function Run($aProjname, $aForceUpdate = false)
     $this->iProjname = $aProjname;
     echo "<h3>Scanning files for project '{$aProjname}'</h3>";
     // Find full filename of all project files in the project
     $proj = $this->iDBUtils->GetProject($aProjname);
     $projidx = $proj['fld_key'];
     $q = "SELECT * FROM tbl_projfiles WHERE fld_projidx={$projidx}";
     $res = $this->iDB->Query($q);
     $n = $res->NumRows();
     $ptimer = new JpgTimer();
     while ($n-- > 0) {
         $r = $res->Fetch();
         $fname = $r['fld_name'];
         $modtime = filemtime($fname);
         $dbtime = strtotime($r['fld_dbupdtime']);
         if ($aForceUpdate || $modtime > $dbtime) {
             echo "Parsing file {$fname}...\n";
             $dbdriver = new DBDriver($aProjname, $fname, $this->iDB);
             $t = round($ptimer->Pop() / 1000, 2);
             $q = "UPDATE tbl_projfiles SET fld_dbupdtime=now() WHERE fld_key=" . $r['fld_key'];
             echo "[{$t} s]<br>\n";
         } else {
             echo "DB is up to date with file: '{$fname}'<br>\n";
     echo "<p><h3>Done.</h3>";
Beispiel #2
 function Graph($aWidth = 300, $aHeight = 200, $aCachedName = "", $aTimeOut = 0, $aInline = true)
     global $gJpgBrandTiming;
     // If timing is used create a new timing object
     if ($gJpgBrandTiming) {
         global $tim;
         $tim = new JpgTimer();
     // Automatically generate the image file name based on the name of the script that
     // generates the graph
     if ($aCachedName == "auto") {
         $aCachedName = GenImgName();
     // Should the image be streamed back to the browser or only to the cache?
     $this->inline = $aInline;
     $this->img = new RotImage($aWidth, $aHeight);
     $this->cache = new ImgStreamCache($this->img);
     $this->title = new Text();
     $this->title->SetFont(FF_FONT2, FS_BOLD);
     $this->subtitle = new Text();
     $this->subsubtitle = new Text();
     $this->legend = new Legend();
     $this->footer = new Footer();
     // If the cached version exist just read it directly from the
     // cache, stream it back to browser and exit
     if ($aCachedName != "" && READ_CACHE && $aInline) {
         if ($this->cache->GetAndStream($aCachedName)) {
     $this->cache_name = $aCachedName;
     // Normal density
     $this->tabtitle = new GraphTabTitle();
Beispiel #3

// content="text/plain; charset=utf-8"
require_once "jpgraph/jpgraph.php";
require_once "jpgraph/jpgraph_line.php";
$ydata = array(11, 3, 8, 12, 5, 1, 9, 13, 5, 7);
$ydata2 = array(1, 19, 15, 7, 22, 14, 5, 9, 21, 13);
$timer = new JpgTimer();
// Create the graph. These two calls are always required
$graph = new Graph(300, 200);
$graph->SetMargin(40, 20, 20, 60);
$graph->title->Set("Timing a graph");
$graph->footer->right->Set('Timer (ms): ');
$graph->footer->right->SetFont(FF_COURIER, FS_ITALIC);
// Create the linear plot
$lineplot = new LinePlot($ydata);
$lineplot2 = new LinePlot($ydata2);
// Add the plot to the graph
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
$graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
$graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
Beispiel #4
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($allfiles as $f) {
        $buf .= "<h4>Theme {$i} (<i>" . $names[$i - 1] . ")</i></h4>\n";
        $buf .= sprintf($frm, basename($f));
    $fp = fopen(CACHE_DIR . "themes.html", "w");
    if (!$fp) {
        die("Can't create index file.");
    fwrite($fp, $buf);
    echo "<br>";
$th = array("earth" => array(22, 424, 10, 34, 40, 45, 49, 62, 63, 74, 77, 119, 120, 134, 136, 141, 168, 180, 209, 218, 346, 395, 89, 430), "pastel" => array(22, 424, 27, 38, 42, 58, 66, 79, 105, 110, 128, 147, 152, 230, 240, 331, 337, 405, 415), "water" => array(22, 424, 8, 10, 14, 24, 56, 213, 237, 268, 326, 335, 370, 387, 388), "sand" => array(22, 424, 19, 34, 50, 65, 72, 82, 131, 168, 209));
echo "<h2>JpGraph color chart</h2>";
echo "Generating color chart images ...<br>\n";
$timer = new JpgTimer();
echo "<p>Generating themes...";
$t = $timer->Pop() / 1000;
$t = sprintf("<p>Work done in: %0.2f seconds.", round($t, 2));
echo "{$t}<p>See <a href=\"" . CACHE_DIR . "colorchart.html\">Colorchart</a>\n";
echo "<br>See <a href=\"" . CACHE_DIR . "themes.html\">Index of themes</a>\n";

Beispiel #5
 function Stroke($aImg)
     $y = $aImg->height - $this->iBottomMargin;
     $x = $this->iLeftMargin;
     $this->left->Align('left', 'bottom');
     $this->left->Stroke($aImg, $x, $y);
     $x = ($aImg->width - $this->iLeftMargin - $this->iRightMargin) / 2;
     $this->center->Align('center', 'bottom');
     $this->center->Stroke($aImg, $x, $y);
     $x = $aImg->width - $this->iRightMargin;
     $this->right->Align('right', 'bottom');
     if ($this->iTimer != null) {
         $this->right->Set($this->right->t . sprintf('%.3f', $this->iTimer->Pop() / 1000.0) . $this->itimerpoststring);
     $this->right->Stroke($aImg, $x, $y);
Beispiel #6
 function Run($aProject)
     $this->iProject = $aProject;
     $timer = new JpgTimer();
     echo "<h3>DB Consistency check for project: <font color=blue>{$aProject}</font></h3><hr>";
     //echo HTMLGenerator::CloseWinButton();
     echo "<i>This will verify the integrity of the keys in the database as well as foreign key references. ";
     echo "It will also perform various consistency check within the methods and classes.</i>";
     echo '<hr>';
     echo "<h4>Reading project information ... </h4>\n";
     $this->nm = $this->ReadMethods();
     $this->nc = $this->ReadClasses();
     echo "Classes: {$this->nc}, &nbsp Methods: {$this->nm} <br>";
     echo "<h4>Checking methods ... </h4>\n";
     echo "<h4>Checking classes ... </h4>\n";
     $t = round($timer->Pop() / 1000, 2);
     $t = "{$t}" . 's';
     if ($this->iErrCnt > 0) {
         $color = 'red';
     } else {
         $color = 'blue';
     echo " &nbsp; <p> <font color={$color}><b>Found " . $this->iErrCnt . " errors.</b></font>";
     echo '<hr> ';
     echo "\n<table width=100%><tr><td>Time: {$t} </td><td align=right> <form><input type=button value='Close Windows' onclick='window.close();'></form></td></tr></table>";
Beispiel #7
 function Graph($aWidth = 300, $aHeight = 200, $aCachedName = "", $aTimeOut = 0, $aInline = true)
     global $gJpgBrandTiming;
     if ($gJpgBrandTiming) {
         global $tim;
         $tim = new JpgTimer();
     if (!is_numeric($aWidth) || !is_numeric($aHeight)) {
     if ($aCachedName == "auto") {
         $aCachedName = GenImgName();
     $this->inline = $aInline;
     $this->img = new RotImage($aWidth, $aHeight);
     $this->cache = new ImgStreamCache($this->img);
     $this->title = new Text();
     $this->title->SetFont(FF_FONT2, FS_BOLD);
     $this->subtitle = new Text();
     $this->subsubtitle = new Text();
     $this->legend = new Legend();
     $this->footer = new Footer();
     $aCachedName = str_replace("?", "_", $aCachedName);
     if ($aCachedName != "" && READ_CACHE && $aInline) {
         if ($this->cache->GetAndStream($aCachedName)) {
     $this->cache_name = $aCachedName;
     $this->tabtitle = new GraphTabTitle();
Beispiel #8
    function Graph($aWidth=300,$aHeight=200,$aCachedName="",$aTimeOut=0,$aInline=true) {
	GLOBAL $gJpgBrandTiming;
	// If timing is used create a new timing object
	if( $gJpgBrandTiming ) {
	    global $tim;
	    $tim = new JpgTimer();

	if( !is_numeric($aWidth) || !is_numeric($aHeight) ) {
	    JpGraphError::Raise('Image width/height argument in Graph::Graph() must be numeric');
	// Automatically generate the image file name based on the name of the script that
	// generates the graph
	if( $aCachedName=="auto" )
	// Should the image be streamed back to the browser or only to the cache?
	$this->img	= new RotImage($aWidth,$aHeight);

	$this->cache 	= new ImgStreamCache($this->img);

	$this->title = new Text();

	$this->subtitle = new Text();

	$this->subsubtitle = new Text();

	$this->legend = new Legend();
	$this->footer = new Footer();

	// Window doesn't like '?' in the file name so replace it with an '_'
	$aCachedName = str_replace("?","_",$aCachedName);

	// If the cached version exist just read it directly from the
	// cache, stream it back to browser and exit
	if( $aCachedName!="" && READ_CACHE && $aInline )
	    if( $this->cache->GetAndStream($aCachedName) ) {
	$this->cache_name = $aCachedName;
	$this->SetTickDensity(); // Normal density

	$this->tabtitle = new GraphTabTitle();