Beispiel #1
  * Our CreatePerson function, used as the callback in our paginator
 function CreatePerson()
     //The data for each row of data is stored in Event::$BoundData
     $person = Event::$BoundData;
     $name = new Label($person['firstname'] . ' ' . $person['lastname']);
     //Style the $name, making it a bit prettier
     $name->SetSize('100%', null);
     $name->CSSBorderBottom = '1px dotted black';
     $name->CSSPadding = '5px';
     //Set Label's Layout to Relative
     $name->Layout = Layout::Relative;
     //Set a Click for each $name
     $name->Click = new ServerEvent('System', 'Alert', "person_id for {$name->Text} is {$person['person_id']}.");
     /*We must return an object for each callback. Paginator will automatically
       add this object to your results panel. You can return ANY object that 
       extends Control*/
     return $name;