Beispiel #1
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see ClientGeneratorFromPhp::writeServiceAction()
 protected function writeServiceAction($serviceId, $serviceName, $action, $actionParams, $outputTypeReflector)
     KalturaLog::debug("Service id [{$serviceId}] name [{$serviceName}] action [{$action}]");
     /* @var $outputTypeReflector KalturaParamInfo */
     if ($outputTypeReflector && $outputTypeReflector->isFile()) {
         KalturaLog::debug("Service id [{$serviceId}] name [{$serviceName}] action [{$action}] is file");
     if (in_array($action, array("list", "clone", "goto"))) {
         $action = "{$action}Action";
     //KalturaLog::info("Generates action [$serviceName.$action]");
     $isBase = false;
     $testReturnedType = null;
     $dependency = null;
     //Set the tests to be the regression tests
     if ($action == 'add' || $action == 'update' || $action == 'get' || $action == 'listAction' || $action == 'delete') {
         $isBase = true;
     //Createds the dependency between the tests to the add tests
     if ($action == 'update') {
         $dependency = 'testAdd';
     if ($action == 'get') {
         $dependency = 'testUpdate';
     if ($action == 'delete') {
         $dependency = 'testGet';
     //Special care for add method as it needs to return the id to the other tests
     if ($action == 'add' || $action == 'update' || $action == 'get') {
         $outputType = $outputTypeReflector->getType();
         $testReturnedType = "{$outputType}";
         // for the dependency (CRUD)
     if ($action) {
         $actionName = ucfirst($action);
     $this->write("\t/**", $isBase);
     $this->write("\t * Tests {$serviceName}->{$action} action", $isBase);
     $testParams = array();
     $testValues = array();
     $validateValues = array();
     foreach ($actionParams as $actionParam) {
         $this->setTestParamsAndValues($actionParam, $testParams, $testValues, $validateValues, $isBase);
     if ($outputTypeReflector) {
         $this->setOutputData($outputTypeReflector, $testParams, $testValues, $isBase, $validateValues);
     $testParams = implode(', ', $testParams);
     $testValues = implode(', ', $testValues);
     $validateValues = implode(', ', $validateValues);
     $outputType = null;
     if ($outputTypeReflector) {
         $outputType = $outputTypeReflector->getType();
     if ($testReturnedType) {
         $this->lastDependencyTest = "test{$actionName}";
         $this->write("\t * @return {$testReturnedType}", $isBase);
         //will always be for the base
     if ($dependency) {
         $this->write("\t * @depends {$dependency} with data set #0", $isBase);
     if (count($testValues)) {
         $this->write("\t * @dataProvider provideData", $isBase);
     $this->writeActionTest($serviceName, $actionName, $action, $testParams, $testValues, $outputType, $isBase, $testReturnedType, $validateValues);
     if ($isBase && $outputType) {
         $this->writeBase("\t * Validates test{$actionName} results");
         $this->writeBase("\t * Hook to be overriden by the extending class");
         $this->writeBase("\t * ");
         $this->writeBase("\t * @param {$outputType} \$resultObject");
         $this->writeBase("\t */");
         $this->writeBase("\tprotected function validate{$actionName}({$outputType} \$resultObject){}");
         $serviceReflector = KalturaServiceReflector::constructFromServiceId($serviceId);
         $serviceClass = $serviceReflector->getServiceClass();
         $this->writeTest("\t/* (non-PHPdoc)");
         $this->writeTest("\t * @see {$serviceClass}TestBase::validate{$actionName}()");
         $this->writeTest("\t */");
         $this->writeTest("\tprotected function validate{$actionName}({$outputType} \$resultObject)");
         //$this->writeTest("		parent::validate{$actionName}($validateValues);");
         $this->writeTest("\t\t// TODO - add your own validations here");
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see ClientGeneratorFromPhp::writeServiceAction()
 protected function writeServiceAction($serviceId, $serviceName, $action, $actionParams, $outputTypeReflector)
     if ($outputTypeReflector && $outputTypeReflector->isFile()) {
     if (in_array($action, array("list", "clone", "goto"))) {
         $action = "{$action}Action";
     //KalturaLog::info("Generates action [$serviceName.$action]");
     $isBase = false;
     $testReturnedType = null;
     $addId = false;
     //Set the tests to be the regression tests
     if ($action == 'add' || $action == 'update' || $action == 'get' || $action == 'listAction' || $action == 'delete' || $action == 'addFromEntry' && $serviceName == 'documents') {
         $isBase = true;
     //Createds the dependency between the tests to the add tests
     if ($action == 'update' || $action == 'get' || $action == 'delete') {
         // || $action == 'listAction' TODO: add list if needed
         $addId = true;
     //Special care for add method as it needs to return the id to the other tests
     if ($action == 'add' || $action == 'addFromEntry' && $serviceName == 'documents') {
         //TODO: support return type of int
         $outputType = $outputTypeReflector->getType();
         $testReturnedType = "{$outputType}";
         // for the dependency (CRUD)
     //TODO:delete this
     $resgressionTests = array('add', 'get', 'delete', 'update', 'listAction');
     if (!in_array($action, $resgressionTests)) {
     if ($action) {
         $actionName = ucfirst($action);
     $this->writeXml("<TestProcedureData testProcedureName='test{$actionName}'>");
     $this->writeXml("\t<TestCaseData testCaseInstanceName='test{$actionName} with data set #0'>");
     $this->writeXmlSource("\t\t<TestProcedureData testProcedureName='test{$actionName}'>");
     $this->writeXmlSource("\t\t\t<TestCaseData testCaseInstanceName='test{$actionName} with template data set'>");
     $this->write("\t/**", $isBase);
     $this->write("\t * Tests {$serviceName}->{$action} action", $isBase);
     $testParams = array();
     $testValues = array();
     $validateValues = array();
     foreach ($actionParams as $actionParam) {
         $this->setTestParamsAndValues($actionParam, $testParams, $testValues, $validateValues, $addId, $isBase);
     if ($outputTypeReflector) {
         $this->setOutputData($outputTypeReflector, $testParams, $testValues, $isBase, $validateValues);
     $testParams = implode(', ', $testParams);
     $testValues = implode(', ', $testValues);
     $validateValues = implode(', ', $validateValues);
     $outputType = null;
     if ($outputTypeReflector) {
         $outputType = $outputTypeReflector->getType();
     if ($testReturnedType) {
         $this->lastDependencyTest = "test{$actionName}";
         $this->write("\t * @return {$testReturnedType}", $isBase);
         //will always be for the base
     if ($addId) {
         $this->write("\t * @depends testAdd with data set #{$this->dependencyIndex}", $isBase);
     if (count($testValues)) {
         $this->write("\t * @dataProvider provideData", $isBase);
     $this->writeActionTest($serviceName, $actionName, $action, $testParams, $testValues, $outputType, $isBase, $testReturnedType, $validateValues);
     if ($isBase && $outputType) {
         $this->writeBase("\t * Validates test{$actionName} results");
         $this->writeBase("\t * Hook to be overriden by the extending class");
         $this->writeBase("\t * ");
         $this->writeBase("\t * @param {$outputType} \$resultObject");
         $this->writeBase("\t */");
         $this->writeBase("\tprotected function validate{$actionName}({$outputType} \$resultObject){}");
         $serviceReflector = KalturaServiceReflector::constructFromServiceId($serviceId);
         $serviceClass = $serviceReflector->getServiceClass();
         $this->writeTest("\t/* (non-PHPdoc)");
         $this->writeTest("\t * @see {$serviceClass}TestBase::validate{$actionName}()");
         $this->writeTest("\t */");
         $this->writeTest("\tprotected function validate{$actionName}({$outputType} \$resultObject)");
         //$this->writeTest("		parent::validate{$actionName}($validateValues);");
         $this->writeTest("\t\t// TODO - add your own validations here");