Beispiel #1
* This function import CSV file to responses table
* @param string $sFullFilePath
* @param integer $iSurveyId
* @param array $aOptions
* Return array $result ("errors","warnings","success")
function CSVImportResponses($sFullFilePath, $iSurveyId, $aOptions = array())
    $clang = Yii::app()->lang;
    // Default optional
    if (!isset($aOptions['bDeleteFistLine'])) {
        $aOptions['bDeleteFistLine'] = true;
    // By default delete first line (vvimport)
    if (!isset($aOptions['sExistingId'])) {
        $aOptions['sExistingId'] = "ignore";
    // By default exclude existing id
    if (!isset($aOptions['bNotFinalized'])) {
        $aOptions['bNotFinalized'] = false;
    // By default don't change finalized part
    if (!isset($aOptions['sCharset']) || !$aOptions['sCharset']) {
        $aOptions['sCharset'] = "utf8";
    if (!isset($aOptions['sSeparator'])) {
        $aOptions['sSeparator'] = "\t";
    if (!isset($aOptions['sQuoted'])) {
        $aOptions['sQuoted'] = "\"";
    // Fix some part
    if (!array_key_exists($aOptions['sCharset'], aEncodingsArray())) {
        $aOptions['sCharset'] = "utf8";
    // Prepare an array of sentence for result
    $CSVImportResult = array();
    // Read the file
    $handle = fopen($sFullFilePath, "r");
    // Need to be adapted for Mac ? in options ?
    while (!feof($handle)) {
        $buffer = fgets($handle);
        //To allow for very long lines . Another option is fgetcsv (0 to length), but need mb_convert_encoding
        $aFileResponses[] = mb_convert_encoding($buffer, "UTF-8", $aOptions['sCharset']);
    // Close the file
    if ($aOptions['bDeleteFistLine']) {
    $aRealFieldNames = Yii::app()->db->getSchema()->getTable(SurveyDynamic::model($iSurveyId)->tableName())->getColumnNames();
    //$aCsvHeader=array_map("trim",explode($aOptions['sSeparator'], trim(array_shift($aFileResponses))));
    $aCsvHeader = str_getcsv(array_shift($aFileResponses), $aOptions['sSeparator'], $aOptions['sQuoted']);
    $aLemFieldNames = LimeExpressionManager::getLEMqcode2sgqa($iSurveyId);
    $aKeyForFieldNames = array();
    // An array assicated each fieldname with corresponding responses key
    if (!$aCsvHeader) {
        $CSVImportResult['errors'][] = $clang->gT("File seems empty or has only one line");
        return $CSVImportResult;
    // Assign fieldname with $aFileResponses[] key
    foreach ($aRealFieldNames as $sFieldName) {
        if (in_array($sFieldName, $aCsvHeader)) {
            // First pass : simple associated
            $aKeyForFieldNames[$sFieldName] = array_search($sFieldName, $aCsvHeader);
        } elseif (in_array($sFieldName, $aLemFieldNames)) {
            // Second pass : LEM associated
            $sLemFieldName = array_search($sFieldName, $aLemFieldNames);
            if (in_array($sLemFieldName, $aCsvHeader)) {
                $aKeyForFieldNames[$sFieldName] = array_search($sLemFieldName, $aCsvHeader);
            } elseif ($aOptions['bForceImport']) {
                // as fallback just map questions in order of apperance
                // find out where the answer data columns start in CSV
                if (!isset($csv_ans_start_index)) {
                    foreach ($aCsvHeader as $i => $name) {
                        if (preg_match('/^\\d+X\\d+X\\d+/', $name)) {
                            $csv_ans_start_index = $i;
                // find out where the answer data columns start in destination table
                if (!isset($table_ans_start_index)) {
                    foreach ($aRealFieldNames as $i => $name) {
                        if (preg_match('/^\\d+X\\d+X\\d+/', $name)) {
                            $table_ans_start_index = $i;
                // map answers in order
                if (isset($table_ans_start_index, $csv_ans_start_index)) {
                    $csv_index = array_search($sFieldName, $aRealFieldNames) - $table_ans_start_index + $csv_ans_start_index;
                    if ($csv_index < sizeof($aCsvHeader)) {
                        $aKeyForFieldNames[$sFieldName] = $csv_index;
                    } else {
                        $force_import_failed = true;
    // check if forced error failed
    if (isset($force_import_failed)) {
        $CSVImportResult['errors'][] = $clang->gT("Import failed: Forced import was requested but the input file doesn't contain enough columns to fill the survey.");
        return $CSVImportResult;
    // make sure at least one answer was imported before commiting
    foreach ($aKeyForFieldNames as $field => $index) {
        if (preg_match('/^\\d+X\\d+X\\d+/', $field)) {
            $import_ok = true;
    if (!isset($import_ok)) {
        $CSVImportResult['errors'][] = $clang->gT("Import failed: No answers could be mapped.");
        return $CSVImportResult;
    // Now it's time to import
    // Some var to return
    $iNbResponseLine = 0;
    $iNbResponseExisting = 0;
    $aResponsesInserted = array();
    $aResponsesUpdated = array();
    $aResponsesError = array();
    $aExistingsId = array();
    $iMaxId = 0;
    // If we set the id, keep the max
    // Some specific header (with options)
    $iIdKey = array_search('id', $aCsvHeader);
    // the id is allways needed and used a lot
    if (is_int($iIdKey)) {
    $iSubmitdateKey = array_search('submitdate', $aCsvHeader);
    // submitdate can be forced to null
    if (is_int($iSubmitdateKey)) {
    $iIdReponsesKey = is_int($iIdKey) ? $iIdKey : 0;
    // The key for reponses id: id column or first column if not exist
    // Import each responses line here
    while ($sResponses = array_shift($aFileResponses)) {
        $bExistingsId = false;
        $aResponses = str_getcsv($sResponses, $aOptions['sSeparator'], $aOptions['sQuoted']);
        if ($iIdKey !== false) {
            $oSurvey = SurveyDynamic::model($iSurveyId)->findByPk($aResponses[$iIdKey]);
            if ($oSurvey) {
                $bExistingsId = true;
                $aExistingsId[] = $aResponses[$iIdKey];
                // Do according to option
                switch ($aOptions['sExistingId']) {
                    case 'replace':
                        $oSurvey = new SurveyDynamic();
                    case 'replaceanswers':
                    case 'renumber':
                        $oSurvey = new SurveyDynamic();
                    case 'skip':
                    case 'ignore':
                        $oSurvey = false;
                        // Remove existing survey : don't import again
            } else {
                $oSurvey = new SurveyDynamic();
        } else {
            $oSurvey = new SurveyDynamic();
        if ($oSurvey) {
            // First rule for id and submitdate
            if (is_int($iIdKey)) {
                if (!$bExistingsId) {
                    $oSurvey->id = $aResponses[$iIdKey];
                    $iMaxId = $aResponses[$iIdKey] > $iMaxId ? $aResponses[$iIdKey] : $iMaxId;
                } elseif ($aOptions['sExistingId'] == 'replace' || $aOptions['sExistingId'] == 'replaceanswers') {
                    $oSurvey->id = $aResponses[$iIdKey];
            if ($aOptions['bNotFinalized']) {
                $oSurvey->submitdate = new CDbExpression('NULL');
            } elseif (is_int($iSubmitdateKey)) {
                if ($aResponses[$iSubmitdateKey] == '{question_not_shown}' || trim($aResponses[$iSubmitdateKey] == '')) {
                    $oSurvey->submitdate = new CDbExpression('NULL');
                } else {
                    // Maybe control valid date : see for example
                    $oSurvey->submitdate = $aResponses[$iSubmitdateKey];
            foreach ($aKeyForFieldNames as $sFieldName => $iFieldKey) {
                if ($aResponses[$iFieldKey] == '{question_not_shown}') {
                    $oSurvey->{$sFieldName} = new CDbExpression('NULL');
                } else {
                    $sResponse = str_replace(array("{quote}", "{tab}", "{cr}", "{newline}", "{lbrace}"), array("\"", "\t", "\r", "\n", "{"), $aResponses[$iFieldKey]);
                    $oSurvey->{$sFieldName} = $sResponse;
            // We use transaction to prevent DB error
            $oTransaction = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction();
            try {
                if (isset($oSurvey->id) && !is_null($oSurvey->id)) {
                    switchMSSQLIdentityInsert('survey_' . $iSurveyId, true);
                    $bSwitched = true;
                if ($oSurvey->save()) {
                    if ($bExistingsId && $aOptions['sExistingId'] != 'renumber') {
                        $aResponsesUpdated[] = $aResponses[$iIdReponsesKey];
                    } else {
                        $aResponsesInserted[] = $aResponses[$iIdReponsesKey];
                } else {
                    $aResponsesError[] = $aResponses[$iIdReponsesKey];
                if (isset($bSwitched) && $bSwitched == true) {
                    switchMSSQLIdentityInsert('survey_' . $iSurveyId, false);
                    $bSwitched = false;
            } catch (Exception $oException) {
                $aResponsesError[] = $aResponses[$iIdReponsesKey];
                // Show some error to user ?
                // $CSVImportResult['errors'][]=$oException->getMessage(); // Show it in view
                // tracevar($oException->getMessage());// Show it in console (if debug is set)
    // Fix max next id (for pgsql)
    // mysql dot need fix, but what for mssql ?
    // Do a model function for this can be a good idea (see activate_helper/activateSurvey)
    if (Yii::app()->db->driverName == 'pgsql') {
        $sSequenceName = Yii::app()->db->getSchema()->getTable("{{survey_{$iSurveyId}}}")->sequenceName;
        $iActualSerial = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT last_value FROM  {$sSequenceName}")->queryScalar();
        if ($iActualSerial < $iMaxId) {
            $sQuery = "SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('{{survey_{$iSurveyId}}}', 'id'),{$iMaxId},false);";
            $result = @Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sQuery)->execute();
    // End of import
    // Construction of returned information
    if ($iNbResponseLine) {
        $CSVImportResult['success'][] = sprintf($clang->gT("%s response lines in your file."), $iNbResponseLine);
    } else {
        $CSVImportResult['errors'][] = $clang->gT("No response lines in your file.");
    if (count($aResponsesInserted)) {
        $CSVImportResult['success'][] = sprintf($clang->gT("%s responses were inserted."), count($aResponsesInserted));
        // Maybe add implode aResponsesInserted array
    if (count($aResponsesUpdated)) {
        $CSVImportResult['success'][] = sprintf($clang->gT("%s responses were updated."), count($aResponsesUpdated));
    if (count($aResponsesError)) {
        $CSVImportResult['errors'][] = sprintf($clang->gT("%s responses cannot be inserted or updated."), count($aResponsesError));
    if (count($aExistingsId) && ($aOptions['sExistingId'] == 'skip' || $aOptions['sExistingId'] == 'ignore')) {
        $CSVImportResult['warnings'][] = sprintf($clang->gT("%s responses already exist."), count($aExistingsId));
    return $CSVImportResult;