  * @param string $saml_request
  * @return null
  * @since 1.1.0
 private function handle_saml_request($saml_request)
     if (!$this->saml_request_service->is_timestamp_within_restrictions($this->wp_facade->time())) {
         $this->wp_facade->wp_die('Invalid Request', 400);
     } elseif (!$this->saml_request_service->is_valid_destination($this->wp_facade->wp_login_url())) {
         $this->wp_facade->wp_die('Invalid Request', 400);
     } elseif (!($user = $this->wp_facade->get_user_by('login', $this->saml_request_service->get_name()))) {
         $this->wp_facade->wp_die('Invalid Request', 400);
     } elseif ($this->saml_request_service->get_session_index() != $user->get("launchkey_sso_session")) {
         $this->wp_facade->wp_die('Invalid Request', 400);
     } else {
         $this->wp_facade->update_user_meta($user->ID, 'launchkey_authorized', 'false');
  * Front controller for LaunchKey Native/White Label authentication
  * @param WP_User $user Unused parameter always passed first by authenticate filter
  * @param string $username Username specified by the user in the login screen
  * @param string $password Password specifiedby the user in the login screen
  * @since 1.0.0
 public function authentication_controller($user, $username, $password)
     if ($username && empty($password)) {
         // If username and no password, user is attempting passwordless login
         // Find the user by login
         $user = $this->wp_facade->get_user_by('login', $username);
         // If we have a user and thatg user is paired
         if ($user instanceof WP_User && $user->launchkey_username) {
             // Remove username and password authentication
             // Work Around: Add a bogus filter to make sure that the launchkey_authentication filter will still run
             $this->wp_facade->add_filter('authenticate', array($this, 'null_method'));
             // Register LaunchKey authentication
             $this->wp_facade->add_filter('authenticate', array($this, 'launchkey_user_authentication'), 30, 2);
     } elseif (!$username && !$password && ($user = $this->wp_facade->wp_get_current_user())) {
         // If no username or password and there is a current user, we are validating user is still logged in
         if ($user && $user->launchkey_username && 'false' === $user->launchkey_authorized) {
  * Front controller for LaunchKey Native/White Label authentication
  * @param WP_User $user Unused parameter always passed first by authenticate filter
  * @param string $username Username specified by the user in the login screen
  * @param string $password Password specifiedby the user in the login screen
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @return WP_User
 public function authenticate($user, $username, $password)
     if (empty($user) && empty($username) && empty($password) && !empty($_REQUEST['SAMLResponse'])) {
         $response_element = SAML2_DOMDocumentFactory::fromString(base64_decode($_REQUEST['SAMLResponse']))->documentElement;
         $signature_info = SAML2_Utils::validateElement($response_element);
         try {
             SAML2_Utils::validateSignature($signature_info, $this->security_key);
             $response = SAML2_StatusResponse::fromXML($response_element);
             /** @var SAML2_Assertion[] $assertions */
             $assertions = $response->getAssertions();
             if (empty($assertions)) {
                 throw new Exception("No assertions in SAML response");
             $assertion = $assertions[0];
             $name_id = $assertion->getNameId();
             $username = $name_id['Value'];
             $session_id = $assertion->getSessionIndex();
             // Find the user by login
             $user = $this->wp_facade->get_user_by('login', $username);
             // If we don't have a user, create one
             if (!$user instanceof WP_User) {
                 $attributes = $assertion->getAttributes();
                 $user_data = array('user_login' => $username, 'user_pass' => '', 'role' => empty($attributes['role']) ? false : $this->translate_role($attributes['role'][0]));
                 $user_id = $this->wp_facade->wp_insert_user($user_data);
                 // Unset the password - wp_insert_user always generates a hash - it's misleading
                 $this->wp_facade->wp_update_user(array('ID' => $user_id, 'user_pass' => ''));
                 $user = new WP_User($user_id);
             // Set the SSO session so we know we are logged in via SSSO
             $this->wp_facade->update_user_meta($user->ID, 'launchkey_sso_session', $session_id);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         return $user;