Beispiel #1
Ldap::delete($connection, 'jan.modaal', $dc);
Ldap::delete($connection, 'zhang.san', $dc);
Ldap::delete($connection, 'johnny.doe', "ou=Users,{$dc}");
Ldap::delete($connection, 'hans.mustermann', $dc);
Ldap::delete($connection, 'Ruşinică Piţigoi', $dc);
Ldap::deleteGroup($connection, 'Users', $dc);
Ldap::addGroup($connection, 'Users', $dc);
Ldap::add($connection, 'john.doe', '{CRYPT}' . crypt('foobar'), $dc);
Ldap::add($connection, 'jan.modaal', '{SHA}' . base64_encode(pack('H*', sha1('qwerty'))), $dc);
Ldap::add($connection, 'zhang.san', '{MD5}' . base64_encode(pack('H*', md5('asdfgh'))), $dc);
Ldap::add($connection, 'johnny.doe', '{MD5}' . base64_encode(pack('H*', md5('12345'))), "ou=Users,{$dc}", array('displayName' => 'Johnny Doe', 'ou' => array('Users')));
//Ldap::add( $connection, 'jan.modaal', '{SHA}' . base64_encode( sha1( 'qwerty' ) ), $dc );
//Ldap::add( $connection, 'zhang.san', '{MD5}' . base64_encode( md5( 'asdfgh' ) ), $dc );
Ldap::add($connection, 'hans.mustermann', 'abcdef', $dc);
Ldap::add($connection, 'Ruşinică Piţigoi', '12345', $dc);
Ldap::fetchAll($connection, $dc);
 * Support for LDAP functions connect, add, delete and get_entries.
class Ldap
     * Connects to an LDAP server specified by $uri, with admin $user and $password.
     * Returns a resource which can be used in LDAP functions like add, delete, search.
     * @param string $uri Uri for LDAP, such as 'ldap://'
     * @param string $format Format for an entry, like 'cn=%s,dc=example,dc=com'. %s is a literal placeholder for username
     * @param string $user Admin username
     * @param string $password Password for admin