function jigoshop_custom_coupon_columns($column)
    global $post;
    $type = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'type', true);
    $amount = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'amount', true);
    $usage_limit = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'usage_limit', true);
    $usage_count = (int) get_post_meta($post->ID, 'usage', true);
    $start_date = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'date_from', true);
    $end_date = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'date_to', true);
    $individual = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'individual_use', true);
    switch ($column) {
        case "coupon_code":
            echo '<a href="' . admin_url('post.php?post=' . $post->ID . '&action=edit') . '">' . $post->post_name . '</a>';
        case 'coupon_type':
            $types = JS_Coupons::get_coupon_types();
            echo $types[$type];
        case 'coupon_amount':
            echo $amount;
        case 'usage_limit':
            echo $usage_limit > 0 ? $usage_limit : '&ndash;';
        case 'usage_count':
            echo $usage_count;
        case 'start_date':
            echo $start_date != '' ? date('Y-m-d', $start_date) : '&ndash;';
        case 'end_date':
            echo $end_date != '' ? date('Y-m-d', $end_date) : '&ndash;';
        case 'individual':
            echo $individual ? __('Yes', 'jigoshop') : '&ndash;';
  * Process the checkout after the confirm order button is pressed
 public function process_checkout()
     if (!defined('JIGOSHOP_CHECKOUT')) {
         define('JIGOSHOP_CHECKOUT', true);
     // Initialize cart
     if (isset($_POST) && $_POST && !isset($_POST['login'])) {
         // this will fill in our $posted array with validated data
         $gateway = jigoshop_payment_gateways::get_gateway($this->posted['payment_method']);
         if (self::process_gateway($gateway)) {
         do_action('jigoshop_after_checkout_validation', $this->posted, $_POST, sizeof(jigoshop::$errors));
         if (jigoshop::has_errors()) {
             return false;
         if (!isset($_POST['update_totals'])) {
             $user_id = get_current_user_id();
             // Create customer account and log them in
             if ($this->show_signup && !$user_id && $this->posted['create_account']) {
                 $user_id = $this->create_user_account();
                 if ($user_id === 0) {
                     return false;
             $billing = array('first_name' => $this->posted['billing_first_name'], 'last_name' => $this->posted['billing_last_name'], 'company' => $this->posted['billing_company'], 'address_1' => $this->posted['billing_address_1'], 'address_2' => $this->posted['billing_address_2'], 'city' => $this->posted['billing_city'], 'state' => $this->posted['billing_state'], 'postcode' => $this->posted['billing_postcode'], 'country' => $this->posted['billing_country'], 'phone' => $this->posted['billing_phone'], 'email' => $this->posted['billing_email']);
             if (isset($this->posted['billing_euvatno']) && $this->valid_euvatno) {
                 $billing['euvatno'] = $this->posted['billing_euvatno'];
                 $billing['euvatno'] = str_replace(' ', '', $billing['euvatno']);
                 // If country code is not provided - add one.
                 if (strpos($billing['euvatno'], $billing['country']) === false) {
                     $billing['euvatno'] = $billing['country'] . $billing['euvatno'];
             // Get shipping/billing
             if (!empty($this->posted['shiptobilling'])) {
                 $shipping = $billing;
                 unset($shipping['phone'], $shipping['email']);
             } elseif (jigoshop_shipping::is_enabled()) {
                 $shipping = array('first_name' => $this->posted['shipping_first_name'], 'last_name' => $this->posted['shipping_last_name'], 'company' => $this->posted['shipping_company'], 'address_1' => $this->posted['shipping_address_1'], 'address_2' => $this->posted['shipping_address_2'], 'city' => $this->posted['shipping_city'], 'state' => $this->posted['shipping_state'], 'postcode' => $this->posted['shipping_postcode'], 'country' => $this->posted['shipping_country']);
             // Update totals based on processed customer address
             // Save billing/shipping to user meta fields
             if ($user_id > 0) {
                 foreach ($billing as $field => $value) {
                     update_user_meta($user_id, 'billing_' . $field, $value);
                 if (isset($shipping)) {
                     foreach ($shipping as $field => $value) {
                         update_user_meta($user_id, 'shipping_' . $field, $value);
             if (!isset($_POST['submit_action']) || $_POST['submit_action'] != 'place_order') {
                 $result = jigoshop::redirect(jigoshop_get_page_id(JIGOSHOP_CHECKOUT));
                 return array('result' => 'redirect', 'redirect' => $result);
             // Order meta data
             $data = array();
             $applied_coupons = array_map(function ($coupon) {
                 return JS_Coupons::get_coupon($coupon);
             }, jigoshop_cart::get_coupons());
             do_action('jigoshop_checkout_update_order_total', $this->posted);
             foreach ($billing as $field => $value) {
                 $data['billing_' . $field] = $value;
             if (isset($shipping)) {
                 foreach ($shipping as $field => $value) {
                     $data['shipping_' . $field] = $value;
             $data['order_discount_coupons'] = $applied_coupons;
             $data['shipping_method'] = $this->posted['shipping_method'];
             $data['shipping_service'] = $this->posted['shipping_service'];
             $data['payment_method'] = $this->posted['payment_method'];
             $data['payment_method_title'] = $gateway->title;
             $data['order_subtotal'] = jigoshop_cart::get_subtotal();
             $data['order_discount_subtotal'] = jigoshop_cart::get_discount_subtotal();
             $data['order_shipping'] = jigoshop_cart::get_shipping_total();
             $data['order_discount'] = jigoshop_cart::get_total_discount(false);
             $data['order_tax'] = jigoshop_cart::get_taxes_as_string();
             $data['order_tax_no_shipping_tax'] = jigoshop_cart::get_total_cart_tax_without_shipping_tax();
             $data['order_tax_divisor'] = jigoshop_cart::get_tax_divisor();
             $data['order_shipping_tax'] = jigoshop_cart::get_shipping_tax();
             $data['order_total'] = jigoshop_cart::get_total(false);
             $data['order_total_prices_per_tax_class_ex_tax'] = jigoshop_cart::get_price_per_tax_class_ex_tax();
             if ($this->valid_euvatno) {
                 $data['order_tax'] = '';
                 $temp = jigoshop_cart::get_total_cart_tax_without_shipping_tax();
                 $data['order_total'] -= $data['order_shipping_tax'] + $temp;
                 $data['order_shipping_tax'] = 0;
             // Cart items
             $order_items = array();
             foreach (jigoshop_cart::get_cart() as $values) {
                 /** @var jigoshop_product $product */
                 $product = $values['data'];
                 // Check stock levels
                 if (!$product->has_enough_stock($values['quantity'])) {
                     jigoshop::add_error(sprintf(__('Sorry, we do not have enough "%s" in stock to fulfill your order. Please edit your cart and try again. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.', 'jigoshop'), $product->get_title()));
                     if (self::get_options()->get('jigoshop_show_stock') == 'yes') {
                         jigoshop::add_error(sprintf(__('We have only %d available at this time.', 'jigoshop'), $product->get_stock()));
                 // Calc item tax to store
                 $rates = $product->get_tax_destination_rate();
                 $rates = current($rates);
                 if (isset($rates['rate'])) {
                     $rate = $rates['rate'];
                 } else {
                     $rate = 0.0;
                 if ($this->valid_euvatno) {
                     $rate = 0.0;
                 $price_inc_tax = $product->get_price_with_tax();
                 if (!empty($values['variation_id'])) {
                     $product_id = $values['variation_id'];
                 } else {
                     $product_id = $values['product_id'];
                 $custom_products = (array) jigoshop_session::instance()->customized_products;
                 $custom = isset($custom_products[$product_id]) ? $custom_products[$product_id] : '';
                 if (!empty($custom)) {
                     jigoshop_session::instance()->customized_products = $custom_products;
                 $order_items[] = apply_filters('new_order_item', array('id' => $values['product_id'], 'variation_id' => $values['variation_id'], 'variation' => $values['variation'], 'customization' => $custom, 'name' => $product->get_title(), 'qty' => (int) $values['quantity'], 'cost' => $product->get_price_excluding_tax(), 'cost_inc_tax' => $price_inc_tax, 'taxrate' => $rate), $values);
             if (jigoshop::has_errors()) {
                 return false;
             // Insert or update the post data
             $create_new_order = true;
             $order_data = array('post_type' => 'shop_order', 'post_title' => 'Order &ndash; ' . date('F j, Y @ h:i A'), 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_excerpt' => $this->posted['order_comments'], 'post_author' => 1);
             $order_id = 0;
             if (isset(jigoshop_session::instance()->order_awaiting_payment) && jigoshop_session::instance()->order_awaiting_payment > 0) {
                 $order_id = absint(jigoshop_session::instance()->order_awaiting_payment);
                 $terms = wp_get_object_terms($order_id, 'shop_order_status', array('fields' => 'slugs'));
                 $order_status = isset($terms[0]) ? $terms[0] : 'pending';
                 // Resume the unpaid order if its pending
                 if ($order_status == 'pending' || $order_status == 'failed') {
                     $create_new_order = false;
                     $order_data['ID'] = $order_id;
             if ($create_new_order) {
                 $order_id = wp_insert_post($order_data);
             if (is_wp_error($order_id) || $order_id === 0) {
                 jigoshop::add_error(__('Error: Unable to create order. Please try again.', 'jigoshop'));
                 return false;
             // Update post meta
             update_post_meta($order_id, 'order_data', $data);
             update_post_meta($order_id, 'order_key', uniqid('order_'));
             update_post_meta($order_id, 'customer_user', (int) $user_id);
             update_post_meta($order_id, 'order_items', $order_items);
             wp_set_object_terms($order_id, 'pending', 'shop_order_status');
             $order = new jigoshop_order($order_id);
             /* Coupon usage limit */
             foreach ($data['order_discount_coupons'] as $coupon) {
                 $coupon_id = JS_Coupons::get_coupon_post_id($coupon['code']);
                 if ($coupon_id !== false) {
                     $usage_count = get_post_meta($coupon_id, 'usage', true);
                     $usage_count = empty($usage_count) ? 1 : $usage_count + 1;
                     update_post_meta($coupon_id, 'usage', $usage_count);
             if ($create_new_order) {
                 do_action('jigoshop_new_order', $order_id);
             } else {
                 do_action('jigoshop_resume_order', $order_id);
             do_action('jigoshop_checkout_update_order_meta', $order_id, $this->posted);
             // can't just simply check needs_payment() here, as paypal may have force payment set to true
             if (self::process_gateway($gateway)) {
                 // Store Order ID in session so it can be re-used after payment failure
                 jigoshop_session::instance()->order_awaiting_payment = $order_id;
                 // Process Payment
                 $result = $gateway->process_payment($order_id);
                 // Redirect to success/confirmation/payment page
                 if ($result['result'] == 'success') {
                     return $result;
                 return false;
             } else {
                 // No payment was required for order
                 // Empty the Cart
                 // Redirect to success/confirmation/payment page
                 $checkout_redirect = apply_filters('jigoshop_get_checkout_redirect_page_id', jigoshop_get_page_id('thanks'));
                 return array('result' => 'redirect', 'redirect' => $checkout_redirect);
     return true;
            echo jigoshop_price($_product->get_price_excluding_tax($values['quantity']), array('ex_tax_label' => $_product->is_taxable()));


$coupons = JS_Coupons::get_coupons();
if (!empty($coupons)) {
		<div class="coupon">
			<label for="coupon_code"><?php 
    _e('Coupon', 'jigoshop');
				<input type="text" name="coupon_code" class="input-text" id="coupon_code" value="" />

	<div id="payment">
Beispiel #4

$coupons = jigoshop_cart::get_coupons();
			<td colspan="6" class="actions">
if (JS_Coupons::has_coupons()) {
					<div class="coupon">
						<label for="coupon_code"><?php 
    _e('Coupon', 'jigoshop');
:</label> <input type="text" name="coupon_code" class="input-text" id="coupon_code" value="" />
						<input type="submit" class="button" name="apply_coupon" value="<?php 
    _e('Apply Coupon', 'jigoshop');
" />
 /** returns whether or not a free shipping coupon has been applied */
 public static function has_free_shipping_coupon()
     if (!empty(self::$applied_coupons)) {
         foreach (self::$applied_coupons as $code) {
             if (($coupon = JS_Coupons::get_coupon($code)) && $coupon['free_shipping'] && self::has_valid_products_for_coupon($coupon)) {
                 return true;
     return false;
Beispiel #6
 * Coupon data meta box
 * Displays the meta box
function jigoshop_coupon_data_box($post)
    global $jigoshop;
    wp_nonce_field('jigoshop_save_data', 'jigoshop_meta_nonce');
    $coupon_code = '';
    $coupon_code .= "<p class='form-field'>";
    $coupon_code .= "<label>" . __('Coupon Code', 'jigoshop') . "</label>";
    $coupon_code .= "<span><strong>" . $post->post_name . "</strong></span>";
    $coupon_code .= '<span class="description">' . __('Will not appear until coupon is saved.  This is the front end code for use on the Cart.', 'jigoshop') . '</span>';
    $coupon_code .= "</p>";
    // disable the permalink slug display
		<style type="text/css">#edit-slug-box { display:none }</style>

		<div id="coupon_options" class="panel jigoshop_options_panel">

			<div class="options_group">

    // The coupon code from the title after 'sanitize_title'
    echo $coupon_code;
    // Coupon Types
    $args = array('id' => 'type', 'label' => __('Coupon Type', 'jigoshop'), 'options' => JS_Coupons::get_coupon_types());
    echo Jigoshop_Forms::select($args);
    // Amount
    $args = array('id' => 'amount', 'label' => __('Coupon Amount', 'jigoshop'), 'type' => 'number', 'min' => 0, 'desc' => __('Enter an amount e.g. 9.99.', 'jigoshop'), 'tip' => __('Amount this coupon is worth. If it is a percentange, just include the number without the percentage sign.', 'jigoshop'), 'placeholder' => '0.00');
    echo Jigoshop_Forms::input($args);
    // Date From
    $coupon_date_from = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'date_from', true);
    $args = array('id' => 'date_from', 'label' => __('Date From', 'jigoshop'), 'desc' => __('yyyy-mm-dd', 'jigoshop'), 'tip' => __('Choose between which dates this coupon is enabled.  Leave empty for any date.', 'jigoshop'), 'class' => 'short date-pick', 'placeholder' => __('Any date', 'jigoshop'), 'value' => $coupon_date_from != '' ? date('Y-m-d', $coupon_date_from) : '');
    echo Jigoshop_Forms::input($args);
    // Date To
    $coupon_date_to = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'date_to', true);
    $args = array('id' => 'date_to', 'label' => __('Date To', 'jigoshop'), 'desc' => __('yyyy-mm-dd', 'jigoshop'), 'tip' => __('Choose between which dates this coupon is enabled.  Leave empty for any date.', 'jigoshop'), 'class' => 'short date-pick', 'placeholder' => __('Any date', 'jigoshop'), 'value' => $coupon_date_to != '' ? date('Y-m-d', $coupon_date_to) : '');
    echo Jigoshop_Forms::input($args);
    // Usage limit
    $usage = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'usage', true);
    $args = array('id' => 'usage_limit', 'label' => __('Usage Limit', 'jigoshop'), 'type' => 'number', 'desc' => sprintf(__('Times used: %s', 'jigoshop'), !empty($usage) ? $usage : '0'), 'tip' => __('Control how many times this coupon may be used.', 'jigoshop'), 'placeholder' => '0');
    echo Jigoshop_Forms::input($args);
    // Individual use
    $args = array('id' => 'individual_use', 'label' => __('Individual Use', 'jigoshop'), 'desc' => __('Prevent other coupons from being used while this one is applied to the Cart.', 'jigoshop'), 'value' => false);
    echo Jigoshop_Forms::checkbox($args);
    // Free shipping
    $args = array('id' => 'free_shipping', 'label' => __('Free shipping', 'jigoshop'), 'desc' => __('Show the Free Shipping method on the Checkout with this enabled.', 'jigoshop'), 'value' => false);
    echo Jigoshop_Forms::checkbox($args);
			</div><div class="options_group">
    // Order total minimum
    $args = array('id' => 'order_total_min', 'label' => __('Order total min', 'jigoshop'), 'type' => 'number', 'desc' => __('Set the required minimum subtotal for this coupon to be valid on an order.', 'jigoshop'), 'placeholder' => __('No min', 'jigoshop'));
    echo Jigoshop_Forms::input($args);
    // Order total maximum
    $args = array('id' => 'order_total_max', 'label' => __('Order total max', 'jigoshop'), 'type' => 'number', 'desc' => __('Set the required maximum subtotal for this coupon to be valid on an order.', 'jigoshop'), 'placeholder' => __('No max', 'jigoshop'));
    echo Jigoshop_Forms::input($args);
			</div><div class="options_group">
    // Include product ID's
    $selected = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'include_products', true);
    $selected = implode(',', (array) $selected);
    $args = array('id' => 'include_products', 'type' => 'hidden', 'class' => 'long', 'label' => __('Include Products', 'jigoshop'), 'desc' => __('Control which products this coupon can apply to.', 'jigoshop'), 'value' => $selected);
    echo Jigoshop_Forms::input($args);
    // Exclude product ID's
    $selected = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'exclude_products', true);
    $selected = implode(',', (array) $selected);
    $args = array('id' => 'exclude_products', 'type' => 'hidden', 'class' => 'long', 'label' => __('Exclude Products', 'jigoshop'), 'desc' => __('Control which products this coupon cannot be applied to.', 'jigoshop'), 'value' => $selected);
    echo Jigoshop_Forms::input($args);
			</div><div class="options_group">
    // Include Categories
    $categories = get_terms('product_cat', array('hide_empty' => false));
    $coupon_cats = array();
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
        $coupon_cats[$category->term_id] = $category->name;
    $args = array('id' => 'include_categories', 'label' => __('Include Categories', 'jigoshop'), 'desc' => __('Control which product categories this coupon can apply to.', 'jigoshop'), 'multiple' => true, 'placeholder' => __('Any category', 'jigoshop'), 'options' => $coupon_cats);
    echo Jigoshop_Forms::select($args);
    // Exclude Categories
    $args = array('id' => 'exclude_categories', 'label' => __('Exclude Categories', 'jigoshop'), 'desc' => __('Control which product categories this coupon cannot be applied to.', 'jigoshop'), 'multiple' => true, 'placeholder' => __('No exclusions', 'jigoshop'), 'options' => $coupon_cats);
    echo Jigoshop_Forms::select($args);
			</div><div class="options_group">
    // Payment methods
    $payment_methods = array();
    $available_gateways = jigoshop_payment_gateways::get_available_payment_gateways();
    if (!empty($available_gateways)) {
        foreach ($available_gateways as $id => $info) {
            $payment_methods[$id] = $info->title;
    $args = array('id' => 'pay_methods', 'label' => __('Payment Methods', 'jigoshop'), 'desc' => __('Control which payment methods are allowed for this coupon to be effective.', 'jigoshop'), 'multiple' => true, 'placeholder' => __('Any method', 'jigoshop'), 'options' => $payment_methods);
    echo Jigoshop_Forms::select($args);
    // javascript for product includes and excludes -- need to move this
			<script type="text/javascript">
				jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
					$('#date_from').datepicker( {dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', gotoCurrent: true} );
					$('#date_to').datepicker( {dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', gotoCurrent: true} );

					// allow searching of products to use on a coupon
						minimumInputLength: 3,
						multiple: true,
						closeOnSelect: true,
						placeholder: "<?php 
    _e('Any product', 'jigoshop');
						ajax: {
							url: "<?php 
    echo !is_ssl() ? str_replace('https', 'http', admin_url('admin-ajax.php')) : admin_url('admin-ajax.php');
							dataType: 'json',
							quietMillis: 100,
							data: function(term, page) {
								return {
									term:       term,
									action:     'jigoshop_json_search_products_and_variations',
									security:   '<?php 
    echo wp_create_nonce("search-products");
							results: function( data, page ) {
								return { results: data };
						initSelection: function( element, callback ) {
							var stuff = {
								action:     'jigoshop_json_search_products_and_variations',
								security:   '<?php 
    echo wp_create_nonce("search-products");
								term:       element.val()
							var data = [];
								type: 		'GET',
								url:        "<?php 
    echo !is_ssl() ? str_replace('https', 'http', admin_url('admin-ajax.php')) : admin_url('admin-ajax.php');
								dataType: 	"json",
								data: 		stuff,
								success: 	function( result ) {
									callback( result );

					// allow searching of products to exclude on a coupon
						minimumInputLength: 3,
						multiple: true,
						closeOnSelect: true,
						placeholder: "<?php 
    _e('No exclusions', 'jigoshop');
						ajax: {
							url: "<?php 
    echo !is_ssl() ? str_replace('https', 'http', admin_url('admin-ajax.php')) : admin_url('admin-ajax.php');
							dataType: 'json',
							quietMillis: 100,
							data: function(term, page) {
								return {
									term:       term,
									action:     'jigoshop_json_search_products_and_variations',
									security:   '<?php 
    echo wp_create_nonce("search-products");
							results: function( data, page ) {
								return { results: data };
						initSelection: function( element, callback ) {
							var stuff = {
								action:     'jigoshop_json_search_products_and_variations',
								security:   '<?php 
    echo wp_create_nonce("search-products");
								term:       element.val()
								type: 		'GET',
								url:        "<?php 
    echo !is_ssl() ? str_replace('https', 'http', admin_url('admin-ajax.php')) : admin_url('admin-ajax.php');
								dataType: 	"json",
								data: 		stuff,
								success: 	function( result ) {
									callback( result );
 public function __construct()
     _deprecated_function('fflcommerce_coupons', '1.3', 'JS_Coupons');
 public function __construct()
     _deprecated_function('jigoshop_coupons', '1.3', 'JS_Coupons');
Beispiel #9
function my_cart($atts)
    $errors = array();
    // Process Discount Codes
    if (isset($_POST['apply_coupon']) && $_POST['apply_coupon'] && jigoshop::verify_nonce('cart')) {
        $coupon_code = stripslashes(trim($_POST['coupon_code']));
        // Update Shipping
    } elseif (isset($_POST['calc_shipping']) && $_POST['calc_shipping'] && jigoshop::verify_nonce('cart')) {
        $country = $_POST['calc_shipping_country'];
        $state = $_POST['calc_shipping_state'];
        $postcode = $_POST['calc_shipping_postcode'];
        if ($postcode && !jigoshop_validation::is_postcode($postcode, $country)) {
            jigoshop::add_error(__('Please enter a valid postcode/ZIP.', 'jigoshop'));
            $postcode = '';
        } elseif ($postcode) {
            $postcode = jigoshop_validation::format_postcode($postcode, $country);
        if ($country) {
            // Update customer location
            jigoshop_customer::set_location($country, $state, $postcode);
            jigoshop_customer::set_shipping_location($country, $state, $postcode);
            jigoshop::add_message(__('Shipping costs updated.', 'jigoshop'));
        } else {
            jigoshop_customer::set_shipping_location('', '', '');
            jigoshop::add_message(__('Shipping costs updated.', 'jigoshop'));
    } elseif (isset($_POST['shipping_rates'])) {
        $rates_params = explode(":", $_POST['shipping_rates']);
        $available_methods = jigoshop_shipping::get_available_shipping_methods();
        $shipping_method = $available_methods[$rates_params[0]];
        if ($rates_params[1] != NULL) {
            jigoshop_session::instance()->selected_rate_id = $rates_params[1];
        // choses the method selected by user.
    // Re-Calc prices. This needs to happen every time the cart page is loaded and after checking post results. It will happen twice for coupon.
    $result = jigoshop_cart::check_cart_item_stock();
    if (is_wp_error($result)) {
    if (sizeof(jigoshop_cart::$cart_contents) == 0) {
        echo '<p>' . __('Your cart is empty.', 'jigoshop') . '</p>';
<p><a href="<?php 
        echo esc_url(jigoshop_cart::get_shop_url());
" class="button"><?php 
        _e('&larr; Return to Shop', 'jigoshop');
    <form action="<?php 
    echo esc_url(jigoshop_cart::get_cart_url());
" method="post">
        <table class="shop_table cart" cellspacing="0" id="shop-cart">
                    <th class="product-remove">Remove</th>
                    <th class="product-thumbnail"></th>
                    <th class="product-name"><span class="nobr"><?php 
    _e('Product Name', 'jigoshop');
                    <th class="product-price"><span class="nobr"><?php 
    _e('Unit Price', 'jigoshop');
                    <th class="product-quantity"><?php 
    _e('Quantity', 'jigoshop');
                    <th class="product-subtotal"><?php 
    _e('Price', 'jigoshop');
    if (sizeof(jigoshop_cart::$cart_contents) > 0) {
        foreach (jigoshop_cart::$cart_contents as $cart_item_key => $values) {
            $_product = $values['data'];
            if ($_product->exists() && $values['quantity'] > 0) {
                $additional_description = jigoshop_cart::get_item_data($values);
                                <td class="product-remove"><a href="<?php 
                echo esc_url(jigoshop_cart::get_remove_url($cart_item_key));
" class="remove" title="<?php 
                echo esc_attr(__('Remove this item.', 'jigoshop'));
                                <td class="product-thumbnail"><a href="<?php 
                echo esc_url(apply_filters('jigoshop_product_url_display_in_cart', get_permalink($values['product_id']), $cart_item_key));
                if ($values['variation_id'] && has_post_thumbnail($values['variation_id'])) {
                    echo get_the_post_thumbnail($values['variation_id'], 'shop_tiny');
                } else {
                    if (has_post_thumbnail($values['product_id'])) {
                        echo get_the_post_thumbnail($values['product_id'], 'shop_tiny');
                    } else {
                        echo '<img src="' . jigoshop::assets_url() . '/assets/images/placeholder.png" alt="Placeholder" width="' . jigoshop::get_var('shop_tiny_w') . '" height="' . jigoshop::get_var('shop_tiny_h') . '" />';

                                <td class="product-name">
                                    <a href="<?php 
                echo esc_url(apply_filters('jigoshop_product_url_display_in_cart', get_permalink($values['product_id']), $cart_item_key));
                echo apply_filters('jigoshop_cart_product_title', $_product->get_title(), $_product);
                echo $additional_description;
                if (!empty($values['variation_id'])) {
                    $product_id = $values['variation_id'];
                } else {
                    $product_id = $values['product_id'];
                $custom_products = (array) jigoshop_session::instance()->customized_products;
                $custom = isset($custom_products[$product_id]) ? $custom_products[$product_id] : '';
                if (!empty($custom_products[$product_id])) {
											<dl class="customization">
												<dt class="customized_product_label"><?php 
                    echo apply_filters('jigoshop_customized_product_label', __('Personal: ', 'jigoshop'));
												<dd class="customized_product"><?php 
                    echo esc_textarea($custom);
                                <td class="product-price"><span class="m-label">Unit price:</span><?php 
                echo jigoshop_price($_product->get_price());
                                <td class="product-quantity">
                                    <span class="m-label">Quantity:</span>
                                     <div class="quantity"><input name="cart[<?php 
                echo $cart_item_key;
][qty]" value="<?php 
                echo esc_attr($values['quantity']);
" size="4" title="Qty" class="input-text qty text" maxlength="12" /></div>
                                <td class="product-subtotal"><span class="m-label">Price:</span><?php 
                echo jigoshop_price($_product->get_price() * $values['quantity']);
                    <td colspan="6" class="actions">

    $coupons = JS_Coupons::get_coupons();
    if (!empty($coupons)) {
                            <div class="coupon">
                                <label for="coupon_code"><?php 
        _e('Coupon', 'jigoshop');
:</label> <input type="text" name="coupon_code" class="input-text" id="coupon_code" value="" />
                                <input type="submit" class="button" name="apply_coupon" value="<?php 
        _e('Apply Coupon', 'jigoshop');
" />

                        <input type="submit" class="button" name="update_cart" value="<?php 
    _e('Update Shopping Cart', 'jigoshop');
" /> <a href="<?php 
    echo esc_url(jigoshop_cart::get_checkout_url());
" class="checkout-button button-alt"><?php 
    _e('Proceed to Checkout &rarr;', 'jigoshop');
    if (count(jigoshop_cart::$applied_coupons)) {
                        <td colspan="6" class="applied-coupons">
                                <span class="applied-coupons-label"><?php 
        _e('Applied Coupons: ', 'jigoshop');
        foreach (jigoshop_cart::$applied_coupons as $code) {
                                <a href="?unset_coupon=<?php 
            echo $code;
" id="<?php 
            echo $code;
" class="applied-coupons-values"><?php 
            echo $code;
									<span class="close">&times;</span>
    <div class="cart-collaterals">


        <div class="cart_totals">
    // Hide totals if customer has set location and there are no methods going there
    $available_methods = jigoshop_shipping::get_available_shipping_methods();
    $jigoshop_options = Jigoshop_Base::get_options();
    if ($available_methods || !jigoshop_customer::get_shipping_country() || !jigoshop_shipping::is_enabled()) {
        _e('Cart Totals', 'jigoshop');

                <div class="cart_totals_table">
                    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

        $price_label = jigoshop_cart::show_retail_price() ? __('Retail Price', 'jigoshop') : __('Subtotal', 'jigoshop');

								<th class="cart-row-subtotal-title"><?php 
        echo $price_label;
                                <td class="cart-row-subtotal"><?php 
        echo jigoshop_cart::get_cart_subtotal();

        if (jigoshop_cart::get_cart_shipping_total()) {
                                <th class="cart-row-shipping-title"><?php 
            _e('Shipping', 'jigoshop');
            echo jigoshop_countries::shipping_to_prefix() . ' ' . __(jigoshop_countries::$countries[jigoshop_customer::get_shipping_country()], 'jigoshop');
                                <td class="cart-row-shipping"><?php 
            echo jigoshop_cart::get_cart_shipping_total();
            echo jigoshop_cart::get_cart_shipping_title();

        if (jigoshop_cart::show_retail_price()) {
                                    <th class="cart-row-subtotal-title"><?php 
            _e('Subtotal', 'jigoshop');
                                    <td class="cart-row-subtotal"><?php 
            echo jigoshop_cart::get_cart_subtotal(true, true);

        if (jigoshop_cart::tax_after_coupon()) {
                                <tr class="discount">
                                    <th class="cart-row-discount-title"><?php 
            _e('Discount', 'jigoshop');
									<td class="cart-row-discount">-<?php 
            echo jigoshop_cart::get_total_discount();

        if (Jigoshop_Base::get_options()->get_option('jigoshop_calc_taxes') == 'yes') {
            foreach (jigoshop_cart::get_applied_tax_classes() as $tax_class) {
                if (jigoshop_cart::get_tax_for_display($tax_class)) {
                                            <th class="cart-row-tax-title"><?php 
                    echo jigoshop_cart::get_tax_for_display($tax_class);
                                            <td class="cart-row-tax"><?php 
                    echo jigoshop_cart::get_tax_amount($tax_class);

        if (!jigoshop_cart::tax_after_coupon() && jigoshop_cart::get_total_discount()) {
							<tr class="discount">
								<th class="cart-row-discount-title"><?php 
            _e('Discount', 'jigoshop');
								<td class="cart-row-discount">-<?php 
            echo jigoshop_cart::get_total_discount();

								<th class="cart-row-total-title"><strong><?php 
        _e('Total', 'jigoshop');
								<td class="cart-row-total"><strong><?php 
        echo jigoshop_cart::get_total();

    } else {
        echo '<p>' . __(jigoshop_shipping::get_shipping_error_message(), 'jigoshop') . '</p>';

