Beispiel #1
  * Authenticates the user and retrieves a bunch of data about him/her from AD
  * Returns whether the user was authenticated (boolean)
  * @param unknown_type $username
  * @param unknown_type $password
 function authenticateUser($username, $password)
     // init the return value
     $retVal = false;
     // include the AD utils
     include_once "";
     // include the app;lication constants
     include_once "Constants.php";
     // parse the config file
     $config = parse_ini_file("Config.ini", 1);
     // create and connect to the AD
     $ad = new phpAD($config['Security']['ADServer'], $config['Security']['ADPort']);
     // validate the user
     $retVal = $ad->bind($username . $config['Security']['DomainSuffix'], $password);
     // get the name of the product
     $product = $config['Product']['Name'];
     // if the user authenticated
     if ($retVal) {
         // get the user info
         $userInfo = $ad->getUser($username);
         // set the user info
         // if we got a telephone number from AD, set it
         if (isset($userInfo['telephonenumber'][0])) {
         // if we got a department number from AD, set it
         if (isset($userInfo['department'][0])) {
         // if we got a email address from AD, set it
         if (isset($userInfo['mail'][0])) {
         // reset role list
         $this->Role = array();
         // include the lookup object
         include_once "Lookups.php";
         // include the user LU object
         include_once "UserLU.php";
         // create a new object
         $userlu = new UserLU();
         // load the names
         // get the user ID
         $ID = $userlu->getItemIDByName($username);
         // did we get a valid ID
         if (!empty($ID)) {
             $this->ID = $ID;
         // get a lookup object
         $roleLUs = new Lookups();
         // get the items for the pull down
         //error_log(print_r($roleLUs, true));
         // check if the user is a memeber of a role
         if (isset($userInfo['memberof'])) {
             // loop though the roles for this user
             foreach ($userInfo['memberof'] as $item) {
                 // look for the product identifier in the role name
                 $pos = strpos($item, $product . " ");
                 // did we find it
                 if ($pos > 0) {
                     // find the position of the end of the product name
                     $productEnd = $pos + strlen($product);
                     // find the position of the next comma (AD returns a comma separated list of items, we only care about the first one)
                     $comma = strpos($item, ",");
                     // get the role name
                     $roleName = substr($item, $pos, $comma - $pos);
                     // init the role ID
                     $roleID = null;
                     // get the ID of the role by looking up the role name in the database
                     $roleID = $roleLUs->getItemIDByName($roleName);
                     //error_log(print_r($roleID, true));
                     // did we get a valid role ID
                     if (!empty($roleID) && isset($roleID)) {
                         // save the role ID
                         $this->Role[] = $roleID;
                         // if this guy is an administrator
                         if (strpos($roleName, "Administrator")) {
         //error_log(print_r($userInfo, true));
     } else {
         error_log("Error: Could not bind to the UNC AD for user: " . $username, 0);
     // if there are no roles assigned to the user deny access
     if (!isset($this->Role) || !isset($this->ID) || empty($this->Role)) {
         $retVal = false;
     // return to the caller
     return $retVal;
Beispiel #2
 * Gets the name of a LU item by the ID
 * @param string $luTbl
 * @param int $ID
function displayLUItemNameByID($luTbl, $ID)
    // include the lookup object
    include_once "Lookups.php";
    // the name to return
    $name = "";
    // get a lookup object
    $lus = new Lookups();
    // get the items for the pull down
    $retval = $lus->getLookupByName($luTbl);
    // success? get the name
    if ($retval == 0) {
        $name = $lus->getItemNameByID($ID);
    // return to the caller
    return $name;
Beispiel #3
$lus = new Lookups();
$retval = $lus->GetAllLUItems();
// success?
if ($retval == 0) {
    $arr = $lus->getLookupList();
    foreach ($arr as $item) {
        $luname = $item[0];
        $obj = $item[1];
        if ($luname == "InventoryStatusLU") {
            echo "Name:" . $luname . ", ID:" . $obj->ID . "\n";
echo "\n Now by name \n";
$itemName = "InventoryStatusLU";
$retval = $lus->getLookupByName($itemName);
// success?
if ($retval == 0) {
    $arr = $lus->getLookupList();
    foreach ($arr as $item) {
        echo "Name:" . $item->Name . ", ID:" . $item->ID . "\n";
echo "\n Now by name by ID \n";
$retval = $lus->getItemNameByID(1);
echo "ID: 1, name:" . $retval . "\n";
echo "\n Get the user names\n";
include_once "UserLU.php";
$userlu = new UserLU();
$retval = $userlu->getAllUserNames();
// success?
Beispiel #4
 * Gets all the email addresses for everyone in the system.
function getAllEmailAddrs()
    include_once "";
    // parse the config file
    $config = parse_ini_file("Config.ini", 1);
    // create and connect to the AD
    $ad = new phpAD($config['Security']['ADServer'], $config['Security']['ADPort']);
    // validate the user
    $retVal = $ad->bind($config['Security']['ADServiceName'] . $config['Security']['DomainSuffix'], $config['Security']['ADServicePassword']);
    // if the user authenticated
    if ($retVal) {
        // include the lookup object
        include_once "Lookups.php";
        // get a lookup object
        $lus = new Lookups();
        // get the items for the pull down
        // get the list
        $items = $lus->getLookupList();
        // init the return value
        $addrs = "";
        // for each AD group
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            // get the items for the role
            $name = "RENCI_" . $lus->getItemNameByID($item->getID());
            // get the members of the group
            $groupMembers = $ad->getGroupMembers($name);
            // did we get any group members
            if (!empty($groupMembers)) {
                // for each member retrieved
                foreach ($groupMembers as $groupMember) {
                    // get the email address
                    if (isset($groupMember['mail'][0])) {
                        $email = $groupMember['mail'][0];
                    } else {
                        $email = null;
                    // did we get an email address back
                    if (!empty($email)) {
                        // force mine to be something else
                        if ($email == "*****@*****.**") {
                            $email = "*****@*****.**";
                        // if we dont have this string already, save the email address
                        if (strpos($addrs, $email) === false) {
                            $addrs = $addrs . $email . ",";
    $addrs = substr($addrs, 0, strlen($addrs) - 1);
    // return to the caller
    return $addrs;
Beispiel #5
 // create a new object
 $userlu = new UserLU();
 // load the names
 // get the user ID
 $ID = $userlu->getItemIDByName($username);
 // did we get a valid ID
 if (!empty($ID)) {
     $this->ID = $ID;
 // save the email address
 // get a lookup object
 $lus = new Lookups();
 // get the items for the pull down
 // loop though the roles for this user
 foreach ($userInfo['memberof'] as $item) {
     // look for the NCGENES identifier
     $pos = strpos($item, "RENCI_NCGENES ");
     // did we find it
     if ($pos > 0) {
         // find the next comma
         $comma = strpos($item, ",");
         // get the role name
         $roleName = substr($item, $pos, $comma - $pos);
         // get the ID of the role
         $ID = $lus->getItemIDByName($roleName);
         // did we get a valid ID
         if (!empty($ID)) {
             $this->Role[] = $ID;