Beispiel #1
  * Prepare topic actions display.
  * @return void
 protected function before()
     $id = $this->input->getInt('id');
     $this->topic = KunenaForumTopic::getInstance($id);
     $catid = $this->topic->category_id;
     $token = JSession::getFormToken();
     $task = "index.php?option=com_kunena&view=topic&task=%s&catid={$catid}&id={$id}&{$token}=1";
     $layout = "index.php?option=com_kunena&view=topic&layout=%s&catid={$catid}&id={$id}";
     $userTopic = $this->topic->getUserTopic();
     $this->template = KunenaFactory::getTemplate();
     $this->topicButtons = new JObject();
     if ($this->topic->isAuthorised('reply')) {
         // Add Reply topic button.
         $this->topicButtons->set('reply', $this->getButton(sprintf($layout, 'reply'), 'reply', 'topic', 'communication'));
     if ($userTopic->subscribed) {
         // User can always remove existing subscription.
         $this->topicButtons->set('subscribe', $this->getButton(sprintf($task, 'unsubscribe'), 'unsubscribe', 'topic', 'user'));
     } elseif ($this->topic->isAuthorised('subscribe')) {
         // Add subscribe topic button.
         $this->topicButtons->set('subscribe', $this->getButton(sprintf($task, 'subscribe'), 'subscribe', 'topic', 'user'));
     if ($userTopic->favorite) {
         // User can always remove existing favorite.
         $this->topicButtons->set('favorite', $this->getButton(sprintf($task, 'unfavorite'), 'unfavorite', 'topic', 'user'));
     } elseif ($this->topic->isAuthorised('favorite')) {
         // Add favorite topic button.
         $this->topicButtons->set('favorite', $this->getButton(sprintf($task, 'favorite'), 'favorite', 'topic', 'user'));
     if ($this->topic->getCategory()->isAuthorised('moderate')) {
         // Add moderator specific buttons.
         $sticky = $this->topic->ordering ? 'unsticky' : 'sticky';
         $lock = $this->topic->locked ? 'unlock' : 'lock';
         $this->topicButtons->set('sticky', $this->getButton(sprintf($task, $sticky), $sticky, 'topic', 'moderation'));
         $this->topicButtons->set('lock', $this->getButton(sprintf($task, $lock), $lock, 'topic', 'moderation'));
         $this->topicButtons->set('moderate', $this->getButton(sprintf($layout, 'moderate'), 'moderate', 'topic', 'moderation'));
         if ($this->topic->hold == 1) {
             $this->topicButtons->set('approve', $this->getButton(sprintf($task, 'approve'), 'moderate', 'topic', 'moderation'));
         if ($this->topic->hold == 1 || $this->topic->hold == 0) {
             $this->topicButtons->set('delete', $this->getButton(sprintf($task, 'delete'), 'delete', 'topic', 'moderation'));
         } elseif ($this->topic->hold == 2 || $this->topic->hold == 3) {
             $this->topicButtons->set('undelete', $this->getButton(sprintf($task, 'undelete'), 'undelete', 'topic', 'moderation'));
     // Add buttons for changing between different layout modes.
     if (KunenaFactory::getConfig()->enable_threaded_layouts) {
         $url = "index.php?option=com_kunena&view=user&task=change&topic_layout=%s&{$token}=1";
         if ($this->layout != 'default') {
             $this->topicButtons->set('flat', $this->getButton(sprintf($url, 'flat'), 'flat', 'layout', 'user'));
         if ($this->layout != 'threaded') {
             $this->topicButtons->set('threaded', $this->getButton(sprintf($url, 'threaded'), 'threaded', 'layout', 'user'));
         if ($this->layout != 'indented') {
             $this->topicButtons->set('indented', $this->getButton(sprintf($url, 'indented'), 'indented', 'layout', 'user'));
     $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
     $dispatcher->trigger('onKunenaGetButtons', array('topic.action', $this->topicButtons, $this));
Beispiel #2
  * Gets an URL to a post or a category
  * @param  int|null  $forum  Forum category
  * @param  int|null  $post   Forum post
  * @return null|string       URL
 public static function getForumURL($forum = null, $post = null)
     if (!class_exists('KunenaForumTopic') || !class_exists('KunenaForumMessage')) {
         return null;
     if ($post) {
         $url = KunenaForumTopic::getInstance((int) $post)->getUrl();
         if (!$url) {
             $url = KunenaForumMessage::getInstance((int) $post)->getUrl();
     } else {
         $url = cbforumsModel::getCategory((int) $forum)->getUrl();
     return $url;
Beispiel #3
 function shKUTopicName($topicid, $option, $shLangIso, $shLangName)
     static $topics = array();
     $sefConfig =& shRouter::shGetConfig();
     if (empty($topicid) || !$sefConfig->shFbInsertMessageSubject) {
         return '';
     if (class_exists('KunenaForum')) {
         // Kunena 2.0 support
         $topic = KunenaForumTopic::getInstance($topicid);
         $topicsubject = $topic->subject;
     } elseif (class_exists('KunenaRouter')) {
         // Kunena 1.6 support
         if (empty(KunenaRouter::$msgidcache[$topicid])) {
             $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
             $query = 'SELECT subject, id FROM #__kunena_messages WHERE id=' . (int) $topicid;
             KunenaRouter::$msgidcache[$topicid] = $database->loadResult();
         $topicsubject = KunenaRouter::$msgidcache[$topicid];
     } else {
         // Kunena 1.0 / 1.5 support
         if (empty($topics[$topicid])) {
             $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
             $query = 'SELECT id, subject FROM #__fb_messages WHERE id = ' . (int) $topicid;
             if (!shTranslateUrl($option, $shLangName)) {
                 $topicDetails = $database->loadObject(false);
             } else {
                 $topicDetails = $database->loadObject();
             $topics[$topicid] = empty($topicDetails) ? '' : $topicDetails->subject;
         $topicsubject = $topics[$topicid];
     // we have a user name
     $topicstring = empty($topicsubject) ? 't' . $sefConfig->replacement . $topicid : ($sefConfig->shFbInsertMessageId ? $topicid . $sefConfig->replacement : '');
     // if name, put ID only if requested
     $topicstring = $topicstring . (empty($topicsubject) ? '' : $topicsubject);
     return $topicstring;
Beispiel #4
 function shKUTopicName($topicid, $option, $shLangIso, $shLangName)
     static $topics = array();
     $sefConfig =& Sh404sefFactory::getConfig();
     if (empty($topicid) || !$sefConfig->shFbInsertMessageSubject) {
         return '';
     if (class_exists('KunenaForum')) {
         // Kunena 2.0 support
         $topic = KunenaForumTopic::getInstance($topicid);
         $topicsubject = $topic->subject;
     } elseif (class_exists('KunenaRouter')) {
         // Kunena 1.6 support
         if (empty(KunenaRouter::$msgidcache[$topicid])) {
             try {
                 KunenaRouter::$msgidcache[$topicid] = ShlDbHelper::selectResult('#__kunena_messages', array('subject', 'id'), array('id' => $topicid));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 ShlSystem_Log::error('sh404sef', '%s::%s::%d: %s', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $e->getMessage());
         $topicsubject = KunenaRouter::$msgidcache[$topicid];
     } else {
         // Kunena 1.0 / 1.5 support
         if (empty($topics[$topicid])) {
             try {
                 $topicDetails = ShlDbHelper::selectObject('#__fb_messages', array('id', 'subject'), array('id' => $topicid));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 ShlSystem_Log::error('sh404sef', '%s::%s::%d: %s', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $e->getMessage());
             $topics[$topicid] = empty($topicDetails) ? '' : $topicDetails->subject;
         $topicsubject = $topics[$topicid];
     // we have a user name
     $topicstring = empty($topicsubject) ? 't' . $sefConfig->replacement . $topicid : ($sefConfig->shFbInsertMessageId ? $topicid . $sefConfig->replacement : '');
     // if name, put ID only if requested
     $topicstring = $topicstring . (empty($topicsubject) ? '' : $topicsubject);
     return $topicstring;