Beispiel #1
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
require_once __DIR__ . '/cli/composer.php';
$cli = new League\CLImate\CLImate();
$cli->arguments->add(['file' => ['prefix' => 'f', 'longPrefix' => 'file', 'description' => 'Path to credentials file to parse', 'defaultValue' => null], 'help' => ['prefix' => 'h', 'longPrefix' => 'help', 'description' => 'Show this help', 'defaultValue' => false, 'noValue' => true], 'section' => ['description' => '.edgerc section to create', 'defaultValue' => 'default']]);
if ($cli->arguments->get('help')) {
define('HOME', $_SERVER['HOME']);
define('EDGERC', realpath(HOME . '/.edgerc'));
define('SECTION', $cli->arguments->get('section'));
if (file_exists(EDGERC) && !is_writable(EDGERC) || !is_writable(HOME)) {
    $cli->to('error')->error("Unable to write to file " . EDGERC);
echo "After authorizing your client in the {OPEN} API Administration tool,\n";
echo "export the credentials and paste the contents of the export file below,\n";
echo "followed by control-D. (You may need to enter is twice)\n";
echo ">>> ";
$inputStream = fopen('php://stdin', 'r+');
if (!($file = $cli->arguments->get('file'))) {
    $input = stream_get_contents($inputStream);
} elseif (file_exists($file) && is_readable($file)) {
    $input = file_get_contents($file);
$cli = new League\CLImate\CLImate();
if (file_exists(EDGERC)) {