function newdownloadgraphic($datetime) { global $module_name, $userinfo; echo ' '; $count = 0; while ($count <= 7) { $daysold = L10NTime::date('d-M-Y', gmtime() - 86400 * $count, $userinfo['user_dst'], $userinfo['user_timezone']); if ($daysold == $datetime) { if ($count <= 1) { echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/new_1.gif\" alt=\"" . _NEWTODAY . "\" />"; } if ($count <= 3 && $count > 1) { echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/new_3.gif\" alt=\"" . _NEWLAST3DAYS . "\" />"; } if ($count <= 7 && $count > 3) { echo "<img src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/new_7.gif\" alt=\"" . _NEWTHISWEEK . "\" />"; } } $count++; } }
public function upgrade($prev_version) { global $db, $prefix, $installer, $userinfo; if (version_compare($prev_version, '3', '<')) { $this->new_tables(); $installer->add_query('DROP', $this->prefix . '_modrequest'); $installer->add_query('DROP', $this->prefix . '_newdownload'); $installer->add_query('DROP', $this->prefix . '_editorials'); $installer->add_query('DROP', $this->prefix . '_votedata'); $installer->add_query('DEL', $this->prefix . '_categories', 'ldescription'); // $installer->add_query('DEL', $this->prefix.'_downloads', 'FOREIGN KEY sid'); $installer->add_query('DEL', $this->prefix . '_downloads', 'INDEX sid'); $installer->add_query('DEL', $this->prefix . '_downloads', 'INDEX title'); $installer->add_query('DEL', $this->prefix . '_downloads', 'COLUMN sid, DROP COLUMN downloadratingsummary, DROP COLUMN totalvotes, DROP COLUMN totalcomments'); $installer->add_query('CHANGE', $this->prefix . '_downloads', 'description desc_long TEXT'); $installer->add_query('CHANGE', $this->prefix . '_downloads', 'date date int UNSIGNED NOT NULL default ' . time()); $installer->add_query('ADD', $this->prefix . '_downloads', 'screen INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER url'); $installer->add_query('ADD', $this->prefix . '_downloads', 'desc_short varchar(255) NOT NULL AFTER screen'); $installer->add_query('ADD', $this->prefix . '_downloads', 'notes text NOT NULL AFTER desc_long'); $installer->add_query('ADD', $this->prefix . '_downloads', 'active TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 AFTER cid'); $installer->add_query('ADD', $this->prefix . '_downloads', 'updated int UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER date'); $installer->add_query('ADD', $this->prefix . '_downloads', 'compat varchar(255) NOT NULL AFTER homepage'); $installer->add_query('ADD', $this->prefix . '_downloads', 'pick TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $installer->add_query('ADD', $this->prefix . '_downloads', 'access TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER active'); $time = time(); $time_year = intval(L10NTime::date('Y', $time, $userinfo['user_dst'], $userinfo['user_timezone'])); $time_month = intval(L10NTime::date('m', $time, $userinfo['user_dst'], $userinfo['user_timezone'])) - 1; if ($time_month < 1) { $time_month = 12; $time_year -= 1; } $result = $db->sql_uquery("SELECT lid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date), hits FROM " . $prefix . '_' . $this->prefix . "_downloads"); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $installer->add_query('UPDATE', $this->prefix . '_downloads', "date='" . Fix_Quotes($row[1]) . "' WHERE lid='" . $row[0] . "'"); $installer->add_query('INSERT', $this->prefix . '_stats', "'" . $row[0] . "', '{$time_year}', '{$time_month}', '" . $row[3] . "', 0"); } $installer->add_query('DEL', $this->prefix . '_downloads', 'hits'); $this->new_config(); $result = $db->sql_uquery("SELECT lid, url, filesize FROM " . $prefix . '_' . $this->prefix . "_downloads"); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result, SQL_NUM)) { if (ereg('://', $row[1])) { $row[2] = intval($row[2]); $row[3] = 'N/A'; } else { $row[2] = intval(filesize($row[2])); $row[3] = md5_file($row[2]); clearstatcache(); } $installer->add_query('INSERT', $this->prefix . '_mirrors', "'NULL', '" . $row[0] . "', '" . Fix_Quotes($row[1]) . "', '', " . $row[2] . ", '" . $row[3] . "', 0"); } $installer->add_query('DEL', $this->prefix . '_downloads', 'url'); } // end upgrade < // upgrade SPECIAL for multi-screenshot system if (version_compare($prev_version, '', '<')) { $installer->add_query('CHANGE', $this->prefix . '_downloads', 'screen screen INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $db->sql_query('CREATE TABLE ' . $prefix . '_' . $this->prefix . '_screenshots ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, did int(11) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, url varchar(255) NOT NULL, uploaded tinyint(4) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id))'); $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT lid, screen FROM " . $prefix . '_' . $this->prefix . "_downloads"); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result, SQL_NUM)) { if (!empty($row[1])) { $db->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . $prefix . '_' . $this->prefix . "_screenshots VALUES (NULL, '" . $row[0] . "', '" . $row[1] . "', 0)"); $installer->add_query('UPDATE', $this->prefix . '_downloads', "screen='" . $db->sql_nextid('id') . "' WHERE lid='" . $row[0] . "'"); } } } if (version_compare($prev_version, '', '<')) { $installer->add_query('INSERT', 'config_custom', '"' . $this->prefix . '", "anon_dl_remote", 1'); $installer->add_query('INSERT', 'config_custom', '"' . $this->prefix . '", "use_fetch_remote", 1'); } if (version_compare($prev_version, '', '<')) { $installer->add_query('ADD', $this->prefix . '_ratings', 'active TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 AFTER uid'); $installer->add_query('INSERT', 'config_custom', '"' . $this->prefix . '", "r_active", 1'); $installer->add_query('INSERT', 'config_custom', '"' . $this->prefix . '", "r_queue", 0'); } if (version_compare($prev_version, '', '<')) { $installer->add_query('ADD', $this->prefix . '_broken', 'mid INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER lid'); } if (version_compare($prev_version, '', '<')) { $installer->add_query('INDEX', $this->prefix . '_downloads', 'active', 'active'); $installer->add_query('INDEX', $this->prefix . '_stats', 'id', 'id'); } if (version_compare($prev_version, '', '<')) { $installer->add_query('INSERT', 'config_custom', '"' . $this->prefix . '", "md5_local", 1'); $installer->add_query('INSERT', 'config_custom', '"' . $this->prefix . '", "md5_remote", 1'); } if (version_compare($prev_version, '', '<')) { $installer->add_query('INSERT', 'config_custom', '"' . $this->prefix . '", "screen_max", 10'); } if (version_compare($prev_version, '', '<')) { $installer->add_query('INSERT', 'config_custom', '"' . $this->prefix . '", "pub_mirror", 1'); $installer->add_query('ADD', $this->prefix . '_mirrors', 'uid mediumint(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER did'); $installer->add_query('ADD', $this->prefix . '_mirrors', 'active TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1'); $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT lid, submitter FROM " . $prefix . '_' . $this->prefix . "_downloads"); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result, SQL_NUM)) { $installer->add_query('UPDATE', $this->prefix . '_mirrors', "uid='" . $row[1] . "' WHERE did='" . $row[0] . "'"); } } if (version_compare($prev_version, '', '<')) { $installer->add_query('DELETE', 'config_custom', 'cfg_name="' . $this->prefix . '" AND cfg_field="outside"'); } return true; }
<span style="float:left; height:25px;">' . _NICKNAME . '</span><span style="float:right; height:25px;"><input type="text" name="ulogin" size="10" maxlength="25" /></span><br /> <span style="float:left; height:25px;">' . _PASSWORD . '</span><span style="float:right; height:25px;"><input type="password" name="user_password" size="10" maxlength="20" /></span><br /> '; if ($MAIN_CFG['debug']['sec_code'] & 2) { $content .= '<span style="float:left; height:25px;">' . _SECURITYCODE . '</span><span style="float:right; height:25px;">' . generate_secimg() . '</span><br style="clear:left;" /> <span style="float:left; height:25px;">' . _TYPESECCODE . '</span><span style="float:right; height:25px;"><input type="text" name="gfx_check" size="8" maxlength="8" /></span><br />'; } // don't show register link unless allowuserreg is yes $content .= '<span style="float:left; height:25px;">' . ($MAIN_CFG['member']['allowuserreg'] ? '<input type="button" value="' . _BREG . '" onclick="window.location=\'' . URL::index('Your_Account&file=register', 1, 1) . '\'" />' : '') . '</span> <span style="float:right; height:25px;"><input type="submit" value="' . _LOGIN . '" /> </span></div></form>'; } if (is_admin()) { $content .= '<br style="clear:left;"/><a title="' . _LOGOUTADMINACCT . '" href="' . URL::admin('logout') . '"><img src="images/blocks/login.gif" alt="" /></a> <a title="' . _LOGOUTADMINACCT . '" href="' . URL::admin('logout') . '">' . _ADMIN . ' ' . _LOGOUT . "</a><br />\n"; } $day = L10NTime::tolocal(mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n'), date('j'), date('Y')) - date('Z'), $userinfo['user_dst'], $userinfo['user_timezone']); list($last[0]) = $db->sql_ufetchrow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $user_prefix . "_users \n\tWHERE user_regdate>='" . $day . "'", SQL_NUM); list($last[1]) = $db->sql_ufetchrow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $user_prefix . "_users \n\tWHERE user_regdate<'" . $day . "' AND user_regdate>='" . ($day - 86400) . "'", SQL_NUM); list($lastuser) = $db->sql_ufetchrow("SELECT username FROM " . $user_prefix . "_users \n\tWHERE user_active = 1 AND user_level > 0 \n\tORDER BY user_id DESC", SQL_NUM); list($numusers) = $db->sql_ufetchrow("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $user_prefix . "_users \nWHERE user_id > 1 AND user_level > 0", SQL_NUM); $content .= '<hr /><span style="font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline;">' . _BMEMP . ":</span><br />\n"; $content .= '<img src="images/blocks/ur-moderator.gif" alt="" /> ' . _BLATEST . ': <a href="' . URL::index("Your_Account&profile={$lastuser}") . '"><b>' . $lastuser . '</b></a><br /> <img src="images/blocks/ur-author.gif" alt="" /> ' . _BTD . ': <b>' . $last[0] . '</b><br /> <img src="images/blocks/ur-admin.gif" alt="" /> ' . _BYD . ': <b>' . $last[1] . '</b><br /> <img src="images/blocks/ur-guest.gif" alt="" /> ' . _BOVER . ': <b>' . $numusers . '</b><br /> <hr /> <img src="images/blocks/group-1.gif" alt="" /> <span style="font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline;">' . _BVISIT . ':</span><br /> <img src="images/blocks/ur-member.gif" alt="" /> ' . _BMEM . ': <b>' . $online_num[0] . '</b><br /> <img src="images/blocks/ur-anony.gif" alt="" /> ' . _BVIS . ': <b>' . $online_num[1] . '</b><br /> <img src="images/blocks/ur-registered.gif" alt="" /> ' . _BTT . ': <b>' . $online_num[2] . '</b> <hr />
unlink($tmpfile); cpg_die(_ERROR, GD_FILE_TYPE_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__, true); } // Check image type is among those allowed for ImageMagick if ($CONFIG['thumb_method'] == 'im' && !stristr($CONFIG['allowed_img_types'], $IMG_TYPES[$imginfo[2]])) { unlink($tmpfile); cpg_die(_ERROR, sprintf(ALLOWED_IMG_TYPES, $CONFIG['allowed_img_types']), __FILE__, __LINE__); } // Check that picture size (in pixels) is lower than the maximum allowed $max = max($imginfo[0], $imginfo[1]); if ($max > $CONFIG['max_upl_width_height']) { $max = $CONFIG['max_upl_width_height']; } // Setup a textual watermark ? if ($CONFIG['watermark']) { $tolocal = L10NTime::tolocal(time(), $userinfo['user_dst'], $userinfo['user_timezone']); $watermark = '(c)' . date('Y', $tolocal) . ' ' . CPG_USERNAME . ' & ' . (!empty($MAIN_CFG['server']['domain']) ? $MAIN_CFG['server']['domain'] : $MAIN_CFG['global']['sitename']); } else { $watermark = false; } // Create the "big" image if (!resize_image($tmpfile, $imginfo, $uploaded_pic, $max, $CONFIG['thumb_method'], '', $watermark)) { unlink($tmpfile); cpg_die(_ERROR, $ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); } // Create thumbnail and intermediate image and add the image into the DB if (!add_picture($album, $dest_dir, basename($uploaded_pic), $title, $caption, $keywords, $user1, $user2, $user3, $user4, $category, $watermark, $tmpfile)) { unlink($uploaded_pic); unlink($tmpfile); cpg_die(_CRITICAL_ERROR, sprintf(ERR_INSERT_PIC, $uploaded_pic) . '<br /><br />' . $ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, true); }
function create_date($format, $gmepoch) { global $board_config, $userinfo; if (is_user()) { return L10NTime::date($format, $gmepoch, $userinfo['user_dst'], $userinfo['user_timezone']); } else { return L10NTime::date($format, $gmepoch, 0, $board_config['board_timezone']); } }
$l_box_size_status = sprintf($lang['Sentbox_size'], $inbox_limit_pct); break; case 'savebox': $l_box_size_status = sprintf($lang['Savebox_size'], $inbox_limit_pct); break; } } // // Dump vars to template // $template->assign_vars(array('FORM_ACTION' => URL::index('&folder=' . $folder), 'BOX_NAME' => $l_box_name, 'INBOX_LIMIT_IMG_WIDTH' => $inbox_limit_img_length, 'INBOX_LIMIT_PERCENT' => $inbox_limit_pct, 'BOX_SIZE_STATUS' => $l_box_size_status, 'T_TD_COLOR2' => $bgcolor4, 'S_FOLDER' => $folder, 'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS' => '', 'S_POST_NEW_MSG' => $post_new_mesg_url, 'S_SELECT_MSG_DAYS' => $select_msg_days)); // // Okay, let's build the correct folder // $result = $db->sql_query($sql); if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $i = 0; do { $row_color = !($i % 2) ? $bgcolor2 : $bgcolor1; $row_class = !($i % 2) ? 'row1' : 'row2'; ++$i; $template->assign_block_vars('listrow', array('ROW_COLOR' => $row_color, 'ROW_CLASS' => $row_class, 'FROM' => $row['username'], 'SUBJECT' => $row['privmsgs_subject'], 'DATE' => L10NTime::date($MAIN_CFG['global']['dateformat'], $row['privmsgs_date'], $userinfo['user_dst'], $userinfo['user_timezone']), 'PM_NEW_MAIL' => $row['privmsgs_type'] == PM_UNREAD_MAIL, 'MSG_ID' => $row['privmsgs_id'], 'U_READ' => URL::index('&folder=' . $folder . '&mode=read&p=' . $row['privmsgs_id']), 'U_FROM_USER_PROFILE' => URL::index('Your_Account&profile=' . $row['user_id']))); } while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)); pagination("Private_Messages&folder={$folder}&start=", $pm_total, $MAIN_CFG['private_messages']['per_page'], $start); } else { $template->assign_block_vars('switch_no_messages', array()); } if ($mode == '') { $template->set_handle('body', 'private_msgs/index_body.html'); $template->display('body'); }
public static function is_dst($localtime, $start, $end) { $dst_start = L10NTime::get_dst_switch($localtime, $start); $dst_end = L10NTime::get_dst_switch($localtime, $end); if ($dst_start < $dst_end) { # Northern Hemisphere return $localtime > $dst_start && $localtime < $dst_end; } else { # Southern Hemisphere return $localtime > $dst_start || $localtime < $dst_end; } }
function monthlist() { global $db, $prefix, $userinfo; list($time) = $db->sql_ufetchrow('SELECT time FROM ' . $prefix . '_stories ORDER BY time ASC', SQL_NUM); if ($time < 1) { return ''; } $time = L10NTime::tolocal($time, $userinfo['user_dst'], $userinfo['user_timezone']); $firstyear = L10NTime::date('Y', $time); $firstmonth = intval(L10NTime::date('m', $time)); $time = L10NTime::tolocal(time(), $userinfo['user_dst'], $userinfo['user_timezone']); $year = L10NTime::date('Y', $time); $month = intval(L10NTime::date('m', $time)); $months = array(_JANUARY, _FEBRUARY, _MARCH, _APRIL, _MAY, _JUNE, _JULY, _AUGUST, _SEPTEMBER, _OCTOBER, _NOVEMBER, _DECEMBER); $return = '<ul>'; while ($year >= $firstyear) { if ($year <= $firstyear && $month < $firstmonth) { break; } $return .= '<li><a href="' . URL::index("&sa=show_month&year={$year}&month={$month}") . '">' . $months[$month - 1] . " {$year}</a></li>"; $month--; if ($month < 1) { $month = 12; $year--; } } return $return . '</ul>'; }
} } if ($user_sig != '' && $privmsg['privmsgs_attach_sig']) { require_once 'includes/nbbcode.php'; $user_sig = $MAIN_CFG['private_messages']['allow_bbcode'] ? decode_bbcode($user_sig, 1, false) : preg_replace('/\\:[0-9a-z\\:]+\\]/si', ']', $user_sig); } $private_message = $MAIN_CFG['private_messages']['allow_bbcode'] ? decode_bbcode($private_message, 1, false) : preg_replace('/\\:[0-9a-z\\:]+\\]/si', ']', $private_message); $private_message = make_clickable($private_message); if ($privmsg['privmsgs_attach_sig'] && $user_sig != '') { $private_message .= '<br /><br />_________________<br />' . make_clickable($user_sig); } if ($MAIN_CFG['private_messages']['allow_smilies'] && $privmsg['privmsgs_enable_smilies']) { $private_message = set_smilies($private_message); } // $private_message = str_replace("\n", '<br />', $private_message); $template->assign_vars(array('MESSAGE_FROM' => $privmsg['username_1'], 'MESSAGE_TO' => $privmsg['username_2'], 'POST_SUBJECT' => $post_subject, 'POST_DATE' => L10NTime::date($MAIN_CFG['global']['dateformat'], $privmsg['privmsgs_date'], $userinfo['user_dst'], $userinfo['user_timezone']), 'MESSAGE' => $private_message, 'U_MESSAGE_FROM' => URL::index('Your_Account&profile=' . $privmsg['username_1']), 'U_MESSAGE_TO' => URL::index('Your_Account&profile=' . $privmsg['username_2']))); // PM QUICK REPLY //if ( $MAIN_CFG['private_messages']['ropm_quick_reply'] && $privmsg['privmsgs_from_userid'] != $userinfo['user_id'] ) if ($folder == 'inbox' && $MAIN_CFG['private_messages']['quick_reply']) { require_once 'includes/nbbcode.php'; $last_msg = $privmsg['privmsgs_text']; $last_msg = '[quote="' . $privmsg['username_1'] . '"]' . $last_msg . '[/quote]'; $last_msg = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $last_msg); //' $last_msg = str_replace('"', '"', $last_msg); $last_msg = str_replace(chr(13), '', $last_msg); $s_hidden_fields = ' <input type="hidden" name="folder" value="' . $folder . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="post" /> <input type="hidden" name="username" value="' . $privmsg['username_1'] . '" />'; $template->assign_block_vars('quickreply', array('POST_ACTION' => URL::index(), 'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS' => $s_hidden_fields, 'SUBJECT' => (!preg_match('/^Re:/', $privmsg['privmsgs_subject']) ? 'Re: ' : '') . $privmsg['privmsgs_subject'], 'HTML_ON' => $MAIN_CFG['private_messages']['allow_html'], 'SMILIES_ON' => $MAIN_CFG['private_messages']['allow_smilies'] ? smilies_table('onerow', 'message', 'qreply') : '', 'BBCODE_ON' => $MAIN_CFG['private_messages']['allow_bbcode'] ? bbcode_table('message', 'qreply', 1) : '', 'SIG_ON' => $MAIN_CFG['private_messages']['allow_sig'] && $user_sig != '', 'S_HTML_CHECKED' => !$userinfo['user_allowhtml'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'S_BBCODE_CHECKED' => !$userinfo['user_allowbbcode'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'S_SMILIES_CHECKED' => !$userinfo['user_allowsmile'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '', 'S_QREPLY_MSG' => $last_msg, 'S_SIG_CHECKED' => $userinfo['user_sig'] != '' && $MAIN_CFG['private_messages']['allow_sig'] ? $userinfo['user_sig'] : ''));
function viewdownloaddetails() { global $downloadsprefix, $db, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3, $bgcolor4, $module_name; global $useoutsidevoting, $detailvotedecimal, $outsideweight, $anonymous, $userinfo; $lid = intval($_GET['lid']); include "header.php"; downl_menu_tpl(1); $voteresult = $db->sql_query("SELECT rating, ratinguser, ratingcomments FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_votedata WHERE ratinglid = {$lid}"); $totalvotesDB = $db->sql_numrows($voteresult); $anonvotes = 0; $anonvoteval = 0; $outsidevotes = 0; $outsidevoteeval = 0; $regvoteval = 0; $topanon = 0; $bottomanon = 11; $topreg = 0; $bottomreg = 11; $topoutside = 0; $bottomoutside = 11; $avv = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $rvv = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $ovv = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $truecomments = $totalvotesDB; while (list($ratingDB, $ratinguserDB, $ratingcommentsDB) = $db->sql_fetchrow($voteresult)) { if ($ratingcommentsDB == "") { $truecomments--; } if ($ratinguserDB == $anonymous) { $anonvotes++; $anonvoteval += $ratingDB; } if ($useoutsidevoting == 1) { if ($ratinguserDB == 'outside') { $outsidevotes++; $outsidevoteval += $ratingDB; } } else { $outsidevotes = 0; } if ($ratinguserDB != $anonymous && $ratinguserDB != "outside") { $regvoteval += $ratingDB; } if ($ratinguserDB != $anonymous && $ratinguserDB != "outside") { if ($ratingDB > $topreg) { $topreg = $ratingDB; } if ($ratingDB < $bottomreg) { $bottomreg = $ratingDB; } for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) { if ($ratingDB == $rcounter) { $rvv[$rcounter]++; } } } if ($ratinguserDB == $anonymous) { if ($ratingDB > $topanon) { $topanon = $ratingDB; } if ($ratingDB < $bottomanon) { $bottomanon = $ratingDB; } for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) { if ($ratingDB == $rcounter) { $avv[$rcounter]++; } } } if ($ratinguserDB == "outside") { if ($ratingDB > $topoutside) { $topoutside = $ratingDB; } if ($ratingDB < $bottomoutside) { $bottomoutside = $ratingDB; } for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) { if ($ratingDB == $rcounter) { $ovv[$rcounter]++; } } } } $regvotes = $totalvotesDB - $anonvotes - $outsidevotes; if ($totalvotesDB == 0) { $finalrating = 0; } else { if ($anonvotes == 0 && $regvotes == 0) { /* Figure Outside Only Vote */ $finalrating = $outsidevoteval / $outsidevotes; $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal); $avgOU = $outsidevoteval / $totalvotesDB; $avgOU = number_format($avgOU, $detailvotedecimal); } else { if ($outsidevotes == 0 && $regvotes == 0) { /* Figure Anon Only Vote */ $finalrating = $anonvoteval / $anonvotes; $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal); $avgAU = $anonvoteval / $totalvotesDB; $avgAU = number_format($avgAU, $detailvotedecimal); } else { if ($outsidevotes == 0 && $anonvotes == 0) { /* Figure Reg Only Vote */ $finalrating = $regvoteval / $regvotes; $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal); $avgRU = $regvoteval / $totalvotesDB; $avgRU = number_format($avgRU, $detailvotedecimal); } else { if ($regvotes == 0 && $useoutsidevoting == 1 && $outsidevotes != 0 && $anonvotes != 0) { /* Figure Reg and Anon Mix */ $avgAU = $anonvoteval / $anonvotes; $avgOU = $outsidevoteval / $outsidevotes; if ($anonweight > $outsideweight) { /* Anon is 'standard weight' */ $newimpact = $anonweight / $outsideweight; $impactAU = $anonvotes; $impactOU = $outsidevotes / $newimpact; } else { /* Outside is 'standard weight' */ $newimpact = $outsideweight / $anonweight; $impactOU = $outsidevotes; $impactAU = $anonvotes / $newimpact; } $finalrating = ($avgOU * $impactOU + $avgAU * $impactAU) / ($impactAU + $impactOU); $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal); } else { /* REG User vs. Anonymous vs. Outside User Weight Calutions */ $impact = $anonweight; $outsideimpact = $outsideweight; if ($regvotes == 0) { $avgRU = 0; } else { $avgRU = $regvoteval / $regvotes; } if ($anonvotes == 0) { $avgAU = 0; } else { $avgAU = $anonvoteval / $anonvotes; } if ($outsidevotes == 0) { $avgOU = 0; } else { $avgOU = $outsidevoteval / $outsidevotes; } $impactRU = $regvotes; $impactAU = $anonvotes / $impact; $impactOU = $outsidevotes / $outsideimpact; $finalrating = ($avgRU * $impactRU + $avgAU * $impactAU + $avgOU * $impactOU) / ($impactRU + $impactAU + $impactOU); $finalrating = number_format($finalrating, $detailvotedecimal); } } } } } if (!isset($avgO)) { $avgOU = ""; } else { $avgOU = number_format($avgOU, $detailvotedecimal); } if (!isset($avgRU)) { $avgRU = ""; } else { $avgRU = number_format($avgRU, $detailvotedecimal); } if (!isset($avgAU)) { $avgAU = ""; } else { $avgAU = number_format($avgAU, $detailvotedecimal); } if ($topanon == 0) { $topanon = ""; } if ($bottomanon == 11) { $bottomanon = ""; } if ($topreg == 0) { $topreg = ""; } if ($bottomreg == 11) { $bottomreg = ""; } if ($topoutside == 0) { $topoutside = ""; } if ($bottomoutside == 11) { $bottomoutside = ""; } $totalchartheight = 70; $chartunits = $totalchartheight / 10; $avvper = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $rvvper = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $ovvper = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $avvpercent = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $rvvpercent = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $ovvpercent = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $avvchartheight = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $rvvchartheight = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $ovvchartheight = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $avvmultiplier = 0; $rvvmultiplier = 0; $ovvmultiplier = 0; for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) { if ($anonvotes != 0) { $avvper[$rcounter] = $avv[$rcounter] / $anonvotes; } if ($regvotes != 0) { $rvvper[$rcounter] = $rvv[$rcounter] / $regvotes; } if ($outsidevotes != 0) { $ovvper[$rcounter] = $ovv[$rcounter] / $outsidevotes; } $avvpercent[$rcounter] = number_format($avvper[$rcounter] * 100, 1); $rvvpercent[$rcounter] = number_format($rvvper[$rcounter] * 100, 1); $ovvpercent[$rcounter] = number_format($ovvper[$rcounter] * 100, 1); if ($avv[$rcounter] > $avvmultiplier) { $avvmultiplier = $avv[$rcounter]; } if ($rvv[$rcounter] > $rvvmultiplier) { $rvvmultiplier = $rvv[$rcounter]; } if ($ovv[$rcounter] > $ovvmultiplier) { $ovvmultiplier = $ovv[$rcounter]; } } if ($avvmultiplier != 0) { $avvmultiplier = 10 / $avvmultiplier; } if ($rvvmultiplier != 0) { $rvvmultiplier = 10 / $rvvmultiplier; } if ($ovvmultiplier != 0) { $ovvmultiplier = 10 / $ovvmultiplier; } for ($rcounter = 1; $rcounter < 11; $rcounter++) { $avvchartheight[$rcounter] = $avv[$rcounter] * $avvmultiplier * $chartunits; $rvvchartheight[$rcounter] = $rvv[$rcounter] * $rvvmultiplier * $chartunits; $ovvchartheight[$rcounter] = $ovv[$rcounter] * $ovvmultiplier * $chartunits; if ($avvchartheight[$rcounter] == 0) { $avvchartheight[$rcounter] = 1; } if ($rvvchartheight[$rcounter] == 0) { $rvvchartheight[$rcounter] = 1; } if ($ovvchartheight[$rcounter] == 0) { $ovvchartheight[$rcounter] = 1; } } $res = $db->sql_query("SELECT cid, date, hits, name, email, description, filesize, version, homepage, title FROM " . $downloadsprefix . "_downloads WHERE lid='{$lid}'"); list($cid, $time, $hits, $auth_name, $email, $description, $filesize, $version, $homepage, $ttitle) = $db->sql_fetchrow($res); $displaytitle = $ttitle; echo '<br />'; OpenTable(); echo "<center><font class=\"title\">" . _DOWNLOADPROFILE . ": <A HREF=\"" . getlink("&d_op=getit&lid={$lid}") . "\">{$displaytitle}</A>"; newdownloadgraphic(L10NTime::date('d-M-Y', $time . ' 00:00:00', $userinfo['user_dst'], $userinfo['user_timezone'])); popgraphic($hits); detecteditorial($lid, 1); $catResult = $db->sql_query("select title,cdescription,ldescription,parentid from " . $downloadsprefix . "_categories where cid='{$cid}'"); list($catTitle, $cdescription, $ldescription, $parentid) = $db->sql_fetchrow($catResult); $catTitle = getparent($parentid, $catTitle); $catTitle = _MAIN . "/{$catTitle}"; echo "</FONT><br /><br /><B>" . _CATEGORY . ":</B> <A HREF=\"" . getlink("&d_op=viewdownload&cid={$cid}") . "\">{$catTitle}</A></B><br />"; $ttitle = ereg_replace(" ", "_", $ttitle); downl_infomenu_tpl($lid, $ttitle); echo "<br /><br /><b><u>" . _DOWNLOADRATINGDET . "</u></b><br />" . "<b>" . _TOTALVOTES . "</B> {$totalvotesDB}<br />" . "<b>" . _OVERALLRATING . ":</B> {$finalrating}<br /><br />" . "<div align=\"justify\" class=\"content\">{$description}</div>"; if ($auth_name == "") { $auth_name = "<i>" . _UNKNOWN . "</i>"; } else { if ($email == "") { $auth_name = "{$auth_name}"; } else { $email = ereg_replace("@", " <i>at</i> ", $email); $email = ereg_replace("\\.", " <i>dot</i> ", $email); $auth_name = "{$auth_name} ({$email})"; } } echo "<br /><b>" . _CREDITS_AUTHORS . ":</b> {$auth_name}<br />" . "<b>" . _VERSION . ":</b> {$version} <b>" . _FILESIZE . ":</b> " . CoolSize($filesize) . "</font><br /><br />" . "[ <b><a href=\"" . getlink("&d_op=getit&lid={$lid}") . "\">" . _DOWNLOADNOW . "</a></b> "; if ($homepage == "" or $homepage == "http://") { echo "]<br /><br />"; } else { echo "| <a href=\"{$homepage}\" target=\"new\">" . _HOMEPAGE . "</a> ]<br /><br />"; } echo "<table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" width=\"455\">" . "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\">" . "<font class=\"content\"><b>" . _REGISTEREDUSERS . "</b></font>" . "</td></tr>" . "<tr>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\">" . "<font class=\"content\">" . _NUMBEROFRATINGS . ": {$regvotes}</font>" . "</td>" . "<td rowspan=\"5\">"; if ($regvotes == 0) { echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _NOREGUSERSVOTES . "</font></center>"; } else { echo "<CENTER><table border=\"1\" WIDTH=\"200\">" . "<tr>" . "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _BREAKDOWNBYVAL . "</font></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['1']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['1']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['1']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['2']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['2']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['2']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['3']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['3']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['3']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['4']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['4']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['4']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['5']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['5']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['5']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['6']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['6']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['6']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['7']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['7']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['7']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['8']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['8']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['8']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['9']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['9']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['9']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$rvv['10']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$rvvpercent['10']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$rvvchartheight['10']}\"></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\" ALIGN=CENTER>" . "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"200\"><tr>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">1</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">2</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">3</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">4</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">5</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">6</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">7</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">8</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">9</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">10</font></td>" . "</tr></table></CENTER>" . "</td></tr></table>"; } echo "</td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _DOWNLOADRATING . ": {$avgRU}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _HIGHRATING . ": {$topreg}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _LOWRATING . ": {$bottomreg}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _NUMOFCOMMENTS . ": {$truecomments}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td></td></tr>"; if (isset($anonweight)) { echo "<tr><td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\"><font class=\"tiny\"><br /><br />" . $anonweight . ' ' . _TO . ' 1.</font></td></tr>'; } echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\"><b>" . _UNREGISTEREDUSERS . "</b></font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _NUMBEROFRATINGS . ": {$anonvotes}</font></td>" . "<td rowspan=\"5\">"; if ($anonvotes == 0) { echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _NOUNREGUSERSVOTES . "</font></center>"; } else { echo "<CENTER><table border=\"1\" width=\"200\">" . "<tr>" . "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _BREAKDOWNBYVAL . "</font></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['1']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['1']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['1']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['2']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['2']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['2']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['3']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['3']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['3']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['4']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['4']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['4']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['5']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['5']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['5']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['6']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['6']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['6']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['7']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['7']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['7']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['8']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['8']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['8']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['9']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['9']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['9']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$avv['10']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$avvpercent['10']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$avvchartheight['10']}\"></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\">" . "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"200\"><tr>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">1</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">2</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">3</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">4</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">5</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">6</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">7</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">8</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">9</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">10</font></td>" . "</tr></table>" . "</td></tr></table></CENTER>"; } echo "</td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _DOWNLOADRATING . ": {$avgAU}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _HIGHRATING . ": {$topanon}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _LOWRATING . ": {$bottomanon}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\"> </font></td></tr>"; if (isset($useoutsidevoting) && $useoutsidevoting == 1) { echo "<tr><td valign=top colspan=\"2\"><font class=\"tiny\"><br /><br />" . _WEIGHOUTNOTE . " {$outsideweight} " . _TO . " 1.</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\"><b>" . _OUTSIDEVOTERS . "</b></font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _NUMBEROFRATINGS . ": {$outsidevotes}</font></td>" . "<td rowspan=\"5\">"; if ($outsidevotes == 0) { echo "<center><font class=\"content\">" . _NOOUTSIDEVOTES . "</font></center>"; } else { echo "<CENTER><table border=\"1\" width=\"200\">" . "<tr>" . "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _BREAKDOWNBYVAL . "</font></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['1']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['1']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['1']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['2']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['2']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['2']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['3']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['3']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['3']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['4']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['4']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['4']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['5']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['5']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['5']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['6']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['6']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['6']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['7']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['7']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['7']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['8']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['8']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['8']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['9']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['9']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['9']}\"></td>" . "<td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\" valign=\"bottom\"><img border=\"0\" alt=\"{$ovv['10']} " . _LVOTES . " ({$ovvpercent['10']}% " . _LTOTALVOTES . ")\" src=\"modules/{$module_name}/images/blackpixel.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"{$ovvchartheight['10']}\"></td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td colspan=\"10\" bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\">" . "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"200\"><tr>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">1</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">2</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">3</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">4</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">5</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">6</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">7</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">8</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">9</font></td>" . "<td width=\"10%\" valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">10</font></td>" . "</tr></table>" . "</td></tr></table></CENTER>"; } echo "</td>" . "</tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _DOWNLOADRATING . ": {$avgOU}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _HIGHRATING . ": {$topoutside}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor2}\"><font class=\"content\">" . _LOWRATING . ": {$bottomoutside}</font></td></tr>" . "<tr><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor1}\"><font class=\"content\"> </font></td></tr>"; } echo "</table><br /><br /><center>"; downloadfooter($lid); echo "</center>"; CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; }