public function run()
     KalturaLog::info("Email ingestion batch is running");
     if ($this->taskConfig->isInitOnly()) {
         return $this->init();
     // get parameters from ini file
     try {
         $this->TEMP_FILE_DIR = $this->taskConfig->params->localTempPath;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         KalturaLog::crit("Cannot find all required parameters from config file");
     // create a temp file path
     if (!self::createDir($this->TEMP_FILE_DIR)) {
         KalturaLog::crit("Cannot continue email ingestion without a temp directory");
         return false;
         // quit run()
     // ----------------------------------
     // loop through all defined mailboxes
     // ----------------------------------
     $mailboxNumber = 0;
     while (isset($this->taskConfig->params->{'mailbox' . ($mailboxNumber + 1)})) {
         $mailesProcessed = 0;
         $keepCurMailbox = true;
         $params = $this->taskConfig->params->{'mailbox' . $mailboxNumber};
         // get parameters
         try {
             $host = $params->hostname;
             $port = $params->port;
             $user = $params->user;
             $pass = $params->pass;
             $options = $params->options;
             $maxMails = $params->maxMailsPerRun;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             KalturaLog::crit("Cannot find all required parameters from config file for mailbox number [{$mailboxNumber}]");
             // skip current mailbox
         // connect to current mailbox
         $mailChecker = new KMailChecker($host, $port, $user, $pass, $options);
         if (!$mailChecker->connect()) {
             KalturaLog::crit("Error connecting to [{$host}:{$port}] as [{$user}] - " . imap_last_error());
             // skip current mailbox
         KalturaLog::info("Sucessfuly connected to [{$host}:{$port}] as [{$user}]");
         // check for unread mails
         $newMails = $mailChecker->getUnreadIds();
         if (!$newMails || count($newMails) <= 0) {
             // no new mail availble in current mailbox
             KalturaLog::info("No new mails found on [{$user}@{$host}]");
             // skip current mailbox
         KalturaLog::info('[' . count($newMails) . "] unread mails found on [{$user}@{$host}]");
         // -----------------------------------------
         // loop through all mails in current mailbox
         // -----------------------------------------
         while ($keepCurMailbox && (list(, $curId) = each($newMails))) {
             if ($mailesProcessed >= $maxMails) {
                 KalturaLog::info("Reached the max mails per job for current mailbox [{$mailboxNumber}] - skipping to next mailbox");
                 $keepCurMailbox = false;
                 // skip current mailbox
                 // skip current mail --> skip current mailbox
             // fetch current message
             $curMail = $mailChecker->fetchMsg($curId);
             if (!$curMail) {
                 KalturaLog::err("Error fetching message with folder ID [{$curId}] from [{$user}@{$host}] - " . imap_last_error());
                 // skip current mail - error fetching
             // check if mail contains attachments
             if (!$curMail->attachments || count($curMail->attachments) == 0) {
                 // no attachments found
                 KalturaLog::info('No attachments found for mail [' . $curMail->header->msgid . "] on [{$user}@{$host}] from [" . $curMail->header->fromadd . '] with subject [' . $curMail->header->subject . ']');
                 if (!$mailChecker->moveMsg($curId, self::NO_ATTACHMENT)) {
                     KalturaLog::err('Failed moving msg [' . $curMail->header->msgid . '] to the [' . self::NO_ATTACHMENT . '] folder - ' . imap_last_error());
                 // skip current mail - no attachments
             // validate partner and get email profile
             $email_profiles = $this->validePartnerAndGetProfile($curMail->header->toadd, $user . '@' . $host);
             if (!$email_profiles) {
                 // error validating partner
                 KalturaLog::err('Partner validation failed for [' . $curMail->header->msgid . "] on [{$user}@{$host}] from [" . $curMail->header->fromadd . '] with subject [' . $curMail->header->subject . ']');
                 if (!$mailChecker->moveMsg($curId, self::PARTNER_INVALID)) {
                     KalturaLog::err('Failed moving msg [' . $curMail->header->msgid . '] to the [' . self::PARTNER_INVALID . '] folder - ' . imap_last_error());
                 // skip current mail - partner invalid
             // create a new media entry from data in mail body text
             $mediaEntry = $this->createMediaEntry($curMail->header, $curMail->body);
             // add the mail's attachment for each valid email profile
             $failures = new AddEntriesFailures();
             foreach ($email_profiles as $profile) {
                 KalturaLog::info("*** Currently processing attachments for email profile id [{$profile->id}] of partner id [{$profile->partnerId}]");
                 // add a new entry for each attachment
                 //TODO: currently, the same attachment will be uploaded again and again for each different profile because the uploaded file is being transferred on the server - this should be changed.
                 if (!$this->addEntries($curMail, $profile, $mediaEntry, $failures)) {
                     KalturaLog::err("Some errors occured while adding entries for email profile id [{$profile->id}] of partner id [{$profile->partnerId}]");
             // check if any problems happened
             if ($failures->problemsHappened()) {
                 $new_folder = self::UNKNOWN;
                 if ($failures->upload_failed || $failures->add_entry_failed || $failures->error_saving_temp_file) {
                     // some attachments had problems
                     $new_folder = self::ADD_ENTRY_FAIL;
                     KalturaLog::crit('Failed adding some attachments for [' . $curMail->header->msgid . "] on [{$user}@{$host}] Moving msg to [" . $new_folder . '] folder');
                 } else {
                     if ($failures->too_many_attachments) {
                         // too many attachments
                         $new_folder = self::INCOMPLETE;
                         KalturaLog::err('Msg [' . $curMail->header->msgid . "] on [{$user}@{$host}] from [" . $curMail->header->fromadd . '] with subject [' . $curMail->header->subject . "] contains too many attachments. Moving msg to [{$new_folder}] folder");
                     } else {
                         if ($failures->attachment_too_big || $failures->attachment_invalid) {
                             // errors in specific attachments
                             if (count($curMail->attachments) > 1) {
                                 $new_folder = self::INCOMPLETE;
                                 KalturaLog::err('Some invalid attachments found for msg [' . $curMail->header->msgid . "] on [{$user}@{$host}] from [" . $curMail->header->fromadd . '] with subject [' . $curMail->header->subject . "]. Moving msg to [{$new_folder}] folder");
                             } else {
                                 $new_folder = self::ATTACHMENT_INVALID;
                                 KalturaLog::err('Msg attachment is invalid for msg [' . $curMail->header->msgid . "] on [{$user}@{$host}] from [" . $curMail->header->fromadd . '] with subject [' . $curMail->header->subject . "]. Moving msg to [{$new_folder}] folder");
                         } else {
                             // shouldn't get here
                             KalturaLog::err('*** Not all addEntriesFailures situations were handled.');
                 // move msg to the right error folder
                 if (!$mailChecker->moveMsg($curId, $new_folder)) {
                     KalturaLog::err('Failed moving msg [' . $curMail->header->msgid . '] to the [' . $new_folder . '] folder - ' . imap_last_error());
             } else {
                 // ------------------------------------------------------
                 // all attachments were added succesfuly for all profiles
                 // ------------------------------------------------------
                 if (!$mailChecker->moveMsg($curId, self::PROCESS_OK)) {
                     KalturaLog::err('Msg [' . $curMail->header->msgid . '] from [' . $curMail->header->fromadd . '] with subject [' . $curMail->header->subject . '] was processed OK but failed moving to the [' . self::PROCESS_OK . '] folder - ' . imap_last_error());
         // end loop through mails in current mailbox
     // end loop through mailboxes
Beispiel #2
 * <user>@<host>: READ messages in INBOX: <number of read messages in INBOX>
 * @package Scheduler
 * @subpackage Email-Ingestion
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'KMailChecker.class.php';
$arguments = $_SERVER['argv'];
if (count($arguments) < 5) {
    die('Usages is \'php ' . basename(__FILE__) . ' <host> <port> <user> <pass>\'' . PHP_EOL);
$host = $arguments[1];
$port = $arguments[2];
$user = $arguments[3];
$pass = $arguments[4];
$mailChecker = new KMailChecker($host, $port, $user, $pass, '/novalidate-cert');
if (!@$mailChecker->connect()) {
    die("Can't connect to [{$host}:{$port}] as {$user} - " . imap_last_error() . PHP_EOL);
$folders = $mailChecker->getFolders();
$seenInInbox = false;
foreach ($folders as $curFolder) {
    $overview = $mailChecker->getFolderOverview($curFolder);
    echo "{$user}@{$host}: {$curFolder}: {$overview->messages}" . PHP_EOL;
    // total messages for each folder
    if ($curFolder == 'INBOX' && $overview->unseen < $overview->messages) {
        $seenInInbox = $overview->messages - $overview->unseen;
if ($seenInInbox) {
    echo "{$user}@{$host}: READ messages in INBOX: {$seenInInbox}";