public function __construct($orientation = 'P', $unit = 'mm', $format = 'A4', $unicode = true, $encoding = 'UTF-8')
     Language::loadLang("html_invoice", null, dirname(__FILE__) . DS . "language" . DS);
     Loader::loadModels($this, array("Companies", "Transactions"));
     $company_id = Configure::get("Blesta.company_id");
     $this->company = $this->Companies->get($company_id);
     $this->Html = new Html();
     $buffer = '';
     $this->rtl = '';
 private function updateAccountCounter($module_row)
     $api = $this->getcPanelApi($module_row->meta->accesskey, $module_row->meta->hostname, $module_row->meta->username, $module_row->meta->use_ssl, false);
     if (($count = $this->accountCounter($api)) !== false) {
         Loader::loadModels($this, array("ModuleManager"));
         $vars = $this->ModuleManager->getRowMeta($module_row->id);
         if ($vars) {
             $vars->account_count = $count;
             $vars = (array) $vars;
             $this->ModuleManager->editRow($module_row->id, $vars);
 public function addService($package, array $vars = null, $parent_package = null, $parent_service = null, $status = "pending")
     $row = $this->getModuleRow($package->module_row);
     $api = $this->getApi($row->meta->apiKey);
     if (!$row) {
         $this->Input->setErrors(array('module_row' => array('missing' => Language::_("Digitaloceanmodule.!error.module_row.missing", true))));
     $ip_address = null;
     $client_dname = $vars['hostname'];
     $client_sshkey = $vars['client_sshkey'];
     Loader::loadModels($this, array("Clients"));
     if (isset($vars['client_id']) && ($client = $this->Clients->get($vars['client_id'], false))) {
         $client_id_code = $client->id_code;
     $ssh_key = array();
     $ssh_key['name'] = $client_id_code . " - " . $vars['hostname'];
     $ssh_key['public_key'] = isset($vars['client_sshkey']) ? $vars['client_sshkey'] : $vars['client_sshkey'];
     $sshkey_result = $api->getPostResults("account/keys", $ssh_key);
     if (isset($sshkey_result->ssh_key->id) && isset($sshkey_result->ssh_key->name) && $sshkey_result->ssh_key->name === $ssh_key['name']) {
         $this->log("Validating Client SSH Key {$sshkey_result->ssh_key->name}", serialize("sshkey_validate"), "input", true);
     } else {
         if ($sshkey_result->message === "Ssh key SSH Key is already in use on your account") {
             $sshkey_result->message = Language::_("Digitaloceanmodule.chooseanothersshkey", true);
         $fa = array(0 => array("result" => isset($sshkey_result->message) ? $sshkey_result->message : Language::_("Digitaloceanmodule.empty_invalid_values", true)));
     if ($vars['use_module'] == "true") {
         $sshkey_result = $api->getPostResults("account/keys", $ssh_key);
         if (isset($sshkey_result->ssh_key->id) && isset($sshkey_result->ssh_key->name) && $sshkey_result->ssh_key->name === $ssh_key['name']) {
             $this->log("Create Client SSH Key {$sshkey_result->ssh_key->name}", serialize("sshkey_create"), "input", true);
             $vars['client_sshkey'] = $sshkey_result->ssh_key->fingerprint;
             $this->log("Set client_sshkey variable", print_r($vars['client_sshkey'], true), "input", true);
             $params = $this->getFieldsFromInput((array) $vars, $package);
             $result = $api->getPostResults("droplets", $params);
             $this->log("API CREATE RESULTS" . print_r($result, true), print_r($result, true), "input", true);
             if (isset($result->droplet->id) && isset($result->droplet->name) && $result->droplet->name === $vars['hostname']) {
                 $this->log("Create New Droplet {$result->droplet->id} - {$result->droplet->name}", serialize("droplet_create"), "input", true);
                 $client_did = $result->droplet->id;
                 $client_dname = $result->droplet->name;
                 $client_sshkey = $sshkey_result->ssh_key->fingerprint;
             } else {
                 $fa = array(0 => array("result" => isset($result->message) ? str_replace("Droplet", "Server", $result->message) : Language::_("Digitaloceanmodule.empty_invalid_values", true)));
         if ($this->Input->errors()) {
     return array(array('key' => "droplet_id", 'value' => isset($client_did) ? $client_did : null, 'encrypted' => 0), array('key' => "hostname", 'value' => isset($client_dname) ? $client_dname : null, 'encrypted' => 0), array('key' => "region", 'value' => isset($params['region']) ? $params['region'] : null, 'encrypted' => 0), array('key' => "image", 'value' => isset($params['image']) ? $params['image'] : null, 'encrypted' => 0), array('key' => "backups", 'value' => isset($params['backups']) ? $params['backups'] : null, 'encrypted' => 0), array('key' => "ipv6", 'value' => isset($params['ipv6']) ? $params['ipv6'] : null, 'encrypted' => 0), array('key' => "private_networking", 'value' => isset($params['private_networking']) ? $params['private_networking'] : null, 'encrypted' => 0), array('key' => "user_data", 'value' => isset($params['user_data']) ? $params['user_data'] : null, 'encrypted' => 0), array('key' => "client_sshkey", 'value' => isset($params['client_sshkey']) ? $params['client_sshkey'] : null, 'encrypted' => 0));
Beispiel #4
  * Determines which module row should be attempted when a service is provisioned
  * for the given group based upon the order method set for that group.
  * @return int The module row ID to attempt to add the service with
  * @see Module::getGroupOrderOptions()
  * /DONE/	 
 public function selectModuleRow($module_group_id)
     if (!isset($this->ModuleManager)) {
         Loader::loadModels($this, array("ModuleManager"));
     $group = $this->ModuleManager->getGroup($module_group_id);
     if ($group) {
         switch ($group->add_order) {
             case "first":
                 foreach ($group->rows as $row) {
                     return $row->id;
     return 0;
 public function StructureToolbox($event)
     Loader::loadModels($this, array("CssJavascriptToolbox.Toolbox"));
     $params = $event->getParams();
     $return = $event->getReturnVal();
     if (empty($params['action'])) {
         $action = $params['action'];
     } else {
         $action = "_" . $params['action'];
     $controller = $params['controller'];
     $extention = array(".html", ".js", ".css", ".php");
     // print_r($controller . $action );
     // Set return val if not set
     if (!isset($return['head'])) {
         $return['head'] = null;
     if (!isset($return['body_start'])) {
         $return['body_start'] = null;
     if (!isset($return['body_end'])) {
         $return['body_end'] = null;
     foreach ($extention as $ext) {
         if (file_exists($file_name = $this->upload_path . "head.all" . $ext)) {
             $return['head']['toolbox.head.all' . $ext] = $this->Toolbox->ShowContent($file_name, $ext);
         if (file_exists($file_name = $this->upload_path . "body_start.all" . $ext)) {
             $return['body_start']['toolbox.body_start.all' . $ext] = $this->Toolbox->ShowContent($file_name, $ext);
         if (file_exists($file_name = $this->upload_path . "body_end.all" . $ext)) {
             $return['body_end']['toolbox.body_end.all' . $ext] = $this->Toolbox->ShowContent($file_name, $ext);
     if ($params['portal'] == "client") {
         foreach ($extention as $ext) {
             if (file_exists($file_name = $this->upload_path . "head.client_area" . $ext)) {
                 $return['head']['toolbox.head.client_area' . $ext] = $this->Toolbox->ShowContent($file_name, $ext);
             if (file_exists($file_name = $this->upload_path . "body_start.client_area" . $ext)) {
                 $return['body_start']['toolbox.body_start.client_area' . $ext] = $this->Toolbox->ShowContent($file_name, $ext);
             if (file_exists($file_name = $this->upload_path . "body_end.client_area" . $ext)) {
                 $return['body_end']['toolbox.body_end.client_area' . $ext] = $this->Toolbox->ShowContent($file_name, $ext);
     if ($params['portal'] == "admin") {
         foreach ($extention as $ext) {
             if (file_exists($file_name = $this->upload_path . "head.admin_area" . $ext)) {
                 $return['head']['toolbox.all.admin_area' . $ext] = $this->Toolbox->ShowContent($file_name, $ext);
             if (file_exists($file_name = $this->upload_path . "body_start.admin_area" . $ext)) {
                 $return['body_start']['toolbox.body_start.admin_area' . $ext] = $this->Toolbox->ShowContent($file_name, $ext);
             if (file_exists($file_name = $this->upload_path . "body_end.admin_area" . $ext)) {
                 $return['body_end']['toolbox.body_end.admin_area' . $ext] = $this->Toolbox->ShowContent($file_name, $ext);
     foreach ($extention as $ext) {
         if (file_exists($file_name = $this->upload_path . "head." . $controller . $action . $ext)) {
             $return['head']['toolbox.all.' . $controller . $action . $ext] = $this->Toolbox->ShowContent($file_name, $ext);
         if (file_exists($file_name = $this->upload_path . "body_start." . $controller . $action . $ext)) {
             $return['body_start']['toolbox.body_start.' . $controller . $action . $ext] = $this->Toolbox->ShowContent($file_name, $ext);
         if (file_exists($file_name = $this->upload_path . "body_end." . $controller . $action . $ext)) {
             $return['body_end']['toolbox.body_end.' . $controller . $action . $ext] = $this->Toolbox->ShowContent($file_name, $ext);
Beispiel #6
  * @name  generateCSR               Generates a CSR request and passes back as json
  * @param $request                  This contains the GET & POST requests as an Array
  * @param $dataRequest              This contains the package & service requests as an Array
  * @throws GoGetSSLAuthException
  * @return                          JSON of email Authorisation
 public function generateCSR($request, $dataRequest)
     //load our helpers
     Loader::loadHelpers($this, array("Html"));
     //load models
     Loader::loadModels($this, array("Services"));
     //load our lib
     $lib = $this->getLib();
     //pass our requests
     $postRequest = $request['postRequest'];
     $getRequest = $request['getRequest'];
     //set our packages and services
     $package = $dataRequest['package'];
     $service = $dataRequest['service'];
     //get service_fields
     $service_fields = $this->serviceFieldsToObject($service->fields);
     $requires = array("gogetssl_csr_fqdn", "gogetssl_csr_country", "gogetssl_csr_state", "gogetssl_csr_locality", "gogetssl_csr_organization", "gogetssl_csr_organization_unit", "gogetssl_csr_email");
     $cert_details = $lib->getRequests($getRequest, $requires);
     //if any of our fields failed check if they are manditory fields
     if ($cert_details['failed'] != false){
         $response['fields'] = $cert_details['failed'];
         $response['message'] = "missing or empty fields";
     //we can use generate ourselfs or use API
     $row = $this->getModuleRow($package->module_row);
     $api = $this->api($row);
     //@issue gossl sandbox does not support SHA2 for some reason
     $SHA = $row->meta->sandbox == "true" ? "SHA1" : "SHA2";
     $data = array("csr_commonname" => $cert_details['gogetssl_csr_fqdn'], "csr_organization" => $lib->ifSet($cert_details['gogetssl_csr_organization'], "NA"), "csr_department" => $lib->ifSet($cert_details['gogetssl_csr_organization_unit'], "NA"), "csr_city" => $lib->ifSet($cert_details['gogetssl_csr_locality'], "NA"), "csr_state" => $lib->ifSet($cert_details['gogetssl_csr_state'], "NA"), "csr_country" => $lib->ifSet($cert_details['gogetssl_csr_country'], "NA"), "csr_email" => $cert_details['gogetssl_csr_email'], "signature_hash" => "SHA1");
     //generate CSR
     $response = $api->generateCSR($data);
     //pass hash used
     $response['hash'] = $SHA;
     //catch the error as we may have already generated CSR with gogetssl
     if (isset($response['error']) && $response['error'] == true) {
         //if we have already generated CSR details we will retrieve this
         if ($response['message'] == 'CSR Exist') {
             if (preg_match('/CSR ID is: .(\\d+)./', $response['description'], $matches)) {
                 $csr_id = $matches[1];
                 $response = $api->getCSR($csr_id, $cert_details['gogetssl_csr_fqdn']);
         } else {
             //we have a different error lets pass back
             $lib->sendAjax($response, false);
     //we will end up here with a valid response->csr_code
     //Update our gogetssl_csr records.
     $csr_update = array("gogetssl_csr" => $this->Html->ifSet($response['csr_code']));
     //update our csr code
     $service_fields_update = $this->ourServiceFields($lib->serviceFieldMerge($service_fields, $csr_update), $service_fields->gogetssl_orderid);
     $this->Services->setFields($service->id, $service_fields_update);
 private function updateAccountCount($module_row)
     $api = $this->getApi($module_row->meta);
     // Get the number of accounts on the server
     if ($count = $this->getAccountCount($module_row)) {
         // Update the module row account list
         Loader::loadModels($this, array("ModuleManager"));
         $vars = $this->ModuleManager->getRowMeta($module_row->id);
         if ($vars) {
             $vars->account_count = $count;
             $vars = (array) $vars;
             $this->ModuleManager->editRow($module_row->id, $vars);
  * @param $response
 private function processTransaction($response)
     $transaction_id = '';
     // If a response was given, record the transaction
     if (is_array($response)) {
         Loader::loadModels($this, array('Transactions', 'Clients', 'Companies', 'Emails'));
         Loader::loadHelpers($this, array('Date', 'CurrencyFormat'));
         $trans_data = array('client_id' => $response['client_id'], 'amount' => $response['amount'], 'currency' => $response['currency'], 'type' => "other", 'gateway_id' => $response['gateway_id'], 'transaction_id' => isset($response['transaction_id']) ? $response['transaction_id'] : null, 'reference_id' => isset($response['reference_id']) ? $response['reference_id'] : null, 'parent_transaction_id' => isset($response['parent_transaction_id']) ? $response['parent_transaction_id'] : null, 'status' => $response['status']);
         // If the transaction exists, update it
         if ($trans_data['transaction_id'] && ($transaction = $this->Transactions->getByTransactionId($trans_data['transaction_id'], null, $response['gateway_id']))) {
             // Don't update client_id to prevent transaction from being reassigned
             $this->Transactions->edit($transaction->id, $trans_data);
             $transaction_id = $transaction->id;
         } else {
             $transaction_id = $this->Transactions->add($trans_data);
     } elseif ($errors = $this->errors()) {
         die('Transaction invalid!');
     // Set any errors with adding the transaction
     if ($errors = $this->Transactions->errors()) {
         die('Cannot process transaction #' . $transaction_id);
     } else {
         // Apply the transaction to the invoices given (if any)
         if (isset($response['invoices']) && is_array($response['invoices'])) {
             // Format invoices into something suitable for Transactions::apply()
             foreach ($response['invoices'] as &$invoice) {
                 $invoice['invoice_id'] = $invoice['id'];
             if (!empty($response['invoices']) && $response['status'] == "approved") {
                 $this->Transactions->apply($transaction_id, array('amounts' => $response['invoices']));
         $transaction = $this->Transactions->get($transaction_id);
         // Send an email regarding the non-merchant payment received
         if (isset($response['status']) && isset($response['client_id']) && $response['status'] == "approved" && $transaction && ($client = $this->Clients->get($response['client_id']))) {
             // Set date helper info
             $this->Date->setTimezone("UTC", Configure::get("Blesta.company_timezone"));
             $this->Date->setFormats(array('date_time' => $this->Companies->getSetting($response['company_id'], "datetime_format")->value));
             $amount = $this->CurrencyFormat->format($transaction->amount, $transaction->currency);
             $tags = array('contact' => $client, 'transaction' => $transaction, 'date_added' => $this->Date->cast($transaction->date_added, "date_time"));
             $this->Emails->send("payment_nonmerchant_approved", $response['company_id'], $client->settings['language'], $client->email, $tags, null, null, null, array('to_client_id' => $client->id));
Beispiel #9
 public function addService($package, array $vars = null, $parent_package = null, $parent_service = null, $status = "pending")
     $row = $this->getModuleRow($package->module_row);
     $api = $this->getApi($row->meta->apiKey);
     if (!$row) {
         $this->Input->setErrors(array('module_row' => array('missing' => Language::_("ngcs.!error.module_row.missing", true))));
     $ip_address = null;
     $servername = isset($vars['servername']) ? $vars['servername'] : 'Blesta CloudServer cID:' . $vars['client_id'];
     $serverdesc = $vars['clientdescription'];
     $serversize = array('fixed_instance_size_id' => $package->meta->meta['size']);
     $serverpass = isset($vars['serverpassword']) ? $vars['serverpassword'] : '';
     $serverimage = $vars['configoptions']['images'];
     Loader::loadModels($this, array("Clients"));
     if (isset($vars['client_id']) && ($client = $this->Clients->get($vars['client_id'], false))) {
         $client_id_code = $client->id_code;
     $params = $this->getFieldsFromInput((array) $vars, $package);
     // $api->ngcs->Server()->create(ServerNAME, HARDWAREConfig, ServerIMG, Description, Password)
     $result = $api->ngcs->Server()->create(uniqid($servername . "_"), $serversize, $serverimage, $serverdesc, $serverpass);
     $cloud = $result['body'];
     if (isset($result['code']) && $result['code'] == 202) {
         $this->log("Create New CloudServer {cloud->id} - {$cloud->name}", serialize("Server_Create"), "input", true);
         $client_did = $cloud->id;
         $client_dname = $cloud->name;
         $client_pass = $cloud->first_password;
     } else {
         $fa = array(0 => array("result" => $cloud->message));
     if ($this->Input->errors()) {
     return array(array('key' => "ngcs_cloud_id", 'value' => isset($client_did) ? $client_did : null, 'encrypted' => 0), array('key' => "ngcs_cloud_name", 'value' => isset($client_dname) ? $client_dname : null, 'encrypted' => 0), array('key' => "ngcs_cloud_password", 'value' => isset($serverpass) ? $serverpass : $client_pass, 'encrypted' => 1));
Beispiel #10
  * Returns all HTML markup required to render an authorization and capture payment form
  * @param array $contact_info An array of contact info including:
  *    - id The contact ID
  *    - client_id The ID of the client this contact belongs to
  *    - user_id The user ID this contact belongs to (if any)
  *    - contact_type The type of contact
  *    - contact_type_id The ID of the contact type
  *    - first_name The first name on the contact
  *    - last_name The last name on the contact
  *    - title The title of the contact
  *    - company The company name of the contact
  *    - address1 The address 1 line of the contact
  *    - address2 The address 2 line of the contact
  *    - city The city of the contact
  *    - state An array of state info including:
  *        - code The 2 or 3-character state code
  *        - name The local name of the country
  *    - country An array of country info including:
  *        - alpha2 The 2-character country code
  *        - alpha3 The 3-character country code
  *        - name The english name of the country
  *        - alt_name The local name of the country
  *    - zip The zip/postal code of the contact
  * @param float $amount The amount to charge this contact
  * @param array $invoice_amounts An array of invoices, each containing:
  *    - id The ID of the invoice being processed
  *    - amount The amount being processed for this invoice (which is included in $amount)
  * @param array $options An array of options including:
  *    - description The Description of the charge
  *    - return_url The URL to redirect users to after a successful payment
  *    - recur An array of recurring info including:
  *        - amount The amount to recur
  *        - term The term to recur
  *        - period The recurring period (day, week, month, year, onetime) used in conjunction with term in order to determine the next recurring payment
  * @return string HTML markup required to render an authorization and capture payment form
 public function buildProcess(array $contact_info, $amount, array $invoice_amounts = null, array $options = null)
     $post_to = Configure::get("Blesta.gw_callback_url") . Configure::get("Blesta.company_id") . "/brick/";
     $fields = array();
     $contact = false;
     // Set contact email address and phone number
     if ($this->ifSet($contact_info['id'], false)) {
         Loader::loadModels($this, array("Contacts"));
         $contact = $this->Contacts->get($contact_info['id']);
     } else {
         return "Contact information invalid!";
     $data = array('public_key' => Paymentwall_Config::getInstance()->getPublicKey(), 'amount' => $amount, 'merchant' => $this->ifSet($this->meta['merchant_name'], 'Blesta'), 'product_name' => $options['description'], 'currency' => $this->currency);
     $post_to .= "?data=" . $this->encodeData(array('client_id' => $contact->client_id, 'amount' => $amount, 'currency' => $this->currency, 'invoices' => $invoice_amounts, 'email' => $contact->email, 'description' => $options['description']));
     $this->view = $this->makeView("process", "default", str_replace(ROOTWEBDIR, "", dirname(__FILE__) . DS));
     $this->view->set("data", $data);
     $this->view->set("post_to", $post_to);
     $this->view->set("fields", $fields);
     return $this->view->fetch();
     * Allow you to manage and create your backups.
     * @param type $package
     * @param type $service
     * @param array $vars
     * @param array $post
    public function backups($package, $service, array $get = null, array $post = null, array $files = null)
        if (isset($get[2])) {
            if ($get[2] === "addnew") {
                if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') {
                    $this->view = new View("backups", "default");
                    $this->view->setDefaultView("components" . DS . "modules" . DS . "cpanelextended" . DS);
                    $view_dir = str_replace('client/', '', $this->base_uri) . $this->view->view_path . 'views/' . $this->view->view . '/';
                    Loader::loadHelpers($this, array("Form", "Html"));
                    $fields = $this->serviceFieldsToObject($service->fields);
                    $row = $this->getModuleRow();
                    $api = $this->getApiByMeta($row->meta, $fields);
                    if (isset($post) && !empty($post)) {
                        if ($post['dest'] !== "") {
                            $input = array("dest" => $post['dest'], "server" => $post['server'], "user" => $post['user'], "pass" => $post['pass'], "email" => $post['email'], "port" => $post['port'], "rdir" => $post['rdir']);
                            if ($post['dest'] !== "homedir") {
                                if ($post['server'] !== "" && $post['user'] !== "" && $post['pass'] !== "" && $post['port'] !== "" && $post['rdir'] !== "") {
                                    Loader::loadModels($this, array("Services"));
                                    $add_new = $api->sendApi1Request("Fileman", "fullbackup", $input);
                                    $this->log($row->meta->host_name . "|Generate New Backup", serialize("fullbackup"), "input", true);
                                    echo "<div class='alert alert-success alert-dismissable' style='margin-top: 0px;'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-hidden='true'>×</button>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>" . Language::_("Cpe.misc.success", true) . "</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>";
                                } else {
                                    $error = array(0 => array("result" => Language::_("Cpe.!error.api.internal", true)));
                                    echo "<div class='alert alert-danger alert-dismissable' style='margin-top: 0px;'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-hidden='true'>×</button>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>{$error[0]['result']}</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>";
                            } else {
                                Loader::loadModels($this, array("Services"));
                                $add_new = $api->sendApi1Request("Fileman", "fullbackup", $input);
                                $this->log($row->meta->host_name . "|Generate New Backup", serialize("fullbackup"), "input", true);
                                echo "<div class='alert alert-success alert-dismissable' style='margin-top: 0px;'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-hidden='true'>×</button>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>" . Language::_("Cpe.misc.success", true) . "</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>";
                        } else {
                            $error = array(0 => array("result" => Language::_("Cpe.!error.api.internal", true)));
                            echo "<div class='alert alert-danger alert-dismissable' style='margin-top: 0px;'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-hidden='true'>×</button>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>{$error[0]['result']}</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>";
                    } else {
                        $this->Form->create("", array('onsubmit' => 'return false', 'id' => 'addform', 'autocomplete' => "off"));
                        echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<script type='text/javascript' src='" . $view_dir . "javascript/main.js'></script>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='modal-body'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='div_response'></div>";
                        echo '<div class="form-group">
								   <label>' . Language::_("", true) . '</label>
								    <input type="email" class="form-control" value="" id="email" name="email" placeholder=""></div>
								<div class="form-group">
								   <label>' . Language::_("Cpe.label.destination", true) . '</label>
								<select name="dest" id="dest" class="form-control">
								                <option value="homedir" selected="selected">Home Directory</option>
								                <option value="ftp">Remote FTP Server</option>
								                <option value="passiveftp">Remote FTP Server (passive mode transfer):</option>
								                <option value="scp">Secure Copy (SCP)</option>
								<div id="access_data" style="display:none;">
								<div class="form-group">
								   <label>' . Language::_("Cpe.service_info.server", true) . '</label>
								    <input type="text" class="form-control" value="" id="server" name="server" placeholder=""></div>
								<div class="form-group">
								   <label>' . Language::_("Cpe.label.username", true) . '</label>
								    <input type="text" class="form-control" value="" id="user" name="user" placeholder=""></div>
								<div class="form-group">
								   <label>' . Language::_("Cpe.label.password", true) . '</label>
								    <input type="password" class="form-control" value="" id="pass" name="pass" placeholder=""></div>
								<div class="form-group">
								   <label>' . Language::_("Cpe.label.port", true) . '</label>
								    <input type="text" class="form-control" value="" id="port" name="port" placeholder=""></div>
								<div class="form-group">
								   <label>' . Language::_("", true) . '</label>
								    <input type="text" class="form-control" value="" id="rdir" name="rdir" placeholder=""></div>
								<div class="modal-footer">
								<button type="button" name="cancel" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal"><i class="fa fa-ban"></i> ' . Language::_("Cpe.label.close", true) . '</button>
								<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" name="add_new" id="addnewsubmit"><i class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i> ' . Language::_("Cpe.label.generate_backup", true) . '</button>

								<script type="text/javascript">
								    $(document).ready(function() {
								        $("#addnewsubmit").click(function () {
								    var form = $("#addform").serialize();
								    doAjaxPost("' . $this->base_uri . "services/manage/" . $service->id . "/backups/addnew/?" . '"+ form, form);
								        $("#dest").change(function () {
								        if($(this).val() !== "homedir"){
								    } else {
        } else {
            $this->view = new View("backups", "default");
            $this->view->base_uri = $this->base_uri;
            Loader::loadHelpers($this, array("Form", "Html"));
            $fields = $this->serviceFieldsToObject($service->fields);
            $row = $this->getModuleRow();
            $api = $this->getApiByMeta($row->meta, $fields);
            $backups_list = $api->sendApi2Request("Backups", "listfullbackups")->getResponse();
            $this->view->set("module_row", $row);
            $this->view->set("service_fields", $fields);
            $this->view->set("backups_list", $backups_list->cpanelresult->data);
            $this->view->set("type", $package->meta->type);
            $this->view->set("service_id", $service->id);
            $this->view->setDefaultView("components" . DS . "modules" . DS . "cpanelextended" . DS);
            return $this->view->fetch();