_templates contains row and table templates
  * @param	string 	'render', 'update', 'delete', or 'reset'
  * @param	string 	option name, e.g., 'iptc_exif_mapping'
  * @param	array 	option parameters
  * @param	array 	Optional. null (default) for 'render' else option data, e.g., $_REQUEST
  * @return	string	HTML table row markup for 'render' else message(s) reflecting the results of the operation.
 public static function mla_iptc_exif_option_handler($action, $key, $value, $args = null)
     $current_values = self::mla_get_option('iptc_exif_mapping');
     switch ($action) {
         case 'render':
             switch ($key) {
                 case 'iptc_exif_standard_mapping':
                     $row_template = self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-standard-row'];
                     $table_rows = '';
                     foreach ($current_values['standard'] as $row_name => $row_value) {
                         $row_values = array('key' => $row_name, 'name' => $row_value['name'], 'iptc_field_options' => self::_compose_iptc_option_list($row_value['iptc_value']), 'exif_size' => self::MLA_EXIF_SIZE, 'exif_text' => $row_value['exif_value'], 'iptc_selected' => '', 'exif_selected' => '', 'keep_selected' => '', 'replace_selected' => '');
                         if ($row_value['iptc_first']) {
                             $row_values['iptc_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                         } else {
                             $row_values['exif_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                         if ($row_value['keep_existing']) {
                             $row_values['keep_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                         } else {
                             $row_values['replace_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                         $table_rows .= MLAData::mla_parse_template($row_template, $row_values);
                     // foreach row
                     $option_values = array('table_rows' => $table_rows, 'help' => $value['help']);
                     return MLAData::mla_parse_template(self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-standard-table'], $option_values);
                 case 'iptc_exif_taxonomy_mapping':
                     $row_template = self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-taxonomy-row'];
                     $select_template = self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-select'];
                     $table_rows = '';
                     $taxonomies = get_taxonomies(array('show_ui' => true), 'objects');
                     foreach ($taxonomies as $row_name => $row_value) {
                         $row_values = array('key' => $row_name, 'name' => esc_html($row_value->labels->name), 'hierarchical' => (string) $row_value->hierarchical, 'iptc_field_options' => '', 'exif_size' => self::MLA_EXIF_SIZE, 'exif_text' => '', 'iptc_selected' => '', 'exif_selected' => '', 'keep_selected' => '', 'replace_selected' => '', 'parent_select' => '');
                         if (array_key_exists($row_name, $current_values['taxonomy'])) {
                             $current_value = $current_values['taxonomy'][$row_name];
                             $row_values['iptc_field_options'] = self::_compose_iptc_option_list($current_value['iptc_value']);
                             $row_values['exif_text'] = $current_value['exif_value'];
                             if ($current_value['iptc_first']) {
                                 $row_values['iptc_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                             } else {
                                 $row_values['exif_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                             if ($current_value['keep_existing']) {
                                 $row_values['keep_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                             } else {
                                 $row_values['replace_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                             if ($row_value->hierarchical) {
                                 $parent = isset($current_value['parent']) ? (int) $current_value['parent'] : 0;
                                 $select_values = array('array' => 'taxonomy', 'key' => $row_name, 'element' => 'parent', 'options' => self::_compose_parent_option_list($row_name, $parent));
                                 $row_values['parent_select'] = MLAData::mla_parse_template($select_template, $select_values);
                         } else {
                             $row_values['iptc_field_options'] = self::_compose_iptc_option_list('none');
                             $row_values['iptc_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                             $row_values['keep_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                             if ($row_value->hierarchical) {
                                 $select_values = array('array' => 'taxonomy', 'key' => $row_name, 'element' => 'parent', 'options' => self::_compose_parent_option_list($row_name, 0));
                                 $row_values['parent_select'] = MLAData::mla_parse_template($select_template, $select_values);
                         $table_rows .= MLAData::mla_parse_template($row_template, $row_values);
                     // foreach row
                     $option_values = array('table_rows' => $table_rows, 'help' => $value['help']);
                     return MLAData::mla_parse_template(self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-taxonomy-table'], $option_values);
                 case 'iptc_exif_custom_mapping':
                     if (empty($current_values['custom'])) {
                         $table_rows = MLAData::mla_parse_template(self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-custom-empty-row'], array('column_count' => 5));
                     } else {
                         $row_template = self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-custom-rule-row'];
                         $table_rows = '';
                      * One row for each existing rule
                     foreach ($current_values['custom'] as $row_name => $current_value) {
                         $row_values = array('column_count' => 5, 'key' => $row_name, 'name' => $row_name, 'iptc_field_options' => '', 'exif_size' => self::MLA_EXIF_SIZE, 'exif_text' => '', 'iptc_selected' => '', 'exif_selected' => '', 'keep_selected' => '', 'replace_selected' => '');
                         $row_values['iptc_field_options'] = self::_compose_iptc_option_list($current_value['iptc_value']);
                         $row_values['exif_text'] = $current_value['exif_value'];
                         if ($current_value['iptc_first']) {
                             $row_values['iptc_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                         } else {
                             $row_values['exif_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                         if ($current_value['keep_existing']) {
                             $row_values['keep_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                         } else {
                             $row_values['replace_selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
                         $table_rows .= MLAData::mla_parse_template($row_template, $row_values);
                     // foreach existing rule
                      * Add a row for defining a new rule, existing Custom Field
                     $row_template = self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-custom-new-rule-row'];
                     $row_values = array('column_count' => 5, 'key' => self::MLA_NEW_CUSTOM_RULE, 'field_name_options' => self::_compose_custom_field_option_list('none', $current_values['custom']), 'iptc_field_options' => self::_compose_iptc_option_list('none'), 'exif_size' => self::MLA_EXIF_SIZE, 'exif_text' => '', 'iptc_selected' => 'selected="selected"', 'exif_selected' => '', 'keep_selected' => 'selected="selected"', 'replace_selected' => '');
                     $table_rows .= MLAData::mla_parse_template($row_template, $row_values);
                      * Add a row for defining a new rule, new Custom Field
                     $row_template = self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-custom-new-field-row'];
                     $row_values = array('column_count' => 5, 'key' => self::MLA_NEW_CUSTOM_FIELD, 'field_name_size' => '24', 'iptc_field_options' => self::_compose_iptc_option_list('none'), 'exif_size' => self::MLA_EXIF_SIZE, 'exif_text' => '', 'iptc_selected' => 'selected="selected"', 'exif_selected' => '', 'keep_selected' => 'selected="selected"', 'replace_selected' => '');
                     $table_rows .= MLAData::mla_parse_template($row_template, $row_values);
                     $option_values = array('table_rows' => $table_rows, 'help' => $value['help']);
                     return MLAData::mla_parse_template(self::$mla_option_templates['iptc-exif-custom-table'], $option_values);
                     return "<br>ERROR: Render unknown custom {$key}\r\n";
             // switch $key
         // switch $key
         case 'update':
         case 'delete':
             $settings_changed = false;
             $messages = '';
             switch ($key) {
                 case 'iptc_exif_standard_mapping':
                     $results = self::_update_iptc_exif_standard_mapping($current_values, $args);
                     $messages .= $results['message'];
                     $current_values = $results['values'];
                     $settings_changed = $results['changed'];
                 case 'iptc_exif_taxonomy_mapping':
                     $results = self::_update_iptc_exif_taxonomy_mapping($current_values, $args);
                     $messages .= $results['message'];
                     $current_values = $results['values'];
                     $settings_changed = $results['changed'];
                 case 'iptc_exif_custom_mapping':
                     $results = self::_update_iptc_exif_custom_mapping($current_values, $args);
                     $messages .= $results['message'];
                     $current_values = $results['values'];
                     $settings_changed = $results['changed'];
                 case 'iptc_exif_mapping':
                     $results = self::_update_iptc_exif_standard_mapping($current_values, $args);
                     $messages .= $results['message'];
                     $current_values = $results['values'];
                     $settings_changed = $results['changed'];
                     $results = self::_update_iptc_exif_taxonomy_mapping($current_values, $args);
                     $messages .= $results['message'];
                     $current_values = $results['values'];
                     $settings_changed |= $results['changed'];
                     $results = self::_update_iptc_exif_custom_mapping($current_values, $args);
                     $messages .= $results['message'];
                     $current_values = $results['values'];
                     $settings_changed |= $results['changed'];
                     return "<br>ERROR: Update/delete unknown custom {$key}\r\n";
             // switch $key
             if ($settings_changed) {
                 $settings_changed = MLAOptions::mla_update_option('iptc_exif_mapping', $current_values);
                 if ($settings_changed) {
                     $results = "IPTC/EXIF mapping settings updated.\r\n";
                 } else {
                     $results = "ERROR: IPTC/EXIF settings update failed.\r\n";
             } else {
                 $results = "IPTC/EXIF no mapping changes detected.\r\n";
             return $results . $messages;
         case 'reset':
             switch ($key) {
                 case 'iptc_exif_standard_mapping':
                     $current_values['standard'] = self::$mla_option_definitions['iptc_exif_mapping']['std']['standard'];
                     $settings_changed = MLAOptions::mla_update_option('iptc_exif_mapping', $current_values);
                     if ($settings_changed) {
                         return "IPTC/EXIF Standard field settings saved.\r\n";
                     } else {
                         return "ERROR: IPTC/EXIF Standard field settings update failed.\r\n";
                 case 'iptc_exif_taxonomy_mapping':
                     $current_values['taxonomy'] = self::$mla_option_definitions['iptc_exif_mapping']['std']['taxonomy'];
                     $settings_changed = MLAOptions::mla_update_option('iptc_exif_mapping', $current_values);
                     if ($settings_changed) {
                         return "IPTC/EXIF Taxonomy term settings saved.\r\n";
                     } else {
                         return "ERROR: IPTC/EXIF Taxonomy term settings update failed.\r\n";
                 case 'iptc_exif_custom_mapping':
                     $current_values['custom'] = self::$mla_option_definitions['iptc_exif_mapping']['std']['custom'];
                     $settings_changed = MLAOptions::mla_update_option('iptc_exif_mapping', $current_values);
                     if ($settings_changed) {
                         return "IPTC/EXIF Custom field settings saved.\r\n";
                     } else {
                         return "ERROR: IPTC/EXIF Custom field settings reset failed.\r\n";
                 case 'iptc_exif_mapping':
                     return "<br>Reset custom {$key}\r\n";
                     return "<br>ERROR: Reset unknown custom {$key}\r\n";
             // switch $key
         // switch $key
             return "<br>ERROR: Custom {$key} unknown action: {$action}\r\n";
     // switch $action