public function __invoke()
     $look = new Look();
     $string = "1321131112";
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 40; $i++) {
         $string = $look->say($string);
     echo "Length: " . strlen($string) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
 public function __invoke()
     ini_set("memory_limit", "2G");
     $look = new Look();
     $string = "1321131112";
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 50; $i++) {
         $string = $look->say($string);
     echo "String: " . $string . PHP_EOL;
     echo "Length: " . strlen($string) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
Beispiel #3
//Facebook Config
require '../../../fs_folders/API/facebook-php-sdk-master/src/facebook.php';
$config = array('appId' => '528594163842974', 'secret' => 'a411c8a3c4361556491b2c2ddf38bf21');
$facebook = new Facebook($config);
$user_id = $facebook->getUser();
use App\Article;
$database = new Database();
$invited1 = new \Invitation\Invited();
$mc = new myclass();
$pa = new postarticle();
$ri = new resizeImage();
$sc = new scrape();
$lookbook = new lookbook();
$article1 = new Article($db, $mc->mno);
$look1 = new Look($mc->mno, $db);
LookbookDatabase::$database = $db;
// initialized
$_SESSION['mno'] = $mc->get_cookie('mno', 136);
$mno = $mc->get_cookie('mno', 136);
$mno2 = 134;
// owner of the modal
$action = !empty($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : null;
$process = !empty($_GET['process']) ? $_GET['process'] : null;
$step = !empty($_GET['step']) ? $_GET['step'] : null;
$type = !empty($_GET['type']) ? $_GET['type'] : null;
$stat = !empty($_GET['stat']) ? $_GET['stat'] : null;
$table_name = !empty($_GET['table_name']) ? $_GET['table_name'] : 'postedlooks';
$table_id = !empty($_GET['table_id']) ? $_GET['table_id'] : 0;
$comment = !empty($_GET['comment']) ? $_GET['comment'] : '';
$msg = !empty($_GET['msg']) ? $_GET['msg'] : null;
Beispiel #4

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Jesus
 * Date: 6/19/2015
 * Time: 6:00 PM
require '../Database/Database.php';
require '../Class/User.php';
require '../Class/Look.php';
$db = new Database();
// Initialized error session
$_SESSION['error'] = '';
// Initialized mno
$mno = 1015;
$_SESSION['mno'] = 1015;
$plno = 1;
$user = new User($mno, $db);
$look = new Look($mno, $db);
$response = $look->ratingSort('Male', 'Yes', 'Streetwear', array('row' => 'plno', 'orderBy' => 'asc'), 'Unrated', array('start' => 1, 'end' => 3, 'base' => 200));
echo "<pre> over all response <br>\n";
Beispiel #5

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Jesus
 * Date: 7/10/2015
 * Time: 6:52 PM
require 'fs_folders/php_functions/Helper/helper.php';
$db = new Database();
$look = new Look($this->mno, $db);
$article = new \App\Article($db, $this->mno);
 <div class="header-dropdown-wrapper"   >

    <!-- LOOK-->
     <div class="header-dropdown-container"   id="dropdown-header-look"  >
         <ul class="header-dropdown-ul-1-container"    >
                  <a href="look?category=alllooks">
                              <span>All Looks</span>

 public function getTuLook()
     $looks = Look::orderBy('id')->get();
     return View::make('tu-look')->with('titulo', 'Ripley - Tu look por menos')->with('descripcion', '¡TU LOOK POR MENOS! Elige tu look del verano a precios increíbles solo en Ripley')->with('clase', $this->_clase)->with('looks', $looks);

require "../../../fs_folders/php_functions/connect.php";
require "../../../fs_folders/php_functions/function.php";
require "../../../fs_folders/php_functions/library.php";
require "../../../fs_folders/php_functions/source.php";
require "../../../fs_folders/php_functions/myclass.php";
require "../../../fs_folders/php_functions/Class/User.php";
require "../../../fs_folders/php_functions/Class/Look.php";
$mc = new myclass();
$_SESSION['mno'] = $mc->get_cookie('mno', 136);
$mno = $mc->get_cookie('mno', 136);
//    $pagenum 	  = intval($_GET['pagenum']);
//    $rate_style   = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['rate_style']);
//    $rate_looks   = $_GET['rate_looks'];
//    $rate_status  = $_GET['rate_status'];
//    $rate_limit   = intval($_GET['rate_limit']);
//    $retrievedas  = !empty( $_GET['retrievedas'] ) ? $_GET['retrievedas'] : null ;
$user = new User($mno, $db);
$look = new Look($mno, $db);
$rate_style = $_GET['rate_style'];
$rate_gender = $_GET['rate_gender'];
$rate_plus_blogger = $_GET['rate_plus_blogger'];
$rate_latest = $_GET['rate_latest'];
$rate_status = $_GET['rate_status'];
echo "\n       {$rate_style}         = rate_style <br>\n       {$rate_gender}        = rate_gender <br>\n       {$rate_plus_blogger}  = rate_plus_blogger <br>\n       {$rate_latest}        = rate_latest <br>\n       {$rate_status}        = rate_status <br>\n    ";
$response = $look->ratingSort($rate_gender, $rate_plus_blogger, $rate_style, array('row' => $rate_latest, 'orderBy' => 'desc'), $rate_status, array('start' => 1, 'end' => 3, 'base' => 200));
// echo "above is the response";
Beispiel #8
 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Jesus
 * Date: 9/29/2015
 * Time: 12:03 PM


$db = new Database();
$mno = 1013;
$look = new Look($mno, $db);
$plno = 222375;

//echo "artno = "  . $article->latestSharedArticle() . '<br>';
//echo $look->overAllRating($mno);
 echo "position = " . $look->position($plno, 'Bohemian', $mno) . "\n";
 echo "total uploaded " . $look->totalUploaded('Bohemian', $mno) . "\n";
Beispiel #9
require "fs_folders/php_functions/function.php";
require "fs_folders/php_functions/myclass.php";
require "fs_folders/php_functions/library.php";
require "fs_folders/php_functions/source.php";
require "fs_folders/php_functions/Class/User.php";
require "fs_folders/php_functions/Class/Brand.php";
require "fs_folders/php_functions/Class/Article.php";
require "fs_folders/php_functions/Class/Look.php";
require "fs_folders/php_functions/Class/UserProfilePic.php";
require 'fs_folders/php_functions/Database/post.php';
use App\UserProfilePic;
use App\Article;
$mc = new myclass();
$ri = new resizeImage();
$article = new Article($mc->mno, $db);
$look = new Look($mc->mno, $db);
$userProfilePic = new UserProfilePic($mc->mno, $db);
$mc->post = new Post();
//capture the id and to be change to slug
@setcookie('plno', !empty($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : $_SESSION['table_id'], time() + 3600 * 24);
echo " <div style='display:none' > ";
if ($_GET['id'] = helper::get_table_id(!empty($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : null, $_SESSION['table_id'])) {
    if (!$_GET['id']) {
$mc = new myclass();
$ri = new resizeImage();
# initialize 1