protected function get() { global $user, $routes; $redirect = false; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $result = ListModel::get_from_id($_GET['id']); $list = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC); /* check if result exists */ if ($list && gettype($list) == 'array') { /* check that list is owned by user */ $list_user = ListModel::get_from_id_and_user_id($list['id'], $user->pk)->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC); if ($list_user && gettype($list_user) == 'array') { $this->list = $list; $this->items = ItemModel::get_for_list_id($list['id']); } else { $redirect = true; } } else { $redirect = true; } } else { $redirect = true; } if ($redirect) { header('Location: ' . $routes['lists']); } }
/** * Load the lists associated with the campaign. * * @param array $lists * An array of list data for which to load the list models. * * @return $this */ protected function loadLists($lists) { $this->lists = []; foreach ($lists as $list) { $this->lists[] = is_subclass_of($list, BaseModel::class) ? $list : ListModel::create($list); } return $this; }
protected function post() { global $routes; /* get list or nothing */ parent::get(); ListModel::delete($this->list['id']); header('Location: ' . $routes['lists']); }
protected function post() { global $user, $routes; $name = $_POST['name']; if (isset($name) && !empty($name)) { ListModel::add($user->pk, $_POST['name']); header('Location: ' . $routes['lists']); } // otherwise show form }
/** * @param int $userId task owner's id * @param int $listId list * @param bool $asArrays whether function should return data as array of arrays of array of objects * * @return TaskModel[]|array[] user's tasks sorted by id desc * @author Karol */ public function getTasks(ListModel $list, $asArrays = false) { $tasks = $list->getTasks(); if (!count($tasks)) { return array(); } $tasksT = array_flip($tasks); $this->dump($tasks); $sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM task WHERE id IN (%s)", implode(',', $tasks)); $db = FLite::getInstance()->getDB(); $res = $db->getResults($sql); if (!is_array($res)) { return null; } foreach ($res as $row) { $task = new TaskModel($row); $tasksT[$task->getId()] = $asArrays ? $task->toArray() : $task; } return $tasksT; }
public function __construct() { $items = new ListModel(); $rez = $items->list_items('idea'); include_once 'View/list.php'; }
<?php // Here you're in the Qadwa singleton scope so $this // is the same as Qadwa::getInstance(). // you can use /key/value in the URL $show = $this->getParam('show'); // or you can use the number of the param /first/second/third.. $show = $this->getParam(2); $return = array('title' => 'Qadwa'); // The model and library are autoloaded // by default you can found them in models/ and library/ // but you can change those paths. $model = new ListModel(); // this is only to show the getParam example switch ($show) { case 'pros': $return['title'] .= ' Pros'; $return['items'] = $model->getPros(); break; case 'cons': $return['title'] .= ' Cons'; $return['items'] = $model->getCons(); break; default: $return['items'] = array(); } return $return;
protected function get() { global $user; $this->lists = ListModel::get_for_user_id($user->pk); }
/** * 文章详情页 */ public function detailsAction($name, $path = null, $id = null) { $list = new ListModel(); if ($id == false) { $id = $path; } //获取当前一级栏目 // $oname = $list->get('category',['catid','catname','catpath','description','keyword'],['catpath' => $name]); //获取当前二级栏目 // $tname = $list->get('category',['catid','catname','catpath','keyword'],['AND'=>['parentid'=>$oname['catid'],'catpath' => $path]]); //获取文章标题 $title = $list->get('news', ['id', 'catid', 'title', 'keywords', 'description', 'inputtime'], ['id' => $id]); $tname = $this->numnavall[$title['catid']]; if (empty($tname)) { misc::show404(); } $two_id = $tname['catid']; //友情链接 $friendurl = "<li><a href=/{$tname['name']}>"; $friendurl .= str_replace(',', "</a></li><li><a href={$tname['name']} >", $tname['keyword']); $friendurl .= '</a></li>'; //如果是二级栏目下的文章获取二级栏目的相关信息 if ($tname['parentid'] != 0) { $oname = $this->numnavall[$tname['parentid']]; //二级导航位置标签 $nav = $list->nav($oname['catid']); //获取当前一级栏目的所有二级栏目catid $two_id = $list->getid($tname['parentid']); //友情链接 $friendurl = "<li><a href={$oname['name']}>"; $friendurl .= str_replace(',', "</a></li><li><a href={$oname['name']} >", $oname['keyword']); $friendurl .= '</a></li>'; } $title['keywords'] = str_replace(' ', ',', $title['keywords']); if (empty($title['keywords'])) { $title['keywords'] = $title['title']; } if (!empty($title)) { //获取文章主体内容 $content = $list->get('news_data', ['id', 'content'], ['id' => $id]); //截取P标签 $str = "<P style=" . '\\"' . 'color:#FFFFFF' . '\\">'; $num = strpos($content['content'], $str); if ($num) { $content['content'] = substr($content['content'], 0, $num); } //当前栏目下的最新文章 $two_title = $list->select('news', ['id', 'title'], ['catid' => $tname['catid'], "ORDER" => "inputtime DESC", "LIMIT" => 9]); //最新的30条文章 $article_s = $list->new_article(30); //最新的栏目的文章 $one_content = $list->one_content($two_id, 10); $this->getView()->assign('title', $title); $this->getView()->assign('content', $content); $this->getView()->assign('catkey', $this->numnavall); $this->getView()->assign('article_s', $article_s); $this->getView()->assign('friendurl', $friendurl); $this->getView()->assign('two_title', $two_title); $this->getView()->assign('one_content', $one_content); $this->getView()->assign('oname', $oname); $this->getView()->assign('tname', $tname); $this->getView()->assign('nav', $nav); } }