function installBots15() { $database =& JFactory::getDBO(); $error = ''; $return = '<b>' . _ACA_INSTALL_BOT . '</b> : '; if (!is_dir(ACA_JPATH_ROOT . '/plugins/acajoom')) { if (!@mkdir(ACA_JPATH_ROOT . '/plugins/acajoom', 0755)) { $return .= '<br /> Error adding bot directory.'; } else { @chmod(ACA_JPATH_ROOT . '/plugins/acajoom', 0755); } } $bot_files = array('acajoombot.php', 'acajoombot.xml', 'index.html'); foreach ($bot_files as $bot_file) { if (is_file(ACA_JPATH_ROOT . '/plugins/acajoom/' . $bot_file)) { @unlink(WPATH_ADMIN . 'bots15/' . $bot_file); } else { if (!@rename(WPATH_ADMIN . 'bots15/' . $bot_file, ACA_JPATH_ROOT . '/plugins/acajoom/' . $bot_file)) { $error .= '<br />Error copying bot file ' . $bot_file . ' to bot directory.'; } } } @chmod(ACA_JPATH_ROOT . '/plugins/acajoom', 0755); if (!@rmdir(WPATH_ADMIN . 'bots15/')) { $error .= '<br /> Error deleting the temporary bot directory.'; } ### Acajoom bot $bot_infos = array('Acajoom Content Bot', 'acajoombot'); foreach ($bot_infos as $bot_info) { $query = "SELECT `id` FROM `#__plugins` WHERE `element` = 'acajoombot'"; $database->setQuery($query); $database->query(); $errorDB = $database->getErrorMsg(); if (!empty($errorDB)) { $error .= '<br /> Error getting bot information from bot table for "' . $bot_info[0] . '". Database error: <br />' . $errorDB . '<br />'; } else { $id = $database->loadResult(); if (!$id) { JLoader::register('JTablePlugin', JPATH_LIBRARIES . DS . 'joomla' . DS . 'database' . DS . 'table' . DS . 'plugin.php'); $row = new JTablePlugin($database); $row->name = $bot_infos[0]; $row->ordering = 0; $row->folder = 'acajoom'; $row->iscore = 0; $row->access = 0; $row->client_id = 0; $row->element = $bot_infos[1]; $row->published = 1; if (!$row->store()) { $error .= '<br />Error adding bot information to bot table for "' . $bot_info[0] . '".'; } } } } if (empty($error)) { $return .= acajoom::printM('green', _ACA_INSTALL_SUCCESS) . '<br />'; } else { $return .= $error . acajoom::printM('red', _ACA_INSTALL_ERROR) . '<br />'; } return $return; }
function mosMambot(&$db) { parent::__construct($db); }