function postForm($url) { if (getHttpStatusCode($url) == 200) { $md5 = new MD5(); ?> <meta charset="utf-8"> 跳转中,请稍等。。。 <form name="loginform" method="POST" action='<?php echo $url; ?> ' class="aui login-form-container"> <input name="os_username" id="os_username" value="<?php echo $_SESSION["email"]; ?> " type="hidden"> <input name="os_password" id="os_password" value="<?php echo $md5->secret2string($_SESSION["password"]); ?> " type="password" style="display:none;"> <input id="loginButton" class="aui-button aui-style aui-button-primary" name="login" value="登录" type="submit" style="display:none;"> <input name="os_destination" value="" type="hidden"> </form> <?php } else { header("Location: 404page.php"); } }
/** * Compares a given hash with a clean text password by figuring out the * algorithm that has been used and then calling the appropriate sub-class * * @see cryptography.MD5#compare() * @see cryptography.SHA1#compare() * @see cryptography.PBKDF2#compare() * * @param string $input * the cleartext password * @param string $hash * the hash the password should be checked against * @param boolean $isHash * @return boolean * the result of the comparison */ public static function compare($input, $hash, $isHash = false) { $version = substr($hash, 0, 8); if ($isHash == true) { return $input == $hash; } elseif ($version == 'PBKDF2v1') { // salted PBKDF2 return PBKDF2::compare($input, $hash); } elseif (strlen($hash) == 40) { // legacy, unsalted SHA1 return SHA1::compare($input, $hash); } elseif (strlen($hash) == 32) { // legacy, unsalted MD5 return MD5::compare($input, $hash); } else { // the hash provided doesn't make any sense return false; } }
print "Created GUID 3: " . GUID::create() . "<br/><br/>\n"; /** * Test ROT13 encoding. */ $rot13enc = ROT13::encode($input); $rot13dec = ROT13::decode($rot13enc); // print "ROT13 encoded in UTF-8: " . $rot13enc . "<br/>\n"; print "ROT13 decoded in UTF-8: " . $rot13dec . "<br/><br/>\n"; /** * Test MD5 with one official test vector and custom input. * Vectors from: */ $md5 = MD5::compute($input); $md5tv = MD5::compute(""); $md5hmac = MD5::computeHMAC("1234567890123456", $input); // print "MD5 from otv is ok: " . bool_str(Base16::encode($md5tv) == "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e") . "<br/>\n"; print "MD5 HMAC in UTF-8: " . Base16::encode($md5hmac) . "<br/>\n"; print "MD5 in UTF-8: " . Base16::encode($md5) . "<br/><br/>\n"; /** * Test RIPEMD-160 with one official test vector and custom input. * Vectors from: */ $rmd160 = RMD160::compute($input); $rmd160tv = RMD160::compute(""); $rmd160hmac = RMD160::computeHMAC("1234567890123456", $input); // print "RIPEMD-160 from otv is ok: " . bool_str(Base16::encode($rmd160tv) == "9c1185a5c5e9fc54612808977ee8f548b2258d31") . "<br/>\n"; print "RIPEMD-160 HMAC in UTF-8: " . Base16::encode($rmd160hmac) . "<br/>\n"; print "RIPEMD-160 in UTF-8: " . Base16::encode($rmd160) . "<br/><br/>\n";
$lUDA->deletar($lUDA->listar()); $javaScript .= Aviso::criar("Arquivo removido com sucesso!"); } catch (Exception $e) { $javaScript .= Aviso::criar($e->getMessage()); } } } $lUDA = new ListaUploadDownloadArquivos(); $lTUDA->createRepeticao("repetir->UploadDownloadArquivos"); if (!empty($_GET['busca'])) { $lUDA->condicoes('', "%" . $_GET['busca'] . "%", 'empresa', 'LIKE'); } $lTUDA->condicao("condicaoBusca", !empty($_SESSION['nivel'])); $lTUDA->trocar("linkCadastrar.UploadDownloadArquivo", "?p=" . $_GET['p'] . "&a=cadastrarUploadDownloadArquivo"); $lUDA->condicoes($a); $m = new MD5(); while ($uDA = $lUDA->listar("ASC", ListaUploadDownloadArquivos::ARQUIVO)) { $lTUDA->repetir(); $lTUDA->enterRepeticao()->condicao("condicaoRemover", !empty($_SESSION['nivel'])); $bgColor = $lUDA->getParametros() % 2 == 0 ? '#FFFFFF' : '#EAEAEA'; $lTUDA->enterRepeticao()->trocar("bgColorEmpresa", $bgColor); $lTUDA->enterRepeticao()->trocar("id.UploadDownloadArquivo", $uDA->getId()); $lTUDA->enterRepeticao()->trocar("nome.Arquivo.UploadDownloadArquivo", $uDA->getArquivo()->nome . "." . $uDA->getArquivo()->extensao); $lTUDA->enterRepeticao()->trocar("url.Arquivo.UploadDownloadArquivo", Sistema::$caminhoURL . 'lib.conf/abrirArquivo.php?caminho=' . $m->criptografar(Sistema::$caminhoURL . Sistema::$caminhoDataUploadsDownloads . $uDA->getArquivo()->getNome())); $lTUDA->enterRepeticao()->trocar("linkVisualizar.UploadDownloadArquivo", "?p=" . $_GET['p'] . "&a=listarUploadDownloadArquivos&arquivo=" . $uDA->getId()); $lTUDA->enterRepeticao()->trocar("linkAlterar.UploadDownloadArquivo", "?p=" . $_GET['p'] . "&a=alterarUploadDownloadArquivo&arquivo=" . $uDA->getId()); $lTUDA->enterRepeticao()->condicao("condicaoVisualizar", $uDA->tipo == 1); } $lTUDA->trocar("linkVoltar.UploadDownloadArquivo", "?p=" . $_GET['p'] . "&a=uploadsdownloads"); $botoes = $lTUDA->cutParte('botoes'); $includePagina = $lTUDA->concluir();
/** * Uses `SHA1` or `MD5` to create a hash based on some input * This function is currently very basic, but would allow * future expansion. Salting the hash comes to mind. * * @param string $input * the string to be hashed * @param string $algorithm * This function supports 'md5', 'sha1' and 'pbkdf2'. Any * other algorithm will default to 'pbkdf2'. * @return string * the hashed string */ public static function hash($input, $algorithm = 'sha1') { switch ($algorithm) { case 'sha1': return SHA1::hash($input); case 'md5': return MD5::hash($input); case 'pbkdf2': default: return Crytography::hash($input, $algorithm); } }
<?php exit; include 'includes.php'; importar('Utils.Imagens.Image'); importar('Utils.MD5'); $m = new MD5(); $caminho = $m->descriptografar($_GET['caminho']); $arq = new Arquivos($caminho); $arq->open(); header('Expires: 0'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); if (strtoupper($arq->extensao) == "JPEG" || strtoupper($arq->extensao) == "JPG" || strtoupper($arq->extensao) == "PNG" || strtoupper($arq->extensao) == "GIF" || strtoupper($arq->extensao) == "BMP") { header("Content-type: image/" . $arq->extensao); $he = number_format($_GET['h']); if ($he < $_GET['h']) { $he++; } if (file_exists(dirname($arq->url) . "/" . $he . "/" . basename($arq->url))) { $img = new Image(new Arquivos(dirname($arq->url) . "/" . $he . "/" . $arq->nome . "." . $arq->extensao)); } else { $img = new Image($arq); if (($_GET['w'] < $img->largura || $_GET['h'] < $img->altura) && (!empty($_GET['w']) && !empty($_GET['h']))) { $img->redimensionar($_GET['w'], $_GET['h']); } } /*/marca d'agua $logoAlo = new Imagem(new Arquivos(caminhoDiretorio."lib.img/LOGOALO.gif")); $logoAloW = (15*$_GET['w'])/100; $logoAloH = (15*$_GET['h'])/100;
$lM->deletar($lM->listar()); $javaScript .= Aviso::criar("Música removida com sucesso!"); } catch (Exception $e) { $javaScript .= Aviso::criar($e->getMessage()); } } } $lM = new ListaMusicas(); $lTM->createRepeticao("repetir->Musicas"); if (!empty($_GET['busca'])) { $lM->condicoes('', "%" . $_GET['busca'] . "%", 'empresa', 'LIKE'); } $lTM->condicao("condicaoBusca", !empty($_SESSION['nivel'])); $lTM->trocar("linkCadastrar.Musica", "?p=" . $_GET['p'] . "&a=cadastrarMusica"); $lM->condicoes($a); $m5 = new MD5(); while ($m = $lM->listar("ASC", ListaMusicas::MUSICA)) { $lTM->repetir(); $lTM->enterRepeticao()->condicao("condicaoRemover", !empty($_SESSION['nivel'])); $bgColor = $lM->getParametros() % 2 == 0 ? '#FFFFFF' : '#EAEAEA'; $lTM->enterRepeticao()->trocar("bgColorEmpresa", $bgColor); $lTM->enterRepeticao()->trocar("id.Musica", $m->getId()); $lTM->enterRepeticao()->trocar("titulo.Musica", $m->titulo); $lTM->enterRepeticao()->trocar("nome.Musica.Musica", $m->getMusica()->nome . "." . $m->getMusica()->extensao); $lTM->enterRepeticao()->trocar("url.Musica.Musica", Sistema::$caminhoURL . 'lib.conf/abrirArquivo.php?caminho=' . $m5->criptografar(Sistema::$caminhoURL . Sistema::$caminhoDataDiscografia . $m->getMusica()->getNome())); $lTM->enterRepeticao()->trocar("linkVisualizar.Musica", "?p=" . $_GET['p'] . "&a=listarMusicas&musica=" . $m->getId()); $lTM->enterRepeticao()->trocar("linkAlterar.Musica", "?p=" . $_GET['p'] . "&a=alterarMusica&musica=" . $m->getId()); $lTM->enterRepeticao()->condicao("condicaoVisualizar", $m->tipo == 1); } $lTM->trocar("linkVoltar.Musica", "?p=" . $_GET['p'] . "&a=discografia"); $botoes = $lTM->cutParte('botoes');
/** * Returns a checksum for a given input string * * @param string data * @return security.checksum.Checksum */ protected function checksumOf($data) { return MD5::fromString($data)->getValue(); }
function processLogin() { /*if(isset($_GET["username"]) and $_GET["username"]=="guest"){ $_SESSION["username"]="******"; $_SESSION["email"]="CY0000"; header("Location:home.php"); }*/ if (isset($_POST["email"]) and isset($_POST["password"])) { require_once "class.db.Utils.php"; require_once "class.LDAP.php"; require_once "class.MD5.php"; require_once "class.db.Log.php"; $ldap = new LDAP(); $md5 = new MD5(); $email = $_POST["email"]; if ($email != "") { if (!strpos($email, "")) { $email = $email . ''; } if ($_POST["password"] != "") { $usermsg = ""; $usermsg = $ldap->login($email, $_POST["password"]); if ($usermsg) { $email = substr($_POST["email"], 0, strpos($_POST["email"], "@")); $username = $usermsg["username"]; $employee_id = $usermsg["employee_id"]; $department = $usermsg["department"]; $db = new UserDB(); $user = $db->hasUser($_POST["email"]); //如果数据库里修改了用户名则使用修改后的,否则使用num值 if ($user) { $username = $user["username"]; } else { $db->insertLDAP(array("email" => $_POST["email"], "username" => $username, "employee_id" => $employee_id, "department" => $department)); } //保存session $_SESSION["username"] = $username; $_SESSION["email"] = $email; $_SESSION["password"] = $md5->string2secret($_POST["password"]); //保存cookie setcookie("email", $_SESSION["email"], time() + 3600 * 24 * 7); setcookie("username", $_SESSION["username"], time() + 3600 * 24 * 7); setcookie("password", $_SESSION["password"], time() + 3600 * 24 * 7); //记录登陆日志 $data['event'] = 'login'; $data['page'] = 'login.php'; $data['description'] = 'login success'; $data['username'] = $_SESSION["email"]; $data['ip'] = getIP(); $db = new LogDB(); $db->insertLog($data); header("Location: home.php"); } else { displayLoginForm("您输入的帐号或密码有误,请重试"); } } else { displayLoginForm("密码不能为空"); } } else { displayLoginForm("帐号不能为空"); } } else { displayLoginForm("登陆失败,请稍后重试"); } }
<?php importar("LojaVirtual.Pedidos.Lista.ListaPedidos"); importar("TemTudoAqui.Usuarios.Lista.ListaPessoas"); $tituloPagina = 'Pedidos > Pedidos > Alterar'; $iTAPE = new IFAdmin(new Arquivos(Sistema::$adminLayoutCaminhoDiretorio . "/SistemaPedidos/imprimirPedido.html")); $lP = new ListaPedidos(); $lP->condicoes('', $_GET['pedido'], ListaPedidos::ID); $m = new MD5(); if ($lP->getTotal() > 0) { $p = $lP->listar(); // $iTAPE->trocar('id.Pedido', $p->getId()); $iTAPE->trocar('tipoPagamento.Pedido', $p->getTipoPagamento()); $iTAPE->trocar('status.Pedido', $p->getStatus()->getStatus()); $iTAPE->trocar("data.Pedido", $p->getData()->mostrar("H:i d/m/Y")); $iTAPE->trocar('moeda', 'R$'); $iTAPE->createRepeticao("repetir->Itens.Pedido"); while ($i = $p->getItem()->listar()) { $iTAPE->repetir(); $iTAPE->enterRepeticao()->trocar('id.Item.Pedido', $i->getId()); $iTAPE->enterRepeticao()->trocar('nome.Item.Pedido', $i); if ($i->unidade > 0) { $iTAPE->enterRepeticao()->trocar('unidade.Item.Pedido', $i->unidade); $iTAPE->enterRepeticao()->trocar('tipoUnidade.Item.Pedido', $i->tipoUnidade); } $iTAPE->enterRepeticao()->trocar('descricao.Item.Pedido', $i->descricao); $iTAPE->enterRepeticao()->trocar('valor.Item.Pedido', $i->valor->moeda()); $iTAPE->enterRepeticao()->trocar('quantidade.Item.Pedido', $i->quantidade); $iTAPE->enterRepeticao()->trocar('subTotal.Item.Pedido', $i->getSubTotal()->moeda()); if ($img = $i->getImagens()->listar()) {