function _fieldValues() { if (empty($this->dDateTime)) { $this->dDateTime = getCurrentDateTime(); } if (empty($this->iSessionId)) { $this->iSessionId = $_SESSION['sessionID']; } $oFolder = Folder::get($this->iFolderId); // head off the certain breakage down the line. if (PEAR::isError($oFolder) || $oFolder === false) { $this->bAdminMode = 0; } else { if (KTBrowseUtil::inAdminMode($oUser, $oFolder)) { $this->bAdminMode = 1; } else { $this->bAdminMode = 0; } } return parent::_fieldValues(); }
function update($bPathMove = false) { //var_dump($this); exit(0); $res = parent::update(); if ($res === true && $bPathMove === true) { KTPermissionUtil::updatePermissionLookup($this); } return $res; }
function load($iId) { $res = parent::load($iId); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } $this->aSearch = unserialize(base64_decode($this->aSearch)); return $res; }
function update() { if (empty($this->sDescriptor)) { $this->sDescriptor = md5($this->sDescriptorText); } return parent::update(); }
function create() { if (is_null($this->iMetadataVersion)) { $this->iMetadataVersion = 0; } if (is_null($this->dVersionCreated)) { $this->dVersionCreated = getCurrentDateTime(); } return parent::create(); }
function create() { if (empty($this->iSize)) { $this->iSize = 0; } if (empty($this->iMimeTypeId)) { $this->iMimeTypeId = 9; } if (is_null($this->iMajorVersion)) { $this->iMajorVersion = 0; } if (is_null($this->iMinorVersion)) { $this->iMinorVersion = 1; } return parent::create(); }