Beispiel #1
Laravel\Event::listen(Laravel\Config::loader, function ($bundle, $file) {
    return Laravel\Config::file($bundle, $file);
| Register Class Aliases
| Aliases allow you to use classes without always specifying their fully
| namespaced path. This is convenient for working with any library that
| makes a heavy use of namespace for class organization. Here we will
| simply register the configured class aliases.
$aliases = Laravel\Config::get('application.aliases');
Laravel\Autoloader::$aliases = $aliases;
| Auto-Loader Mappings
| Registering a mapping couldn't be easier. Just pass an array of class
| to path maps into the "map" function of Autoloader. Then, when you
| want to use that class, just use it. It's simple!
Autoloader::map(array('Base_Controller' => path('app') . 'controllers/base.php'));
| Auto-Loader Directories
Beispiel #2
 $cache = Config::get('twig::config.cache');
  * Get various other Twig configuration items
 $debug = Config::get('twig::config.debug');
 $autoescape = Config::get('twig::config.autoescape');
  * Make the cache directory if it is enabled and doesn't exist.
 if ($cache and !is_dir($cache)) {
  * Register the Twig library with the auto-loader
 Laravel\Autoloader::underscored(array('Twig' => Bundle::path('twig') . 'lib/Twig'));
  * Instantiate a new Laravel Twig loader
 include 'loader.php';
  * If it's registered in the IoC, resolve from there... otherwise use default
 if (IoC::registered('twig::loader')) {
     $loader = IoC::resolve('twig::loader');
 } else {
     $loader = new Laravel_Twig_Loader($ext);
  * Hook into the Laravel view loader
Beispiel #3

Laravel\Autoloader::map(array('Feed' => path('bundle') . 'feed/feed.php'));

//set the bundle path
Laravel\Autoloader::map(array('Delicious\\Delicious' => path('bundle') . 'delicious/delicious.php'));
Beispiel #5
 * Bootstrapper for creating Twitter Bootstrap markup.
 * @package     Bundles
 * @subpackage  Twitter
 * @author      Patrick Talmadge - Follow @patricktalmadge
 * @see
* Customized by Raftalks
* ======================
* Following will help users to modify the config/application.php file 
* This way, removes the hassle for the bundle user. :)
$custom_aliases = array('Alert' => 'Bootstrapper\\Alert', 'Badges' => 'Bootstrapper\\Badges', 'Breadcrumbs' => 'Bootstrapper\\Breadcrumbs', 'Buttons' => 'Bootstrapper\\Buttons', 'ButtonGroup' => 'Bootstrapper\\ButtonGroup', 'ButtonToolbar' => 'Bootstrapper\\ButtonToolbar', 'Carousel' => 'Bootstrapper\\Carousel', 'DropdownButton' => 'Bootstrapper\\DropdownButton', 'Form' => 'Bootstrapper\\Form', 'Helpers' => 'Bootstrapper\\Helpers', 'Icons' => 'Bootstrapper\\Icons', 'Labels' => 'Bootstrapper\\Labels', 'Navbar' => 'Bootstrapper\\Navbar', 'Navigation' => 'Bootstrapper\\Navigation', 'Paginator' => 'Bootstrapper\\Paginator', 'Progress' => 'Bootstrapper\\Progress', 'SplitDropdownButton' => 'Bootstrapper\\SplitDropdownButton', 'Tabbable' => 'Bootstrapper\\Tabbable', 'Typeahead' => 'Bootstrapper\\Typeahead');
$laravel_aliases = Laravel\Autoloader::$aliases;
Laravel\Autoloader::$aliases = array_merge($laravel_aliases, $custom_aliases);
//<-- end of the custom addition -->
Autoloader::map(array('Bootstrapper\\Alert' => __DIR__ . '/alert.php', 'Bootstrapper\\Badges' => __DIR__ . '/badges.php', 'Bootstrapper\\Breadcrumbs' => __DIR__ . '/breadcrumbs.php', 'Bootstrapper\\ButtonGroup' => __DIR__ . '/buttongroup.php', 'Bootstrapper\\Buttons' => __DIR__ . '/buttons.php', 'Bootstrapper\\ButtonToolbar' => __DIR__ . '/buttontoolbar.php', 'Bootstrapper\\Carousel' => __DIR__ . '/carousel.php', 'Bootstrapper\\DropdownButton' => __DIR__ . '/dropdownbutton.php', 'Bootstrapper\\Form' => __DIR__ . '/form.php', 'Bootstrapper\\Helpers' => __DIR__ . '/helpers.php', 'Bootstrapper\\Icons' => __DIR__ . '/icons.php', 'Bootstrapper\\Labels' => __DIR__ . '/labels.php', 'Bootstrapper\\Navbar' => __DIR__ . '/navbar.php', 'Bootstrapper\\Navigation' => __DIR__ . '/navigation.php', 'Bootstrapper\\Paginator' => __DIR__ . '/paginator.php', 'Bootstrapper\\Progress' => __DIR__ . '/progress.php', 'Bootstrapper\\SplitDropdownButton' => __DIR__ . '/splitdropdownbutton.php', 'Bootstrapper\\Tabbable' => __DIR__ . '/tabbable.php', 'Bootstrapper\\Typeahead' => __DIR__ . '/typeahead.php'));
//Asset::container('bootstrapper')->add('jquery',  'js/jquery-1.8.0.js');
Asset::container('bootstrapper')->add('jquery', 'js/jquery-1.8.0.min.js');
//Asset::container('bootstrapper')->add('bootstrap',  'css/bootstrap.css');
Asset::container('bootstrapper')->add('bootstrap', 'css/bootstrap.min.css');
//Not Needed if you don't have the top nav bar
Asset::container('bootstrapper')->add('nav-fix', 'css/nav-fix.css');
//Asset::container('bootstrapper')->add('bootstrap-responsive',  'css/bootstrap-responsive.css');
Asset::container('bootstrapper')->add('bootstrap-responsive', 'css/bootstrap-responsive.min.css');
//Asset::container('bootstrapper')->add('bootstrap-js',  'js/bootstrap.js');
Asset::container('bootstrapper')->add('bootstrap-js', 'js/bootstrap.min.js');

Laravel\Autoloader::map(array('Authority' => __DIR__ . '/authority' . EXT));

Laravel\Autoloader::map(array('Twitter' => path('bundle') . 'twitterfeed/twitter' . EXT));
Beispiel #8

//set the bundle path
Laravel\Autoloader::map(array('Tumblr\\Tumblr' => path('bundle') . 'tumblr/tumblr.php'));
Beispiel #9

Laravel\Autoloader::map(array('Sitemap' => path('bundle') . 'sitemap/sitemap.php'));
Beispiel #10

Laravel\Autoloader::map(array('Squire_Controller' => __DIR__ . DS . 'controllers' . DS . 'squire.php', 'Squire\\Request' => __DIR__ . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'request.php', 'Squire\\Response' => __DIR__ . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'response.php'));
class_alias('Squire\\Request', 'Request');
class_alias('Squire\\Response', 'Response');
// Load config
function squire_extend_config($key, $value)
    if (is_array($value) && $key != 'nav') {
        foreach ($value as $key1 => $value2) {
            squire_extend_config($key . '.' . $key1, $value2);
    Config::set('squire::squire.' . $key, $value);
// Apply app config
foreach (Config::get('squire', array()) as $key => $value) {
    squire_extend_config($key, $value);
// Insert Squire JS
Section::append('head', View::make('squire::sq_js')->render());
include __DIR__ . DS . 'composers.php';
Beispiel #11

Laravel\Autoloader::map(array('Langbuilder\\Dir' => path('bundle') . 'language-builder/libraries/dir.php', 'Langbuilder\\Compare' => path('bundle') . 'language-builder/libraries/compare.php', 'Langbuilder\\Utilities' => path('bundle') . 'language-builder/libraries/utilities.php'));

//set the bundle path
Laravel\Autoloader::map(array('Appcelerator\\Appcelerator' => path('bundle') . 'appcelerator/appcelerator.php'));