Beispiel #1
	private function showHelp()
		echo "Usage:\n";
		echo "php generate_classes.php <dbKey> <base class> [<path>]\n";
		echo "Where\n";
		echo "* dbKey is the name of a database key registered with LPC_DB.\n";
		echo "* base class is the name of the base class for this application.\n";
		echo "  For example POLL_Base, PROF_Base, BLOG_Base, etc.\n";
		echo "  If the base class doesn't exist it will also be created.\n";
		echo "* path is an optional parameter specifying where the classes should be written.\n";
		echo "  If left blank, the default path is used:\n";
		echo "  ".LPC_classes."\n";
		echo "\n";
		echo "Available database keys:\n";
		echo "* ".implode("\n* ", LPC_DB::listAvailableKeys())."\n";