// otherwise it is a hack attempt from the outside
if ($hash == $config->matchHash) {
    // Make sure special chars for MySQL are escaped
    $nameOfBanned = addslashes($nameOfBanned);
    $nameOfBanned = str_ireplace(array("\"", "\r\n", "\n", "\r", ";"), "", $nameOfBanned);
    // Remove ; to prevent kick command inyection like name; quit or ; _restart
    $banQueries = new BanQueries();
    $userQueries = new UserQueries();
    $lengthQueries = new LengthQueries();
    $user = $userQueries->getUserInfoBySteamId($banner);
    // i for ignore
    if ($timeScale == "i") {
        $length = $lengthQueries->getBanLength($lengthId);
    } else {
        $length = new Length();
    $isUserMember = false;
    // If we are not allowing admin bans, then make sure the one being banned is not an admin
    if (!$config->allowAdminBans) {
        $isUserMember = $userQueries->isMember($steamId);
    $username = trim($user->getName());
    $pending = 0;
    // Default pending state is off
    // HARDCODED: 4 = member
    if ($user->getAccessLevel() == 4) {
        $pending = 1;
    // Validate IP
 $information2 .= " <th class='colColor1' align='center'>" . $LAN_BANLIST_027 . "</th>";
 $information2 .= "</tr>";
 // Ban history of the user
 $banHistory = $banQueries->getBanHistory($bannedUser->getBanId());
 // Loop through banned users and display them
 foreach ($banHistory as $banHistUser) {
     // list($expireDateHist, $expireTimeHist) = split(' ', $banHistUser->getExpireDate());
     list($addDateHist, $addTimeHist) = split(' ', $banHistUser->getAddDate());
     $commentsHist = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), "<br>", $banHistUser->getComments());
     // Convert newlines into html line breaks
     $commentsHist = str_replace("\"", "&#34;", $commentsHist);
     // Replace quotes with the HTML code
     $commentsHist = str_replace("'", "&#34;", $commentsHist);
     // Replace quotes with the HTML code
     $banLengthHist = new Length();
     	      if($banHistUser->getLength() == 0) {
     	        $expireDateHist = $LAN_BANLIST_033;
     	        $expireTimeHist = "";
           	  if($banHistUser->getExpireDate() == 'Expired') {
     	        $expireDateHist = "<i>".$LAN_BANLIST_024."</i>";
     			$expireTimeHist = "";
     $information2 .= " <tr>";
     $information2 .= "  <td class='colColor1' nowrap align='center'>" . str_replace('"', "&#34;", $banHistUser->getName());
     if ($banHistUser->getKickCounter() > 0) {
 $kickedByBan = false;
 // No point checking if they were kicked by name
 if (!$kickedByName) {
     // Determine if this user is IP banned, if so kick them
     if ($banQueries->isIpBanned($ipOfBanned)) {
         kickUser($steamId, $serverId, eregi_replace("gb_time", $LANCHECKUSER_003, $config->banMessage), $messageTOserver);
         $kickedByBan = true;
     // Check to see if the user does exist in the ban list (if active)
     if ($banQueries->doesUserExist($steamId)) {
         $now = time();
         // Get the time now in seconds
         $bannedUser = $banQueries->getBannedUserBySteamId($steamId);
         $length = new Length();
         $lengthInSec = $length->getLengthInSeconds();
         $reasonQueries = new ReasonQueries();
         $menssageTOplayer = eregi_replace("gb_reason", $reasonQueries->getReason($bannedUser->getReasonId()), eregi_replace("gb_time", $length->getReadable(), $config->banMessage));
         // Pending bans are banned for X days
         if ($bannedUser->getPending() == 1) {
             // Kick the user if the ban is 24 hours or less
             if ($lengthInSec > 0 && $lengthInSec / 3600 <= 24) {
                 kickUser($steamId, $serverId, $menssageTOplayer, $messageTOserver);
                 $kickedByBan = true;
             } else {
                 // Kick the user for the first 5 days that their ban is in pending mode
                 $addDate = $bannedUser->getAddDate();
                 $daysToKeepBanned = 24 * 3600 * $config->daysBanPending;
                 $expireDate = $addDate + $daysToKeepBanned;
 function getBanLength($id)
     $query = "SELECT length_id, length, time_scale FROM gban_length\r\n              WHERE length_id = '" . $id . "'";
     $temp = $this->db->get_row();
     $length = new Length();
     return $length;