/** * Run the migrations. * * @return void */ public function up() { Schema::create('roles', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->string('name')->unique(); $table->string('color'); $table->boolean('assignable'); $table->boolean('allow_editing'); $table->boolean('su'); $table->timestamps(); }); $role = \Laralum::newRole(); $role->name = env('ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE_NAME', 'Administrator'); $role->color = "#DB2828"; $role->assignable = false; $role->allow_editing = false; $role->su = true; $role->save(); if (env('ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE_NAME', 'Administrator') != env('DEFAULT_ROLE_NAME', 'User')) { $role = \Laralum::newRole(); $role->name = env('DEFAULT_ROLE_NAME', 'User'); $role->color = "#000000"; $role->assignable = true; $role->allow_editing = true; $role->su = false; $role->save(); } }
/** * Run the migrations. * * @return void */ public function up() { Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->string('name'); $table->string('email')->unique(); $table->string('password'); $table->boolean('active'); $table->boolean('banned'); $table->string('register_ip'); $table->string('country_code'); $table->string('locale'); $table->string('activation_key'); $table->boolean('su'); $table->rememberToken(); $table->timestamps(); }); $user = \Laralum::newUser(); $user->name = env('USER_NAME', 'admin'); $user->email = env('USER_EMAIL', '*****@*****.**'); $user->password = bcrypt(env('USER_PASSWORD', 'admin123')); $user->active = true; $user->banned = false; $user->register_ip = ""; $user->country_code = env('USER_COUNTRY_CODE', 'ES'); $user->locale = env('USER_LOCALE', 'en'); $user->activation_key = str_random(25); $user->su = true; $user->save(); }
/** * Run the migrations. * * @return void */ public function up() { Schema::create('role_user', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->integer('role_id'); $table->integer('user_id'); $table->timestamps(); }); $rel = new Role_User(); $rel->user_id = \Laralum::user('email', env('USER_EMAIL', '*****@*****.**'))->id; $rel->role_id = \Laralum::role('name', env('ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE_NAME', 'Administrator'))->id; $rel->save(); }
/** * Run the migrations. * * @return void */ public function up() { Schema::create('permission_role', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->integer('permission_id'); $table->integer('role_id'); $table->timestamps(); }); foreach (Laralum::permissions() as $perm) { $rel = new Permission_Role(); $rel->permission_id = \Laralum::permission('id', $perm->id)->id; $rel->role_id = \Laralum::role('name', env('ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE_NAME', 'Administrator'))->id; $rel->save(); } }
/** * Run the migrations. * * @return void */ public function up() { Schema::create('permissions', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->string('slug')->unique(); $table->boolean('assignable'); $table->boolean('su'); $table->timestamps(); }); $permissions = ['laralum.access', 'laralum.users.access', 'laralum.users.create', 'laralum.users.edit', 'laralum.users.roles', 'laralum.users.delete', 'laralum.users.settings', 'laralum.roles.access', 'laralum.roles.create', 'laralum.roles.edit', 'laralum.roles.permissions', 'laralum.roles.delete', 'laralum.permissions.access', 'laralum.permissions.create', 'laralum.permissions.edit', 'laralum.permissions.delete', 'laralum.blogs.access', 'laralum.blogs.create', 'laralum.blogs.edit', 'laralum.blogs.posts', 'laralum.blogs.delete', 'laralum.posts.access', 'laralum.posts.create', 'laralum.posts.edit', 'laralum.posts.view', 'laralum.posts.comments', 'laralum.posts.graphics', 'laralum.posts.delete', 'laralum.files.access', 'laralum.files.upload', 'laralum.files.download', 'laralum.files.delete', 'laralum.documents.create', 'laralum.documents.edit', 'laralum.documents.delete', 'laralum.settings.access', 'laralum.settings.edit', 'laralum.CRUD.access']; foreach ($permissions as $permission) { $perm = \Laralum::newPermission(); $perm->slug = $permission; $perm->assignable = true; $perm->su = true; $perm->save(); } }
/** * Run the migrations. * * @return void */ public function up() { Schema::create('users_settings', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->integer('default_role'); $table->boolean('location')->comment = "0: off, 1: on"; $table->boolean('register_enabled')->comment = "0: off, 1: on"; $table->integer('default_active')->comment = "0: off, 1: email, 2: on"; $table->boolean('welcome_email')->comment = "0: off, 1: on"; }); $settings = new Users_Settings(); $settings->default_role = \Laralum::role('name', env('DEFAULT_ROLE_NAME', 'User'))->id; $settings->register_enabled = true; $settings->default_active = 2; $settings->welcome_email = false; $settings->location = false; $settings->save(); }
<i class="frown icon"></i> <div class="content"> <div class="header"> {{ trans('laralum.missing_title') }} </div> <p>{{ trans('laralum.missing_subtitle', ['element' => "files"]) }}</p> </div> </div> @else <div class="ui doubling stackable three column grid"> @foreach($files as $file) <div class="column"> @if(Laralum::isDocument($file)) <?php $doc = Laralum::document('name', $file); $slug = $doc->slug; ?> <div class="ui fluid blue card"> <div class="content"> <div class="header">{{ $file }}</div> <div class="meta">{{ trans('laralum.documents_document') }}</div> </div> <div class="description"> <center> <a href="{{ route('Laralum::files_download', ['file' => $file]) }}" class="ui no-disable button download"> {{ trans('laralum.download') }} </a> </center> </div><br>
<input <?php $disabled = false; if (isset($role)) { if ($role->hasPermission($perm->slug)) { echo "checked='checked' "; } if ($role->su) { if ($perm->su) { $disabled = true; } } } if (!$disabled and (!$perm->assignable and !Laralum::loggedInUser()->su)) { $disabled = true; } if ($disabled) { echo "disabled "; } ?> name="{{ $perm->id }}" type="checkbox" tabindex="0" class="@if(!$disabled) checkable @endif hidden"> <label>{{ Laralum::permissionName($perm->slug) }}</label> </div><i data-variation="wide" data-title="{{ $perm->slug }}" data-content="{{ Laralum::permissionDescription($perm->slug) }}" data-position="right center" class="grey question pop icon"></i> @if(!$perm->assignable and !Laralum::loggedInUser()->su)<i data-variation="wide" class="red lock icon pop" data-position="right center" data-title="{{ trans('laralum.unassignable_permission') }}" data-content="{{ trans('laralum.unassignable_permission_desc') }}"></i>@endif @if(!$perm->assignable and Laralum::loggedInUser()->su and !$disabled)<i data-variation="wide" class="red unlock icon pop" data-position="right center" data-title="{{ trans('laralum.unassignable_permission_unlocked') }}" data-content="{{ trans('laralum.unassignable_permission_unlocked_desc') }}"></i>@endif @if(Laralum::loggedInUser()->su and $disabled)<i data-variation="wide" class="red asterisk icon pop" data-position="right center" data-title="{{ trans('laralum.su_permission_and_role') }}" data-content="{{ trans('laralum.su_permission_and_role_desc') }}"></i>@endif </div>
| regardless of it's differences. | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ include 'SimpleGet.php'; # Get the row table columns $columns = Schema::getColumnListing($table); # Add su_hidden to hidden if the row is su if (Schema::hasColumn($table, 'su') and $row->su) { # Add the su_hidden fields to the hiden variable foreach ($su_hidden as $su_hid) { array_push($hidden, $su_hid); } } # Gets the fields available to edit / update $final_columns = []; foreach ($columns as $column) { $add = true; foreach ($hidden as $hide) { if ($column == $hide) { $add = false; } } if ($column == Laralum::allowEditingField() and !Laralum::loggedInUser()->su) { $add = false; } if ($add) { array_push($final_columns, $column); } } $fields = $final_columns;
| * Available settings: | | | | table: The table name +-------------+ | hidden: Columns that will not be displayed in the edit form, and they won't be updated +----------------------------+ | empty: Columns that will not have their current value when editing them (eg: password field is hidden in the model) | | confirmed: fields that will need to be confirmed twice +-+ | encrypted: Fields that will be encrypted using: Crypt::encrypt(); when they are saved and decrypted when editing them +---------------------------+ | hashed: Fields that will be hashed when they are saved in the database, will be empty on editing, and if saved as empty they will not be modified | | masked: Fields that will be displayed as a type='password', so their content when beeing modified won't be visible +------------------------------+ | default_random: Fields that if no data is set, they will be randomly generated (10 characters) +-------------------+ | su_hidden: Columns that will be added to the hidden array if the user is su +------------------+ | code: Fields that can be edited using a code editor +-+ | wysiwyg: Fields that can be edited using a wysiwyg editor | | validator: validator settings when executing: $this->validate(); | | relations: a relationship between a column and a table, or a dropdown | | | | Note: Do not change the first index | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | This file allows you to setup all the information | | to be able to manage your app without problems | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ if (!isset($row)) { # the row will be the user logged in if no row is set $row = Auth::user(); } $data = ['users' => ['table' => 'users', 'create' => ['hidden' => ['id', 'su', 'active', 'banned', 'register_ip', 'activation_key', 'locale', 'remember_token', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], 'default_random' => ['password'], 'confirmed' => ['password'], 'encrypted' => [], 'hashed' => ['password'], 'masked' => ['password'], 'code' => [], 'wysiwyg' => [], 'validator' => ['name' => 'required|max:255', 'email' => 'required|email|unique:users', 'password' => 'confirmed|min:6', 'country_code' => 'required']], 'edit' => ['hidden' => ['id', 'su', 'email', 'register_ip', 'activation_key', 'locale', 'remember_token', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], 'su_hidden' => ['name', 'active', 'banned', 'password', 'country_code'], 'empty' => ['password'], 'default_random' => [], 'confirmed' => ['password'], 'encrypted' => [], 'hashed' => ['password'], 'masked' => ['password'], 'code' => [], 'wysiwyg' => [], 'validator' => ['name' => 'sometimes|required|max:255', 'password' => 'sometimes|confirmed|min:6', 'country_code' => 'sometimes|required']]], 'profile' => ['table' => 'users', 'edit' => ['hidden' => ['id', 'su', 'email', 'register_ip', 'active', 'banned', 'activation_key', 'locale', 'remember_token', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], 'empty' => ['password'], 'default_random' => [], 'confirmed' => ['password'], 'encrypted' => [], 'hashed' => ['password'], 'masked' => ['password'], 'code' => [], 'wysiwyg' => [], 'validator' => ['name' => 'sometimes|required|max:255', 'password' => 'sometimes|confirmed|min:6', 'country_code' => 'sometimes|required']]], 'users_settings' => ['table' => 'users_settings', 'edit' => ['hidden' => ['id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], 'empty' => [], 'default_random' => [], 'confirmed' => [], 'encrypted' => [], 'hashed' => [], 'masked' => [], 'code' => [], 'wysiwyg' => [], 'relations' => ['default_role' => ['data' => Laralum::roles(), 'value' => 'id', 'show' => 'name'], 'default_active' => ['data' => Laralum::dropdown('users_default_active'), 'value' => 'value', 'show' => 'show']], 'validator' => ['default_role' => 'sometimes|required', 'location' => 'sometimes|required', 'register_enabled' => 'sometimes|required', 'default_active' => 'sometimes|required', 'welcome_email' => 'sometimes|required']]], 'roles' => ['table' => 'roles', 'create' => ['hidden' => ['id', 'su', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], 'default_random' => [], 'confirmed' => [], 'encrypted' => [], 'hashed' => [], 'masked' => [], 'code' => [], 'wysiwyg' => [], 'relations' => ['color' => ['data' => Laralum::dropdown('colors_name'), 'value' => 'value', 'show' => 'show']], 'validator' => ['name' => 'required|unique:roles', 'color' => 'required']], 'edit' => ['hidden' => ['id', 'su', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], 'su_hidden' => ['name'], 'empty' => [], 'default_random' => [], 'confirmed' => [], 'encrypted' => [], 'hashed' => [], 'masked' => [], 'code' => [], 'wysiwyg' => [], 'relations' => ['color' => ['data' => Laralum::dropdown('colors_name'), 'value' => 'value', 'show' => 'show']], 'validator' => ['name' => 'sometimes|required|unique:roles,name,' . $row->id, 'color' => 'required']]], 'permissions' => ['table' => 'permissions', 'create' => ['hidden' => ['id', 'su', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], 'default_random' => [], 'confirmed' => [], 'encrypted' => [], 'hashed' => [], 'masked' => [], 'code' => [], 'wysiwyg' => [], 'validator' => ['slug' => 'required|max:255|unique:permissions']], 'edit' => ['hidden' => ['id', 'su', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], 'su_hidden' => ['slug'], 'empty' => [], 'default_random' => [], 'confirmed' => [], 'encrypted' => [], 'hashed' => [], 'masked' => [], 'code' => [], 'wysiwyg' => [], 'validator' => ['slug' => 'sometimes|required|max:255|unique:permissions,slug,' . $row->id]]], 'blogs' => ['table' => 'blogs', 'create' => ['hidden' => ['id', 'user_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], 'default_random' => [], 'confirmed' => [], 'encrypted' => [], 'hashed' => [], 'masked' => [], 'code' => [], 'wysiwyg' => [], 'validator' => ['name' => 'required|max:255|unique:blogs']], 'edit' => ['hidden' => ['id', 'user_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], 'empty' => [], 'default_random' => [], 'confirmed' => [], 'encrypted' => [], 'hashed' => [], 'masked' => [], 'code' => [], 'wysiwyg' => [], 'validator' => ['name' => 'sometimes|required|max:255|unique:blogs,name,' . $row->id]]], 'posts' => ['table' => 'posts', 'create' => ['hidden' => ['id', 'user_id', 'edited_by', 'blog_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], 'default_random' => [], 'confirmed' => [], 'encrypted' => [], 'hashed' => [], 'masked' => [], 'code' => [], 'wysiwyg' => ['body'], 'validator' => ['title' => 'required|max:255', 'body' => 'required']], 'edit' => ['hidden' => ['id', 'user_id', 'edited_by', 'blog_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], 'empty' => [], 'default_random' => [], 'confirmed' => [], 'encrypted' => [], 'hashed' => [], 'masked' => [], 'code' => [], 'wysiwyg' => ['body'], 'validator' => ['title' => 'sometimes|required|max:255', 'body' => 'required']]], 'comments' => ['table' => 'post_comments', 'create' => ['hidden' => ['id', 'post_id', 'user_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], 'default_random' => [], 'confirmed' => [], 'encrypted' => [], 'hashed' => [], 'masked' => [], 'code' => [], 'wysiwyg' => [], 'validator' => ['name' => 'sometimes|required', 'email' => 'sometimes|required', 'content' => 'required']], 'edit' => ['hidden' => ['id', 'post_id', 'user_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], 'empty' => [], 'default_random' => [], 'confirmed' => [], 'encrypted' => [], 'hashed' => [], 'masked' => [], 'code' => [], 'wysiwyg' => [], 'validator' => ['name' => 'sometimes|required', 'email' => 'sometimes|required', 'content' => 'required']]], 'settings' => ['table' => 'settings', 'create' => ['hidden' => ['id', 'laralum_version', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], 'default_random' => [], 'confirmed' => [], 'encrypted' => [], 'hashed' => [], 'masked' => [], 'code' => [], 'wysiwyg' => [], 'validator' => []], 'edit' => ['hidden' => ['id', 'laralum_version', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], 'empty' => [], 'default_random' => [], 'confirmed' => [], 'encrypted' => [], 'hashed' => [], 'masked' => [], 'code' => [], 'wysiwyg' => [], 'relations' => ['header_color' => ['data' => Laralum::dropdown('colors_hex'), 'value' => 'value', 'show' => 'show'], 'button_color' => ['data' => Laralum::dropdown('colors_name'), 'value' => 'value', 'show' => 'show'], 'pie_chart_source' => ['data' => Laralum::dropdown('settings_pie_chart_source'), 'value' => 'value', 'show' => 'show'], 'bar_chart_source' => ['data' => Laralum::dropdown('settings_bar_chart_source'), 'value' => 'value', 'show' => 'show'], 'line_chart_source' => ['data' => Laralum::dropdown('settings_line_chart_source'), 'value' => 'value', 'show' => 'show'], 'geo_chart_source' => ['data' => Laralum::dropdown('settings_geo_chart_source'), 'value' => 'value', 'show' => 'show']], 'validator' => []]], 'documents' => ['table' => 'documents', 'create' => ['hidden' => ['id', 'slug', 'downloads', 'name', 'user_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], 'default_random' => [], 'confirmed' => [], 'encrypted' => ['password'], 'hashed' => [], 'masked' => [], 'code' => [], 'wysiwyg' => [], 'validator' => []], 'edit' => ['hidden' => ['id', 'slug', 'downloads', 'name', 'user_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], 'default_random' => [], 'default_random' => [], 'confirmed' => [], 'encrypted' => ['password'], 'hashed' => [], 'masked' => [], 'code' => [], 'wysiwyg' => [], 'validator' => []]]];
?> @foreach($roles as $role) <div class="inline field"> <div class="ui slider checkbox"> <input <?php if (isset($row)) { if ($row->hasRole($role->name)) { echo "checked='checked' "; } } $disabled = false; if ($role->su) { $disabled = true; } if (!$role->assignable and !Laralum::loggedInUser()->su) { $disabled = true; } if ($disabled) { echo "disabled"; } ?> type="checkbox" name="{{ $role->id }}" tabindex="0" class="hidden"> <label>{{ $role->name }} @if($role->su)<i class="red asterisk thin icon pop" data-variation="wide" data-position="right center" data-title="{{ trans('laralum.su_role') }}" data-content="{{ trans('laralum.su_role_desc') }}"></i>@endif @if(!$role->assignable and !Laralum::loggedInUser()->su) <i data-variation="wide" class="red lock icon pop" data-position="right center" data-title="{{ trans('laralum.unassignable_role') }}" data-content="{{ trans('laralum.unassignable_role_desc') }}"></i> @endif @if(!$role->assignable and Laralum::loggedInUser()->su) <i data-variation="wide" class="red unlock icon pop" data-position="right center" data-title="{{ trans('laralum.unassignable_role_unlocked') }}" data-content="{{ trans('laralum.unassignable_role_unlocked_desc') }}"></i> @endif
} else { $save = false; } } } # Check if it's an encrypted field foreach ($encrypted as $encrypt) { if ($encrypt == $field) { if ($value != '') { $value = Crypt::encrypt($value); } } } # Check if it's a relation and if the value is on the dropdown if (array_key_exists($field, $relations)) { if ($value == "" or !Laralum::checkValueInRelation($relations[$field]['data'], $value, $relations[$field]['value'])) { abort(403, trans('laralum.error_relation_value', ['field' => $field])); } } # Save it if ($save) { $row->{$field} = $value; } } elseif ($type == 'boolean') { # Save it if ($value) { $row->{$field} = true; } else { $row->{$field} = false; } } else {
<?php $includes = ['header' => "\n <script src=" . asset(Laralum::publicPath() . '/js/jquery-3.0.0.min.js') . "></script>\n ", 'laralum_header' => "\n <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='" . asset(Laralum::publicPath() . '/css/semantic.min.css') . "'>\n <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='" . asset(Laralum::publicPath() . '/sweetalert/sweetalert.css') . "'>\n <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='" . asset(Laralum::publicPath() . '/css/style.css') . "'>\n <script src='" . asset(Laralum::publicPath() . '/js/jquery-3.0.0.min.js') . "'></script>\n <script src='" . asset(Laralum::publicPath() . '/code/ace.js') . "' type='text/javascript' charset='utf-8'></script>\n <script src='" . asset(Laralum::publicPath() . '/sweetalert/sweetalert.min.js') . "'></script>\n <script src='" . asset(Laralum::publicPath() . '/ckeditor/ckeditor.js') . "'></script>\n ", 'laralum_bottom' => "\n <script src='" . asset(Laralum::publicPath() . '/js/semantic.min.js') . "'></script>\n <script src='" . asset(Laralum::publicPath() . '/date/jquery.timeago.js') . "'></script>\n <script src='" . asset(Laralum::publicPath() . '/js/script.js') . "'></script>\n ", 'charts' => "\n <script type='text/javascript' src='https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js'></script>\n <script type='text/javascript' src='https://www.google.com/jsapi'></script>\n <script type='text/javascript'>google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['corechart', 'geochart']});</script>\n <script src='" . asset(Laralum::publicPath() . '/highcharts/js/highcharts.js') . "'></script>\n <script src='" . asset(Laralum::publicPath() . '/highcharts/js/modules/exporting.js') . "'></script>\n <script src='" . asset(Laralum::publicPath() . '/highmaps/js/modules/map.js') . "'></script>\n <script src='" . asset(Laralum::publicPath() . '/highmaps/js/modules/data.js') . "'></script>\n <script src='" . asset(Laralum::publicPath() . '/highmaps/maps/world.js') . "'></script>\n <script src='" . asset(Laralum::publicPath() . '/chartjs/Chart.js') . "'></script>\n "];
<?php $locales = ['en' => ['name' => "English", 'type' => 'flag', 'type_data' => 'gb', 'enabled' => true, 'author' => "Èrik Campobadal Forés", 'website' => "https://erik.cat"], 'es' => ['name' => "Castellano", 'type' => 'flag', 'type_data' => 'es', 'enabled' => true, 'author' => "Aitor Riba & Xavier Jorba", 'website' => "http://aitorriba.ml"], 'ca' => ['name' => "Català", 'type' => 'image', 'type_data' => asset(Laralum::publicPath() . '/images/ca.png'), 'enabled' => true, 'author' => "Aitor Riba & Xavier Jorba", 'website' => "http://aitorriba.ml"]];
<tr> @foreach($columns as $column) <td>@if(in_array($column,$hide))<i>HIDDEN</i>@else @if($row->$column == "")<i>EMPTY</i>@else {{ $row->$column }} @endif @endif</td> @endforeach @if($allow_edit and \Schema::hasColumn($name, 'id')) <td> <a href="{{ route('Laralum::CRUD_edit', ['table' => $name, 'id' => $row->id]) }}" class="ui {{ Laralum::settings()->button_color }} button">{{ trans('laralum.edit') }}</a> </td> @else <td> <a class="ui disabled {{ Laralum::settings()->button_color }} button">{{ trans('laralum.edit') }}</a> </td> @endif <?php # Check if you're allowed to delete rows require Laralum::dataPath() . '/DevData.php'; $del = true; if (array_key_exists($name, $data)) { if (array_key_exists('delete', $data[$name])) { if (!$data[$name]['delete']) { $del = false; } } } ?> @if($del) <td> <a href="{{ route('Laralum::CRUD_delete', ['table' => $name, 'id' => $row->id]) }}" class="ui {{ Laralum::settings()->button_color }} button">{{ trans('laralum.delete') }}</a> </td> @else <td>
@section('content') <div class="ui doubling stackable grid container"> <div class="four wide column"></div> <div class="eight wide column"> <div class="ui segment"> <div class="ui {{ Laralum::settings()->button_color }} ribbon label">{{ trans('laralum.avatar') }}</div> <br><br> <center> <img class="ui small circular image" src="{{ $user->avatar(150) }}"> </center> <br><br> <div class="ui {{ Laralum::settings()->button_color }} ribbon label">{{ trans('laralum.information') }}</div> <br><br> <center> <?php $countries = Laralum::countries(); ?> <div class="ui list"> <div class="item"> <div class="header">{{ trans('laralum.country') }}</div> @if(in_array($user->country_code, Laralum::noFlags()))<i class="help icon"></i> {{ $countries[$user->country_code] }}@else<i class="{{ strtolower($user->country_code) }} flag"></i> {{ $countries[$user->country_code] }}@endif </div> <div class="item"> <div class="header">{{ trans('laralum.join_date') }}:</div> {{ Laralum::fancyDate($user->created_at) }} </div> <div class="item"> <div class="header">{{ trans('laralum.last_updated') }}:</div> {{ Laralum::fancyDate($user->updated_at) }} </div> </div>
} $users_country_pie_graph['title'] = trans('laralum.users_graph2'); $users_country_pie_graph['labels'] = []; $users_country_pie_graph['data'] = []; foreach ($g_labels as $g_label) { array_push($users_country_pie_graph['labels'], $countries[$g_label]); array_push($users_country_pie_graph['data'], count(Laralum::users('country_code', $g_label))); } /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | users_country_geo_graph |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $g_labels = []; foreach (Laralum::users() as $user) { $add = true; foreach ($g_labels as $g_label) { if ($g_label == $user->country_code) { $add = false; } } if ($add) { array_push($g_labels, $user->country_code); } } $users_country_geo_graph['title'] = trans('laralum.users_graph2'); $users_country_geo_graph['element_label'] = trans('laralum.users'); $users_country_geo_graph['data'] = []; foreach ($g_labels as $g_label) { array_push($users_country_geo_graph['data'], [$g_label, count(Laralum::users('country_code', $g_label))]); }
@section('icon', "exchange") @section('subtitle', trans('laralum.API_subtitle')) @section('content') <div class="ui one column doubling stackable grid container"> <div class="column"> <div class="ui very padded segment"> <table class="ui table "> <thead> <tr> <th>{{ trans('laralum.API_url') }}</th> <th>{{ trans('laralum.API_show') }}</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $api = Laralum::apiData(); ?> @foreach($api as $a => $data) <tr> <td> @if($data['enabled']) <i class="green checkmark icon"></i> @else <i class="red close icon"></i> @endif <a href="{{ route('API::show', ['table' => $a]) }}">/{{ $a }}/{accessor?}/{data?}</a> </td> <td> @foreach($data['show'] as $d) <div class="ui basic label">{{ $d }}</div> @endforeach
<?php // Operations here require 'WidgetsOperations.php'; // Widgets here $widgets = ['latest_users_graph' => Laralum::lineChart($latest_users_graph['title'], $latest_users_graph['element_label'], $latest_users_graph['labels'], $latest_users_graph['data']), 'latest_posts_graph' => Laralum::lineChart($latest_posts_graph['title'], $latest_posts_graph['element_label'], $latest_posts_graph['labels'], $latest_posts_graph['data']), 'users_country_pie_graph' => Laralum::pieChart($users_country_pie_graph['title'], $users_country_pie_graph['labels'], $users_country_pie_graph['data']), 'users_country_geo_graph' => Laralum::geoChart($users_country_geo_graph['title'], $users_country_geo_graph['element_label'], $users_country_geo_graph['data']), 'roles_users' => Laralum::barChart($roles_users['title'], $roles_users['element_label'], $roles_users['labels'], $roles_users['data']), 'basic_stats_1' => "\n <div class='ui doubling stackable three column grid container'>\n <div class='column'>\n <center>\n <div class='ui statistic'>\n <div class='value'>\n " . count(Laralum::users()) . "\n </div>\n <div class='label'>\n " . trans('laralum.users') . "\n </div>\n </div>\n </center>\n </div>\n <div class='column'>\n <center>\n <div class='ui statistic'>\n <div class='value'>\n " . count(Laralum::roles()) . "\n </div>\n <div class='label'>\n " . trans('laralum.roles') . "\n </div>\n </div>\n </center>\n </div>\n <div class='column'>\n <center>\n <div class='ui statistic'>\n <div class='value'>\n " . count(Laralum::permissions()) . "\n </div>\n <div class='label'>\n " . trans('laralum.permissions') . "\n </div>\n </div>\n </center>\n </div>\n </div>\n ", 'basic_stats_2' => "\n <div class='ui doubling stackable three column grid container'>\n <div class='column'>\n <center>\n <div class='ui statistic'>\n <div class='value'>\n " . count(Laralum::posts()) . "\n </div>\n <div class='label'>\n " . trans('laralum.posts') . "\n </div>\n </div>\n </center>\n </div>\n <div class='column'>\n <center>\n <div class='ui statistic'>\n <div class='value'>\n " . count(Laralum::postViews()) . "\n </div>\n <div class='label'>\n " . trans('laralum.post_views') . "\n </div>\n </div>\n </center>\n </div>\n <div class='column'>\n <center>\n <div class='ui statistic'>\n <div class='value'>\n " . count(Laralum::comments()) . "\n </div>\n <div class='label'>\n " . trans('laralum.comments') . "\n </div>\n </div>\n </center>\n </div>\n </div>\n "];
<div class="page-content"> <div class="menu-pusher"> @yield('content') </div> </div> <br><br> <div class="page-footer"> <div class="ui bottom fixed padded segment"> <div class="menu-pusher"> <div class="ui container"> <a href="{{ url('/') }}" class="ui tiny header"> {{ Laralum::websiteTitle() }} </a> <?php $locales = Laralum::locales(); if ($locale = Laralum::loggedInUser()->locale) { $locale = $locales[$locale]; } else { $locale = $locales['en']; } ?> - <a href="{{ $locale['website'] }}" class="ui tiny header"> {{ trans('laralum.translated_by', ['author' => $locale['author']]) }} </a> <a class="ui tiny header right floated" href='https://github.com/ConsoleTVs/Laralum'>© Copyright Laralum {{ Laralum::version() }}</a> <a class="ui tiny header right floated" href="https://erik.cat">Author</a> </div> </div> </div> </div>