protected function convertRelationship($id, $oldEntity2Id, $newEntity2Id)
     $now = LsDate::getCurrentDateTime();
     //update relationship
     $sql = 'UPDATE relationship r SET entity2_id = ?, last_user_id = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE id = ?';
     if (!$this->testMode) {
         $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array($newEntity2Id, 1, $now, $id));
         if (!$stmt->rowCount()) {
             throw new Exception("Couldn't update relationship " . $id);
     //create modification record
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO modification (object_model, object_id, object_name, created_at, updated_at) ' . 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
     if (!$this->testMode) {
         $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array('Relationship', $id, 'Relationship ' . $id, $now, $now));
         if (!$stmt->rowCount()) {
             throw new Exception("Couldn't insert modification record for relationship " . $id);
     //create modification_field record
     $modId = $this->db->lastInsertId('modification');
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO modification_field (modification_id, field_name, old_value, new_value) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)';
     if (!$this->testMode) {
         $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array($modId, 'entity2_id', $oldEntity2Id, $newEntity2Id));
         if (!$stmt->rowCount()) {
             throw new Exception("Couldn't insert modification_field record for relationship " . $id);
     if ($this->debugMode) {
         print "Converted relationship " . $id . "\n";
Beispiel #2
 public function save(Doctrine_Connection $conn = null, $updateList = true, $updateEntity = true)
     if ($conn == null) {
         $conn = $this->_table->getConnection();
     try {
         $ret = parent::save($conn);
         if ($updateList) {
             $this->LsList->last_user_id = LsVersionableListener::getUserId();
             $this->LsList->updated_at = LsDate::getCurrentDateTime();
         if ($updateEntity) {
             $this->Entity->last_user_id = LsVersionableListener::getUserId();
             $this->Entity->updated_at = LsDate::getCurrentDateTime();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     return $ret;
Beispiel #3
 static function addCategory($id, $categoryId, $source = null)
     $db = LsDb::getDbConnection();
     $sql = "INSERT INTO os_entity_category (entity_id, category_id, source, created_at, updated_at) " . "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) " . "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE updated_at = ?";
     $now = LsDate::getCurrentDateTime();
     return $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array($id, $categoryId, $source, $now, $now, $now));
Beispiel #4
 static function convertForDisplay($date, $separator = '-', $abbreviate = false)
     if ($date === null) {
         return null;
     } else {
         if (!LsDate::validate($date)) {
             throw new Exception("Can't convert: invalid date");
     list($year, $month, $day) = explode('-', $date);
     if (intval($year) < 1930) {
         $abbreviate = false;
     if (intval($year) > 0 && intval($month) > 0 && intval($day) > 0) {
         $ret = date('M j \'y', strtotime($date));
     } elseif (intval($year) > 0 && intval($month) > 0) {
         //the month needs to be incremented because strtotime interprets '2008-12-00' as '2008-11-31'
         $year = $month > 10 ? $year + 1 : $year;
         $month = ($month + 1) % 12;
         $ret = date('M \'y', strtotime(implode('-', array($year, $month, $day))));
     } elseif ($year) {
         if ($abbreviate) {
             $ret = '\'' . substr($year, 2, 2);
         } else {
             $ret = $year;
     } else {
         $ret = null;
     return $ret;
Beispiel #5
 public function executeMatch($request)
     if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
         //get verified entity ids
         $oldEntities = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->select('ae.entity_id')->from('ArticleEntity ae')->leftJoin('ae.Entity e')->where('ae.article_id = ?', $this->article->id)->andWhere('ae.is_verified = 1')->andWhere('e.is_deleted = 0')->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
         //get all submitted entity ids
         $newEntities = array_unique($request->getParameter('entity_ids', array()));
         //compute changes
         $verifiedEntities = array_diff($newEntities, $oldEntities);
         $unverifiedEntities = array_diff($oldEntities, $newEntities);
         //get user and time
         $userId = $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->id;
         $time = LsDate::getCurrentDateTime();
         //save changes
         LsDoctrineQuery::create()->update('ArticleEntity')->set('is_verified', '?', true)->set('reviewed_by_user_id', $userId)->set('reviewed_at', '?', array($time))->where('article_id = ?', $this->article->id)->andWhereIn('entity_id', $verifiedEntities)->execute();
         LsDoctrineQuery::create()->update('ArticleEntity')->set('is_verified', '?', false)->set('reviewed_by_user_id', $userId)->set('reviewed_at', '?', array($time))->where('article_id = ?', $this->article->id)->andWhereIn('entity_id', $unverifiedEntities)->execute();
         $this->article->description = $request->getParameter('description');
         $this->article->reviewed_by_user_id = $userId;
         $this->article->reviewed_at = $time;
Beispiel #6
 static function compare(LsDate $date1, LsDate $date2)
     //if exactly one of the dates are blank
     if ($date1->getYear() == '0000' xor $date2->getYear() == '0000') {
         return self::COMPARE_UNKNOWN;
     if ($date1->_year > $date2->_year) {
         return self::COMPARE_AFTER;
     } elseif ($date1->_year < $date2->_year) {
         return self::COMPARE_BEFORE;
     } else {
         //years are equal, gotta look closer
         if ($date1->_month > $date2->_month && $date2->_month) {
             //first month is greater than nonzero second month
             return self::COMPARE_AFTER;
         } elseif ($date1->_month < $date2->_month && $date1->_month) {
             //second month is greater than nonzero first month
             return self::COMPARE_BEFORE;
         } elseif ($date1->_month == $date2->_month) {
             //months are equal, gotta look closer
             if ($date1->_day > $date2->_day && $date2->_day) {
                 //first day is greater than nonzero second day
                 return self::COMPARE_AFTER;
             } elseif ($date1->_day < $date2->_day && $date1->_day) {
                 //second day is greater than nonzero first day
                 return self::COMPARE_BEFORE;
             } elseif ($date1->_day == $date2->_day) {
                 //same dates!
                 return self::COMPARE_SAME;
             } else {
                 //days are unequal but one of them is zero
                 return self::COMPARE_UNKNOWN;
         } else {
             //months are unequal but one of them is zero
             return self::COMPARE_UNKNOWN;
 function import(Entity $person, $possible_persons)
     //loop through the people we found. usually just one.
     foreach ($possible_persons as $possible_person) {
         $this->printDebug('Query returned ' . count($possible_person) . ' person named ' . $possible_person->name);
         //this person does not provide education. we skip
         if (count($possible_person->education)) {
             $this->printDebug('Education found');
         } else {
             $this->printDebug('No education history found');
         //get employement info for this possible match
         $possible_person_bio = $possible_person->summary;
         if (count($possible_person->employment_history)) {
             foreach ($possible_person->employment_history as $employment) {
                 $possible_person_bio .= ' ' . $employment->company . " ";
             $this->printDebug('Employment found');
         } else {
             $this->printDebug('No employment history found');
         //get employment info for the person in our database
         $relationship_orgs = $person->getRelatedEntitiesQuery('Org', RelationshipTable::POSITION_CATEGORY, null, null, null, false, 1)->execute();
         $person_bio = $person->summary;
         foreach ($relationship_orgs as $org) {
             $person_bio .= ' ' . $org->name;
         //lets see how many matches we get
         $matches = LsLanguage::getCommonPronouns($person_bio, trim($possible_person_bio), LsLanguage::$business);
         if (count($matches)) {
             foreach ($possible_person->education as $school) {
                 $school->institution = mb_convert_encoding($school->institution, 'UTF-8');
                 $school->institution = preg_replace('/–/isu', ' ', $school->institution);
                 $this->printDebug('Looking for the school: ' . $school->institution);
                 $current_school = EntityTable::findByAlias($school->institution, $context = 'bw_school');
                 //find school
                 if ($current_school) {
                     $this->printDebug('Found school');
                 } else {
                     $current_school = EntityTable::getByExtensionQuery(array('Org', 'School'))->addWhere('LOWER( LIKE ?', '%' . strtolower($school->institution) . "%")->fetchOne();
                     if (!$current_school) {
                         $new_school = new Entity();
                         $new_school->name = $school->institution;
                         $wikipedia = new LsWikipedia();
                         if ($wikipedia->execute() && !$wikipedia->isDisambiguation()) {
                             $info_box = $wikipedia->getInfoBox();
                             if (isset($info_box['students']) && preg_match('/([\\d\\,]{2,})/isu', $info_box['students']['clean'], $match)) {
                                 $new_school->students = LsNumber::clean($match[1]);
                             } else {
                                 $student_types = array('undergrad', 'postgrad', 'grad', 'doctoral');
                                 $num_students = 0;
                                 foreach ($student_types as $st) {
                                     if (isset($info_box[$st]) && preg_match('/([\\d\\,]{2,})/isu', $info_box[$st]['clean'], $match)) {
                                         $num_students += LsNumber::clean($match[1]);
                                 if ($num_students > 0) {
                                     $new_school->students = $num_students;
                             if (isset($info_box['faculty']) && preg_match('/([\\d\\,]{2,})/isu', $info_box['faculty']['clean'], $match)) {
                                 $new_school->faculty = LsNumber::clean($match[1]);
                             if (isset($info_box['type'])) {
                                 if (stristr($info_box['type']['clean'], 'public')) {
                                     $new_school->is_private = 0;
                                 } else {
                                     if (stristr($info_box['type']['clean'], 'private')) {
                                         $new_school->is_private = 1;
                             if (isset($info_box['endowment'])) {
                                 if (preg_match('/(\\$[\\d\\,\\.\\s]+)(million|billion)/isu', $info_box['endowment']['clean'], $match)) {
                                     if (strtolower($match[2]) == 'billion') {
                                         $factor = 1000000000;
                                     } else {
                                         $factor = 1000000;
                                     $new_school->endowment = LsNumber::formatDollarAmountAsNumber($match[1], $factor);
                             if (isset($info_box['established'])) {
                                 $year = null;
                                 if ($date = LsDate::convertDate($info_box['established']['clean'])) {
                                     $new_school->start_date = $date;
                                 } else {
                                     if (preg_match('/\\b(\\d\\d\\d\\d)\\b/isu', $info_box['established']['clean'], $match)) {
                                         $new_school->start_date = $match[1];
                             $summary = trim($wikipedia->getIntroduction());
                             $summary = preg_replace('/\\n\\s*\\n/isu', '', $summary);
                             if (strlen($summary) > 10) {
                                 $new_school->summary = $summary;
                             $new_school->addReference($source = $wikipedia->getUrl(), $excerpt = null, $fields = array('summary'), $name = 'Wikipedia');
                         } else {
                         $current_school = $new_school;
                         $this->printDebug('Adding new school');
                     $alias = new Alias();
                     $alias->name = $school->institution;
                     $alias->context = 'bw_school';
                     $alias->Entity = $current_school;
                 //find degree
                 $degree = null;
                 if (!($degree = DegreeTable::getByText($school->degree))) {
                     $degree = DegreeTable::addDegree($school->degree);
                     $this->printDebug('Adding new degree');
                 //find relationship
                 $relationship = null;
                 $relationships = $person->getRelationshipsWithQuery($current_school, RelationshipTable::EDUCATION_CATEGORY)->execute();
                 foreach ($relationships as $existing_relationship) {
                     if ($existing_relationship->degree_id == $degree->id) {
                         $relationship = $existing_relationship;
                 if ($relationship) {
                     $this->printDebug('Relationship between person and school exists');
                 } else {
                     $relationship = new Relationship();
                     $relationship->Entity1 = $person;
                     $relationship->Entity2 = $current_school;
                     $relationship->description1 = 'student';
                     $relationship->is_current = 0;
                     if ($school->year) {
                         $relationship->end_date = $school->year;
                     $this->printDebug('Creating new relationship between person and school');
                 //add degree and reference
                 if ($relationship->degree_id == null) {
                     $reference_name = strstr($school->source, 'wikipedia') ? "Wikipedia" : "BusinessWeek";
                     $relationship->Degree = $degree;
                     $relationship->addReference($source = $school->source, $excerpt = null, $fields = array('degree_id'), $name = $reference_name, $detail = null, $date = null);
                     $this->printDebug('Adding degree and reference');
         } else {
             $this->printDebug('No organization matches');
             return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #8
 static function mergeField($fieldName, $existingValue, $newValue)
     if ($newValue === null) {
         return $existingValue;
     } elseif ($existingValue === null) {
         return $newValue;
     } elseif ($existingValue === $newValue) {
         return $existingValue;
     $appendWithNewlineFields = array('summary', 'notes');
     $appendWithSpaceFields = array('name_suffix', 'name_prefix');
     $dateFields = array('start_date', 'end_date');
     $nameFields = array('name_first', 'name_middle');
     $numberFields = array('employees', 'revenue', 'endowment');
     if (in_array($fieldName, $appendWithNewlineFields)) {
         return $existingValue . "\n\n" . $newValue;
     } elseif (in_array($fieldName, $appendWithSpaceFields)) {
         return $existingValue . ' ' . $newValue;
     } elseif (in_array($fieldName, $dateFields)) {
         $existingDate = new LsDate($existingValue);
         $newDate = new LsDate($newValue);
         if ($existingDate->howSpecific() > $newDate->howSpecific()) {
             return $existingDate->format();
         } elseif ($existingDate->howSpecific() < $newDate->howSpecific()) {
             return $newDate->format();
         } else {
             if ($existingDate->howSpecific() == LsDate::YEAR_SPECIFIC) {
                 return LsDate::lessOrEqual($existingDate, $newDate) ? $existingDate : $newDate;
             } else {
                 return $existingDate;
     } elseif (in_array($fieldName, $nameFields)) {
         return strlen($existingValue) >= strlen($newValue) || strlen($existingValue) !== 1 ? $existingValue : $newValue;
     } elseif (in_array($fieldName, $numberFields)) {
         return $existingValue == 0 ? $newValue : $existingValue;
     } else {
         return $existingValue;
Beispiel #9
 static function addAlias($id, $alias)
     $db = LsDb::getDbConnection();
     $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO alias (entity_id, name, context, updated_at, created_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
     $now = LsDate::getCurrentDateTime();
     return $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array($id, $alias, "opensecrets", $now, $now));
Beispiel #10
 public function updateDateRange($date, $use_year = true)
     $date = new LsDate($date);
     if ($use_year) {
     if ($date->getYear() == '0000') {
         return false;
     //start date and end date both null, make start date the date
     if (!$this->end_date && !$this->start_date) {
         $this->start_date = (string) $date;
         $this->end_date = (string) $date;
         return true;
     $end_date = new LsDate($this->end_date);
     $start_date = new LsDate($this->start_date);
     $start_date_comp = LsDate::compare($date, $start_date);
     $end_date_comp = LsDate::compare($date, $end_date);
     //if date is the same as either start date or end date, make no changes
     if ($start_date_comp == LsDate::COMPARE_SAME || $end_date_comp === LsDate::COMPARE_SAME) {
         return false;
     } else {
         if ($start_date_comp == LsDate::COMPARE_BEFORE) {
             $this->start_date = (string) $date;
             return true;
         } else {
             if ($end_date_comp == LsDate::COMPARE_AFTER) {
                 $this->end_date = (string) $date;
                 return true;
     //no changes have been made
     return false;
 static function logUpdate($id)
     $db = LsDb::getDbConnection();
     $now = LsDate::getCurrentDateTime();
     $sql = "INSERT INTO task_meta (task, namespace, predicate, value, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) " . "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value = ?";
     $params = array(__CLASS__, $id, self::$logKey, $now, $now, $now, $now);
     return $stmt = $db->execute($sql, $params);
 public function processEntity($id, $newTrans, $oldTrans)
     //get person names so we can make sure added donations are from the right person
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM person WHERE entity_id = ?';
     $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array($id));
     if (!($donorPerson = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) {
         if ($this->debugMode) {
             print "* Can't find Person record for donor with entity_id " . $id . "; skipping...";
     if ($this->debugMode) {
         print "\n=== Processing entity " . $id . " (" . PersonTable::getLegalName($donorPerson) . ") ===\n";
     $recipients = array();
     //get donations from all the newly matched transactions
     $newDonations = $this->getDonations($newTrans);
     foreach ($newDonations as $donation) {
         if (!$this->namesAreCompatible($donorPerson, $donation)) {
             if ($this->debugMode) {
                 print "* Skipping donation with incompatible donor name: " . $donation['donor_name'] . "\n";
         $cycle = $donation['cycle'];
         $recipientId = $donation['recipient_id'];
         if (isset($recipients[$cycle][$recipientId]['new'])) {
             $recipients[$cycle][$recipientId]['new'][] = $donation;
         } else {
             if (!isset($recipients[$cycle])) {
                 $recipients[$cycle] = array();
             $recipients[$cycle][$recipientId] = array();
             $recipients[$cycle][$recipientId]['new'] = array($donation);
             $recipients[$cycle][$recipientId]['old'] = array();
     //get donations from all the old transactions
     $oldDonations = $this->getDonations($oldTrans);
     foreach ($oldDonations as $donation) {
         $cycle = $donation['cycle'];
         $recipientId = $donation['recipient_id'];
         if (isset($recipients[$cycle][$recipientId]['old'])) {
             $recipients[$cycle][$recipientId]['old'][] = $donation;
         } else {
             if (!isset($recipients[$cycle])) {
                 $recipients[$cycle] = array();
             $recipients[$cycle][$recipientId] = array();
             $recipients[$cycle][$recipientId]['old'] = array($donation);
             $recipients[$cycle][$recipientId]['new'] = array();
     //if there are NO already-processed matches, and no matches to remove,
     //ie, if we're going from no matches to any number of matches,
     //we can delete existing donation relationships for this entity
     $deleteRels = false;
     if (!count($oldDonations)) {
         $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM os_entity_transaction WHERE entity_id = ? AND is_processed = 1';
         $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array($id));
         if (!$stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN)) {
             $deleteRels = true;
     if ($deleteRels) {
         if ($this->debugMode) {
             print "- Removing old donation relationships...\n";
         //first get ids
         $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT FROM relationship r ' . 'LEFT JOIN fec_filing f ON (f.relationship_id = ' . 'WHERE r.entity1_id = ? AND r.category_id = ? AND r.is_deleted = 0 ' . 'AND IS NOT NULL';
         $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array($id, RelationshipTable::DONATION_CATEGORY));
         $relIds = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
         if (count($relIds)) {
             //soft delete them
             $sql = 'UPDATE relationship SET is_deleted = 1, updated_at = ? WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', $relIds) . ')';
             $params = array(LsDate::getCurrentDateTime());
             $this->db->execute($sql, $params);
             //create modification records of the deletions
             $sql = 'INSERT INTO modification (object_model, object_id, object_name, is_delete, created_at, updated_at) ' . 'VALUES ';
             $params = array();
             foreach ($relIds as $relId) {
                 $sql .= '(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?), ';
                 $now = LsDate::getCurrentDateTime();
                 $params = array_merge($params, array('Relationship', $relId, 'Relationship ' . $relId, true, $now, $now));
             $sql = substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql) - 2);
             $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, $params);
     //make sure the entity hasn't been deleted in the meantime!
     $sql = 'SELECT id FROM entity WHERE id = ? AND is_deleted = 0';
     $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array($id));
     if (!$stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN)) {
         //skip to the end
         $recipients = array();
     //create filings/relationships for each cycle-recipient pair
     foreach ($recipients as $cycle => $recipients) {
         foreach ($recipients as $recipientId => $donations) {
             //if it's a committee recipient, try to determine
             //whether it belongs to a candidate
             if (strpos($recipientId, 'C') === 0) {
                 $recipientId = $this->getFinalRecipientIdByCycleAndCommitteeId($cycle, $recipientId);
             //find the entity with this recipient id, or generate a new one
             if (!($recipientEntity = $this->getEntityByRecipientId($recipientId))) {
                 if ($this->debugMode) {
                     print "* Couldn't find or create entity for recipient " . $recipientId . "; skipping...\n";
             //create committee entity and position relationship between it and the candidate, if necessary
             //DISABLED, FOR NOW
             //$this->createCampaignCommittee($recipientEntity['id'], $recipientId);
             if ($this->debugMode) {
                 print "Updating donation relationship with " . $recipientEntity['name'] . "...\n";
             //see if there's already a relationship
             $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Relationship r')->where('r.entity1_id = ? AND r.entity2_id = ? AND r.category_id = ?', array($id, $recipientEntity['id'], RelationshipTable::DONATION_CATEGORY));
             $rel = $q->fetchOne();
             //create relationship if there's not already one
             if (!$rel) {
                 //but if there aren't any new donations, then we skip this recipient
                 //EXISTING RELATIONSHIPS... they may have been deleted
                 if (!count($donations['new'])) {
                     if ($this->debugMode) {
                         print "* No relationships found, and no new donations to process, so skipping it...\n";
                 if ($this->debugMode) {
                     print "+ Creating new donation relationship\n";
                 $rel = new Relationship();
                 $rel->entity1_id = $id;
                 $rel->entity2_id = $recipientEntity['id'];
                 $rel->description1 = 'Campaign Contribution';
                 $rel->description2 = 'Campaign Contribution';
             //add new filings and references to the relationship
             foreach ($donations['new'] as $donation) {
                 $filing = new FecFiling();
                 $filing->relationship_id = $rel->id;
                 $filing->amount = $donation['amount'];
                 $filing->fec_filing_id = $donation['fec_id'];
                 $filing->crp_cycle = $donation['cycle'];
                 $filing->crp_id = $donation['row_id'];
                 $filing->start_date = $donation['date'];
                 $filing->end_date = $donation['date'];
                 $filing->is_current = false;
                 if ($this->debugMode) {
                     print "+ Added new FEC filing: " . $donation['fec_id'] . " (" . $donation['amount'] . ")\n";
                 //add reference if there's an fec_id
                 if ($donation['fec_id']) {
                     $ref = new Reference();
                     $ref->object_model = 'Relationship';
                     $ref->object_id = $rel->id;
                     $ref->source = $this->fecImageBaseUrl . $donation['fec_id'];
                     $ref->name = 'FEC Filing ' . $donation['fec_id'];
             //remove old filings from the relationship
             foreach ($donations['old'] as $donation) {
                 if ($this->debugMode) {
                     print "- Deleting FEC filing: {$donation['fec_id']}, {$donation['cycle']}, {$donation['row_id']} ({$donation['amount']})\n";
                 $sql = 'DELETE FROM fec_filing WHERE relationship_id = ? AND crp_cycle = ? AND crp_id = ?';
                 $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array($rel->id, $donation['cycle'], $donation['row_id']));
             //recompute fields based on filings
             if (!$rel->updateFromFecFilings()) {
                 if ($this->debugMode) {
                     print "- Deleting donation relationship with no filings: " . $rel->id . "\n";
                 //no remaining filings for this relationship, so delete it!
             } else {
                 if ($this->debugMode) {
                     print "Relationship " . $rel->id . " updated with " . $rel->filings . " filings totaling " . $rel->amount . "\n";
                 //add a reference to OS donation search for the relationship, if necessary
                 $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM reference ' . 'WHERE object_model = ? AND object_id = ? AND name = ?';
                 $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array('Relationship', $rel->id, 'FEC contribution search'));
                 if (!$stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN)) {
                     $ref = new Reference();
                     $ref->object_model = 'Relationship';
                     $ref->object_id = $rel->id;
                     $ref->source = sprintf($this->fecSearchUrlPattern, strtoupper($donorPerson['name_last']), strtoupper($donorPerson['name_first']));
                     $ref->name = 'FEC contribution search';
                     if ($this->debugMode) {
                         print "+ Added reference to FEC contribution search\n";
             //clear cache for recipient
     //update os_entity_transaction
     $sql = 'UPDATE os_entity_transaction SET is_processed = is_verified, is_synced = 1 WHERE entity_id = ?';
     $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array($id));
     //make sure that all removed matches result in deleted fec filings and updated relationships for this entity
     $this->cleanupFecFilings($id, $oldDonations);
     //update opensecrets categories based on matched donations
     $this->printDebug("Updating industry categories based on matched donations...");
     $newCategories = OsPerson::updateCategories($id);
     foreach ($newCategories as $categoryId) {
         $this->printDebug("+ Added industry category: " . $categoryId);
     //clear cache for donor
 private function importExecutiveRelationship($entityId, $person_arr, $title = null, $current = null)
     if (!in_array($entityId, $this->old_exec_entity_ids)) {
         $rel = new Relationship();
         $rel->entity1_id = $entityId;
         $rel->entity2_id = $this->entity->id;
         $rel->is_current = $current;
         $rel->is_board = 0;
         $rel->is_executive = 1;
         if ($title != '') {
             $rel->description1 = $title;
         //Form 3s let us set a start date
         if ($person_arr['formName'] == 'Form 3' && $person_arr['date']) {
             //filing date could be innacurate, so only use month
             $date = LsDate::formatFromText($person_arr['date']);
             $rel->start_date = preg_replace('/-\\d\\d$/', '-00', $date);
         if (!$this->testMode) {
             //save sources
             $rel->addReference($person_arr['readableXmlUrl'], null, null, $this->entity->name . ' ' . $person_arr['formName'], null, $person_arr['date']);
             if (isset($this->filing_url) && isset($this->filing_name)) {
                 $rel->addReference($this->filing_url, null, null, $this->entity->name . " " . $this->filing_name, null, $this->filing_date);
         $this->printDebug("+ Relationship created: " . $rel->id . " (" . $rel->description1 . ")");
Beispiel #14
 static function getDisambiguated(LsDatespan $span)
     $ret = new LsDatespan();
     return $ret;
 private function getTransactionDetails($org, $fedspending_id)
     if (!$this->browser->get($this->fedSpendingSearchUrl, array('record_id' => $fedspending_id, 'datype' => 'X', 'detail' => '4'))->responseIsError()) {
         $response_url = $this->browser->getUrlInfo();
         $response_url_str = "http://" . $response_url['host'] . $response_url['path'] . "?" . $response_url['query'];
         $this->printDebug("Transaction #{$fedspending_id} http://" . $response_url['host'] . $response_url['path'] . "?" . $response_url['query']);
         $text = $this->browser->getResponseText();
         $this->browser->setResponseText(iconv('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', $this->browser->getResponseText()));
         $xml = $this->browser->getResponseXml();
     } else {
         $this->printDebug("Couldn't get " . $this->fedSpendingSearchUrl);
         return false;
     $obligated_amount = $xml->xpath('/fedspendingSearchResults/data/record/amounts/obligatedAmount');
     $maj_agency_cat = $xml->xpath('/fedspendingSearchResults/data/record/purchaser_information/maj_agency_cat');
     $contracting_agency = $xml->xpath('/fedspendingSearchResults/data/record/purchaser_information/contractingOfficeAgencyID');
     $psc_cat = $xml->xpath('/fedspendingSearchResults/data/record/product_or_service_information/psc_cat');
     $signed_date = $xml->xpath('/fedspendingSearchResults/data/record/contract_information/signedDate');
     $descriptionOfContractRequirement = $xml->xpath('/fedspendingSearchResults/data/record/contract_information/descriptionOfContractRequirement');
     $current_completion_date = $xml->xpath('/fedspendingSearchResults/data/record/contract_information/currentCompletionDate');
     $state_code = $xml->xpath('/fedspendingSearchResults/data/record/principal_place_of_performance/stateCode');
     $place_of_performance_congressional_district = $xml->xpath('/fedspendingSearchResults/data/record/principal_place_of_performance/placeOfPerformanceCongressionalDistrict');
     foreach ($obligated_amount as $key => $dont_use) {
         $gov_name = $this->cleanGovtBodyName($maj_agency_cat[$key]);
         $gov_agency = $this->getGovernmentBodyEntity($gov_name, $maj_agency_cat[$key]);
         if ($gov_agency) {
             //$this->printDebug("Found existing Government Agency" . $gov_agency->name);
         } else {
             $gov_name = $this->cleanGovtBodyName($maj_agency_cat[$key]);
             $gov_agency = $this->addGovernmentBodyEntity($gov_name, $maj_agency_cat[$key]);
             $this->printDebug("Creating new Government Agency: " . $gov_agency->name);
             $gov_agency->addReference(self::$baseContractorUrl . $org->fedspending_id, null, array('name', 'parent_id'), '');
         if (!$gov_agency) {
             $this->printDebug("Error creating Government Agency");
             return false;
         $sub_agency_name = $this->cleanGovtBodyName($contracting_agency[$key]);
         $sub_agency = $this->getGovernmentBodyEntity($sub_agency_name, $contracting_agency[$key]);
         if ($sub_agency_name == $gov_agency->name) {
             $sub_agency = $gov_agency;
         if (!$sub_agency) {
             $sub_agency = $this->addGovernmentBodyEntity($sub_agency_name, $contracting_agency[$key], $gov_agency->id);
             $this->printDebug("Creating new sub-agency: " . $sub_agency->name);
             $sub_agency->addReference(self::$baseContractorUrl . $org->fedspending_id, null, array('name', 'parent_id'), '');
         if (!$sub_agency) {
             $this->printDebug("Error creating Government Agency");
             return false;
         try {
             $district = null;
             $state = explode(': ', $state_code[$key]);
             $federal_district = explode(': ', $place_of_performance_congressional_district[$key]);
             $state = $state[0];
             $federal_district = $federal_district[0];
             $filing = new FedspendingFiling();
             $filing->goods = $descriptionOfContractRequirement[$key];
             $filing->amount = abs($obligated_amount[$key]);
             if ($filing->amount < 1000) {
                 $this->printDebug('amount under $1000, rolling back');
                 return 'under_1000';
             //$this->printDebug("state: " . $state . " and district: " . $federal_district);
             if ($district = PoliticalDistrictTable::getFederalDistrict($state, $federal_district)) {
                 //$this->printDebug("found " . $district->id);
                 $filing->District = $district;
             } elseif (trim($state) && trim($federal_district)) {
                 try {
                     $district = PoliticalDistrictTable::addFederalDistrict($state, $federal_district);
                     $this->printDebug("Adding District " . $state . " #" . $district->id);
                     $filing->District = $district;
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     throw $e;
             $filing->fedspending_id = $fedspending_id;
             $filing->start_date = LsDate::formatFromText($signed_date[$key]);
             $filing->end_date = LsDate::formatFromText($current_completion_date[$key]);
             $relationship = null;
             if ($relationship = $org->getRelationshipsWithQuery($sub_agency, RelationshipTable::TRANSACTION_CATEGORY)->fetchOne()) {
             } else {
                 $relationship = new Relationship();
                 $relationship->Entity1 = $org;
                 $relationship->Entity2 = $sub_agency;
                 $relationship->description1 = 'Contractor';
                 $relationship->description2 = 'Client';
                 $relationship->addReference(self::$baseContractorUrl . $org->fedspending_id, null, array('start_date', 'end_date', 'amount', 'goods'), '');
             return true;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw $e;
 static function logChanges(Doctrine_Record $oldObject, Doctrine_Record $newObject, $new = false)
     $merged = false;
     $modId = null;
     //isMerge() is used to set the modification's is_merge field, which, for non-delete
     //modifications, is only used to identify the modification as part of a larger merge
     if (method_exists($newObject, 'isMerge')) {
         $merged = $newObject->isMerge();
     if (get_class($oldObject) != get_class($newObject)) {
         throw new exception("Can't log modifications between objects of different classes");
     $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
     try {
         //get clean sets of old and new data
         $oldData = method_exists($oldObject, 'getAllData') ? $oldObject->getAllData() : $oldObject->toArray(false);
         $newData = method_exists($newObject, 'getAllData') ? $newObject->getAllData() : $newObject->toArray(false);
         //if modification is create, set all old data to null
         if ($new) {
             $oldData = array_fill_keys(array_keys($oldData), null);
         //remove null and blank keys
         $oldData = array_filter($oldData, array('self', 'notNullOrBlankCallback'));
         $newData = array_filter($newData, array('self', 'notNullOrBlankCallback'));
         //change false values to 0
         $oldData = array_map(array('self', 'falseToZeroCallback'), $oldData);
         $newData = array_map(array('self', 'falseToZeroCallback'), $newData);
         //create set of possible modified fields
         $fields = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($oldData), array_keys($newData)));
         $fields = array_diff($fields, array('id', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'is_deleted', 'last_user_id'));
         $modifiedFields = array();
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             //field is modified if field was or is no longer null, or if old and new values are different
             if (!array_key_exists($field, $oldData) || !array_key_exists($field, $newData) || !self::areSameValues($oldData[$field], $newData[$field])) {
                 $modifiedFields[] = $field;
         if ($merged || count($modifiedFields)) {
             $db = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
             $sql = 'INSERT INTO modification (object_model, object_id, object_name, is_create, is_merge, user_id, created_at, updated_at) ' . 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
             if (!($name = $newObject->getName())) {
                 $name = get_class($newObject);
             $params = array(get_class($oldObject), $newObject->id ? $newObject->id : '', $name, $new, $merged, self::getUserId(), LsDate::getCurrentDateTime(), LsDate::getCurrentDateTime());
             $stmt = $db->execute($sql, $params);
             $modId = $db->lastInsertId('modification');
             if (count($modifiedFields)) {
                 //insert all modification_field records at once
                 $sql = 'INSERT INTO modification_field (modification_id, field_name, old_value, new_value) VALUES';
                 $params = array();
                 foreach ($modifiedFields as $field) {
                     $sql .= ' (?, ?, ?, ?),';
                     $params = array_merge($params, array($modId, $field, isset($oldData[$field]) ? $oldData[$field] : null, isset($newData[$field]) ? $newData[$field] : null));
                 $sql = substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql) - 1);
                 $stmt = $db->execute($sql, $params);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     return $modId;
Beispiel #17
 static function birthDatesAreCompatible(LsDate $d1, LsDate $d2, $maxYearDiff = 1)
     if ($d1->isblank() || $d2->isBlank()) {
         return true;
     } elseif (abs($d1->getYear() - $d2->getYear()) <= $maxYearDiff && LsLogic::areCompatible($d1->getMonth(true), $d2->getMonth(true)) && LsLogic::areCompatible($d1->getDay(true), $d2->getDay(true))) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Beispiel #18
 public function executeChat($request)
     $this->room = $request->getParameter('room', 1);
     if ($this->room < 1 || $this->room > 20) {
         $this->room = 1;
     //log chat user
     $db = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
     $sql = 'REPLACE INTO chat_user (user_id, room, updated_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?)';
     //use REPLACE in order to update timestamp
     $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array($this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->id, $this->room, LsDate::getCurrentDateTime()));
     //get other chat users
     $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('sfGuardUser u')->leftJoin('u.Profile p')->leftJoin('u.ChatUser cu')->where(' = ?', $this->room)->andWhere('cu.updated_at > ?', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('5 minutes ago')))->andWhere(' <> ?', $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->id)->setHydrationMode(Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
     $this->users = $q->execute();
 static function lockEntityById($id, $userId)
     $db = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
     $sql = 'UPDATE os_entity_transaction SET locked_at = ?, locked_by_user_id = ? WHERE entity_id = ?';
     $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array(LsDate::getCurrentDateTime(), $userId, $id));
 private function getRawFiles()
     $url = '';
     $text = $this->browser->getResponseText();
     $re = '/(http\\:\\/\\/soprweb\\.senate\\.gov\\/downloads\\/(((19|20)\\d\\d)_(\\d)\\.zip))">.*?((\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\/(\\d+))/is';
     //</td><td align="center">6/17/2008</td>
     preg_match_all($re, $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     foreach ($matches as $match) {
         $date = new LsDate($match[6]);
         $file = sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir') . '/data/ldaFiles/' . $match[2];
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             $date2 = new LsDate(date('Y-m-d', filemtime($file)));
             if (LsDate::compare($date, $date2) < 1) {
         $saved = file_put_contents($file, $this->browser->getResponseText());
         if ($saved !== FALSE) {
             $zip = zip_open($file);
             if (is_resource($zip)) {
                 while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) {
                     $n = basename(zip_entry_name($zip_entry));
                     $li = Doctrine::getTable('LdaImport')->findOneByFilename($n);
                     if ($li && $li->filesize == zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)) {
                     $fp = fopen($this->_dir . $n, 'w');
                     if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r")) {
                         $buf = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry));
                         fwrite($fp, $buf);
                         $li = new LdaImport();
                         $li->year = $match[2];
                         $li->quarter = $match[5];
                         $li->filename = $n;
                         $li->filesize = filesize($this->_dir . $n);
                         $li->offset = 0;
             } else {
                 $this->printDebug('zip failure');
         } else {
Beispiel #21
 public function logCustomFieldChange($key, $oldValue, $newValue, $modificationId = null)
     $object = $this->getInvoker();
     if (!($id = $object->id)) {
         throw Exception("Can't log custom field changes for object without id");
     $model = get_class($object);
     $db = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
     try {
         if (!$modificationId) {
             //insert modification
             $userId = LsVersionableListener::getUserId();
             $time = LsDate::getCurrentDateTime();
             $sql = 'INSERT INTO modification (object_model, object_id, user_id, created_at, updated_at) ' . 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
             $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array($model, $id, $userId, $time, $time));
             $modificationId = $db->lastInsertId('modification');
         //insert modification field
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO modification_field (modification_id, field_name, old_value, new_value) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)';
         $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array($modificationId, $key, $oldValue, $newValue));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
 protected function scrapeArticles()
     foreach ($this->articleList as $url => $ary) {
         $article = new Article();
         $article->url = $this->cleanArticleUrl($url);
         $article->title = $this->cleanArticleTitle($ary['title']);
         $article->source_id = $this->getArticleSourceId();
         //get authors if listed
         if (preg_match_all('#q=author%3A%22([^%]+)%22#i', $ary['subtitle'], $authorMatches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
             $article->authors = urldecode(implode(',', $authorMatches[1]));
         try {
             $article->body = $this->scrapeArticleBody($article->url);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->printDebug("*** Error scraping article: " . $e->getMessage() . " (" . $url . ")");
         $article->published_at = $this->getArticleDateFromBody($article->body);
         $article->reviewed_at = NULL;
         $article->found_at = LsDate::getCurrentDateTime();
         $this->articles[] = $article;
         $this->printDebug("+ Scraped article '" . $article->title . "'");