Beispiel #1
 * @see
 * @see
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US.utf-8');
 * Enable the Kohana auto-loader.
 * @see
 * @see
spl_autoload_register(array('Kohana', 'auto_load'));
* Set the production status by the domain.
Kohana::$environment = ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] !== '' and $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] !== '') ? Kohana::PRODUCTION : Kohana::DEVELOPMENT;
//Kohana::$environment = Kohana::PRODUCTION;
 * Enable the Kohana auto-loader for unserialization.
 * @see
 * @see
ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', 'spl_autoload_call');
//-- Configuration and initialization -----------------------------------------
 * Initialize Kohana, setting the default options.
 * The following options are available:
 * - string   base_url	  path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
Beispiel #2
 * Enable the Kohana auto-loader for unserialization.
 * @see
 * @see
ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', 'spl_autoload_call');

//-- Configuration and initialization -----------------------------------------

 * Set Kohana::$environment if a 'KOHANA_ENV' environment variable has been supplied.
if (getenv('KOHANA_ENV') !== FALSE)
	Kohana::$environment = getenv('KOHANA_ENV');

 * Initialize Kohana, setting the default options.
 * The following options are available:
 * - string   base_url    path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
 * - string   index_file  name of your index file, usually "index.php"       index.php
 * - string   charset     internal character set used for input and output   utf-8
 * - string   cache_dir   set the internal cache directory                   APPPATH/cache
 * - boolean  errors      enable or disable error handling                   TRUE
 * - boolean  profile     enable or disable internal profiling               TRUE
 * - boolean  caching     enable or disable internal caching                 FALSE
Beispiel #3
spl_autoload_register(array('Kohana', 'auto_load'));
 * Enable the Kohana auto-loader for unserialization.
 * @see
 * @see
ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', 'spl_autoload_call');
//-- Configuration and initialization -----------------------------------------
 * Set Kohana::$environment if $_ENV['KOHANA_ENV'] has been supplied.
if (isset($_ENV['KOHANA_ENV'])) {
    Kohana::$environment = $_ENV['KOHANA_ENV'];
 * Initialize Kohana, setting the default options.
 * The following options are available:
 * - string   base_url    path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
 * - string   index_file  name of your index file, usually "index.php"       index.php
 * - string   charset     internal character set used for input and output   utf-8
 * - string   cache_dir   set the internal cache directory                   APPPATH/cache
 * - boolean  errors      enable or disable error handling                   TRUE
 * - boolean  profile     enable or disable internal profiling               TRUE
 * - boolean  caching     enable or disable internal caching                 FALSE
Kohana::init(array('base_url' => '/', 'index_file' => FALSE, 'errors' => FALSE));
Beispiel #4
 * Set the default language
if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'])) {
    // Replace the default protocol.
    HTTP::$protocol = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'];
 * Set Kohana::$environment if a 'KOHANA_ENV' environment variable has been supplied.
 * Note: If you supply an invalid environment name, a PHP warning will be thrown
 * saying "Couldn't find constant Kohana::<INVALID_ENV_NAME>"
Kohana::$environment = Kohana::DEVELOPMENT;
if (isset($_SERVER['KOHANA_ENV'])) {
    Kohana::$environment = constant('Kohana::' . strtoupper($_SERVER['KOHANA_ENV']));
 * Initialize Kohana, setting the default options.
 * The following options are available:
 * - string   base_url    path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
 * - string   index_file  name of your index file, usually "index.php"       index.php
 * - string   charset     internal character set used for input and output   utf-8
 * - string   cache_dir   set the internal cache directory                   APPPATH/cache
 * - integer  cache_life  lifetime, in seconds, of items cached              60
 * - boolean  errors      enable or disable error handling                   TRUE
 * - boolean  profile     enable or disable internal profiling               TRUE
 * - boolean  caching     enable or disable internal caching                 FALSE
 * - boolean  expose      set the X-Powered-By header                        FALSE
Beispiel #5
 * Set the default locale.
setlocale(LC_TIME, 'de_DE.utf-8', 'de_DE@euro', 'de_DE', 'de', 'ge', 'German', 'german', 'Germany', 'germany', 'deutsch', 'Deutsch', 'deu', 'deu_deu', '276', 'CTRY_GERMANY');
 * Enable the Kohana auto-loader.
spl_autoload_register(array('Kohana', 'auto_load'));
 * Enable the Kohana auto-loader for unserialization.
ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', 'spl_autoload_call');
// -- Configuration and initialization -----------------------------------------
Kohana::$environment = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] !== 'mtbo' ? Kohana::PRODUCTION : Kohana::DEVELOPMENT;
Kohana::init(array('base_url' => '/', 'caching' => Kohana::$environment === Kohana::PRODUCTION, 'profile' => Kohana::$environment !== Kohana::PRODUCTION, 'index_file' => FALSE));
Kohana::$log->attach(new Log_File(APPPATH . 'logs'));
Kohana::$config->attach(new Config_File());
Kohana::modules(array('userguide' => MODPATH . 'userguide', 'helper' => MODPATH . 'helper', 'yubico' => MODPATH . 'yubico', 'recaptcha' => MODPATH . 'recaptcha', 'swiftmailer' => MODPATH . 'swiftmailer', 'auth' => MODPATH . 'auth', 'database' => MODPATH . 'database', 'image' => MODPATH . 'image', 'orm' => MODPATH . 'orm'));
Cookie::$salt = ')$Vpx,cwou34hvmp9(/KH§vmpöUZP§)zöä9=H//§%';
Route::set('mediaresizer', 'media_resize/<path>.<extension>/<dimensions>', array('path' => '[A-Za-z0-9\\/]+', 'dimensions' => '[\\d]+x[\\d]+'))->defaults(array('controller' => 'Media', 'action' => 'resize'));
Route::set('places_today', 'places/neues')->defaults(array('controller' => 'Places', 'action' => 'neues'));
Route::set('places_read', 'places/<user>/<entry>/<seo>', array('entry' => '[\\d]+'))->defaults(array('controller' => 'Places', 'action' => 'show'));
Route::set('places_diary', 'places/diary/<user>/<diary_id>/<seo>(/<page>)', array('diary_id' => '[\\d]+', 'page' => '[\\d]+'))->defaults(array('controller' => 'Places', 'action' => 'index'));
Route::set('places', 'places/<user>(/<page>)', array('page' => '[\\d]+'))->defaults(array('controller' => 'Places', 'action' => 'index'));
Beispiel #6
 * - string   base_url    path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
 * - string   index_file  name of your index file, usually "index.php"       index.php
 * - string   charset     internal character set used for input and output   utf-8
 * - string   cache_dir   set the internal cache directory                   APPPATH/cache
 * - integer  cache_life  lifetime, in seconds, of items cached              60
 * - boolean  errors      enable or disable error handling                   TRUE
 * - boolean  profile     enable or disable internal profiling               TRUE
 * - boolean  caching     enable or disable internal caching                 FALSE
 * - boolean  expose      set the X-Powered-By header                        FALSE
if (in_array(@$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], array('', 'fe80::1', '::1', 'localhost', '', ''))) {
    $init = array('base_url' => "/tizzy", 'index_file' => "index.php", 'errors' => TRUE, 'profile' => Kohana::$environment === Kohana::DEVELOPMENT);
    Kohana::$environment = Kohana::DEVELOPMENT;
} else {
    $init = array('base_url' => "/", 'index_file' => FALSE, 'errors' => TRUE, 'profile' => Kohana::$environment === Kohana::PRODUCTION);
    Kohana::$environment = Kohana::PRODUCTION;
 * Setting Cookie::$salt
Cookie::$salt = '29961408e9a1bbbf0456dd913a12d31fffa587cc';
 * Attach the file write to logging. Multiple writers are supported.
Kohana::$log->attach(new Log_File(APPPATH . 'logs'));
 * Attach a file reader to config. Multiple readers are supported.
Kohana::$config->attach(new Config_File());
Beispiel #7
 * Enable the Kohana auto-loader for unserialization.
 * @see
 * @see
ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', 'spl_autoload_call');
//-- Configuration and initialization -----------------------------------------
 * Set the default language
 * Set Kohana::$environment if a 'KOHANA_ENV' environment variable has been supplied.
if (getenv('KOHANA_ENV') !== false) {
    Kohana::$environment = constant('Kohana::' . strtoupper(getenv('KOHANA_ENV')));
 * Initialize Kohana, setting the default options.
 * The following options are available:
 * - string   base_url    path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
 * - string   index_file  name of your index file, usually "index.php"       index.php
 * - string   charset     internal character set used for input and output   utf-8
 * - string   cache_dir   set the internal cache directory                   APPPATH/cache
 * - boolean  errors      enable or disable error handling                   TRUE
 * - boolean  profile     enable or disable internal profiling               TRUE
 * - boolean  caching     enable or disable internal caching                 FALSE
Kohana::init(array('base_url' => '/', 'index_file' => false, 'caching' => !in_array(Kohana::$environment, array(Kohana::DEVELOPMENT, Kohana::TESTING))));
Beispiel #8
if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'])) {
    // Replace the default protocol.
    HTTP::$protocol = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'];
 * Set Kohana::$environment if a 'KOHANA_ENV' environment variable has been supplied.
 * Note: If you supply an invalid environment name, a PHP warning will be thrown
 * saying "Couldn't find constant Kohana::<INVALID_ENV_NAME>"
if (isset($_SERVER['KOHANA_ENV'])) {
    Kohana::$environment = constant('Kohana::' . strtoupper($_SERVER['KOHANA_ENV']));
} else {
    Kohana::$environment = constant('Kohana::' . strtoupper(substr(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']), -4) == '.dev' ? 'DEVELOPMENT' : 'PRODUCTION'));
 * Initialize Kohana, setting the default options.
 * The following options are available:
 * - string   base_url    path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
 * - string   index_file  name of your index file, usually "index.php"       index.php
 * - string   charset     internal character set used for input and output   utf-8
 * - string   cache_dir   set the internal cache directory                   APPPATH/cache
 * - integer  cache_life  lifetime, in seconds, of items cached              60
 * - boolean  errors      enable or disable error handling                   TRUE
 * - boolean  profile     enable or disable internal profiling               TRUE
 * - boolean  caching     enable or disable internal caching                 FALSE
 * - boolean  expose      set the X-Powered-By header                        FALSE
Beispiel #9
 * @see
spl_autoload_register(array('Kohana', 'auto_load'));
 * Enable the Kohana auto-loader for unserialization.
 * @see
 * @see
ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', 'spl_autoload_call');
//-- Configuration and initialization -----------------------------------------
 * Set if the application is in development (FALSE)
 * or if the application is in production (TRUE).
Kohana::$environment = constant('Kohana::' . strtoupper(Arr::get($_SERVER, 'KOHANA_ENV', 'PRODUCTION')));
 * Display errors only when in development.
ini_set('display_errors', Kohana::$environment != Kohana::PRODUCTION);
if (Kohana::$environment == Kohana::PRODUCTION) {
    error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
 * Initialize Kohana, setting the default options.
 * The following options are available:
 * - string   base_url	path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
 * - string   index_file  name of your index file, usually "index.php"	   index.php
 * - string   charset	 internal character set used for input and output   utf-8
Beispiel #10
 * @see
ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', 'spl_autoload_call');
// -- Configuration and initialization -----------------------------------------
 * Set the default language
 * Set Kohana::$environment if a 'KOHANA_ENV' environment variable has been supplied.
 * Note: If you supply an invalid environment name, a PHP warning will be thrown
 * saying "Couldn't find constant Kohana::<INVALID_ENV_NAME>"
if (isset($_SERVER['KOHANA_ENV'])) {
    define('ENVIRONMENT', Kohana::$environment = constant('Kohana::' . strtoupper($_SERVER['KOHANA_ENV'])));
 * configure environment constants
require_once 'configuration/configure.php';
 * Initialize Kohana, setting the default options.
 * The following options are available:
 * - string   base_url    path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
 * - string   index_file  name of your index file, usually "index.php"       index.php
 * - string   charset     internal character set used for input and output   utf-8
 * - string   cache_dir   set the internal cache directory                   APPPATH/cache
 * - boolean  errors      enable or disable error handling                   TRUE
Beispiel #11
 * @see
 * @see
spl_autoload_register(array('Kohana', 'auto_load'));
 * Set Kohana::$environment if a 'KOHANA_ENV' environment variable has been supplied.
 * Note: If you supply an invalid environment name, a PHP warning will be thrown
 * saying "Couldn't find constant Kohana::<INVALID_ENV_NAME>"
if (isset($_SERVER['KOHANA_ENV'])) {
    $env = 'Kohana::' . strtoupper($_SERVER['KOHANA_ENV']);
    Kohana::$environment = constant($env);
} elseif (defined('KOHANA_ENV')) {
    $env = 'Kohana::' . strtoupper(KOHANA_ENV);
    Kohana::$environment = constant($env);
if (Kohana::$environment === Kohana::DEVELOPMENT) {
    $config = array('timezone' => 'Europe/Kiev', 'locale' => 'ru_RU.utf-8', 'language' => 'ru', 'caching' => FALSE, 'profile' => TRUE, 'errors' => TRUE, 'charset' => 'utf-8', 'modules' => 'apis/twitter, asset, auth, cache, beanstalk, database, demo, event, image, mailer, oauth, orm, orm-mptt, pagination, plater, resizer, unittest, sso, libs, jelly, jelly-auth', 'cache_dir' => APPPATH . 'cache', 'logdir' => APPPATH . '../etc/logs/application', 'salt' => 'nd79Y!cPDG!SuWV$rWT8uHdJk%*T2ve84%#&9GCwN6c^5Hbj54^P$Ckx!8RH');
    if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli') {
        $config['modules'] .= ', devbar';
} elseif (Kohana::$environment === Kohana::TESTING) {
    $config = array('timezone' => 'Europe/Kiev', 'locale' => 'en_US', 'language' => 'en-us', 'caching' => TRUE, 'profile' => FALSE, 'errors' => FALSE, 'charset' => 'utf-8', 'modules' => 'apis/twitter, asset, auth, cache, beanstalk, database, demo, event, image, mailer, oauth, orm, orm-mptt, pagination, plater, resizer, sso, libs, jelly, jelly-auth', 'cache_dir' => APPPATH . 'cache', 'logdir' => FALSE, 'salt' => '22sjmFA%$3uUb3d7AKG82A^unxGkdvMR9!5*47czjRWFFDBz!Bb@Q7Epf5^b');
} else {
    $config = array('timezone' => 'Europe/Kiev', 'locale' => 'ru_RU.utf-8', 'language' => 'ru', 'caching' => TRUE, 'profile' => FALSE, 'errors' => FALSE, 'charset' => 'utf-8', 'modules' => 'apis/twitter, asset, auth, cache, beanstalk, database, event, image, mailer, oauth, orm, orm-mptt, pagination, plater, resizer, sso, libs', 'cache_dir' => APPPATH . 'cache', 'logdir' => APPPATH . '../etc/logs/application', 'salt' => '6wGwxJmevA$r92e5ZNmCK#C4UeET#$J2x%tA4E&R2HV8R5pvv^BtA@sjdT3f');
 * Set the default time zone.
 * @see
Beispiel #12
 * @see
 * Enable the Kohana auto-loader.
 * @see
 * @see
spl_autoload_register(array('Kohana', 'auto_load'));
 * Set the environment status by the domain.
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '') !== FALSE) {
    // We are live!
    Kohana::$environment = 'live';
    // Turn off notices and strict errors
    error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_STRICT);
 * Initialize Kohana, setting the default options.
 * The following options are available:
 * - string   base_url    path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
 * - string   index_file  name of your index file, usually "index.php"       index.php
 * - string   charset     internal character set used for input and output   utf-8
 * - string   cache_dir   set the internal cache directory                   APPPATH/cache
 * - boolean  errors      enable or disable error handling                   TRUE
 * - boolean  profile     enable or disable internal profiling               TRUE
 * - boolean  caching     enable or disable internal caching                 FALSE
Beispiel #13
 * Enable the Kohana auto-loader for unserialization.
 * @see
 * @see
ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', 'spl_autoload_call');
//-- Configuration and initialization -----------------------------------------
 * Set Kohana::$environment if $_ENV['KOHANA_ENV'] has been supplied.
if (getenv('SOURCEMAP_ENV')) {
    Kohana::$environment = getenv('SOURCEMAP_ENV');
} else {
    Kohana::$environment = Sourcemap::PRODUCTION;
 * Initialize Kohana, setting the default options.
 * The following options are available:
 * - string   base_url    path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
 * - string   index_file  name of your index file, usually "index.php"       index.php
 * - string   charset     internal character set used for input and output   utf-8
 * - string   cache_dir   set the internal cache directory                   APPPATH/cache
 * - boolean  errors      enable or disable error handling                   TRUE
 * - boolean  profile     enable or disable internal profiling               TRUE
 * - boolean  caching     enable or disable internal caching                 FALSE
Kohana::init(array('cache_dir' => CACHEPATH, 'index_file' => ''));
Beispiel #14
 * Load and configure Kohana Core
if (!defined('KOHANA_START_TIME')) {
    define('KOHANA_START_TIME', microtime(TRUE));
if (!defined('KOHANA_START_MEMORY')) {
    define('KOHANA_START_MEMORY', memory_get_usage());
require SYSPATH . 'classes/Kohana/Core' . EXT;
require SYSPATH . 'classes/Kohana' . EXT;
require DOCROOT . 'vendor/autoload.php';
spl_autoload_register(array('Kohana', 'auto_load'));
ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', 'spl_autoload_call');
Kohana::$environment = constant('Kohana::' . strtoupper(KOHANA_ENVIRONMENT));
 * Try to create log directory.
$cache_dir = APPPATH . 'cache';
if (!file_exists($cache_dir)) {
    // Create directory, after the precedent of Kohana_Core::init();
    mkdir($cache_dir, 0755, TRUE) or die('Unable to make directory ' . $cache_dir);
    chmod($cache_dir, 0755);
 * Shutdown for CLI, can be removed when is resolved.
if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli') {
    register_shutdown_function(function () {
        if (Kohana::$errors and $error = error_get_last() and in_array($error['type'], Kohana::$shutdown_errors)) {
Beispiel #15
     * Update selected database
     * @throws Exception On unknown database configuration
    public function action_update()
        $this->db_name = $this->request->param('database', NULL);
        if (!$this->db_name) {
            self::display('Please select the database to perform update on dbupdate/update/[testing|default].', 'red');
        switch ($this->db_name) {
            case 'dev':
                Kohana::$environment = Kohana::DEVELOPMENT;
            case 'test':
                Kohana::$environment = Kohana::TESTING;
            case 'prod':
                Kohana::$environment = Kohana::PRODUCTION;
                throw new Exception('Unknown database.');
        while (TRUE) {
            self::display('Current DB version is ' . ($this->current_version ?: 'NULL') . '. Latest version is ' . $this->latest_version . ".\n");
            self::display('z) Update to latest version considering applied versions.
c) See description of new versions.
m) Mark as applied
r) Run specific migration (advanced)
d) Create skeleton version file.
x) Exit

Choose option ==> ', FALSE);
            $input = trim(fgets(STDIN));
            switch ($input) {
                case 'x':
                case 'z':
                    // Update to a version considering applied migrations
                case 'c':
                    $not_applied = $this->get_not_applied_versions();
                    foreach ($not_applied as $version => $file) {
                        require_once $file;
                        $class = 'C' . $version;
                        $c = new $class();
                        self::display('Version ' . $version . ': ' . $c->desc . "\n");
                        foreach ($c->sqls as $sql) {
                    // Create skeleton file for next version
                // Create skeleton file for next version
                case 'd':
                    $resp = Request::factory('/dbupdate/skel')->execute();
                    self::display($resp . '');
                case 'm':
                case 'r':
                    self::display("\nApply migration (ENTER to exit) ==> ", FALSE);
                    $input = trim(fgets(STDIN));
                    if ($input !== '') {
                        $versions = $this->get_versions();
                        if (array_key_exists($input, $versions)) {
                            $this->apply_migrations(array($input => $versions[$input]));
                        } else {
                            self::display("\nMigration: " . $input . ' does not exist!', 'red');
Beispiel #16
 * Set Kohana::$environment if a 'KOHANA_ENV' environment variable has been supplied.
 * Note: If you supply an invalid environment name, a PHP warning will be thrown
 * saying "Couldn't find constant Kohana::<INVALID_ENV_NAME>"
switch (Arr::get($_SERVER, 'SERVER_ADDR')) {
    case Arr::get($_SERVER, 'REMOTE_ADDR'):
        Kohana::$environment = KOHANA::TESTING;
        Kohana::$environment = KOHANA::PRODUCTION;
Kohana::$environment = KOHANA::PRODUCTION;
 * Initialize Kohana, setting the default options.
 * The following options are available:
 * - string   base_url    path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
 * - string   index_file  name of your index file, usually "index.php"       index.php
 * - string   charset     internal character set used for input and output   utf-8
 * - string   cache_dir   set the internal cache directory                   APPPATH/cache
 * - boolean  errors      enable or disable error handling                   TRUE
 * - boolean  profile     enable or disable internal profiling               TRUE
 * - boolean  caching     enable or disable internal caching                 FALSE
Kohana::init(array('base_url' => '/', 'index_file' => false, 'errors' => true, 'profiling' => Kohana::$environment == KOHANA::DEVELOPMENT, 'caching' => Kohana::$environment == KOHANA::PRODUCTION));
Beispiel #17
 * @see
 * @see
ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', 'spl_autoload_call');
// -- Configuration and initialization -----------------------------------------
 * Set the default language
 * Set Kohana::$environment if a 'KOHANA_ENV' environment variable has been supplied.
 * Note: If you supply an invalid environment name, a PHP warning will be thrown
 * saying "Couldn't find constant Kohana::<INVALID_ENV_NAME>"
Kohana::$environment = isset($_SERVER['KOHANA_ENV']) ? constant('Kohana::' . strtoupper($_SERVER['KOHANA_ENV'])) : Kohana::PRODUCTION;
 * Initialize Kohana, setting the default options.
 * The following options are available:
 * - string   base_url    path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
 * - string   index_file  name of your index file, usually "index.php"       index.php
 * - string   charset     internal character set used for input and output   utf-8
 * - string   cache_dir   set the internal cache directory                   APPPATH/cache
 * - boolean  errors      enable or disable error handling                   TRUE
 * - boolean  profile     enable or disable internal profiling               TRUE
 * - boolean  caching     enable or disable internal caching                 FALSE
Kohana::init(array('base_url' => '/', 'index_file' => FALSE, 'errors' => Kohana::$environment !== Kohana::PRODUCTION, 'caching' => Kohana::$environment === Kohana::PRODUCTION));
Kohana::$log->attach(new Log_File(APPPATH . 'logs'));
Beispiel #18
 * Enable the Kohana auto-loader for unserialization.
 * @see
 * @see
ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', 'spl_autoload_call');
//-- Configuration and initialization -----------------------------------------
 * Set Kohana::$environment if $_ENV['KOHANA_ENV'] has been supplied.
if (isset($_ENV['KOHANA_ENV'])) {
    Kohana::$environment = $_ENV['KOHANA_ENV'];
} else {
    if (isset($_SERVER['KOHANA_ENV'])) {
        Kohana::$environment = $_SERVER['KOHANA_ENV'];
 * Initialize Kohana, setting the default options.
 * The following options are available:
 * - string   base_url	  path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
 * - string   index_file  name of your index file, usually "index.php"	     index.php
 * - string   charset	  internal character set used for input and output   utf-8
 * - string   cache_dir   set the internal cache directory		     APPPATH/cache
 * - boolean  errors	  enable or disable error handling		     TRUE
 * - boolean  profile	  enable or disable internal profiling		     TRUE
 * - boolean  caching	  enable or disable internal caching		     FALSE
Beispiel #19
 * Enable the Kohana auto-loader for unserialization.
 * @see
 * @see
ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', 'spl_autoload_call');
//-- Configuration and initialization -----------------------------------------
 * Safe settings for Cookies, so that they are only accessed through HTTP, and not by javascript (prevents XSS to a certain extent)
//Cookie::$httponly = TRUE; // Unfortunately, the ACL doesn't like this when in an AJAX call... Real weird, but anyways...!
 * Set the environment string by the domain (defaults to Kohana::DEVELOPMENT).
Kohana::$environment = ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] !== 'localhost' and $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] !== '') ? Kohana::PRODUCTION : Kohana::DEVELOPMENT;
 * Initialize Kohana based on the environment, setting the default options.
 * The following options are available:
 * - string   base_url    path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
 * - string   index_file  name of your index file, usually "index.php"       index.php
 * - string   charset     internal character set used for input and output   utf-8
 * - string   cache_dir   set the internal cache directory                   APPPATH/cache
 * - boolean  errors      enable or disable error handling                   TRUE
 * - boolean  profile     enable or disable internal profiling               TRUE
 * - boolean  caching     enable or disable internal caching                 FALSE
Kohana::init(array('base_url' => substr($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], 0, strpos($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "index.php")), 'index_file' => FALSE, 'profile' => Kohana::$environment !== Kohana::PRODUCTION, 'caching' => FALSE));
Beispiel #20

defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '' ? Kohana::$environment = Kohana::DEVELOPMENT : (Kohana::$environment = Kohana::PRODUCTION);
//Kohana::$environment = Kohana::PRODUCTION;
// Псевдоним URL для входа админку
define('ADMIN', 'admin');
// Разделитель в заголовке окна браузера
define('SEPARATOR', ' – ');
// Тире для отступа в <select>
define('NDASH_SELECT', '&ndash;&nbsp;&nbsp;');
define('MDASH_SELECT', '&mdash;&nbsp;&nbsp;');
// Папка для загрузки
define('UPLOAD_DIR', DOCROOT . 'uploads' . DS);
define('UPLOAD_URL', '/uploads/');
// Bootstrap config
return ['modules' => ['cms_settings' => APPPATH . 'modules/settings', 'cms_dashboard' => APPPATH . 'modules/dashboard', 'cms_home' => APPPATH . 'modules/home', 'cms_user' => APPPATH . 'modules/user', 'cms_shop' => APPPATH . 'modules/shop', 'cms_blog' => APPPATH . 'modules/blog', 'cms_publications' => APPPATH . 'modules/publications', 'cms_tags' => APPPATH . 'modules/tags', 'cms_contact' => APPPATH . 'modules/contact', 'cms_static' => APPPATH . 'modules/static', 'auth' => MODPATH . 'auth', 'cache' => MODPATH . 'cache', 'database' => MODPATH . 'database', 'orm' => MODPATH . 'orm', 'pagination' => MODPATH . 'pagination'], 'init' => ['server_name' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '' ? '' : '', 'base_url' => '/', 'index_file' => false, 'cache_dir' => APPPATH . 'cache', 'cache_life' => Date::MINUTE * 10, 'errors' => Kohana::$environment !== Kohana::PRODUCTION, 'profile' => Kohana::$environment !== Kohana::PRODUCTION, 'caching' => Kohana::$environment === Kohana::PRODUCTION, 'expose' => false], 'cookie' => ['salt' => '123ihiXHmQBtYElxQvtIrgDmuNCQOcPQhE9vlZ9457ZZxYjEjqJbP7z65ILGDGA', 'expiration' => Date::WEEK, 'domain' => null, 'path' => '/', 'httponly' => false, 'secure' => false], 'encrypt' => 'hakunamatata'];
Beispiel #21
 * - string   base_url    path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
 * - string   index_file  name of your index file, usually "index.php"       index.php
 * - string   charset     internal character set used for input and output   utf-8
 * - string   cache_dir   set the internal cache directory                   APPPATH/cache
 * - integer  cache_life  lifetime, in seconds, of items cached              60
 * - boolean  errors      enable or disable error handling                   TRUE
 * - boolean  profile     enable or disable internal profiling               TRUE
 * - boolean  caching     enable or disable internal caching                 FALSE
 * - boolean  expose      set the X-Powered-By header                        FALSE
//COOKIE settings
Cookie::$salt = 'Shugar123';
Cookie::$expiration = Date::WEEK;
// Время жизни cookie — неделя
//Development activate
Kohana::$environment = Kohana::DEVELOPMENT;
Kohana::init(array('base_url' => '', 'index_file' => FALSE, 'charset' => 'utf-8', 'profile' => Kohana::$environment === Kohana::DEVELOPMENT, 'caching' => Kohana::$environment === Kohana::PRODUCTION));
 * Attach the file write to logging. Multiple writers are supported.
Kohana::$log->attach(new Log_File(APPPATH . 'logs'));
 * Attach a file reader to config. Multiple readers are supported.
Kohana::$config->attach(new Config_File());
 * Enable modules. Modules are referenced by a relative or absolute path.
Kohana::modules(array('auth' => MODPATH . 'auth', 'database' => MODPATH . 'database', 'orm' => MODPATH . 'orm'));
 * Set the routes. Each route must have a minimum of a name, a URI and a set of
Beispiel #22
 * @see
 * @see
 * Set the default locale.
 * @see
 * @see
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_GB.utf-8');
 * Set the production status by the ip address.
define('IN_PRODUCTION', $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] !== '');
Kohana::$environment = 'development';
//Kohana::$environment = 'deploy';
 * Enable the Kohana auto-loader.
 * @see
 * @see
spl_autoload_register(array('Kohana', 'auto_load'));
 * Enable the Kohana auto-loader for unserialization.
 * @see
 * @see
ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', 'spl_autoload_call');
Beispiel #23
ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', 'spl_autoload_call');
// -- Configuration and initialization -----------------------------------------
// Autoload Composer Packages
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
 * Set the default language
 * Set Kohana::$environment if a 'KOHANA_ENV' environment variable has been supplied.
 * Note: If you supply an invalid environment name, a PHP warning will be thrown
 * saying "Couldn't find constant Kohana::<INVALID_ENV_NAME>"
if (isset($_SERVER["KOHANA_ENV"])) {
    Kohana::$environment = constant("Kohana::" . strtoupper($_SERVER["KOHANA_ENV"]));
 * Initialize Kohana, setting the default options.
 * The following options are available:
 * - string   base_url    path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
 * - string   index_file  name of your index file, usually "index.php"       index.php
 * - string   charset     internal character set used for input and output   utf-8
 * - string   cache_dir   set the internal cache directory                   APPPATH/cache
 * - boolean  errors      enable or disable error handling                   TRUE
 * - boolean  profile     enable or disable internal profiling               TRUE
 * - boolean  caching     enable or disable internal caching                 FALSE
Kohana::init(array('base_url' => '', 'profile' => TRUE, 'index_file' => FALSE, 'caching' => TRUE, 'errors' => TRUE));

spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {
    $file = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('_', '/', $class) . '.php';
    if (is_file($file)) {
        require_once $file;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
Kohana::modules(array('database' => MODPATH . 'database', 'jam' => __DIR__ . '/../modules/jam', 'jam-closuretable' => __DIR__ . '/../modules/jam-closuretable', 'template-module' => __DIR__ . '/..'));
Kohana::$config->load('database')->set('default', array('type' => 'PDO', 'connection' => array('dsn' => 'mysql:dbname=test-jam-locations;host=', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => '', 'persistent' => TRUE), 'table_prefix' => '', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'caching' => FALSE));
Kohana::$environment = Kohana::TESTING;
Beispiel #25
 * Add response message for HTTP 422
Kohana_Response::$messages[422] = 'Unprocessable Entity';
 * Set Kohana::$environment if a 'KOHANA_ENV' environment variable has been supplied.
 * Note: If you supply an invalid environment name 'development' will be used instead
if (($env = getenv('KOHANA_ENV')) === FALSE or defined('Kohana::' . strtoupper($env)) === FALSE) {
    $env = 'development';
// Ignoring code standards error about constant case
// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
Kohana::$environment = constant('Kohana::' . strtoupper($env));
// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
 * Attach a file reader to config. Multiple readers are supported.
Kohana::$config = new Config();
Kohana::$config->attach(new Config_File());
 * Attach the environment specific configuration file reader to config
Kohana::$config->attach(new Config_File('config/environments/' . $env));
 * Initialize Kohana, setting the default options.
Beispiel #26
 * Set Kohana::$environment if a 'GLEEZ_ENV' environment variable has been supplied.
 * @todo In the future Kohana::$environment should be moved to Gleez Core as Gleez::$environment
 * @link
 * @link
if (isset($_SERVER['GLEEZ_ENV'])) {
    // Get environment variable from $_SERVER, .htaccess, apache.conf, nginx.conf, etc.
    $env = 'Kohana::' . strtoupper($_SERVER['GLEEZ_ENV']);
} elseif (get_cfg_var('GLEEZ_ENV')) {
    // Get environment variable from php.ini or from ini_get('user_ini.filename')
    $env = 'Kohana::' . strtoupper(get_cfg_var('GLEEZ_ENV'));
if (isset($env)) {
    defined($env) and Kohana::$environment = constant($env);
 * Initialize Kohana, setting the default options.
 * The following options are available:
 * - string   base_url    path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
 * - string   index_file  name of your index file, usually "index.php"       index.php
 * - string   charset     internal character set used for input and output   utf-8
 * - string   cache_dir   set the internal cache directory                   APPPATH/cache
 * - boolean  errors      enable or disable error handling                   TRUE
 * - boolean  profile     enable or disable internal profiling               TRUE
 * - boolean  caching     enable or disable internal caching                 FALSE
 * - boolean  autolocale  enable or disable autodetect locale                TRUE
Beispiel #27
    // Replace the default protocol.
    HTTP::$protocol = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'];
 * Set Kohana::$environment if a 'KOHANA_ENV' environment variable has been supplied.
 * Note: If you supply an invalid environment name, a PHP warning will be thrown
 * saying "Couldn't find constant Kohana::<INVALID_ENV_NAME>"
if (!isset($_SERVER['ENVIRONMENT'])) {
    $_SERVER['ENVIRONMENT'] = 'development';
Kohana::$environment = constant('Kohana::' . strtoupper($_SERVER['ENVIRONMENT']));
 * Initialize Kohana, setting the default options.
 * The following options are available:
 * - string   base_url    path, and optionally domain, of your application   NULL
 * - string   index_file  name of your index file, usually "index.php"       index.php
 * - string   charset     internal character set used for input and output   utf-8
 * - string   cache_dir   set the internal cache directory                   APPPATH/cache
 * - integer  cache_life  lifetime, in seconds, of items cached              60
 * - boolean  errors      enable or disable error handling                   TRUE
 * - boolean  profile     enable or disable internal profiling               TRUE
 * - boolean  caching     enable or disable internal caching                 FALSE
 * - boolean  expose      set the X-Powered-By header                        FALSE