Beispiel #1
function capi_jpush($uidarr, $message, $title = null, $extras = null)
    $client = new JPush(JPUSH_APP_KEY, JPUSH_MASTER_SECRET);
    try {
        $result = $client->push()->setPlatform(array('ios', 'android'))->addAlias($uidarr)->setNotificationAlert($message)->addAndroidNotification($message, $title, 1, $extras)->addIosNotification($message, JPUSH_IOS_SOUND, '+1', true, null, $extras)->send();
        if (D_BUG) {
            runlog('jpush', 'Push Success:' . json_encode($result));
    } catch (APIRequestException $e) {
        echo 'Push Fail.' . $br;
        echo 'Http Code : ' . $e->httpCode . $br;
        echo 'code : ' . $e->code . $br;
        echo 'Error Message : ' . $e->message . $br;
        echo 'Response JSON : ' . $e->json . $br;
        echo 'rateLimitLimit : ' . $e->rateLimitLimit . $br;
        echo 'rateLimitRemaining : ' . $e->rateLimitRemaining . $br;
        echo 'rateLimitReset : ' . $e->rateLimitReset . $br;
        if (D_BUG) {
            runlog('jpush', 'Push Fail:' . json_encode(array('error' => $e)));
    } catch (APIConnectionException $e) {
        echo 'Push Fail: ' . $br;
        echo 'Error Message: ' . $e->getMessage() . $br;
        //response timeout means your request has probably be received by JPUsh Server,please check that whether need to be pushed again.
        echo 'IsResponseTimeout: ' . $e->isResponseTimeout . $br;
        if (D_BUG) {
            runlog('jpush', 'Push Fail:' . json_encode(array('ErrorMessage' => $e->getMessage(), 'IsResponseTimeout' => $e->isResponseTimeout)));
    //echo $br . '-------------' . $br;
 public function actionJPush()
     $client = new JPush(Yii::app()->params['teacher_JPush']['app_key'], Yii::app()->params['teacher_JPush']['master_secret']);
     $result = $client->push()->setPlatform(array('ios', 'android'))->addAlias('alias1')->addTag('all')->setNotificationAlert('Hi, hello')->addAndroidNotification('Hi, android notification', 'notification title', 1, array("key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2"))->addIosNotification("Hi, iOS notification", 'iOS sound', JPush::DISABLE_BADGE, true, 'iOS category', array("key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2"))->setMessage("msg content", 'msg title', 'type', array("key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2"))->setOptions(100000, 3600, null, false)->send();
     $message = "";
     if ($result) {
         $res_arr = json_encode($result, true);
         if (isset($res_arr['error'])) {
             echo $res_arr['error']['message'];
             $error_code = $res_arr['error']['code'];
             switch ($error_code) {
                 case 200:
                     $message = '发送成功!';
                 case 1000:
                     $message = '失败(系统内部错误)';
                 case 1001:
                     $message = '失败(只支持 HTTP Post 方法,不支持 Get 方法)';
                 case 1002:
                     $message = '失败(缺少了必须的参数)';
                 case 1003:
                     $message = '失败(参数值不合法)';
                 case 1004:
                     $message = '失败(验证失败)';
                 case 1005:
                     $message = '失败(消息体太大)';
                 case 1008:
                     $message = '失败(appkey参数非法)';
                 case 1020:
                     $message = '失败(只支持 HTTPS 请求)';
                 case 1030:
                     $message = '失败(内部服务超时)';
                     $message = '失败(返回其他状态,目前不清楚额,请联系开发人员!)';
         } else {
             $message = "发送成功!";
     } else {
         $message = '接口调用失败或无响应';
     echo "推送信息:{$message}";
Beispiel #3
  * @param $app_id
  * @param $user_id
  * @param $msg_type
  * @param $msg_title
  * @param $alert_content
  * @return bool
 public function pushMsg($app_id, $user_id, $msg_type, $msg_title, $alert_content)
     if ($app_id == 10) {
         // 学员端jPush
         $app_key = Yii::app()->params['student_JPush']['app_key'];
         $masterSecret = Yii::app()->params['student_JPush']['master_secret'];
     } elseif ($app_id == 11) {
         // 教师端jPush
         $app_key = Yii::app()->params['teacher_JPush']['app_key'];
         $masterSecret = Yii::app()->params['teacher_JPush']['master_secret'];
     } else {
         return false;
     $result = array();
     try {
         // 调用jPush API
         $client = new JPush($app_key, $masterSecret);
         $result = $client->push()->setPlatform(array('ios', 'android'))->addAlias($user_id)->addTag('all')->addAndroidNotification($alert_content, $msg_title, 1, array("msg_type" => $msg_type, "msg_title" => $msg_title))->addIosNotification($alert_content, $msg_title, '+1', true, 'iOS category', array("msg_type" => $msg_type, "msg_title" => $msg_title))->setOptions(100000, 3600, null, false)->send();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
     //        $message="";    //存储推送状态
     //        if($result){
     //            $res_arr = json_encode($result, true);
     //            if(isset($res_arr['error'])){                       //如果返回了error则证明失败
     //                $message  = $res_arr['error']['message'];          //错误信息
     //                $error_code     = $res_arr['error']['code'];             //错误码
     //                self::insertPush($error_code, $message);
     //            }else{
     //                $message="发送成功!";
     //                $error_code = 1111;
     //                self::insertPush($error_code, $message);
     //            }
     //        }else{      //接口调用失败或无响应
     //            $message = '接口调用失败或无响应';
     //            $error_code = 0000;
     //            self::insertPush($error_code, $message);
     //        }
     return true;
Beispiel #4
 public function push_msg($msg)
     require_once APPPATH . 'libraries/JPush/JPush.php';
     $app_key = 'd6c00aaba4220737c096b0f5';
     $master_secret = '6738878b5566b6a9275ac090';
     // 初始化
     $client = new JPush($app_key, $master_secret);
     // 简单推送示例
     $result = $client->push()->setPlatform('all')->addAllAudience()->setNotificationAlert($msg)->send();
     echo 'Result=' . json_encode($result);
     // 		// 完整的推送示例,包含指定Platform,指定Alias,Tag,指定iOS,Android notification,指定Message等
     // 		$result = $client->push()
     // 			->setPlatform(array('ios', 'android'))
     // 			->addAlias('alias1')
     // 			->addTag(array('tag1', 'tag2'))
     // 			->setNotificationAlert('Hi, JPush')
     // 			->addAndroidNotification('Hi, android notification', 'notification title', 1, array("key1"=>"value1", "key2"=>"value2"))
     // 			->addIosNotification("Hi, iOS notification", 'iOS sound', JPush::DISABLE_BADGE, true, 'iOS category', array("key1"=>"value1", "key2"=>"value2"))
     // 			->setMessage("msg content", 'msg title', 'type', array("key1"=>"value1", "key2"=>"value2"))
     // 			->setOptions(100000, 3600, null, false)
     // 			->send();
     // 		echo 'Result=' . json_encode($result);
     // 		// 指定推送短信示例(推送未送达的情况下进行短信送达, 该功能需预付短信费用, 并调用Device API绑定设备与手机号)
     // 		$result = $client->push()
     // 			->setPlatform('all')
     // 			->addTag('tag1')
     // 			->setNotificationAlert("Hi, JPush SMS")
     // 			->setSmsMessage('Hi, JPush SMS', 60)
     // 			->send();
     // 		echo 'Result=' . json_encode($result);

 * 该示例主要为JPush Schedule API的调用示例
 * HTTP API文档:
 * PHP API文档:
ini_set("display_errors", "On");
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
require_once "../src/JPush/JPush.php";
$br = '<br/>';
$app_key = 'dd1066407b044738b6479275';
$master_secret = 'e8cc9a76d5b7a580859bcfa7';
// 初始化
$client = new JPush($app_key, $master_secret);
$payload = $client->push()->setPlatform("all")->addAllAudience()->setNotificationAlert("Hi, 这是一条定时发送的消息")->build();
// 创建一个2016-12-22 13:45:00触发的定时任务
$response = $client->schedule()->createSingleSchedule("每天14点发送的定时任务", $payload, array("time" => "2016-12-22 13:45:00"));
echo 'Result=' . json_encode($response) . $br;
// 创建一个每天14点发送的定时任务
$response = $client->schedule()->createPeriodicalSchedule("每天14点发送的定时任务", $payload, array("start" => "2016-12-22 13:45:00", "end" => "2016-12-25 13:45:00", "time" => "14:00:00", "time_unit" => "DAY", "frequency" => 1));
echo 'Result=' . json_encode($response) . $br;
// 更新指定的定时任务
$response = $client->schedule()->updatePeriodicalSchedule('89c984f4-a880-11e5-b41a-0021f652c102', null, true);
echo "Result=" . json_encode($response) . "\r\n";
// 获取定时任务列表
$response = $client->schedule()->getSchedules();
echo "Result=" . json_encode($response) . "\r\n";

 * 该示例主要为JPush Push API的调用示例
 * HTTP API文档:
 * PHP API文档:(待补充)
require_once "../src/JPush/JPush.php";
$br = '<br/>';
$app_key = 'dd1066407b044738b6479275';
$master_secret = 'e8cc9a76d5b7a580859bcfa7';
// 初始化
$client = new JPush($app_key, $master_secret);
// 简单推送示例
$result = $client->push()->setPlatform('all')->addAllAudience()->setNotificationAlert('Hi, JPush')->send();
echo 'Result=' . json_encode($result) . $br;
// 完整的推送示例,包含指定Platform,指定Alias,Tag,指定iOS,Android notification,指定Message等
$result = $client->push()->setPlatform(array('ios', 'android'))->addAlias('alias1')->addTag(array('tag1', 'tag2'))->setNotificationAlert('Hi, JPush')->addAndroidNotification('Hi, android notification', 'notification title', 1, array("key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2"))->addIosNotification("Hi, iOS notification", 'iOS sound', JPush::DISABLE_BADGE, true, 'iOS category', array("key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2"))->setMessage("msg content", 'msg title', 'type', array("key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2"))->setOptions(100000, 3600, null, false)->send();
echo 'Result=' . json_encode($result) . $br;
// 指定推送短信示例(推送未送达的情况下进行短信送达, 该功能需预付短信费用, 并调用Device API绑定设备与手机号)
$result = $client->push()->setPlatform('all')->addTag('tag1')->setNotificationAlert("Hi, JPush SMS")->setSmsMessage('Hi, JPush SMS', 60)->send();
echo 'Result=' . json_encode($result) . $br;
Beispiel #7
 private function dealVoice($voice)
     $len = mb_strlen($voice, 'utf-8');
     if ($len > 3) {
         $navWord = mb_substr($voice, 0, 3, 'utf-8');
         if ($navWord == "导航到") {
             $len = mb_strlen($voice, 'utf-8');
             $navWord = mb_substr($voice, 3, $len - 3, 'utf-8');
             $geourl = "{$navWord}";
             $apistr = file_get_contents($geourl);
             $apiobj = simplexml_load_string($apistr);
             $lat = $apiobj->result->location->lat;
             $lng = $apiobj->result->location->lng;
             $br = '<br/>';
             $app_key = 'ad2add0d7bafaab683ca3b16';
             $master_secret = '2009611fff8213ed1bd0c3a6';
             // 初始化
             $client = new JPush($app_key, $master_secret);
             // 简单推送示例
             $result = $client->push()->setPlatform('all')->addAllAudience()->setNotificationAlert("导航到" . "{$navWord}" . "(" . $lng . "," . $lat . ")")->send();
             echo 'Result1=' . json_encode($result) . $br;
             $app_key = '5f1e36080805488ab8f22631';
             $master_secret = '2bd1c368081d8ad860afb867';
             // 初始化
             $client = new JPush($app_key, $master_secret);
             // 简单推送示例
             $result = $client->push()->setPlatform('all')->addAllAudience()->setNotificationAlert("导航到" . "{$navWord}" . "(" . $lng . "," . $lat . ")")->send();
             echo 'Result0=' . json_encode($result) . $br;
             $contentStr = "位置已发送,如果长时间未收到,可能是网络原因,请重试!";
         } else {
             $contentStr = "您的语音有误,请重新输入";
     } else {
         $contentStr = "您的语音有误,请重新输入";
     return $contentStr;