  * Attempts to upload a file, adds it to the database and removes other database entries for that file type if they are asked to be removed
  * @param  string  $field             The name of the $_FILES field you want to upload
  * @param  boolean $upload_type       The type of upload ('news', 'gallery', 'section') etc
  * @param  boolean $type_id           The ID of the item (above) that the upload is linked to
  * @param  boolean $remove_existing   Setting this to true will remove all existing uploads of the passed in type (useful for replacing news article images when a new one is uploaded for example)
  * @return object                     Returns the upload object so we can work with the uploaded file and details
 public static function upload($field = 'image', $upload_type = false, $type_id = false, $remove_existing = false)
     if (!$field || !$upload_type || !$type_id) {
         return false;
     $input = Input::file($field);
     if ($input && $input['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
         if ($remove_existing) {
             static::remove($upload_type, $type_id);
         $ext = File::extension($input['name']);
         $filename = Str::slug(Input::get('title'), '-');
         Input::upload('image', './uploads/' . $filename . '.' . $ext);
         $upload = new Upload();
         $upload->link_type = $upload_type;
         $upload->link_id = $type_id;
         $upload->filename = $filename . '.' . $ext;
         if (Koki::is_image('./uploads/' . $filename . '.' . $ext)) {
             $upload->small_filename = $filename . '_small' . '.' . $ext;
             $upload->thumb_filename = $filename . '_thumb' . '.' . $ext;
             $upload->image = 1;
         $upload->extension = $ext;
         $upload->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
         return $upload;
Beispiel #2
  * Attempts to upload a file, adds it to the database and removes other database entries for that file type if they are asked to be removed
  * @param  string  $field             The name of the $_FILES field you want to upload
  * @param  boolean $upload_type       The type of upload ('news', 'gallery', 'section') etc
  * @param  boolean $type_id           The ID of the item (above) that the upload is linked to
  * @param  boolean $remove_existing   Setting this to true will remove all existing uploads of the passed in type (useful for replacing news article images when a new on
  * @param  boolean $title             Sets the title of the upload
  * @param  boolean $path_to_store     Sets the path to the upload (where it should go)
  * @return object                     Returns the upload object so we can work with the uploaded file and details
 public static function upload($details = array())
     $upload_details = array('remove_existing_for_link' => true, 'path_to_store' => path('public') . 'uploads/', 'resizing' => array('small' => array('w' => 200, 'h' => 200), 'thumb' => array('w' => 200, 'h' => 200)));
     if (!empty($details)) {
         $required_keys = array('upload_field_name', 'upload_type', 'upload_link_id', 'title');
         $continue = true;
         foreach ($required_keys as $key) {
             if (!isset($details[$key]) || empty($details[$key])) {
                 Messages::add('error', 'Your upload array details are not complete... please fill this in properly.');
                 $continue = false;
         if ($continue) {
             $configuration = $details + $upload_details;
             $input = Input::file($configuration['upload_field_name']);
             if ($input && $input['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
                 if ($configuration['remove_existing_for_link']) {
                     static::remove($configuration['upload_type'], $configuration['upload_link_id']);
                 $ext = File::extension($input['name']);
                 $filename = Str::slug($configuration['upload_type'] . '-' . $configuration['upload_link_id'] . '-' . Str::limit(md5($input['name']), 10, false) . '-' . $configuration['title'], '-');
                 Input::upload($configuration['upload_field_name'], $configuration['path_to_store'], $filename . '.' . $ext);
                 $upload = new Upload();
                 $upload->link_type = $configuration['upload_type'];
                 $upload->link_id = $configuration['upload_link_id'];
                 $upload->filename = $filename . '.' . $ext;
                 if (Koki::is_image($configuration['path_to_store'] . $filename . '.' . $ext)) {
                     $upload->small_filename = $filename . '_small' . '.' . $ext;
                     $upload->thumb_filename = $filename . '_thumb' . '.' . $ext;
                     $upload->image = 1;
                 $upload->extension = $ext;
                 $upload->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
                 if (Koki::is_image($configuration['path_to_store'] . $filename . '.' . $ext)) {
                     WideImage::load($configuration['path_to_store'] . $upload->filename)->resize($configuration['resizing']['small']['w'], $configuration['resizing']['small']['h'])->saveToFile($configuration['path_to_store'] . $upload->small_filename);
                     WideImage::load($configuration['path_to_store'] . $upload->small_filename)->crop('center', 'center', $configuration['resizing']['thumb']['w'], $configuration['resizing']['thumb']['h'])->saveToFile($configuration['path_to_store'] . $upload->thumb_filename);
                 return true;
     } else {
         Messages::add('error', 'Your upload array details are empty... please fill this in properly.');
     return false;
 public function upload($field = 'image', $upload_type = false, $type_id = false)
     if (!$field || !$upload_type || !$type_id) {
         return false;
     if (Input::file($field)) {
         $input = Input::file('image');
         $ext = File::extension($input['name']);
         $filename = Str::slug(Input::get('title'), '-');
         Input::upload('image', './uploads/' . $filename . '.' . $ext);
         $upload = new Upload();
         $upload->link_type = $upload_type;
         $upload->link_id = $type_id;
         $upload->filename = $filename . '.' . $ext;
         if (Koki::is_image('./uploads/' . $filename . '.' . $ext)) {
             $upload->small_filename = $filename . '_small' . '.' . $ext;
             $upload->thumb_filename = $filename . '_thumb' . '.' . $ext;
             $upload->image = 1;
         $upload->extension = $ext;
         return $upload;