function deleteInventry() { $result = $this->db_handler->delete_model($this); $description = "Inventry deleted, result : " . $result; Log::i($this->tag, $description); return $result; }
function updateBankDeposit() { $result = $this->db_handler->update_model($this); $description = "Updating BankDeposit (" . $this->to_string() . ")"; Log::i($this->tag, $description); return $result; }
function deleteExpence() { $result = $this->db_handler->delete_model($this); $description = "Expence deleted, result : " . $result; Log::i($this->tag, $description); return $result; }
function deleteWendor() { $result = $this->db_handler->delete_model($this); $description = "Vendor deleted, result : " . $result; Log::i($this->tag, $description); return $result; }
function deleteCompany() { $result = $this->db_handler->delete_model($this); if ($result) { $description = "Company deleted, id : " . $this->id; Log::i($this->tag, $description); } return $result; }
function addPurchaceItem($purchace_item = null) { if ($purchace_item == null) { $purchace_item = $this; } $this->db_handler->add_model($purchace_item); $description = "Added new Purchace item (" . $purchace_item->to_string() . ")"; Log::i($this->tag, $description); }
function deleteTaxCategory() { $result = $this->db_handler->delete_model($this); if ($result) { $description = "Tax Category deleted, Tax Category ID : " . $this->id; Log::i($this->tag, $description); } return $result; }
function updateBank($bank = null) { if ($bank == null) { $bank = $this; } if ($this->db_handler->update_model($bank)) { $description = "Updated bank (" . $bank->to_string() . ")"; Log::i($this->tag, $description); return True; } else { return FALSE; } }
function addSaleItem($sale_item = null) { if ($sale_item == null) { $sale_item = $this; } $result = $this->db_handler->add_model($sale_item); if ($result) { $description = "Added new Sale Item (" . $sale_item->to_string() . ")"; Log::i($this->tag, $description); } else { $description = "Adding new Sale Item failed (" . $sale_item->to_string() . ")"; $description = $description . mysql_error(); Log::i($this->tag, $description); } }
/** * 某个企业的临时授权码在成功换取永久授权码后,开放平台将不再推送该企业临时授权码。 */ public static function autoActivateSuite($tmpAuthCode) { $suiteAccessToken = Service::getSuiteAccessToken($suiteTicket); Log::i("[Activate] getSuiteToken: " . $suiteAccessToken); /** * 企业永久授权码信息须持久化保持,在demo中只做缓存处理。 */ $permanetCodeInfo = json_decode(Cache::getPermanentAuthCodeInfo()); if (!$permanetCodeInfo) { $suiteTicket = Cache::getSuiteTicket(); Log::i("[Activate] getSuiteTicket: " . $suiteTicket); /** * 获取企业永久授权码 */ $permanetCodeInfo = Service::getPermanentCodeInfo($suiteAccessToken, $tmpAuthCode); } Log::i("[Activate] getPermanentCodeInfo: " . json_encode($permanetCodeInfo)); $permanetCode = $permanetCodeInfo->permanent_code; $authCorpId = $permanetCodeInfo->auth_corp_info->corpid; Log::i("[Activate] permanetCode: " . $permanetCode . ", authCorpId: " . $authCorpId); /** * 获取企业access token */ $corpAccessToken = Service::getCorpAccessToken($suiteAccessToken, $authCorpId, $permanetCode); Log::i("[Activate] getCorpToken: " . $corpAccessToken); /** * 获取企业授权信息 */ $res = Service::getAuthInfo($suiteAccessToken, $authCorpId, $permanetCode); Log::i("[Activate] getAuthInfo: " . json_encode($res)); self::check($res); /** * 激活套件 */ $res = Service::activeSuite($suiteAccessToken, $authCorpId, $permanetCode); Log::i("[Activate] activeSuite: " . json_encode($res)); self::check($res); }
public function display($source, $commands) { foreach ($commands as $value) { Log::i()->debug($source, $value["command"] . ": " . $value["result"]); } }
public function send_password_changed_notification_mail($username) { $message = ' <html> <head> <title style="font-size:28px;">' . $this->subject . '</title> </head> <body style="background-color:#fff; color:#21acd7; border : 5px solid #21acd7;"> <div style="border : 5px solid #21acd7; margin :0; padding :20px; text-align : centre;"> <h2>Login Password Changed</h2> </div> <table style="border : 5px solid #21acd7; padding :20px; width: 100%;"> <tr> <td>Login passoword of \'' . $username . '\' has been updated.' . "\n" . 'If you are not done this your system security is compromised.' . "\n" . 'Please contact your system admin immediatly. </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> '; $headers = $this->header . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $result = mail($this->to, $this->subject, $message, $headers); $description = "password changed notification mail has been sent, user name : {$username} "; Log::i($this->tag, $description); //saving to an html file // $h = fopen("sample.html", "w"); // fwrite($h, $message); // fclose($h); }
function login() { global $user_id; $tag = 'LOG IN'; $ch = curl_init(BASE_URL . 'login.php'); $fields = array("user_name" => 'pos2', 'password' => '1234'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, COOKIE_FILE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, COOKIE_FILE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($fields)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); $content = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $json = json_decode($content, TRUE); echo "<hr/>LOGIN<br/>"; print_r($json); echo "<hr/>"; Log::i($tag, "Login Responce: " . multi_implode(" ", $json)); $status = $json['status']; if ($status === "success") { $user_id = $json["data"]["user"]["id"]; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
$msg = ""; $errCode = $crypt->DecryptMsg($signature, $timeStamp, $nonce, $encrypt, $msg); if ($errCode == 0) { Log::i(json_encode($_GET) . " " . $msg); $eventMsg = json_decode($msg); $eventType = $eventMsg->EventType; if ("suite_ticket" === $eventType) { Cache::setSuiteTicket($eventMsg->SuiteTicket); } else { if ("tmp_auth_code" === $eventType) { //handle temporary auth code } else { if ("change_auth" === $eventType) { //handle auth change event } else { //should never happen } } } } else { Log::e(json_encode($_GET) . " ERR:" . $errCode); } $plain = "success"; $encryptMsg = ""; $errCode = $crypt->EncryptMsg($plain, $timeStamp, $nonce, $encryptMsg); if ($errCode == 0) { echo $encryptMsg; Log::i("RESPONSE: " . $encryptMsg); } else { Log::e("RESPONSE ERR: " . $errCode); }
foreach ($sales_items_new as $sale_item_new) { if ($item_id == $sale_item_new->item_id) { $removed_item = false; } } if ($removed_item) { $qty = $sale_item_prev->quantity; $inv = new inventry(); $inv->company_id = $sale->company_id; $inv->item_id = $item_id; $invs = $inv->getInventryForSpecificCompanyAndItem(); $inv = $invs[0]; $inv->in_stock_count = $inv->in_stock_count + $qty; $inv->updateInventry(); $description = "Updating inventry (sales return - removed item) diff : " . $qty . ", inventry : " . $inv->to_string(); Log::i($tag, $description); } } $message = "Sale Updated Successfuly"; $responce = array('status' => 'success', 'error' => '', 'data' => array("message" => $message, "id" => $sale->id)); } else { $responce = array('status' => 'failed', 'error' => 'Data missing', 'data' => array()); } } else { if ($form_id == 4) { // bank deposit edit if (isset($_POST['amount']) and !empty($_POST['amount']) and isset($_POST['bank_deposit_id']) and !empty($_POST['bank_deposit_id']) and isset($_POST['description']) and !empty($_POST['description'])) { $bank_deposit = new bank_deposits(); $bank_deposit->id = $_POST['bank_deposit_id']; $bank_deposit->getBankDeposit(); $bank_deposit->description = $_POST['description'];
/** * 建立到服务器的网络连接 * @access private * @return boolean */ private function socket() { if (!function_exists("socket_create")) { $this->_errorMessage = "Extension sockets must be enabled"; Log::i("*********************服务器必须是开启的"); return false; } //创建socket资源 $this->_socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp')); if (!$this->_socket) { $this->_errorMessage = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); Log::i("*********************设置参数完成socket str错误"); return false; } socket_set_block($this->_socket); //设置阻塞模式 //连接服务器 if (!socket_connect($this->_socket, $this->_sendServer, $this->_port)) { $this->_errorMessage = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); Log::i("*********************连接服务器错误"); return false; } Log::i("*********************连接服务器成功"); socket_read($this->_socket, 1024); return true; }
<?php //加载邮件类 require_once "libs/LogUtil.class.php"; require_once "libs/SendMail.class.php"; $name = $_POST["name"]; $address = $_POST["address"]; $mess = $_POST["mess"]; $content = "用户:{$name}<br/>邮箱地址:{$address}<br/>消息内容:{$mess}"; Log::i("********************开始发送"); $mail = new SendMail(); Log::i("*********************开始设置参数"); $mail->setServer("", "*****@*****.**", "whlqyl040406081"); $mail->setFrom("*****@*****.**"); $mail->setReceiver("*****@*****.**"); $mail->setMailInfo("个人主页", "网站邮件", $content, ""); Log::i("*********************设置参数完成"); $result = $mail->startSendMail(); Log::i("**********************发送结果{$result}" . $mail->error()); echo "{'result':'{$result}'}";
protected function srv_return($info, $return_var) { switch ($return_var) { case 0: foreach ($info as $inf) { Log::i()->debug(self::$me, "Return: " . $inf); } break; default: Log::i()->error(self::$me, "" . $info[0]); break; } }
function updateSale($sale = null) { if ($sale == null) { $sale = $this; } $sale_id = $this->id; $this->db_handler->update_model($sale); $sale_item_obj = new sales_items(); $sale_item_obj->clearSaleItems($sale_id); if (is_array($this->sales_items) and count($this->sales_items) != 0) { foreach ($this->sales_items as $sales_item) { $sales_item->sale_id = $sale_id; $sales_item->company_id = $sale->company_id; $sales_item->addSaleItem(); } } $description = "Updating Sale (" . $sale->to_string() . ")"; Log::i($this->tag, $description); }
function addPurchace($purchace = null) { if ($purchace == null) { $purchace = $this; } $purchace_id = $this->db_handler->add_model($purchace); foreach ($this->purchace_items as $purchace_item) { $purchace_item->purchace_id = $purchace_id; $purchace_item->addPurchaceItem(); } $description = "Added new Purchace (" . $purchace->to_string() . ")"; Log::i($this->tag, $description); }
function deleteUser() { $result = $this->db_handler->delete_model($this); if ($result) { $description = "Customer deleted, Customer ID : " . $this->id; Log::i($this->tag, $description); } return $result; }