Beispiel #1

// ========================================================================
// App/
//              Include file for the App component
//              Part of the Methodosity Framework for PHP applications
// Author       Stuart Herbert
//              (
// Copyright    (c) 2007-2010 Stuart Herbert
//              Released under v3 of the GNU Affero Public License
// ========================================================================
// ========================================================================
// When         Who     What
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2007-12-02   SLH     Created
// 2008-09-09   SLH     Pipeline is now called App
// 2009-03-05   SLH     Now include the exceptions file
// ========================================================================
// who we are
$componentDir = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
// special case:
// App must initialise itself before we can go any further
// support for the user's chosen language
MF_App::$languages->moduleSpeaks('MF_App', 'en-us', $componentDir . '/App.lang.en-us.php');
Beispiel #2
  * setup the things that every app has
  * it is up to the mainLoop() of the different types of app
  * to setup the rest (user, page, and theme)
 public static function init()
     // self::$browsers   = new MF_Browser_Manager();
     // self::$users      = new MF_User_Manager();
     // self::$routes     = new MF_Routing_Manager();
     // self::$pages      = new MF_Page_Manager();
     // self::$themes     = new MF_Theme_Manager();
     // self::$debug      = new MF_Debug_Manager();
     // disable debugging if we are unit testing
     // if (defined('UNIT_TEST') && UNIT_TEST)
     //        self::$debug->setEnabled(false);
     // with the general environment loaded, we can now load
     // the modules that are app-specific
     self::$request = new MF_App_Request();
     self::$response = new MF_App_Response();
     self::$conditions = new MF_App_Conditions();