Beispiel #1
 if ($include !== null) {
     $exclude = null;
 // get the list of Objects to include in this client generate
 $additional = $item->get("additional");
 // get the list of Objects to ignore
 $ignore = $item->get("ignore");
 // get the list of Plugins to include in this client generate
 $pluginList = explode(',', $item->get("plugins"));
 // include the plugins requested for this package
 foreach ($pluginList as $plugin) {
     $pluginName = trim($plugin);
     if (!$pluginName) {
 // create the API schema to be used by the generator
 $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($generator);
 $fromXml = $reflectionClass->isSubclassOf("ClientGeneratorFromXml");
 $fromPhp = $reflectionClass->isSubclassOf("ClientGeneratorFromPhp");
 // if it's an XML schema based generator -
 if ($fromXml) {
     KalturaLog::info("Using XmlSchemaGenerator to generate the api schema");
     if ($useReadySchema == null || $useReadySchema == '') {
         KalturaLog::info("Using code introspection to generate XML schema");
         $xmlGenerator = new XmlClientGenerator();
         $xmlGenerator->setIncludeOrExcludeList($include, $exclude, $excludePaths);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
$xsltFilePath = '';
//TODO: change to valid xslt file path
$metadataProfileId = null;
//TODO: change to a valid metadata profile id
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!$xsltFilePath) {
    die('ERROR - Missing parameter [$xsltFilePath]' . PHP_EOL);
if (!$metadataProfileId) {
    die('ERROR - Missing parameter [$metadataProfileId]' . PHP_EOL);
if (!file_exists($xsltFilePath)) {
    die('ERROR - Cannot find file at [' . $xsltFilePath . ']' . PHP_EOL);
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../api_v3/bootstrap.php';
KAutoloader::addClassPath(KAutoloader::buildPath(KALTURA_ROOT_PATH, "vendor", "propel", "*"));
KAutoloader::addClassPath(KAutoloader::buildPath(KALTURA_ROOT_PATH, "plugins", "metadata", "*"));
KAutoloader::setClassMapFilePath(kConf::get("cache_root_path") . '/scripts/' . basename(__FILE__) . '.cache');
$dbMetadataProfile = MetadataProfilePeer::retrieveById($metadataProfileId);
if (!$dbMetadataProfile) {
    die('ERROR - Cannot find metadata profile with id [' . $metadataProfileId . ']' . PHP_EOL);
$key = $dbMetadataProfile->getSyncKey(MetadataProfile::FILE_SYNC_METADATA_XSLT);
kFileSyncUtils::moveFromFile($xsltFilePath, $key, true, true);
echo 'Done' . PHP_EOL;

require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../alpha/scripts/bootstrap.php';
if ($argc != 4) {
    echo "Arguments missing." . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Usage: php ' . __FILE__ . ' {partner id} {edgecast account number} {api token}' . PHP_EOL;
$partnerId = $argv[1];
$accountNumber = $argv[2];
$apiToken = $argv[3];
KAutoloader::addClassPath(KAutoloader::buildPath(KALTURA_ROOT_PATH, "vendor", "propel", "*"));
KAutoloader::addClassPath(KAutoloader::buildPath(KALTURA_ROOT_PATH, "plugins", "edgecast", "*"));
KAutoloader::setClassMapFilePath(KALTURA_ROOT_PATH . '/cache/scripts/' . basename(__FILE__) . '.cache');
$partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($partnerId);
if (!$partner) {
    die("No partner with ID [{$partnerId}]." . PHP_EOL);
$edgeCastParams = new kEdgeCastParams();
EdgeCastPlugin::setEdgeCastParams($partner, $edgeCastParams);
echo "Done.";