public static function addBox($content_var, $module, $theme_var = NULL, $theme = NULL) { PHPWS_Core::initModClass('layout', 'Box.php'); if (!isset($theme)) { $theme = $_SESSION['Layout_Settings']->current_theme; } if (!isset($theme_var)) { $mod_theme_var = strtoupper(sprintf('%s_%s', $module, $content_var)); if (!empty($_SESSION['Layout_Settings']->_theme_variables) && in_array($mod_theme_var, $_SESSION['Layout_Settings']->_theme_variables)) { $theme_var = $mod_theme_var; } else { $theme_var = DEFAULT_BOX_VAR; } } $box = new Layout_Box(); $box->setTheme($theme); $box->setContentVar($content_var); $box->setModule($module); $box->setThemeVar($theme_var); $result = $box->save(); if (PHPWS_Error::isError($result)) { PHPWS_Error::log($result); PHPWS_Core::errorPage(); } Layout::resetBoxes(); }
public function kill() { $theme_var = $this->getThemeVar(); $theme = $this->getTheme(); $db = new PHPWS_DB('layout_box'); $db->addWhere('id', $this->getId()); $result = $db->delete(); if (PHPWS_Error::isError($result)) { return $result; } Layout_Box::reorderBoxes($theme, $theme_var); }
/** * Receives the post results of the box change form. */ public static function moveBox() { PHPWS_Core::initModClass('layout', 'Box.php'); $box = new Layout_Box($_GET['box_source']); $result = $box->move($_GET['box_dest']); if (PHPWS_Error::isError($result)) { PHPWS_Error::log($result); Layout::add('An unexpected error occurred when trying to save the new box position.'); return; } Layout::resetBoxes(); return true; }