public function indexAction()
     $store = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $id_page_add_tab = $this->_request->getParam("pg");
     $_SESSION['list_page'] = "0";
     $facebookadmin = new Ishali_FacebookAdmin();
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     $facebook->begins_works('1', $id_page_add_tab);
     $manage_pages = $facebookadmin->checkpermissions('manage_pages');
     			$link_login = APP_DOMAIN."/admin/login";
     //Cai App Vao Page
     if ($id_page_add_tab != "") {
         $iduser_fb = $facebook->getuserfbid();
         $user_page = $facebook->getuserpages();
         $status = 0;
         //echo '<pre>';print_r($user_page);exit;
         foreach ($user_page as $key => $value) {
             //echo $value['id'];exit;
             if ($id_page_add_tab == $value['id']) {
                 $status = 1;
         if ($status == 1) {
             $linkGraphPage = "{$id_page_add_tab}";
             $info_page = $facebook->getGraphFB($linkGraphPage);
             $page_name = $info_page->name;
             $link_page = $info_page->link;
             if (!$store->checkManagerPage($id_page_add_tab, $iduser_fb)) {
                 $sql = "insert into ishali_pages(id_fb_page, page_name, id_fb, link_page) values('{$id_page_add_tab}', '{$page_name}', '{$iduser_fb}', '{$link_page}')";
     if ($manage_pages) {
         $this->view->appid = $facebook->getAppId();
         $this->view->fbuserid = $facebook->getuserfbid();
         $this->view->list_pages = $facebookadmin->list_pages($this->view->fbuserid, 'page');
         $this->view->pageslist = App_Models_PagesModel::getInstance()->getList('a', 10, 1, $this->view->fbuserid);
     } else {
 public function indexAction()
     $facebookadmin = new Ishali_FacebookAdmin();
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     $manage_pages = $facebookadmin->checkpermissions('manage_pages');
     if ($manage_pages) {
         $this->view->appid = $facebook->getAppId();
         $this->view->fbuserid = $facebook->getuserfbid();
         //		$this->view->list_pages = $facebookadmin->list_pages($this->view->fbuserid, 'page');
         $request = $this->getRequest();
         $this->view->curr_page = $request->getParam('search_page', 1);
         $this->view->count = 45;
         $result = App_Models_IshaliModel::getInstance()->getList($this->view->curr_page, $this->view->count);
         $this->view->total = $result['total'];
         @($this->view->pageslist = $result['data']);
         $paging = array();
         $paging['totalRecord'] = $result['total'];
         $paging['currentPage'] = $this->view->curr_page;
         $paging['numDisplay'] = 5;
         $paging['pageSize'] = $this->view->count;
         $paging['action'] = APP_DOMAIN . '/ishali';
         $this->view->paging = json_encode($paging);
     } else {
 public function indexAction()
     $_SESSION['list_page'] = "0";
     $facebookadmin = new Ishali_FacebookAdmin();
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     $manage_pages = $facebookadmin->checkpermissions('manage_pages');
     if (!isset($this->_SESSION->iduseradmin)) {
         $link_login = APP_DOMAIN . "/admin/login";
     if ($manage_pages) {
         $this->view->appid = $facebook->getAppId();
         $this->view->fbuserid = $facebook->getuserfbid();
         $this->view->list_pages = $facebookadmin->list_pages($this->view->fbuserid, 'page');
         //		$article = App_Models_ArticleModel::getInstance()->getDetail(1);
         //$time_start = microtime(true);
         $this->view->pageslist = App_Models_PagesModel::getInstance()->getList('a', 10, 1, $this->view->fbuserid);
         //        $time_end = microtime(true);
         //$time = $time_end - $time_start;
         //echo "Did nothing in $time seconds\n";
         //        $mausac = App_Models_BangmauModel::getInstance()->getList();
         //            echo "<pre>";
         //        print_r( $this->view->pageslist);
         //        echo "</pre>";
         ////        exit;
     } else {
 public function indexAction()
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     $iduser_fb = $facebook->getuserfbid();
     $this->view->iduser_fb = $iduser_fb;
     $_SESSION['list_page'] = "0";
 public function xulyaddAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     $iduser_fb = $facebook->getuserfbid();
     $idpage = $_SESSION['idpage'];
     if ($store->checkUserManagerPage($iduser_fb, $idpage)) {
         $Tenlsp = $_POST["tenlsp"];
         $Vitri = $_POST["vitri"];
         $Anhien = $_POST["anhien"];
         $parent_id = $_POST["parent_id"];
         $sql = "Insert into ishali_loaisp(tenloaisp, vitri, anhien, idpage, parent_id) ";
         $sql .= "Values ('" . $Tenlsp . "', '" . $Vitri . "', '" . $Anhien . "', '" . $idpage . "', '" . $parent_id . "')";
         $rs = mysql_query($sql);
         if ($rs) {
             echo 1;
             $id = mysql_insert_id();
             //Kiem tra xem neu dem bang 1 thi tiep tuc kiem tra co san pham nao thuoc danh muc nay ko, neu co thi chuyen san pham ve danh muc moi them
             $sql = "select count(*) as count_child_cat from ishali_loaisp where parent_id = {$parent_id}";
             $data = $store->SelectQuery($sql);
             $count = $data[0]['count_child_cat'];
             if ($count == 1) {
                 $sql = "update ishali_sanpham set idloaisp = '{$id}' where idloaisp = '{$parent_id}' and idpage = '{$idpage}'";
         } else {
             echo 0;
     } else {
         echo -1;
 public function indexAction()
     $store = $this->view->info = App_Models_StoreModel::getInstance();
     $flag = 0;
     if (isset($_GET['flag'])) {
         $flag = $_GET['flag'];
     if (isset($_SESSION['idpage']) && $_SESSION['idpage'] != "") {
         $idpage = $_SESSION['idpage'];
         $this->view->idpage = $idpage;
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     if ($facebook->getuserfbid() == 0) {
         if ($flag == 1) {
             $this->view->isfbuser = 0;
         } else {
             $url = APP_DOMAIN . "/dathang?idpage=" . $idpage . "&flag=1";
     } else {
         $user_profile = $facebook->getUserInfo();
         $this->view->isfbuser = 1;
         $this->view->linkfb = $user_profile['link'];
         $this->view->idfb = $user_profile['id'];
         $checkFbUserInDb = $store->checkFbUserInDb($idpage, $user_profile['id']);
         if (!empty($checkFbUserInDb)) {
             $this->view->name = $checkFbUserInDb[0]['name'];
             $this->view->phone = $checkFbUserInDb[0]['phone'];
             $this->view->email = $checkFbUserInDb[0]['email'];
             $this->view->district = $checkFbUserInDb[0]['district'];
             $this->view->address = $checkFbUserInDb[0]['address'];
         } else {
             $this->view->name = $user_profile['name'];
             $this->view->phone = "";
             $this->view->email = $user_profile['email'];
             $this->view->district = "";
             $this->view->address = "";
 public function preDispatch()
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     //$this->view->id_userr = $facebook->getuserfbid();
     //$this->view->id_fb_page = $facebook->getpageid();
     if ($facebook->getpageid() != "") {
         @($idpage = $facebook->getpageid());
         @($_SESSION['idpage'] = $idpage);
     } else {
         @($idpage = $_SESSION['idpage']);
 public function init()
     $layoutPath = APPLICATION_PATH . '/templates/giaodien_admin';
     $option = array('layout' => 'index', 'layoutPath' => $layoutPath);
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     if ($facebook->getpageid() != "") {
         @($idpage = $facebook->getpageid());
         @($_SESSION['idpage'] = $idpage);
     } else {
         @($idpage = $_SESSION['idpage']);
Beispiel #9
 public static function begins_works($isadmin = NULL)
     $userid = Ishali_Facebook::getuserfbid();
     if ($isadmin == 1) {
         if ($userid) {
             return true;
         } else {
             try {
             } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
     } else {
         return true;
 public function preDispatch()
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     $daugia = App_Models_DaugiaModel::getInstance();
     $config = Zend_Registry::get(APPLICATION_CONFIG);
     if ($facebook->getpageid() != "") {
         $idpage = $facebook->getpageid();
         $_SESSION['idpage'] = $idpage;
     $userFB = $facebook->getuserfbid();
     if ($userFB == 0) {
         $infoPage = $daugia->thongTinTrang($idpage);
         $linkPage = $infoPage[0]['link_page'];
         $appId = $config->facebook->appid;
         $linkPageApp = $linkPage . '/app_' . $appId;
 public function indexAction()
     $facebookadmin = new Ishali_FacebookAdmin();
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     $manage_pages = $facebookadmin->checkpermissions('manage_pages');
     if (!isset($this->_SESSION->iduseradmin)) {
         $link_login = APP_DOMAIN . "/admin/login";
     if ($manage_pages) {
         $this->view->appid = $facebook->getAppId();
         $this->view->fbuserid = $facebook->getuserfbid();
         $this->view->list_pages = $facebookadmin->list_pages($this->view->fbuserid, 'page');
         $this->view->pageslist = App_Models_PagesModel::getInstance()->getList2();
     } else {
Beispiel #12
 public static function begins_works($isadmin = NULL, $id_page_add_tab = "")
     $userid = Ishali_Facebook::getuserfbid();
     if ($isadmin == 1) {
         if ($userid) {
             return true;
         } else {
             try {
                 @Ishali_Facebook::loginuserfb($isadmin, $id_page_add_tab);
             } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
                 echo 'loginuserfbException';
     } else {
         return true;
 public function indexAction()
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     $this->view->fbuserid = $facebook->getuserfbid();
     if (isset($_GET['pageid']) && $_GET['pageid'] > 0) {
         $this->view->pageid = $_GET['pageid'];
         $this->view->page_name = $_GET['pagename'];
         $this->view->listArticle = App_Models_ArticleModel::getInstance()->getListByFbPage_admin($this->view->pageid);
         $this->view->list_pages = App_Models_ArticleModel::getInstance()->listArticlePages($this->view->fbuserid);
         $layoutPath = APPLICATION_PATH . '/templates/giaodien_admin';
         $option = array('layout' => 'article_ajax', 'layoutPath' => $layoutPath);
     } else {
         $PagesList = App_Models_PagesModel::getInstance()->getList('', '', '', $this->view->fbuserid);
         $this->view->page_name = $PagesList[0]['page_name'];
         $this->view->pageid = $PagesList[0]['id_fb_page'];
         $this->view->listArticle = App_Models_ArticleModel::getInstance()->getListByFbPage_admin($this->view->pageid);
         $this->view->list_pages = App_Models_ArticleModel::getInstance()->listArticlePages($this->view->fbuserid);
         //		    $layoutPath = APPLICATION_PATH . '/templates/giaodien_admin';
         //	        $option = array('layout' => 'index', 'layoutPath' => $layoutPath);
         //	        Zend_Layout::startMvc($option);
 public function changepassAction()
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     $iduser_fb = $facebook->getuserfbid();
     $this->view->iduser_fb = $iduser_fb;
 public function KiemTraSessionIdPage($sessionIdPage)
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     $idUserFB = $facebook->getuserfbid();
     $sql = "select 1 from ishali_pages where id_fb_page = '" . $sessionIdPage . "' and id_fb = '" . $idUserFB . "'";
     $data = $this->SelectQuery($sql);
     return count($data);
 public function preDispatch()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
     		$pagedata  = $facebook->getpagearr();
     		echo "<pre>";
     		echo "</pre>";
     if (isset($_GET['request_ids'])) {
         $ts = $_GET['request_ids'];
     } else {
         $ts = 0;
     $this->view->id_fb_page = $facebook->getpageid();
     $this->view->id_user = $facebook->getuserfbid();
     // TODO:
     //        $this->view->id_fb_page = 123453;
     //        $this->view->id_fb_page ='388347091211147';
     //        $this->view->id_user = 9999;
      * get page info
     // exit;
     if ($this->view->id_fb_page <= 0) {
         $this->view->id_fb_page = $_SESSION['idpage'];
     } else {
         $_SESSION['idpage'] = $this->view->id_fb_page;
     //         echo $_SESSION['idpage'];
     $page = new App_Entities_Pages();
     $page = App_Models_PagesModel::getInstance()->getDetail($this->view->id_fb_page);
     //        echo $page->an_hien;
     //        exit;
     if ($page->an_hien == 0) {
         //   $this->_redirect('/thongbao');
     //         echo $page->templates;
      * init layout
     /*End thiet lap nhan tin*/
     $fb = $facebook->getFB();
     if (isset($_GET['request_ids'])) {
         $reqId = $_GET['request_ids'];
         $requests = $fb->api('/me/apprequests/?request_ids=' . $reqId);
         $itemData = $requests['data'][0]['data'];
         //		 echo "<pre>";
         //		 print_r($requests);
         //		 echo "</pre>";
         //		 exit;
         if (isset($itemData) && $itemData != "") {
             echo "<script language='javascript'>top.location.href='" . $itemData . "'</script>";
         } else {
             if (isset($requests['data'][1]['data']) && $requests['data'][1]['data'] != "") {
                 echo "<script language='javascript'>top.location.href='" . $requests['data'][1]['data'] . "'</script>";
             } else {
                 if (isset($requests['data'][2]['data']) && $requests['data'][2]['data'] != "") {
                     echo "<script language='javascript'>top.location.href='" . $requests['data'][2]['data'] . "'</script>";
     /*End thiet lap nhan tin*/
     $option = array('layout' => 'layout', 'layoutPath' => LAYOUT_PATH . '/' . $page->templates);
      * get menu
     $listMenu = App_Models_ArticleModel::getInstance()->getListByFbPage($this->view->id_fb_page);
      * assign param
     $this->view->page = $page;
     $this->view->appTitle = $page->page_name;
     $this->view->appFooter = $page->footer;
     $this->view->bodystyle = "font-size:{$page->font_size};";
     $this->view->bodystyle .= 'color:' . $page->color . ';';
     if ($page->background_images != null && $page->background_images != '') {
         $page_background = APP_DOMAIN . '/public/images/background_images/' . $page->background_images;
         $this->view->bodystyle .= 'background-image: url(' . $page_background . ');';
     } else {
         if ($page->background_color != null && $page->background_color != '') {
             $this->view->bodystyle .= 'background-color:' . $page->background_color . ';';
     $this->view->listMenu = $listMenu;
 public function binhchonAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $this->view->curr_page = $request->getParam('search_page', 1);
     $this->view->count = 20;
     if (isset($_GET['thisinhid']) && $_GET['thisinhid'] > 0) {
         $facebook = new Ishali_Facebook();
         $this->view->fbuserid = $facebook->getuserfbid();
         $this->view->list_pages = App_Models_PagesModel::getInstance()->listSelectPages($this->view->fbuserid);
         $this->view->pagename = $request->getParam('pagename');
         $this->view->pageid = $request->getParam('pageid', 0);
         $this->view->id = $request->getParam('thisinhid', 0);
         //    		$this->view->page_name = $_GET['page_name'];
         $binhchondetail = App_Models_ImageInfoModel::getInstance()->getBinhchon($this->view->id, $this->view->curr_page, $this->view->count);
         $this->view->binhchondetail = $binhchondetail;
         $this->view->total = $binhchondetail['total'];
         $paging = array();
         $paging['totalRecord'] = $binhchondetail['total'];
         $paging['currentPage'] = $this->view->curr_page;
         $paging['numDisplay'] = 2;
         $paging['pageSize'] = $this->view->count;
         $paging['action'] = APP_DOMAIN . "/admin/thisinh/binhchon";
         $this->view->paging = json_encode($paging);
     if ($request->getParam('isajax')) {
         $layoutPath = APPLICATION_PATH . '/templates/giaodien_admin';
         $option = array('layout' => 'install', 'layoutPath' => $layoutPath);