  * Allow add new document.
 protected function allowAdd($data = array())
     // relative path of file we want add document
     $path = JoomDOCRequest::getPath();
     if ($this->getModel()->searchIdByPath($path)) {
         // file already has document
         return false;
     if (!JoomDOCAccessDocument::create(JoomDOCFileSystem::getParentPath($path))) {
         // parent document or global config doesn't allow add document
         return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #2
  * Delete document.
 public function delete()
     // set document ID into request
     JRequest::setVar('cid', array($this->getModel()->searchIdByPath(JoomDOCRequest::getPath())));
     // move token from GET into POST
     if (JOOMDOC_ISJ3) {
         //fix for J3 API. JRequest::setVar not works, because JSession::checkToken uses input object...
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         $app->input->post->set(JRequest::getVar('token', '', 'get', 'string'), 1);
     JRequest::setVar(JRequest::getVar('token', '', 'get', 'string'), 1, 'post');
     $this->setRedirect(JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments(JoomDOCFileSystem::getParentPath(JoomDOCRequest::getPath()), false));
Beispiel #3
  * Rename file/folder.
 public function rename()
     $renamePath = JString::trim(JRequest::getString('renamePath'));
     if (JoomDOCAccessFileSystem::rename(false, $renamePath)) {
         if ($success = JoomDOCFileSystem::rename($renamePath, JString::trim($newName = JRequest::getString('newName')))) {
             //if renamed directory, do refresh, else it will appear empty
             $newPath = ($parentPath = JoomDOCFileSystem::getParentPath($renamePath)) ? $parentPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . JRequest::getString('newName') : $newName;
             if (JFolder::exists(JoomDOCFileSystem::getFullPath($newPath))) {
                 $mainfrane = JFactory::getApplication();
                 $mainfrane->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('JOOMDOC_REFRESHED', JoomDOCFileSystem::refresh()));
         $this->setRedirect(JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments(), JText::_($success ? 'JOOMDOC_RENAME_SUCCESS' : 'JOOMDOC_RENAME_FAILED'), $success ? 'message' : 'error');
     } else {
         JError::raiseError(403, JText::_('JOOMDOC_UNABLE_RENAME'));
Beispiel #4
  * Copy/move files and documents database rows.
  * @param string $oldPath old file relative path
  * @param string $newPath new file relative path
  * @param boolean $move false copy, true move
 function copyMove($oldPath, $newPath, $move)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     /* @var $app JApplication */
     $toflat = array($oldPath, $newPath);
     $oldPath = $this->_db->quote($oldPath);
     $newParentPath = JoomDOCFileSystem::getParentPath($newPath);
     $newParentPathQuote = $this->_db->quote($newParentPath);
     $newPath = $this->_db->quote($newPath);
     if (!$move) {
         // get IDs of all old rows
         $this->_db->setQuery('SELECT `id` FROM `#__joomdoc_file` WHERE `path` = ' . $oldPath);
         $fileIDs = $this->_db->loadColumn();
         $this->_db->setQuery('SELECT `id` FROM `#__joomdoc` WHERE `path` = ' . $oldPath);
         $docIDs = $this->_db->loadColumn();
         // copy all old rows
         foreach ($fileIDs as $id) {
             $newFileIDs[] = JoomDOCModelList::copyRow('#__joomdoc_file', 'id', $id);
         foreach ($docIDs as $id) {
             $newDocIDs[] = JoomDOCModelList::copyRow('#__joomdoc', 'id', $id);
         // update path in new rows
         if (isset($newFileIDs)) {
             $this->_db->setQuery('UPDATE `#__joomdoc_file` SET `path` = ' . $newPath . ' WHERE `id` IN (' . implode(', ', $newFileIDs) . ')');
         // update path and parent path in new rows
         if (isset($newDocIDs)) {
             $newDocIDs = implode(',', $newDocIDs);
             $this->_db->setQuery('UPDATE `#__joomdoc` SET `path` = ' . $newPath . ', `parent_path` = ' . $newParentPathQuote . ' WHERE `id` IN (' . $newDocIDs . ')');
             $this->_db->setQuery('SELECT `id`, `alias` FROM `#__joomdoc` WHERE `id` IN (' . $newDocIDs . ')');
             $newDocs = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
     } else {
         // for move only update paths
         $this->_db->setQuery('UPDATE `#__joomdoc_file` SET `path` = ' . $newPath . ' WHERE `path` = ' . $oldPath);
         $this->_db->setQuery('UPDATE `#__joomdoc` SET `path` = ' . $newPath . ', `parent_path` = ' . $newParentPathQuote . ' WHERE `path` = ' . $oldPath);
         $this->_db->setQuery('SELECT `id`, `alias` FROM `#__joomdoc` WHERE `path` = ' . $newPath);
         $newDocs = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
     if (isset($newDocs)) {
         // get alias of last version of new parent
         $this->_db->setQuery('SELECT `alias` FROM `#__joomdoc` WHERE `path` = ' . $newParentPathQuote . ' ORDER BY `version` DESC');
         $parentAlias = $this->_db->loadResult();
         if (is_null($parentAlias)) {
             $parentAlias = $newParentPath;
         foreach ($newDocs as $newDoc) {
             // new full alias from new parent alias and new document alias
             $newDoc->full_alias = $parentAlias . '/' . $newDoc->alias;
             // update path, parent path and full alias in new document
             $this->_db->setQuery('UPDATE `#__joomdoc` SET `full_alias` = ' . $this->_db->quote($newDoc->full_alias) . ' WHERE `id` = ' . $newDoc->id);
     JModelLegacy::getInstance(JOOMDOC_DOCUMENTS, JOOMDOC_MODEL_PREFIX)->flat($toflat);
Beispiel #5
  * Display page with folder content.
  * @param $tpl used template
  * @return void
 public function display($tpl = null)
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     /* @var $mainframe JSite */
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     /* @var $documents JDocumentHTML */
     $config = JoomDOCConfig::getInstance();
     /* @var $config JoomDOCConfig */
     $modelDocument = JModelLegacy::getInstance(JOOMDOC_DOCUMENT, JOOMDOC_MODEL_PREFIX);
     /* @var $modelDocument JoomDOCModelDocument */
     $modelDocuments = JModelLegacy::getInstance(JOOMDOC_DOCUMENTS, JOOMDOC_MODEL_SITE_PREFIX);
     /* @var $modelDocuments JoomDOCSiteModelDocuments */
     $modelFile = JModelLegacy::getInstance(JOOMDOC_FILE, JOOMDOC_MODEL_PREFIX);
     /* @var $modelFile JoomDOCModelFile */
     $this->filter = $this->getLayout() == 'modal' ? $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest(JoomDOCRequest::getSessionPrefix() . 'filter', 'filter', '', 'string') : '';
     $path = JoomDOCRequest::getPath();
     // convert to absolute path, if path si empty use document root path
     $path = $path ? JoomDOCFileSystem::getFullPath($path) : $config->path;
     // request path value isn't subfolder of document root
     if (!JoomDOCFileSystem::isSubFolder($path, $config->path)) {
         JError::raiseError(403, JText::_('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR ' . $path . ' ' . $config->path));
     $this->searchablefields = $this->get('searchablefields');
     $this->publishedfields = $this->get('publishedfields');
     foreach ($this->searchablefields as $field) {
         $field->name = 'joomdoc_field' . $field->id;
     if ($config->useSearch || $this->getLayout() == 'modal') {
         $this->search = new JObject();
         // load setting from request or Joomla session storage (server session, database, apc etc.)
         $this->search->search = $this->getSearchParam('joomdoc_search', 0, 'int');
         if ($config->searchKeyword == 1) {
             $this->search->keywords = $this->getSearchParam('joomdoc_keywords', $this->filter, 'string');
         } elseif ($config->searchKeyword == 2) {
             // separate keywords for each area
             $this->search->keywords_title = $this->getSearchParam('joomdoc_keywords_title', $this->filter, 'string');
             $this->search->keywords_text = $this->getSearchParam('joomdoc_keywords_text', $this->filter, 'string');
             $this->search->keywords_meta = $this->getSearchParam('joomdoc_keywords_meta', $this->filter, 'string');
             $this->search->keywords_full = $this->getSearchParam('joomdoc_keywords_full', $this->filter, 'string');
             foreach ($this->searchablefields as $field) {
                 if ($field->type == JOOMDOC_FIELD_TEXT || $field->type == JOOMDOC_FIELD_TEXTAREA || $field->type == JOOMDOC_FIELD_EDITOR) {
                     $this->search->set('keywords_field' . $field->id, $this->getSearchParam('joomdoc_keywords_field' . $field->id, $this->filter, 'string'));
         // selected parent (folder)
         $this->search->parent = $config->searchShowParent ? $this->getSearchParam('path', '', 'string') : '';
         // path to load items list, if not select parent use document root
         $this->search->path = JoomDOCFileSystem::getFullPath($this->search->parent);
         // search areas (document title or file path), text and metadata, file content
         $this->search->areaTitle = $config->searchShowTitle ? $this->getSearchParam('joomdoc_area_title', 1, 'int', true, 'joomdoc_search') : 0;
         $this->search->areaText = $config->searchShowText ? $this->getSearchParam('joomdoc_area_text', 1, 'int', true, 'joomdoc_search') : 0;
         $this->search->areaMeta = $config->searchShowMetadata ? $this->getSearchParam('joomdoc_area_meta', 1, 'int', true, 'joomdoc_search') : 0;
         $this->search->areaFull = $config->searchShowFulltext ? $this->getSearchParam('joomdoc_area_full', 1, 'int', true, 'joomdoc_search') : 0;
         // searching type (any/all word, complet phrase, regular expresion
         $this->search->type = $this->getSearchParam('joomdoc_type', $config->searchDefaultType, 'int');
         // ordering
         $this->search->ordering = $this->getSearchParam('joomdoc_ordering', $config->searchDefaultOrder, 'string');
         foreach ($this->searchablefields as $field) {
             if ($field->type == JOOMDOC_FIELD_TEXT) {
                 $this->search->fields[$field->id] = array('type' => $field->type, 'value' => $this->getSearchParam($field->name, 1, 'int', true, 'joomdoc_search'));
             } elseif ($field->type == JOOMDOC_FIELD_CHECKBOX || $field->type == JOOMDOC_FIELD_MULTI_SELECT || $field->type == JOOMDOC_FIELD_SUGGEST) {
                 $this->search->fields[$field->id] = array('type' => $field->type, 'value' => $this->getSearchParam($field->name, array(), 'array'));
             } else {
                 $this->search->fields[$field->id] = array('type' => $field->type, 'value' => $this->getSearchParam($field->name, '', 'string'));
         // set ordering from search setting
         switch ($this->search->ordering) {
             case JOOMDOC_ORDER_NEWEST:
                 /* Newest items */
                 // files order upload date and documents order publish up date descending
                 $documentOrdering = JOOMDOC_ORDER_PUBLISH_UP;
                 $fileOrdering = JOOMDOC_ORDER_UPLOAD;
                 $orderingDirection = JOOMDOC_ORDER_DESC;
             case JOOMDOC_ORDER_OLDEST:
                 /* Oldest items */
                 // files order upload date and documents order publish up date ascending
                 $documentOrdering = JOOMDOC_ORDER_PUBLISH_UP;
                 $fileOrdering = JOOMDOC_ORDER_UPLOAD;
                 $orderingDirection = JOOMDOC_ORDER_ASC;
             case JOOMDOC_ORDER_HITS:
                 /* Most popular (downloaded) */
                 // files order hits descending
                 $documentOrdering = null;
                 $fileOrdering = JOOMDOC_ORDER_HITS;
                 $orderingDirection = JOOMDOC_ORDER_DESC;
             case JOOMDOC_ORDER_TITLE:
                 /* Alphabetical */
                 // files order path and documents order title ascending
                 $documentOrdering = JOOMDOC_ORDER_TITLE;
                 $fileOrdering = JOOMDOC_ORDER_PATH;
                 $orderingDirection = JOOMDOC_ORDER_ASC;
     $searchActive = $config->useSearch && $this->search->search;
     if (!$searchActive) {
         // if search isnt't set use ordering from configuration
         $documentOrdering = $config->documentOrdering;
         $fileOrdering = $config->fileOrdering;
         $orderingDirection = $config->orderingDirection;
     // get content of selected folder
     $this->root = JoomDOCFileSystem::getFolderContent($path, '', $searchActive);
     if (JoomDOCFileSystem::isFolder($this->root)) {
         // selected path is folder
         $modelDocuments->setState(JoomDOCView::getStateName(JOOMDOC_FILTER_PATHS), $this->root->getPaths(false));
         // get child documents
         $modelDocuments->setState(JoomDOCView::getStateName(JOOMDOC_FILTER_SEARCH), $config->useSearch || $this->getLayout() == 'modal' ? $this->search : null);
         $this->documents = $modelDocuments->getItems($searchActive);
         $this->listfields = $modelDocuments->getListFields();
         $this->state = $modelDocuments->getState();
         // add documents to given subfolders and files
         $this->access = new JoomDOCAccessHelper($this->root);
         // control permissions to access folder
         if (!$this->access->canEnterFolder) {
             JError::raiseError(403, JText::_('JOOMDOC_UNABLE_ACCESS_FOLDER'));
         $this->pagination = new JPagination($modelDocuments->getTotal($searchActive), $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('com_joomdoc.documents.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int'), $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('com_joomdoc.documents.limit', 'limit', $mainframe->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int'));
         // reorder
         $this->root->reorder($documentOrdering, $fileOrdering, $orderingDirection, $this->pagination->limitstart, $this->pagination->limit, $this->pagination->total, $config->foldersFirstSite);
         // set root parent
         $this->root->parent = $modelDocument->getParent(JoomDOCFileSystem::getParentPath($this->root->getRelativePath()));
         $this->root->document = $modelDocument->getItemByPath($this->root->getRelativePath());
     } elseif (JoomDOCFileSystem::isFile($this->root)) {
         // use different layout
         // search document by path
         $this->root->document = $modelDocument->getItemByPath($this->root->getRelativePath());
         $this->publishedfields = $modelDocument->getPublishedFields();
         $this->access = new JoomDOCAccessHelper($this->root);
         // document unpublished
         $this->root->parent = $modelDocument->getParent(JoomDOCFileSystem::getParentPath($this->root->getRelativePath()));
     } else {
         JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('JERROR_LAYOUT_PAGE_NOT_FOUND'));
     // control root access
     if ($this->access->docid) {
         // item with document
         if (!$this->access->canAnyEditOp && $this->root->document->published == JOOMDOC_STATE_UNPUBLISHED) {
             // root unpublished and user hasn't admin rights
             JError::raiseError(403, JText::_('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR'));
         if ($this->root->document->state == JOOMDOC_STATE_TRASHED) {
             // root trashed
             JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR'));
     } elseif (isset($this->root->document->file_state)) {
         // item without document but with file
         if ($this->root->document->file_state == JOOMDOC_STATE_TRASHED) {
             // file is trashed
             JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR'));
     } elseif (!$this->access->inRoot && !$searchActive && $this->getLayout() != 'modal') {
         // item without file can be total root but it's not root
         JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR'));
     // take a configuration of an active menu item
     $active = $mainframe->getMenu()->getActive();
     $this->pageHeading = $this->pageclassSfx = '';
     if ($active) {
         if ($active->params->get('show_page_heading')) {
             $this->pageHeading = JString::trim($active->params->get('page_heading'));
             if (!$this->pageHeading) {
                 $this->pageHeading = JString::trim($active->params->get('page_title'));
         $this->pageclassSfx = JString::trim($active->params->get('pageclass_sfx'));
         $titles[] = JString::trim($active->params->get('page_title'));
         $metakeywords[] = JString::trim($active->params->get('menu-meta_keywords'));
         $metadescriptions[] = JString::trim($active->params->get('menu-meta_description'));
     // take candidates for metadata sort on priority
     if ($this->access->docid and $this->root->document->published == JOOMDOC_STATE_PUBLISHED) {
         //use document only if published. (but for owner is published always).
         // from document data
         $params = new JRegistry($this->root->document->params);
         $titles[] = JString::trim($this->root->document->title);
         $metakeywords[] = JString::trim($params->get('metakeywords'));
         $metadescriptions[] = JString::trim($params->get('metadescription'));
         $metadescriptions[] = JoomDOCHelper::getMetaDescriptions($this->root->document->description);
     // default candidates
     $titles[] = $this->access->name;
     $titles[] = $config->defaultTitle;
     $metakeywords[] = $config->defaultMetakeywords;
     $metadescriptions[] = $config->defaultMetadescription;
     // set meta data from candidates acording to priority
     // set meta keywords
     $document->setMetaData('keywords', JoomDOCHelper::getFirstNoEmpty($metakeywords));
     // set page title
     // set head meta description
     if ($this->access->canCopyMove) {
Beispiel #6
  * Filter folder list for frontend (published, ACL etc)
  * @param JoomDOCFolder $root
  * @param string $parent
  * @return array
 public static function folders($root, $parent)
     $folders = array();
     $parents = array(JoomDOCFileSystem::getRelativePath($parent));
     while ($root->hasNext()) {
         $item = $root->getNext();
         $access = new JoomDOCAccessHelper($item);
         $itemParent = JoomDOCFileSystem::getParentPath($access->relativePath);
         if (!(empty($itemParent) || in_array($itemParent, $parents))) {
             // parent has to be visible
         if ($access->docid && $item->document->published == JOOMDOC_STATE_UNPUBLISHED) {
             // item has to published
         $folder = new JObject();
         // prepare data for MooTree
         $folder->set('ident', $access->relativePath);
         $folder->set('route', JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments($access->relativePath, $access->alias));
         $folder->set('title', $access->docid ? $item->document->title : $item->getFileName());
         $folder->set('entry', $access->canEnterFolder);
         $folders[] = $folder;
         $parents[] = $access->relativePath;
         // save into visible parents
     return $folders;
Beispiel #7
 public static function copyMove($move = false)
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     /* @var $mainframe JApplication */
     $tableFile = JTable::getInstance(JOOMDOC_FILE, JOOMDOC_TABLE_PREFIX);
     /* @var $tableFile JoomDOCTableFile */
     // current folder copy into
     $folder = JoomDOCRequest::getPath();
     $folderAbsolutePath = JoomDOCFileSystem::getFullPath($folder);
     // current folder acces
     $folderCanCreateSubfolders = JoomDOCAccessFileSystem::newFolder(false, $folder);
     $folderCanUploadFiles = JoomDOCAccessFileSystem::uploadFile(false, $folder);
     // items to copy
     $paths = JoomDOCFileSystem::getOperationPaths();
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         $absolutePath = JoomDOCFileSystem::getFullPath($path);
         $parent = JoomDOCFileSystem::getParentPath($absolutePath);
         $parentLength = JString::strlen($parent);
         $items = array($absolutePath);
         if (JFolder::exists($absolutePath)) {
             if (!$folderCanCreateSubfolders) {
                 // copied/moved item is folder and current folder aren't allowed to create subfolders
                 $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('JOOMDOC_CPMV_UNABLE_SUBFOLDERS', $folder, $path), 'notice');
             // unable copy/move folder into own subfolder
             if (JoomDOCFileSystem::isSubFolder($folderAbsolutePath, $absolutePath)) {
                 $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('JOOMDOC_CPMV_UNABLE_INTO_SELF', $folder, $path), 'notice');
             $items = array_merge($items, JFolder::folders($absolutePath, '', true, true, array('.svn', 'CVS', '.DS_Store', '__MACOSX', JOOMDOC_VERSION_DIR)));
             $items = array_merge($items, JFolder::files($absolutePath, '', true, true));
         } elseif (!JFile::exists($absolutePath)) {
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             $itemRelativePath = JoomDOCFileSystem::getRelativePath($item);
             if (!JoomDOCAccessFileSystem::copyMove(false, $itemRelativePath)) {
                 $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('JOOMDOC_CPMV_UNABLE', $itemRelativePath), 'notice');
             // get relative path from copied path parent
             $relativePath = JString::substr($item, $parentLength);
             // destination is current folder + relative path
             $destination = $folderAbsolutePath . $relativePath;
             $destinationRelativePath = JoomDOCFileSystem::getRelativePath($destination);
             if (JFolder::exists($item)) {
                 // is folder only create
                 if (JFolder::exists($destination)) {
                     $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('JOOMDOC_CPMV_FOLDER_EXISTS', $destinationRelativePath), 'notice');
             if (JFile::exists($item)) {
                 if (!$folderCanUploadFiles) {
                     // copied/moved item is file or contain files and current folder aren't allowed to upload files
                     $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('JOOMDOC_CPMV_UNABLE_UPLOAD', $itemRelativePath, $folder), 'notice');
                 if (JFile::exists($destination)) {
                     $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('JOOMDOC_CPMV_FILE_EXISTS', $destinationRelativePath), 'notice');
                 JFile::copy($item, $destination);
                 // get file versions
             // copy/move table rows
             $tableFile->copyMove($itemRelativePath, $destinationRelativePath, $move);
         if ($move) {
             // move item delete source after copy
Beispiel #8
  * Set document publish state.
  * @param int $value new state value
  * @param string $msg message after success
 public function setPublish($value, $msg)
     $path = JoomDOCRequest::getPath();
     $success = $this->getModel()->setPublish($path, $value);
     $this->setRedirect(JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments(JoomDOCFileSystem::getParentPath($path))), JText::_($success ? $msg : 'JOOMDOC_UNABLE_SET_STATE'), $success ? 'message' : 'error');
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
/* @var $document JDocument */
$document->addStyleSheet(JOOMDOC_ASSETS . 'css/general.css?' . JOOMDOC_VERSION_ALIAS);
// Module and JoomDOC comfiguration.
$moduleConfig = JoomDOCModuleExplorerConfig::getInstance($params, $module->id);
$globalConfig = JoomDOCConfig::getInstance();
$modelDocuments = JModelLegacy::getInstance(JOOMDOC_DOCUMENTS, JOOMDOC_MODEL_SITE_PREFIX);
/* @var $modelDocuments JoomDOCSiteModelDocuments */
// Only folders are loaded.
$parent = $moduleConfig->parent ? JoomDOCFileSystem::getFullPath($moduleConfig->parent) : $globalConfig->docroot;
if (!JFolder::exists($parent)) {
    // invalid or expired module config
    $parent = '';
// reset to root
$path = JoomDOCRequest::getPath();
// on file detail get parent folder path
if (JFile::exists(JoomDOCFileSystem::getFullPath($path)) && JFolder::exists(JoomDOCFileSystem::getFullPath(JoomDOCFileSystem::getParentPath($path)))) {
    $path = JoomDOCFileSystem::getParentPath($path);
$root = JoomDOCFileSystem::getFolderContent($parent, '', 1, true, false, $path);
// Model searchs in database for founded paths.
$modelDocuments->setState(JoomDOCView::getStateName(JOOMDOC_FILTER_PATHS), $root->getPaths());
// Filesystem extends items informations from documents.
// Filesystem reordes items for given setting.
// Active module template displayed.
require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_joomdoc_explorer', $moduleConfig->layout);
Beispiel #10
 public function onContentSearch($text, $phrase = '', $ordering = '', $areas = null)
     if (!JString::trim($text) || is_array($areas) && !array_intersect($areas, array_keys(plgSearchJoomDOC::onContentSearchAreas()))) {
         return array();
     // import component JoomDOC framework
     $jdcAdm = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_joomdoc/';
     $jdcSit = JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_joomdoc/';
     $jdcLib = $jdcAdm . 'libraries/joomdoc/';
     $includes['JoomDOCRoute'] = $jdcLib . 'application/route.php';
     $includes['JoomDOCMenu'] = $jdcLib . 'application/menu.php';
     $includes['JoomDOCConfig'] = $jdcLib . 'application/config.php';
     $includes['JoomDOCFileSystem'] = $jdcLib . 'filesystem/filesystem.php';
     $includes['JoomDOCString'] = $jdcLib . 'utilities/string.php';
     $includes['JoomDOCHelper'] = $jdcLib . 'utilities/helper.php';
     $includes['JoomDOCModelList'] = $jdcLib . 'application/component/modellist.php';
     $includes[] = $jdcAdm . 'defines.php';
     foreach ($includes as $classname => $include) {
         $include = JPath::clean($include);
         if (!JFile::exists($include)) {
             // JoomDOC is propably uninstalled or corupted
             return array();
         is_string($classname) ? JLoader::register($classname, $include) : (include_once $include);
     JModelLegacy::addIncludePath(JPath::clean($jdcAdm . 'models'));
     JTable::addIncludePath(JPath::clean($jdcAdm . 'tables'));
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $nullDate = $db->getNullDate();
     // prepare SQL WHERE criteria
     $wheres = array();
     // according to type of searching
     switch ($phrase) {
         case 'exact':
             // exactly phrase
             $keywords = $db->q('%' . JString::strtolower(JString::trim($text)) . '%');
             $items[] = 'LOWER(`document`.`title`) LIKE ' . $keywords;
             $items[] = 'LOWER(`document`.`description`) LIKE ' . $keywords;
             $items[] = 'LOWER(`document`.`path`) LIKE ' . $keywords;
             $items[] = 'LOWER(`document`.`content`) LIKE ' . $keywords;
             $where[] = '(' . implode(') OR (', $items) . ') ';
         case 'all':
         case 'any':
             // all words or any word or default
             $keywords = explode(' ', $text);
             // split to words
             $wheres = array();
             // search for each word
             foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
                 $keyword = JString::trim($keyword);
                 if ($keyword) {
                     $keyword = $db->q('%' . JString::strtolower($keyword) . '%');
                     $items[] = 'LOWER(`document`.`title`) LIKE ' . $keyword;
                     $items[] = 'LOWER(`document`.`description`) LIKE ' . $keyword;
                     $items[] = 'LOWER(`document`.`path`) LIKE ' . $keyword;
                     $items[] = 'LOWER(`document`.`content`) LIKE ' . $keyword;
                     $parts[] = implode(' OR ', $items);
             if (isset($parts)) {
                 if ($phrase == 'all') {
                     $where[] = '(' . implode(') AND (', $parts) . ') ';
                 } else {
                     $where[] = '(' . implode(') OR (', $parts) . ') ';
     $where[] = '(' . JoomDOCModelList::getDocumentPublished() . ')';
     $where = ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) . ' ';
     // prepare SQL ORDER BY criteria
     switch ($ordering) {
         case 'oldest':
             // oldest items first (oldest documents created or oldest file uploaded)
             $order = ' ORDER BY `document`.`created` ASC, `document`.`upload` ASC ';
         case 'popular':
             // most hits items first
             $order = ' ORDER BY `document`.`hits` DESC, `document`.`title` ASC, `document`.`path` ASC ';
         case 'alpha':
             // alphabetically (document title or file name)
             $order = ' ORDER BY `document`.`title` ASC, `document`.`path` ASC ';
         case 'category':
             // by parent folder (parent folder name or document title)
             $order = ' ORDER BY `parent`.`title` ASC, `parent`.`path` ASC ';
         case 'newest':
             // newest items first (newest documents created or file uploaded)
             $order = ' ORDER BY `document`.`created` DESC, `document`.`upload` DESC ';
     $query = 'SELECT `document`.`title`,`document`.`path`, ';
     $query .= '`document`.`description`, `document`.`content`, ';
     $query .= '`document`.`created`,`document`.`upload`,  ';
     $query .= '`parent`.`title` AS `ptitle`,  ';
     // document folder title
     $query .= '`document`.`full_alias` ';
     $query .= 'FROM `#__joomdoc_flat` AS `document` ';
     $query .= 'LEFT JOIN `#__joomdoc_flat` AS `parent` ON `document`.`parent_path` = `parent`.`path`  ';
     // document folder
     $query .= $where . ' GROUP BY `document`.`path` ' . $order;
     $rows = $db->setQuery($query)->loadObjectList();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $GLOBALS['joomDOCPath'] = $row->path;
         $row->title = JString::trim($row->title) ? $row->title : JFile::getName($row->path);
         $row->text = JString::trim($row->description) ? $row->description : $row->content;
         $row->created = $row->created == $nullDate ? $row->upload : $row->created;
         $row->section = JString::trim($row->ptitle) ? $row->ptitle : JoomDOCFileSystem::getParentPath($row->path);
         if ($this->params->get('document_link', 1) == 1) {
             $row->href = JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments($row->path, empty($row->full_alias) ? $row->path : $row->full_alias));
         } else {
             $row->href = JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::download($row->path, empty($row->full_alias) ? $row->path : $row->full_alias));
         $row->browsernav = 2;
         // open document title in the same window
     return $rows;
Beispiel #11
 * @subpackage	JoomDOC
 * @author      ARTIO s.r.o., info@artio.net, http:://www.artio.net
 * @copyright	Copyright (C) 2011 Artio s.r.o.. All rights reserved.
 * @license		GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
/* @var $this JoomDOCViewDocuments */
$config = JoomDOCConfig::getInstance();
if ($this->access->docid) {
    $this->root->document->description = JoomDOCHelper::applyContentPlugins($this->root->document->description, $this->root->getRelativePath(), $config->edocsDetail);
echo '<form action="' . JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments($this->access->relativePath, $this->access->alias)) . '" method="post" name="adminForm" id="adminForm">';
echo '<div id="document"' . ($this->access->isFavorite ? 'class="favorite"' : '') . '>';
if (!$this->access->inRoot && $this->access->relativePath) {
    echo '<a class="back" href="' . JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments(JoomDOCFileSystem::getParentPath($this->access->relativePath), $this->root->parent ? $this->root->parent->full_alias : null)) . '" title="">' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_BACK') . '</a>';
echo '<h1>';
if ($this->access->canDownload) {
    if ($this->access->licenseID) {
        echo '<a class="modal download" rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: ' . JOOMDOC_LIGHTBOX_WIDTH . ', y: ' . JOOMDOC_LIGHTBOX_HEIGHT . '}, onClose: function() {}}" href="' . JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::viewLicense($this->access->licenseID, $this->access->licenseAlias, $this->access->relativePath, $this->access->alias)) . '">';
    } else {
        echo '<a class="download" href="' . JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::download($this->access->relativePath, $this->access->alias)) . '" title="">';
//display document title only if published for current user.
echo ($this->access->docid and $this->root->document->published == JOOMDOC_STATE_PUBLISHED) ? $this->root->document->title : $this->root->getFileName();
if ($this->access->canDownload) {
    echo '</a>';
echo '</h1>';
Beispiel #12
  * Get ID of document of last path parent.
  * @param string $path relative file path
  * @return int document ID, null of not found
 public function getParentDocumentID($path)
     static $results;
     // last parent path of path
     $parentPath = $subParentPath = JoomDOCFileSystem::getParentPath($path);
     // search in cache
     if (is_array($results)) {
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             if ($result->subparentPath == $subParentPath) {
                 return $result->documentID;
     // generate parents tree
     while ($parentPath) {
         $where[] = '`path` = ' . $this->_db->quote($parentPath);
         $parentPath = JoomDOCFileSystem::getParentPath($parentPath);
     if (isset($where)) {
         // search last parent path with document
         $this->_db->setQuery('SELECT `id`, `path` 
        							  (SELECT `id`, `path` 
        			                   FROM `#__joomdoc` 
        			                   WHERE (' . implode(' OR ', $where) . ') 
        			                   ORDER BY `id` ASC /* latest version */
        			                  ) AS s 
        						  ORDER BY `path` DESC /* nearest parent */');
         $row = $this->_db->loadObject();
         // cache result
         $result = new JObject();
         $result->parentPath = $row ? $row->path : false;
         $result->subparentPath = $subParentPath;
         $result->documentID = $row ? $row->id : false;
         $results[] = $result;
         return $result->documentID;
     return false;
Beispiel #13
  * Overloaded bind function to pre-process the params.
  * @param array Named array
  * @return null|string	null is operation was satisfactory, otherwise returns an error
 public function bind($array, $ignore = '')
     if (isset($array['params']) && is_array($array['params'])) {
         $registry = new JRegistry();
         $array['params'] = (string) $registry->toString();
     $this->favorite = isset($array['favorite']) ? 1 : 0;
     $this->download = isset($array['download']) ? 1 : 0;
     if (isset($array['rules']) && is_array($array['rules'])) {
         $rules = new JRules($array['rules']);
     parent::bind($array, $ignore);
     $this->parent_path = JoomDOCFileSystem::getParentPath($this->path);
     return true;