Beispiel #1
	public function createDownloadPackage($type, $itemIdArray, $parentId, $version)
		$app = JFactory::getApplication();
		// If set no_counting_download_time, storeId will be used to check if download file in "no counting download" period
		$storeId = md5($type . serialize($itemIdArray) . $version);

		if ($type == 'document')
			$params = JUDownloadHelper::getParams($parentId);
			$params = JUDownloadHelper::getParams(null, $parentId);

		$noCountingDownloadSecond = (int) $params->get('no_counting_download_time', 300);
		if ($noCountingDownloadSecond > 0)
			$storeIdArray = (array) $app->getUserState('');
			$storeIdArray = array();

		$user = JFactory::getUser();

		$downloadZippedFileMode      = $params->get('download_zipped_file_mode', 'temp');
		$downloadOneFileNoZippedMode = $params->get('download_one_file_no_zipped_mode', 'temp');

		// Min download speed.
		$minDownloadSpeed = (int) $params->get('min_download_speed', 10);
		$minDownloadSpeed = $minDownloadSpeed > 0 ? $minDownloadSpeed : 10;
		$minDownloadSpeed = $minDownloadSpeed * 1024; //KBps

		// Min live time of download package.
		$adjustFileLiveTime = (int) $params->get('adjust_file_live_time', 60);
		$adjustFileLiveTime = $adjustFileLiveTime >= 0 ? $adjustFileLiveTime : 60;

		// Time download package created.
		$createdTimeDate  = JFactory::getDate()->toSql();
		$createdTimeStamp = strtotime($createdTimeDate);

		// Trigger JU Download after download
		$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();

		// Physical file path to download, to be used in temp folder mode
		$downloadFilePath = '';

		// True if file is zipped by zip class
		$zipFile = false;

		// Get comment for zip package.
		$zipCommentConfig = $params->get('zip_comment', '');

		// Zip comment parsed from $zipCommentConfig case by case
		$zipComment = '';

		if ($type == 'document')
			// Get category id.
			$categoryId      = $parentId;
			$documentIdArray = $itemIdArray;
			// Download multi documents in the same cat
			if (count($documentIdArray) > 1)
				// In this case : user downloading category.
				// Sort array document id.

				// Create zip package.
				$zip     = new Zip();
				$zipFile = true;

				// Parse zip comment
				$zipComment = $this->parseCommentTxt($zipCommentConfig, $categoryId);

				// File id array in all download documents to reference in tmp file table
				$fileIdArrayInTmpZip = array();
				foreach ($documentIdArray AS $documentId)
					$documentObject = JUDownloadHelper::getDocumentById($documentId);
					$documentTitle  = $this->filterFileFolderName($documentObject->title);
					$documentTitle  = trim($documentTitle);
					$fileObjectList = $this->getAllFilesOfDocument($documentId);
					// If document has file, add document title as a folder contains files
					if (count($fileObjectList))

					// File id array in document to log
					$fileIdArray  = array();
					$documentSize = 0;
					foreach ($fileObjectList AS $fileObject)
						$physicalFilePath = $this->getPhysicalFilePath($fileObject->id);

						if (JFile::exists($physicalFilePath))
							$filePathInZip = $documentTitle . '/' . $this->filterFileFolderName($fileObject->rename);

							// Add file extension to file path, if the extension is not the same original file
							$fileExtOri   = JFile::getExt($physicalFilePath);
							$fileExtInZip = JFile::getExt($filePathInZip);
							if ($fileExtInZip != $fileExtOri)
								$filePathInZip = $filePathInZip . '.' . $fileExtOri;
							$filePathInZip = trim($filePathInZip);

							$zip->addLargeFile($physicalFilePath, $filePathInZip);
							$documentSize += $fileObject->size;
							if (!in_array($storeId, $storeIdArray))
						$fileIdArray[]         = $fileObject->id;
						$fileIdArrayInTmpZip[] = $fileObject->id;

					if (!in_array($storeId, $storeIdArray))

						$dispatcher->trigger('onAfterDownloadDocument', array($documentId, $fileIdArray, $documentSize));

						// Add log when download
						$logData = array(
							'user_id'   => $user->id,
							'event'     => '',
							'item_id'   => $documentId,
							'doc_id'    => $documentId,
							'value'     => $documentSize,
							'reference' => implode(',', $fileIdArray)

				// End - Zip file

				$categoryObject = JUDownloadHelper::getCategoryById($categoryId);
				$zipFileName    = $this->makeSafeFileName($categoryObject->title) . ".zip";
			//Download one document
				 * Download document when not isset cat_id
				 * Download document we only get first element of documentIds array
				$documentId     = $documentIdArray[0];
				$documentObject = JUDownloadHelper::getDocumentById($documentId);

				$documentTitle  = $this->filterFileFolderName($documentObject->title);
				$fileObjectList = $this->getAllFilesOfDocument($documentId);

				// Zip file even document has only one file, we can change this later here...
				// Create zip download package.
				$zip     = new Zip();
				$zipFile = true;

				// Parse zip comment
				$zipComment = $this->parseCommentTxt($zipCommentConfig, $categoryId, $documentId);

				$documentTitle = trim($documentTitle);
				//Add document title as a folder contains files

				$fileIdArray  = array();
				$documentSize = 0;
				foreach ($fileObjectList AS $fileObject)
					// One document allow to download by version
					$physicalFilePath = $this->getPhysicalFilePath($fileObject->id, $version);

					if (JFile::exists($physicalFilePath))
						$filePathInZip = $documentTitle . '/' . $this->filterFileFolderName($fileObject->rename);

						// Add file extension to file path, if the extension is not the same original file
						$fileExtOri   = JFile::getExt($physicalFilePath);
						$fileExtInZip = JFile::getExt($filePathInZip);
						if ($fileExtInZip != $fileExtOri)
							$filePathInZip = $filePathInZip . '.' . $fileExtOri;
						$filePathInZip = trim($filePathInZip);

						$zip->addLargeFile($physicalFilePath, $filePathInZip);
						$documentSize += $fileObject->size;
						if (!in_array($storeId, $storeIdArray))
							$this->updateFileDownloadCounter($fileObject->id, $version);
					$fileIdArray[] = $fileObject->id;
				// End - Zip file

				if (!in_array($storeId, $storeIdArray))

					$dispatcher->trigger('onAfterDownloadDocument', array($documentId, $fileIdArray, $documentSize));

					// Add log
					$logData = array(
						'user_id'   => $user->id,
						'event'     => '',
						'item_id'   => $documentId,
						'doc_id'    => $documentId,
						'value'     => $documentSize,
						'reference' => implode(',', $fileIdArray) . ($version ? ':' . $version : '')


				$zipFileName = $this->makeSafeFileName($documentObject->title . " " . $version) . ".zip";
		elseif ($type == 'file')
			$fileIdArray = $itemIdArray;
			$documentId  = $parentId;
			//Download multi files in one document
			if (count($fileIdArray) > 1)
				$documentObject = JUDownloadHelper::getDocumentById($documentId);

				$documentTitle  = $this->filterFileFolderName($documentObject->title);
				$mainCategoryId = JUDownloadFrontHelperCategory::getMainCategoryId($documentId);

				$zip     = new Zip();
				$zipFile = true;

				// Parse zip comment
				$zipComment = $this->parseCommentTxt($zipCommentConfig, $mainCategoryId, $documentId);

				$documentTitle = trim($documentTitle);

				$documentSize = 0;
				foreach ($fileIdArray AS $fileId)
					// One document allow to download by version
					$physicalFilePath = $this->getPhysicalFilePath($fileId, $version);

					if (JFile::exists($physicalFilePath))
						$fileObject    = $this->getFileObject($fileId);
						$filePathInZip = $documentTitle . '/' . $this->filterFileFolderName($fileObject->rename);

						// Add file extension to file path, if the extension is not the same original file
						$fileExtOri   = JFile::getExt($physicalFilePath);
						$fileExtInZip = JFile::getExt($filePathInZip);
						if ($fileExtInZip != $fileExtOri)
							$filePathInZip = $filePathInZip . '.' . $fileExtOri;
						$filePathInZip = trim($filePathInZip);

						$zip->addLargeFile($physicalFilePath, $filePathInZip);
						$documentSize += $fileObject->size;
						if (!in_array($storeId, $storeIdArray))
							$this->updateFileDownloadCounter($fileId, $version);
				// End - Zip file

				// Sort $fileIdArrayInTmpZip before add log and store it to tmp files table

				if (!in_array($storeId, $storeIdArray))

					$dispatcher->trigger('onAfterDownloadDocument', array($documentId, $fileIdArray, $documentSize));

					// Add log
					$logData = array(
						'user_id'   => $user->id,
						'event'     => '',
						'item_id'   => $documentId,
						'doc_id'    => $documentId,
						'value'     => $documentSize,
						'reference' => implode(',', $fileIdArray) . ($version ? ':' . $version : '')


				$zipFileName = $this->makeSafeFileName($documentObject->title . " " . $version) . ".zip";
			//Download one file
			elseif (count($fileIdArray) == 1)
				$zipOneFile = $params->get('zip_one_file', 0);

				$fileId     = $itemIdArray[0];
				$fileObject = $this->getFileObject($fileId);

				// One file allow to download by version
				$physicalFilePath = $this->getPhysicalFilePath($fileId, $version);
				$physicalFilePath = JPath::clean($physicalFilePath);

				$fileExtOri = JFile::getExt($physicalFilePath);

				$configAllowZipFile = $params->get('allow_zip_file', 1);

				// Download one file no zipped (File can be zip file or not, but we still using var $zipFileName for general download file name)
				if ($fileExtOri == "zip" || !$zipOneFile || !$configAllowZipFile)
					$zipFile = false;

					// In this case, $zipFileName is file name(zipped or not)
					$zipFileName = $this->filterFileFolderName($fileObject->rename);
					$zipFileName = $this->makeSafeFileName(JFile::stripExt($zipFileName) . " " . $version) . "." . JFile::getExt($zipFileName);
					// Add file extension to file path, if the extension is not the same original file
					$fileExtInZip = JFile::getExt($zipFileName);
					if ($fileExtInZip != $fileExtOri)
						$zipFileName = $zipFileName . '.' . $fileExtOri;
					$zipFileName = trim($zipFileName);
				// Download one file zipped
					// Initialize zip object.
					$zip     = new Zip();
					$zipFile = true;

					$mainCategoryId = JUDownloadFrontHelperCategory::getMainCategoryId($documentId);
					// Parse zip comment
					$zipComment = $this->parseCommentTxt($zipCommentConfig, $mainCategoryId, $documentId);

					if (JFile::exists($physicalFilePath))
						$filePathInZip = $this->filterFileFolderName($fileObject->rename);

						// Add file extension to file path, if the extension is not the same original file
						$fileExtInZip = JFile::getExt($filePathInZip);
						if ($fileExtInZip != $fileExtOri)
							$filePathInZip = $filePathInZip . '.' . $fileExtOri;
						$filePathInZip = trim($filePathInZip);

						$zip->addLargeFile($physicalFilePath, $filePathInZip);
					// End - Zip file

					$zipFileName = $this->filterFileFolderName($fileObject->rename);
					$zipFileName = $this->makeSafeFileName(JFile::stripExt($zipFileName) . " " . $version) . ".zip";
					$zipFileName = trim($zipFileName);

				if (!in_array($storeId, $storeIdArray))
					$this->updateDocumentDownloadCounter($documentId, $version);
					$this->updateFileDownloadCounter($fileId, $version);

					$dispatcher->trigger('onAfterDownloadDocument', array($documentId, $fileIdArray, $fileObject->size));

					// Add log
					$logData = array(
						'user_id'   => $user->id,
						'event'     => '',
						'item_id'   => $documentId,
						'doc_id'    => $documentId,
						'value'     => $fileObject->size,
						'reference' => $fileId . ($version ? ':' . $version : '')

		// Only support download file/document, invalid type -> return false
			return false;

		$serverTime      = JFactory::getDate()->toSql();
		$serverTimeStamp = strtotime($serverTime);

		// Store ID of download file(s) into session
		if ($noCountingDownloadSecond > 0)
			$storeIdArray                   = (array) $app->getUserState('');
			$storeIdArray[$serverTimeStamp] = $storeId;
			$storeIdArray                   = array_unique($storeIdArray);
			$app->setUserState('', $storeIdArray);

		// Last download time to calculate download interval
		$session = JFactory::getSession();
		$session->set('judl-last-download-time', $serverTime);

		// If use zip class to zip files, set comment then close the archive
		if ($zipFile)
			// Set comment for zip file

			// Close the archive

		// Send email by event for each document when download
		$docIdArray = array();
		if ($type == 'file')
			$docIdArray[] = $parentId;
			$docIdArray = $itemIdArray;

		$docIdArray = array_unique($docIdArray);
		//Send mail by event
		foreach ($docIdArray AS $docId)
			JUDownloadFrontHelperMail::sendEmailByEvent('', $docId);

		// Download ZIPPED file
		if ($zipFile)
			// Directly download(from zip resource by PHP)
			$resourceFilePath   = $zip->getZipFile();
			$transport          = 'php';
			$speed              = (int) $params->get('max_download_speed', 200);
			$resume             = $params->get('resume_download', 1);
			$downloadMultiParts = $params->get('download_multi_parts', 1);

			$downloadResult = JUDownloadHelper::downloadFile($resourceFilePath, $zipFileName, $transport, $speed, $resume, $downloadMultiParts);

			if ($downloadResult !== true)

				return false;
		// Download ONE NO ZIPPED file, in this case $zipFileName is the download file name, file can be zip file or not
			// Directly download
			$transport          = $downloadOneFileNoZippedMode;
			$speed              = (int) $params->get('max_download_speed', 200);
			$resume             = $params->get('resume_download', 1);
			$downloadMultiParts = $params->get('download_multi_parts', 1);

			$downloadResult = JUDownloadHelper::downloadFile($physicalFilePath, $zipFileName, $transport, $speed, $resume, $downloadMultiParts);

			if ($downloadResult !== true)

				return false;

		return true;
Beispiel #2
 public function downloadFile()
     JSession::checkToken('get') or die(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN'));
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $fileId = $app->input->get('fileId', 0);
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $query = 'SELECT `doc_id`, `file_name`, `rename` FROM #__judownload_files WHERE id = ' . $fileId;
     $file = $db->loadObject();
     if ($file) {
         $documentObject = JUDownloadHelper::getDocumentById($file->doc_id);
         $fileDirectory = JUDownloadFrontHelper::getDirectory('file_directory', 'media/com_judownload/files/');
         $version = $app->input->get('version', '');
         if (!$version || $version === $documentObject->version) {
             $filePath = JPATH_SITE . '/' . $fileDirectory . $file->doc_id . '/' . $file->file_name;
         } else {
             $query = "SELECT file_path FROM #__judownload_versions WHERE file_id = " . $fileId . " AND version = " . $db->quote($version);
             $versionFilePath = $db->loadResult();
             if (!$versionFilePath) {
                 return false;
             $filePath = JPATH_SITE . '/' . $fileDirectory . $file->doc_id . '/' . $versionFilePath;
         $filePath = JPath::clean($filePath);
         $downloadResult = JUDownloadHelper::downloadFile($filePath, $file->rename, 'php', '2048', true, true);
         if ($downloadResult !== true) {
             return false;
     return true;