$languages = unserialize(LANGUAGES);
// If no language is given redirect to English version.
$query = explode('/', rtrim(!empty($_GET['q']) ? $_GET['q'] : ''));
if (empty($query) || !in_array($query[0], array_keys($languages))) {
    // Fallback to english.
    header('Location:' . alt_lang_url('en'));
} else {
    define('LANGUAGE', $query[0]);
    setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $languages[LANGUAGE] . '.utf8');
    bindtextdomain('messages', BASE_DIR . 'locale');
    bind_textdomain_codeset('messages', 'UTF-8');
// Initialize or include components, that need to be language aware.
require_once BASE_DIR . 'inc/data.php';
// Will be set to true in the event that no controller is given
// or the controller does not exist.
$fallback = FALSE;
// Look for controller in the query and check that it exists.
if (!empty($query[1]) && class_exists($query[1])) {
    $controller = $query[1]::getInstance();
    // Look for controller method in the query and check that it is public
    // and does not start with _.
    if (!empty($query[2]) && preg_match('/^_/', $query[2]) !== 1 && is_callable(array($controller, $query[2]))) {
        $params = array_slice($query, 3);
        call_user_func_array(array($controller, $query[2]), $params);
    } else {