Beispiel #1
 * Create a new Item and return an XML-RPC response
 * @param array Item properties
 * @param object Blog where we are going to create a new Item
 * @return xmlrpcmsg
function xmlrpcs_new_item($params, &$Blog = NULL)
    global $current_User, $Settings, $Messages, $DB, $posttypes_perms;
    $params = array_merge(array('title' => '', 'content' => '', 'date' => '', 'main_cat_ID' => 0, 'extra_cat_IDs' => array(), 'cat_IDs' => array(), 'status' => 'published', 'tags' => '', 'excerpt' => '', 'item_typ_ID' => 1, 'comment_status' => 'open', 'urltitle' => '', 'featured' => 0, 'custom_fields' => array(), 'order' => '', 'parent_ID' => ''), $params);
    if (empty($Blog) && !empty($params['main_cat_ID'])) {
        // Get the blog by main category ID
        // Check if category exists and can be used
        $ChapterCache =& get_ChapterCache();
        $main_Chapter =& $ChapterCache->get_by_ID($params['main_cat_ID'], false, false);
        if (empty($main_Chapter)) {
            // Cat does not exist:
            return xmlrpcs_resperror(11);
            // User error 11
        $BlogCache =& get_BlogCache();
        $Blog =& $BlogCache->get_by_ID($main_Chapter->blog_ID, false, false);
        logIO('Requested Blog: ' . $Blog->ID . ' - ' . $Blog->name);
    if (empty($Blog)) {
        // Blog does not exist:
        return xmlrpcs_resperror();
    if (empty($params['main_cat_ID'])) {
        if (is_array($params['cat_IDs']) && count($params['cat_IDs']) > 0) {
            // Let's use first cat for MAIN and others for EXTRA
            $params['main_cat_ID'] = array_shift($params['cat_IDs']);
            $params['extra_cat_IDs'] = $params['cat_IDs'];
        } else {
            if (!($main_cat = $Blog->get_default_cat_ID())) {
                // No default category found for requested blog
                return xmlrpcs_resperror(12);
                // User error 12
            $params['main_cat_ID'] = $main_cat;
    logIO('Main cat ID: ' . $params['main_cat_ID']);
    logIO('Extra cat IDs: ' . implode(', ', $params['extra_cat_IDs']));
    if (empty($params['main_cat_ID'])) {
        // Main category does not exist:
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(11);
        // User error 11
    // Check if category exists and can be used
    if (!xmlrpcs_check_cats($params['main_cat_ID'], $Blog, $params['extra_cat_IDs'])) {
        // Permission denied
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(3);
        // User error 3
     * CHECK PERMISSION: (we need perm on all categories, especially if they are in different blogs)
     * NOTE: extra_cat_IDs array now includes main_cat_ID too, so we are actually checking ALL categories below
    if (!$current_User->check_perm('cats_post!' . $params['status'], 'edit', false, $params['extra_cat_IDs'])) {
        // Permission denied
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(3);
        // User error 3
    if (!empty($params['item_typ_ID'])) {
        if (!preg_match('~^[0-9]+$~', $params['item_typ_ID'])) {
            // Only accept numeric values, switch to default value
            $params['item_typ_ID'] = 1;
        foreach ($posttypes_perms as $l_permname => $l_posttypes) {
            // "Reverse" the $posttypes_perms array:
            foreach ($l_posttypes as $ll_posttype) {
                $posttype2perm[$ll_posttype] = $l_permname;
        if (isset($posttype2perm[$params['item_typ_ID']])) {
            // Check permission for this post type
            if (!$current_User->check_perm('cats_' . $posttype2perm[$params['item_typ_ID']], 'edit', false, $params['extra_cat_IDs'])) {
                // Permission denied
                return xmlrpcs_resperror(3);
                // User error 3
    logIO('Post type: ' . $params['item_typ_ID']);
    logIO('Permission granted.');
    if (($params['title'] = check_html_sanity($params['title'], 'xmlrpc_posting')) === false) {
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(21, $Messages->get_string('Invalid post title, please correct these errors:', ''));
    if (($params['content'] = check_html_sanity($params['content'], 'xmlrpc_posting')) === false) {
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(22, $Messages->get_string('Invalid post contents, please correct these errors:' . "\n", '', "  //  \n", 'xmlrpc'));
    if (empty($params['date'])) {
        $params['date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + $Settings->get('time_difference'));
    load_class('items/model/_item.class.php', 'Item');
    $edited_Item = new Item();
    $edited_Item->set('title', $params['title']);
    $edited_Item->set('content', $params['content']);
    $edited_Item->set('issue_date', $params['date']);
    $edited_Item->set('main_cat_ID', $params['main_cat_ID']);
    $edited_Item->set('extra_cat_IDs', $params['extra_cat_IDs']);
    $edited_Item->set('status', $params['status']);
    $edited_Item->set('ptyp_ID', $params['item_typ_ID']);
    $edited_Item->set('featured', $params['featured']);
    $edited_Item->set('locale', $current_User->locale);
    if ($params['excerpt'] != '') {
        $edited_Item->set('excerpt', $params['excerpt']);
    if ($params['urltitle'] != '') {
        $edited_Item->set('urltitle', $params['urltitle']);
    if ($params['parent_ID'] != '') {
        $edited_Item->set('parent_ID', $params['parent_ID']);
    if (!empty($params['order'])) {
        $edited_Item->set('order', $params['order']);
    // Do not set if order is 0
    if ($Blog->get_setting('allow_comments') != 'never' && $Blog->get_setting('disable_comments_bypost')) {
        // Comment status
        $edited_Item->set('comment_status', $params['comment_status']);
    if (empty($edited_Item->ID)) {
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(99, 'Error while inserting item: ' . $DB->last_error);
    logIO('Posted with ID: ' . $edited_Item->ID);
    if (!empty($params['custom_fields']) && is_array($params['custom_fields']) && count($params['custom_fields']) > 0) {
        // TODO sam2kb> Add custom fields
        foreach ($params['custom_fields'] as $field) {
            // id, key, value
            logIO('Custom field: ' . var_export($field, true));
    // Execute or schedule notifications & pings:
    logIO('Handling notifications...');
    return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval($edited_Item->ID));
 * Read messages from server and create posts
 * @param resource $mbox created by pbm_connect() (by reference)
 * @param integer the number of messages to process
 * @return boolean true on success
function pbm_process_messages(&$mbox, $limit)
    global $Settings;
    global $pbm_item_files, $pbm_messages, $pbm_items, $post_cntr, $del_cntr, $is_cron_mode;
    // No execution time limit
    // Are we in test mode?
    $test_mode_on = $Settings->get('eblog_test_mode');
    $post_cntr = 0;
    $del_cntr = 0;
    for ($index = 1; $index <= $limit; $index++) {
        pbm_msg('<hr /><h3>Processing message #' . $index . ':</h3>');
        $strbody = '';
        $hasAttachment = false;
        $hasRelated = false;
        $pbm_item_files = array();
        // reset the value for each new Item
        // Save email to hard drive, otherwise attachments may take a lot of RAM
        if (!($tmpMIME = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'b2evoMail'))) {
            pbm_msg(T_('Could not create temporary file.'), true);
        imap_savebody($mbox, $tmpMIME, $index);
        // Create random temp directory for message parts
        $tmpDirMIME = pbm_tempdir(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'b2evo_');
        $mimeParser = new mime_parser_class();
        $mimeParser->mbox = 0;
        // Set to 0 for parsing a single message file
        $mimeParser->decode_headers = 1;
        $mimeParser->ignore_syntax_errors = 1;
        $mimeParser->extract_addresses = 0;
        $MIMEparameters = array('File' => $tmpMIME, 'SaveBody' => $tmpDirMIME, 'SkipBody' => 1);
        if (!$mimeParser->Decode($MIMEparameters, $decodedMIME)) {
            pbm_msg(sprintf('MIME message decoding error: %s at position %d.', $mimeParser->error, $mimeParser->error_position), true);
        } else {
            pbm_msg('MIME message decoding successful');
            if (!$mimeParser->Analyze($decodedMIME[0], $parsedMIME)) {
                pbm_msg(sprintf('MIME message analyse error: %s', $mimeParser->error), true);
            // Get message $subject and $post_date from headers (by reference)
            if (!pbm_process_header($parsedMIME, $subject, $post_date)) {
                // Couldn't process message headers
            // TODO: handle type == "message" recursively
            // sam2kb> For some reason imap_qprint() demages HTML text... needs more testing
            if ($parsedMIME['Type'] == 'html') {
                // Mail is HTML
                if ($Settings->get('eblog_html_enabled')) {
                    // HTML posting enabled
                    pbm_msg('HTML message part saved as ' . $parsedMIME['DataFile']);
                    $html_body = file_get_contents($parsedMIME['DataFile']);
                foreach ($parsedMIME['Alternative'] as $alternative) {
                    // First try to get HTML alternative (when possible)
                    if ($alternative['Type'] == 'html' && $Settings->get('eblog_html_enabled')) {
                        // HTML text
                        pbm_msg('HTML alternative message part saved as ' . $alternative['DataFile']);
                        // sam2kb> TODO: we may need to use $html_body here instead
                        $strbody = file_get_contents($alternative['DataFile']);
                        // stop after first alternative
                    } elseif ($alternative['Type'] == 'text') {
                        // Plain text
                        pbm_msg('Text alternative message part saved as ' . $alternative['DataFile']);
                        $strbody = imap_qprint(file_get_contents($alternative['DataFile']));
                        // stop after first alternative
            } elseif ($parsedMIME['Type'] == 'text') {
                // Mail is plain text
                pbm_msg('Plain-text message part saved as ' . $parsedMIME['DataFile']);
                $strbody = imap_qprint(file_get_contents($parsedMIME['DataFile']));
            // Check for attachments
            if (!empty($parsedMIME['Attachments'])) {
                $hasAttachment = true;
                foreach ($parsedMIME['Attachments'] as $file) {
                    pbm_msg('Attachment: ' . $file['FileName'] . ' stored as ' . $file['DataFile']);
            // Check for inline images
            if (!empty($parsedMIME['Related'])) {
                $hasRelated = true;
                foreach ($parsedMIME['Related'] as $file) {
                    pbm_msg('Related file with content ID: ' . $file['ContentID'] . ' stored as ' . $file['DataFile']);
            if (count($mimeParser->warnings) > 0) {
                pbm_msg(sprintf('<h4>%d warnings during decode:</h4>', count($mimeParser->warnings)));
                foreach ($mimeParser->warnings as $k => $v) {
                    pbm_msg('Warning: ' . $v . ' at position ' . $k);
        if (empty($html_body)) {
            // Plain text message
            pbm_msg('Message type: TEXT');
            pbm_msg('Message body: <pre style="font-size:10px">' . htmlspecialchars($strbody) . '</pre>');
            // Process body. First fix different line-endings (dos, mac, unix), remove double newlines
            $content = str_replace(array("\r", "\n\n"), "\n", trim($strbody));
            // First see if there's an <auth> tag with login and password
            if (($auth = pbm_get_auth_tag($content)) === false) {
                // No <auth> tag, let's detect legacy "username:password" on the first line
                $a_body = explode("\n", $content, 2);
                // tblue> splitting only into 2 parts allows colons in the user PW
                // Note: login and password cannot include '<' !
                $auth = explode(':', strip_tags($a_body[0]), 2);
                // Drop the first line with username and password
                $content = $a_body[1];
        } else {
            // HTML message
            pbm_msg('Message type: HTML');
            if (($parsed_message = pbm_prepare_html_message($html_body)) === false) {
                // No 'auth' tag provided, skip to the next message
            list($auth, $content) = $parsed_message;
        // TODO: dh> should the password really get trimmed here?!
        $user_pass = isset($auth[1]) ? trim(remove_magic_quotes($auth[1])) : NULL;
        $user_login = trim(evo_strtolower(remove_magic_quotes($auth[0])));
        if (empty($user_login) || empty($user_pass)) {
            pbm_msg(sprintf(T_('Please add username and password in message body in format %s.'), '"&lt;auth&gt;username:password&lt;/auth&gt;"'), true);
        // Authenticate user
        pbm_msg('Authenticating user: &laquo;' . $user_login . '&raquo;');
        $pbmUser =& pbm_validate_user_password($user_login, $user_pass);
        if (!$pbmUser) {
            pbm_msg(sprintf(T_('Authentication failed for user &laquo;%s&raquo;'), htmlspecialchars($user_login)), true);
        // Load group
        if (!empty($is_cron_mode)) {
            // Assign current User if we are in cron mode. This is needed in order to check user permissions
            global $current_User;
            $current_User = duplicate($pbmUser);
        // Activate User's locale
        pbm_msg('<b class="green">Success</b>');
        if ($post_categories = xmlrpc_getpostcategories($content)) {
            $main_cat_ID = array_shift($post_categories);
            $extra_cat_IDs = $post_categories;
            pbm_msg('Extra categories: ' . implode(', ', $extra_cat_IDs));
        } else {
            $main_cat_ID = $Settings->get('eblog_default_category');
            $extra_cat_IDs = array();
        pbm_msg('Main category ID: ' . $main_cat_ID);
        $ChapterCache =& get_ChapterCache();
        $pbmChapter =& $ChapterCache->get_by_ID($main_cat_ID, false, false);
        if (empty($pbmChapter)) {
            pbm_msg(sprintf(T_('Requested category %s does not exist!'), $main_cat_ID), true);
        $blog_ID = $pbmChapter->blog_ID;
        pbm_msg('Blog ID: ' . $blog_ID);
        $BlogCache =& get_BlogCache();
        $pbmBlog =& $BlogCache->get_by_ID($blog_ID, false, false);
        if (empty($pbmBlog)) {
            pbm_msg(sprintf(T_('Requested blog %s does not exist!'), $blog_ID), true);
        // Check permission:
        pbm_msg(sprintf('Checking permissions for user &laquo;%s&raquo; to post to Blog #%d', $user_login, $blog_ID));
        if (!$pbmUser->check_perm('blog_post!published', 'edit', false, $blog_ID)) {
            pbm_msg(T_('Permission denied.'), true);
        if (($hasAttachment || $hasRelated) && !$pbmUser->check_perm('files', 'add', false, $blog_ID)) {
            pbm_msg(T_('You have no permission to add/upload files.'), true);
        pbm_msg('<b class="green">Success</b>');
        // Remove content after terminator
        $eblog_terminator = $Settings->get('eblog_body_terminator');
        if (!empty($eblog_terminator) && ($os_terminator = evo_strpos($content, $eblog_terminator)) !== false) {
            $content = evo_substr($content, 0, $os_terminator);
        $post_title = pbm_get_post_title($content, $subject);
        // Remove 'title' and 'category' tags
        $content = xmlrpc_removepostdata($content);
        // Remove <br> tags from string start and end
        // We do it here because there might be extra <br> left after deletion of <auth>, <category> and <title> tags
        $content = preg_replace(array('~^(\\s*<br[\\s/]*>\\s*){1,}~i', '~(\\s*<br[\\s/]*>\\s*){1,}$~i'), '', $content);
        if ($hasAttachment || $hasRelated) {
            // Handle attachments
            if (isset($GLOBALS['files_Module'])) {
                if ($mediadir = $pbmBlog->get_media_dir()) {
                    if ($hasAttachment) {
                        pbm_process_attachments($content, $parsedMIME['Attachments'], $mediadir, $pbmBlog->get_media_url(), $Settings->get('eblog_add_imgtag'), 'attach');
                    if ($hasRelated) {
                        pbm_process_attachments($content, $parsedMIME['Related'], $mediadir, $pbmBlog->get_media_url(), true, 'related');
                } else {
                    pbm_msg(T_('Unable to access media directory. No attachments processed.'), true);
            } else {
                pbm_msg(T_('Files module is disabled or missing!'), true);
        // CHECK and FORMAT content
        global $Plugins;
        $renderer_params = array('Blog' => &$pbmBlog, 'setting_name' => 'coll_apply_rendering');
        $renderers = $Plugins->validate_renderer_list($Settings->get('eblog_renderers'), $renderer_params);
        pbm_msg('Applying the following text renderers: ' . implode(', ', $renderers));
        // Do some optional filtering on the content
        // Typically stuff that will help the content to validate
        // Useful for code display
        // Will probably be used for validation also
        $Plugins_admin =& get_Plugins_admin();
        $params = array('object_type' => 'Item', 'object_Blog' => &$pbmBlog);
        $Plugins_admin->filter_contents($post_title, $content, $renderers, $params);
        pbm_msg('Filtered post content: <pre style="font-size:10px">' . htmlspecialchars($content) . '</pre>');
        $context = $Settings->get('eblog_html_tag_limit') ? 'commenting' : 'posting';
        $post_title = check_html_sanity($post_title, $context, $pbmUser);
        $content = check_html_sanity($content, $context, $pbmUser);
        global $Messages;
        if ($Messages->has_errors()) {
            // Make it easier for user to find and correct the errors
            pbm_msg("\n" . sprintf(T_('Processing message: %s'), $post_title), true);
            pbm_msg($Messages->get_string(T_('Cannot post, please correct these errors:'), 'error'), true);
        if ($test_mode_on) {
            // Test mode
            pbm_msg('<b class="green">It looks like the post can be successfully saved in the database. However we will not do it in test mode.</b>');
        } else {
            load_class('items/model/_item.class.php', 'Item');
            global $pbm_items, $DB, $localtimenow;
            $post_status = 'published';
            pbm_msg(sprintf('<h4>Saving item "%s" in the database</h4>', $post_title));
            // INSERT NEW POST INTO DB:
            $edited_Item = new Item();
            $edited_Item->set($edited_Item->lasteditor_field, $pbmUser->ID);
            $edited_Item->set('title', $post_title);
            $edited_Item->set('content', $content);
            $edited_Item->set('datestart', $post_date);
            $edited_Item->set('datemodified', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $localtimenow));
            $edited_Item->set('main_cat_ID', $main_cat_ID);
            $edited_Item->set('extra_cat_IDs', $extra_cat_IDs);
            $edited_Item->set('status', $post_status);
            $edited_Item->set('locale', $pbmUser->locale);
            $edited_Item->set('renderers', $renderers);
            // INSERT INTO DB:
            pbm_msg(sprintf('Item created?: ' . (isset($edited_Item->ID) ? 'yes' : 'no')));
            // Execute or schedule notifications & pings:
            if (!empty($pbm_item_files)) {
                // Attach files
                $FileCache =& get_FileCache();
                $order = 1;
                foreach ($pbm_item_files as $filename) {
                    pbm_msg(sprintf('Saving file "%s" in the database', $filename));
                    $pbmFile =& $FileCache->get_by_root_and_path('collection', $pbmBlog->ID, $filename);
                    $pbmFile->meta = 'notfound';
                    // Save time and don't try to load meta from DB, it's not there anyway
                    pbm_msg(sprintf('File saved?: ' . (isset($pbmFile->ID) ? 'yes' : 'no')));
                    pbm_msg(sprintf('Attaching file "%s" to the post', $filename));
                    // Let's make the link!
                    $pbmLink = new Link();
                    $pbmLink->set('itm_ID', $edited_Item->ID);
                    $pbmLink->set('file_ID', $pbmFile->ID);
                    $pbmLink->set('position', 'aftermore');
                    $pbmLink->set('order', $order++);
                    pbm_msg(sprintf('File attached?: ' . (isset($pbmLink->ID) ? 'yes' : 'no')));
            // Save posted items sorted by author user for reports
            $pbm_items['user_' . $pbmUser->ID][] = $edited_Item;
        pbm_msg('Message posting successful');
        // Delete temporary directory
        if (!$test_mode_on && $Settings->get('eblog_delete_emails')) {
            pbm_msg('Marking message for deletion from inbox: ' . $index);
            imap_delete($mbox, $index);
    // Expunge messages marked for deletion
    return true;