  * Helper method to make a Configuration API request, stores error if encountered
  * @param string $method
  * @param array $payload
  * @return array [response string, Cloud_Config_Request object used for request]
 protected function _make_request($method, $payload = array(), $flatten_keys = true, $region = false)
     if ($payload && $flatten_keys) {
         $payload = $this->_flatten_keys($payload);
     $credentials['access-key-id'] = $this->access_key;
     $credentials['secret-access-key'] = $this->secret_key;
     if (!($region && Lift_Search::is_valid_region($region))) {
         $region = Lift_Search::get_domain_region();
     $config = new Cloud_Config_Request($credentials, $this->http_api, $region);
     $r = $config->send_request($method, $payload);
     if ($r && false !== ($r_json = json_decode($r))) {
         $r_json = json_decode($r);
         if (isset($r_json->Error) || $this->last_status_code != '200') {
             $this->set_last_error(array('code' => $r_json->Error->Code, 'message' => $r_json->Error->Message));
             return false;
         $response_name = $method . 'Response';
         $result_name = $method . 'Result';
         return $r_json->{$response_name}->{$result_name};
     } else {
         $this->set_last_error(array('code' => 'invalid_response', 'message' => $config->error));
     return $r;
  * @param string $search_domain_uri
  * @param iLift_HTTP $http_interface
 public function __construct($http_interface, $document_endpoint, $search_endpoint, $version = null)
     if (is_null($version)) {
         $version = Lift_Search::api_version();
     $this->http_interface = $http_interface;
     $this->submission_uri = sprintf('http://%s/%s/documents/batch', $document_endpoint, $version);
     $this->search_uri = sprintf('http://%s/%s/search?', $search_endpoint, $version);
  * use the config API to get the CloudSearch domain/index status
  * @return array
 public static function get_remote_status()
     $domain = Lift_Search::get_domain_manager()->get_domain(Lift_Search::get_search_domain_name());
     if (!$domain) {
         return array('errors' => true, 'reason' => 'Domain has been deleted or the CloudSearch API request failed.', 'severity' => 2, 'status' => array('fatal' => true, 'text' => 'Domain has been deleted or the CloudSearch API request failed'));
     $errors = false;
     $severity = 0;
     $reason = '';
     $text = 'active';
     $pending = !$domain->Created && !$domain->Deleted;
     $deleting = $domain->Deleted;
     $processing = $domain->Processing;
     $num_searchable_docs = $domain->NumSearchableDocs;
     $needs_indexing = $domain->RequiresIndexDocuments;
     $search_instance_count = $domain->SearchInstanceCount;
     $search_instance_type = $domain->SearchInstanceType;
     $search_partition_count = $domain->SearchPartitionCount;
     if ($deleting) {
         $severity = 2;
         $reason = 'CloudSearch domain being deleted';
         $text = 'being deleted';
     } else {
         if ($needs_indexing || $processing) {
             if (0 == $search_instance_count) {
                 $severity = 1;
                 $reason = 'CloudSearch domain loading';
                 $text = 'loading';
             } else {
                 if ($needs_indexing) {
                     $severity = 1;
                     $reason = 'CloudSearch domain needs indexing';
                     $text = 'needs indexing';
                 } else {
                     $severity = 1;
                     $reason = 'CloudSearch domain processing';
                     $text = 'processing';
         } else {
             if ($pending) {
                 $severity = 1;
                 $reason = 'CloudSearch domain pending';
                 $text = 'pending';
     if (0 != $severity) {
         $errors = true;
     $status = compact('text', 'pending', 'deleting', 'processing', 'num_searchable_docs', 'needs_indexing', 'search_instance_count', 'search_instance_type', 'search_partition_count');
     $status['api_error'] = false;
     $status['text'] = $text;
     $results = array('errors' => $errors, 'severity' => $severity, 'reason' => $reason, 'status' => $status);
     return $results;
 function _lift_deactivate()
     if (class_exists('Left_Search')) {
         $domain_manager = Lift_Search::get_domain_manager();
         if ($domain_name = Lift_Search::get_search_domain_name()) {
             TAE_Async_Event::Unwatch('lift_domain_created_' . $domain_name);
             TAE_Async_Event::Unwatch('lift_needs_indexing_' . $domain_name);
         //clean up options
         if (class_exists('Voce_Error_Logging')) {
  * Pulls the next set of items from the queue and sends a batch from it
  * Callback for Batch Submission Cron
  * @todo Add locking
 public static function send_next_batch()
     if (!self::ready_for_batch(Lift_Search::get_search_domain_name())) {
         Lift_Search::event_log('CloudSearch Not Ready for Batch ' . time(), 'The batch is locked or the search domain is either currently processing, needs indexing, or your domain does not have indexes set up.', array('send-queue', 'response-false', 'notice'));
     $lock_key = md5(uniqid(microtime() . mt_rand(), true));
     if (!get_transient(self::BATCH_LOCK)) {
         set_transient(self::BATCH_LOCK, $lock_key, 300);
     if (get_transient(self::BATCH_LOCK) !== $lock_key) {
         //another cron has this lock
     update_option(self::LAST_CRON_TIME_OPTION, time());
     $closed_queue_id = Lift_Document_Update_Queue::get_closed_queue_id();
     $update_query = Lift_Document_Update_Queue::query_updates(array('per_page' => self::get_queue_all_set_size(), 'queue_ids' => array($closed_queue_id)));
     if (!count($update_query->meta_rows)) {
         //no documents queued up
     $batch = new Lift_Batch();
     $batched_meta_keys = array();
     $blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
     $site_id = lift_get_current_site_id();
     foreach ($update_query->meta_rows as $meta_row) {
         $update_data = get_post_meta($meta_row->post_id, $meta_row->meta_key, true);
         if ($update_data['document_type'] == 'post') {
             $action = $update_data['action'];
             if ($action == 'add') {
                 $post = get_post($update_data['document_id'], ARRAY_A);
                 $post_data = array('ID' => $update_data['document_id'], 'blog_id' => $blog_id, 'site_id' => $site_id);
                 foreach (Lift_Search::get_indexed_post_fields($post['post_type']) as $field) {
                     $post_data[$field] = isset($post[$field]) ? $post[$field] : null;
                 $sdf_field_data = apply_filters('lift_post_changes_to_data', $post_data, $update_data['fields'], $update_data['document_id']);
             } else {
                 $sdf_field_data = array('ID' => intval($update_data['document_id']));
             $sdf_doc = Lift_Posts_To_SDF::format_post((object) $sdf_field_data, array('action' => $action, 'time' => time()));
             try {
                 $batch->add_document((object) $sdf_doc);
                 $batched_meta_keys[] = $meta_row->meta_key;
             } catch (Lift_Batch_Exception $e) {
                 if (isset($e->errors[0]['code']) && 500 == $e->errors[0]['code']) {
                 Lift_Search::event_log('Batch Add Error ' . time(), json_encode($e), array('batch-add', 'error'));
                 //@todo log error, stop cron? --- update_option( self::$search_semaphore, 1 );
     //send the batch
     $cloud_api = Lift_Search::get_search_api();
     if ($r = $cloud_api->sendBatch($batch)) {
         if ($r->status === "success") {
             $log_title = "Post Queue Sent ";
             $tag = 'success';
             foreach ($batched_meta_keys as $meta_key) {
                 delete_post_meta($closed_queue_id, $meta_key);
         } else {
             $log_title = "Post Queue Send Error ";
             $tag = 'error';
         Lift_Search::event_log($log_title . time(), json_encode($r), array('send-queue', 'response-true', $tag));
         //@todo delete sent queued items
     } else {
         $messages = $cloud_api->getErrorMessages();
         Lift_Search::event_log('Post Queue Error ' . time(), $messages, array('send-queue', 'response-false', 'error'));
 public static function get_watched_post_fields($post_type)
     return apply_filters('lift_watch_post_fields', Lift_Search::get_indexed_post_fields($post_type), $post_type);
 public function apply_access_policy($domain_name, $policies = false, $region = false)
     if (!$policies) {
         $policies = $this->get_default_access_policies($domain_name, $region);
         if (!$policies) {
             return false;
     if (!$this->config_api->UpdateServiceAccessPolicies($domain_name, $policies, $region)) {
         Lift_Search::event_log('There was an error while applying the default access policy to the domain.', $this->config_api->get_last_error(), array('access policy', 'error'));
         return new WP_Error('There was an error while applying the default access policy to the domain.');
     return true;
  * semi-factory method for simplify getting an api instance
 public static function get_search_api()
     $lift_http = self::get_http_api();
     return new CloudSearch_API($lift_http, Lift_Search::get_document_endpoint(), Lift_Search::get_search_endpoint(), '2011-02-01');
  * Filters the sql for a WP_Query before it's sent to the DB.
  * @param string $request
  * @param WP_Query $wp_query
  * @return string|bool false if the request is overwritten
 public static function _filter_posts_request($request, $wp_query)
     $lift_query = Lift_WP_Query::GetInstance($wp_query);
     if (!apply_filters('lift_override_post_results', true) || !$lift_query->wp_query->is_search()) {
         return $request;
     // filter the lift query
     $cs_query = apply_filters('lift_filter_query', $lift_query->get_cs_query());
     $lift_api = Lift_Search::get_search_api();
     $lift_results = $lift_api->sendSearch($cs_query);
     do_action_ref_array('lift_search_results', array($lift_results, $lift_api, $wp_query));
     if (false !== $lift_results && is_object($lift_results)) {
         // Since lift results exists, we no longer need to run the wp search
         return '';
     return $request;
  * Filters the sql for a WP_Query before it's sent to the DB.
  * @param string $request
  * @param WP_Query $wp_query
  * @return string|bool false if the request is overwritten
 public static function _filter_posts_request($request, $wp_query)
     $lift_query = Lift_WP_Query::GetInstance($wp_query);
     if (!apply_filters('lift_override_post_results', true) || !$lift_query->wp_query->is_search()) {
         return $request;
     // filter the lift query
     $cs_query = apply_filters('lift_filter_query', $lift_query->get_cs_query());
     $lift_api = Lift_Search::get_search_api();
     $lift_results = $lift_api->sendSearch($cs_query);
     if (false !== $lift_results && is_object($lift_results)) {
     return $request;
 public function action__wp_ajax_lift_error_log()
     $response = (object) array('error' => false, 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce('lift_error_log'));
     if (Lift_Search::error_logging_enabled()) {
         $response->view_all_url = esc_url(admin_url(sprintf('edit.php?post_type=%s', Voce_Error_Logging::POST_TYPE)));
         if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') {
             check_ajax_referer('lift_error_log', 'nonce');
             $response = Voce_Error_Logging::delete_logs(array('lift-search'));
         } else {
             $args = array('post_type' => Voce_Error_Logging::POST_TYPE, 'posts_per_page' => 5, 'post_status' => 'any', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'tax_query' => array(array('taxonomy' => Voce_Error_Logging::TAXONOMY, 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => array('error', 'lift-search'), 'operator' => 'AND')));
             $query = new WP_Query($args);
             $response->current_page = $query->get('paged');
             $response->per_page = $query->get('posts_per_page');
             $response->found_rows = $query->found_posts;
             $response->errors = array();
             foreach ($query->posts as $post) {
                 $response->errors[] = array('error_html' => sprintf('<strong>%s</strong><pre>%s</pre>', esc_html($post->post_title), wpautop($post->post_content)), 'date' => mysql2date('D. M d Y g:ia', $post->post_date));
     } else {
         $response->view_all_url = '';
         $response->error = array('code' => 'logging_disabled', 'Error Logging is Disabled');
     header('Content-Type: application/json');
Beispiel #12
  * semi-factory method for simplify getting an api instance
 public static function get_search_api()
     $lift_http = self::get_http_api();
     return new CloudSearch_API($lift_http, Lift_Search::get_document_endpoint(), Lift_Search::get_search_endpoint(), self::api_version());
Beispiel #13
    public static function _print_api_nag()
        $api_version = Lift_Search::api_version();
        $search_domain = Lift_Search::get_search_domain_name();
        if (!$search_domain) {
            return false;
        } elseif (!strtotime($api_version) || date('Y', strtotime($api_version)) <= 2011) {
			<div class="error"><p>Your search domain is using a deprecated version of the API. Please consider updating to the new version by following these <a target="_BLANK" href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cloudsearch/latest/developerguide/migrating.html"><strong>instructions</strong></strong></a>.</p></div>
 public function __construct($credentials, $http_interface, $region = false)
     $this->key = $credentials['access-key-id'];
     $this->secret_key = $credentials['secret-access-key'];
     $this->http_interface = $http_interface;
     $this->api_version = Lift_Search::api_version();
     if ($region) {
         $this->endpoint = str_replace('us-east-1', $region, $this->endpoint);
         $this->region = $region;