Beispiel #1

include S_SECTIONS . "/member/memberaccess.php";
 * @author hidden
 * @copyright 2010
if (!isset($InvOrderLineObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.InvoiceDetailLine.php";
    $InvOrderLineObj = new InvoiceDetailLine();
$key = $_GET['q'];
$type = $_GET['type'];
$iInvId = $_GET['iInvId'];
$name = trim($_GET['name']);
$iOrganizationID = trim($_GET['icompid']);
// prints($_GET); exit;
if($sess_usertype == 'securitymanager')
    $where=" AND bom.iASMID='".$sess_id."'";
    $where = " AND bom.iOrganizationID = '".$sess_id."'";
$where = "";
if ($key != '') {
    $where .= ' AND vItemCode LIKE "%' . $key . '%" ';
// echo $curORGID; exit;
//if($iOrganizationID != '')
$where .= " AND iInvoiceID={$iInvId} ";
Beispiel #2

if (!isset($invOrdObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.InvoiceOrderHeading.php";
    $invOrdObj = new InvoiceOrderHeading();
if (!isset($invLineObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.InvoiceDetailLine.php";
    $invLineObj = new InvoiceDetailLine();
if (!isset($orgObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php";
    $orgObj = new Organization();
if (!isset($orgprefObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationPreference.php";
    $orgprefObj = new OrganizationPreference();
if (!isset($statusmasterObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "class.StatusMaster.php";
    $statusmasterObj = new StatusMaster();
if (!isset($orgUsrObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.OrganizationUser.php";
    $orgUsrObj = new OrganizationUser();
if (!isset($secManObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "securitymanager/class.SecurityManager.php";
    $secManObj = new SecurityManager();
if (!isset($emailObj)) {
Beispiel #3

include S_SECTIONS . "/member/memberaccess.php";
if (!isset($orgObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php";
    $orgObj = new Organization();
if (!isset($invLineObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.InvoiceDetailLine.php";
    $invLineObj = new InvoiceDetailLine();
if (!isset($orgUserObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.InvoiceOrderHeading.php";
    $invOrdObj = new InvoiceOrderHeading();
if (!isset($statusmasterObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "class.StatusMaster.php";
    $statusmasterObj = new StatusMaster();
if (!isset($countryObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "class.Country.php";
    $countryObj = new Country();
$invid = $_GET['id'];
if (isset($_SESSION['SESS_' . PRJ_CONST_PREFIX . '_MSG'])) {
    $msg = $_SESSION['SESS_' . PRJ_CONST_PREFIX . '_MSG'];
    unset($_SESSION['SESS_' . PRJ_CONST_PREFIX . '_MSG']);
if ($msg == 'ras') {
    $msg = $smarty->get_template_vars('MSG_ADD_SUCC');
Beispiel #4
if (!isset($orgprefObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationPreference.php";
    $orgprefObj = new OrganizationPreference();
if (!isset($statusmasterObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "class.StatusMaster.php";
    $statusmasterObj = new StatusMaster();
if (!isset($iohObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.InvoiceOrderHeading.php";
    $iohObj = new InvoiceOrderHeading();
if (!isset($invLineObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.InvoiceDetailLine.php";
    $invLineObj = new InvoiceDetailLine();
if (!isset($poLineObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.PurchaseOrderLine.php";
    $poLineObj = new PurchaseOrderLine();
if (!isset($orgUsrObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.OrganizationUser.php";
    $orgUsrObj = new OrganizationUser();
if (!isset($secManObj)) {
    require_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "securitymanager/class.SecurityManager.php";
    $secManObj = new SecurityManager();
if (!isset($emailObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . 'class.EmailTemplate.php';
Beispiel #5

if (!isset($invLineObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.InvoiceDetailLine.php";
    $invLineObj = new InvoiceDetailLine();
if (!isset($orgObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php";
    $orgObj = new Organization();
if (!isset($invOrdObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.InvoiceOrderHeading.php";
    $invOrdObj = new InvoiceOrderHeading();
if (!isset($orgprefObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.OrganizationPreference.php";
    $orgprefObj = new OrganizationPreference();
if (!isset($statusmasterObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "class.StatusMaster.php";
    $statusmasterObj = new StatusMaster();
if (!isset($emailObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . 'class.EmailTemplate.php';
    $emailObj = new EmailTemplate();
if (!isset($userActionObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . 'user/class.UserActionVerification.php';
    $userActionObj = new UserActionVerification();
if (!isset($sendMail)) {
Beispiel #6
//$reqVal = Recompile($reqVal);

$scs = 'n';
// prints($reqVal); exit;
if (count($reqVal) > 0) {
    if (!isset($poLineObj)) {
        include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.InvoiceDetailLine.php";
        $poLineObj = new InvoiceDetailLine();
    if (!isset($orgObj)) {
        include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "organization/class.Organization.php";
        $orgObj = new Organization();
    if (!isset($statusmasterObj)) {
        include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "class.StatusMaster.php";
        $statusmasterObj = new StatusMaster();
    $TagArr = array('Supplier Company Name' => 'vSupplierName', 'Supplier Company ID' => 'iSupplierOrganizationID', 'Supplier Code' => 'vInvoiceSupplierCode', 'Invoice Supplier Code' => 'vInvSupplierCode', 'Related PO Code ' => 'vExtPOCode', 'Buyer Name' => 'vBuyerName', 'Buyer ID' => 'iBuyerOrganizationID', 'Buyer Contact Party ' => 'vBuyerContactParty', 'Invoice Code' => 'vInvoiceCode', 'Issue Date' => 'dIssueDate', 'Invioce Description' => 'tInvoiceDescription', 'Opening Unit' => 'iOpeningUnit', 'Supplier Order Num' => 'vSupplierOrderNum', 'Invoice Type' => 'eInvoiceType', 'Line Item Tax' => 'eLineItemTax', 'VAT' => 'fVAT', 'Other tax 1' => 'fOtherTax1', 'Freight' => 'vFreight', 'Miscellaneous' => 'tMiscellaneous', 'Discount Baseline' => 'dCashDiscountBaseline', 'Max Cash Discount Days' => 'iMaxCashDiscountDays', 'Max Cash Discount Percentage' => 'fMaxCashDiscountPercentage', 'Normal Cash Discount Days ' => 'iNormalCashDiscountDays', 'Normal Cash Discount Percentage' => 'iNormalCashDiscountPercentage', 'Bill To Party' => 'vBillToParty', 'Bill To AddLine 1' => 'vBillToAddLine1', 'Bill To AddLine 2' => 'vBillToAddLine2', 'Bill To City' => 'vBillToCity', 'Bill To Country' => 'vBillToCountry', 'Bill To State' => 'vBillToState', 'Bill To ZipCode' => 'vBillToZipCode', 'Bill To Contact Party' => 'vBillToContactParty', 'Bill To Contact Telephone' => 'vBillToContactTelephone', 'Currency' => 'vCurrency', 'Invoice Total' => 'fInvoiceTotal', 'Prepayment' => 'fPrePayment', 'Sourcing Document' => 'tSourcingDocument', 'Global Agreement' => 'tGlobalAgreement', 'Payment Terms' => 'tPaymentTerms', 'FOB' => 'tFOB', 'Delivery Terms' => 'tDeliveryTerms', 'Shipping Control' => 'tShippingControl', 'Conditions For Payment' => 'tConditionsForPayment', 'Penalties' => 'tPenalties', 'Special Instruction' => 'tSpecialInstruction', 'Note' => 'tNote');
    $pref_ary = array('tSourcingDocument', 'tGlobalAgreement', 'tPaymentTerms', 'tFOB', 'tDeliveryTerms', 'tShippingControl', 'tConditionsForPayment', 'tPenalties', 'tSpecialInstruction', 'tNote');
    $itemTagArr = array('Order Type' => 'eInvoiceType', 'Item Description' => 'tDescription', 'Item Line No' => 'iLineNumber', 'Quantity' => 'iQuantity', 'Unit Of Measure' => 'vUnitOfMeasure', 'Price' => 'fPrice', 'Amount' => 'fAmount', 'VAT' => 'fVAT', 'Other Tax' => 'fOtherTax1', 'Sub Item Type' => 'eSublineType', 'Sub Item Quantity' => 'iSubQuantity', 'Sub Item Rate' => 'fSubRate', 'Sub Item Amount' => 'fSubAmount', 'Line Total' => 'fLineTotal');
    foreach ($reqVal as $key => $val) {
        $Data = array();
        $i = 0;
Beispiel #7

include S_SECTIONS . "/member/memberaccess.php";
$msg = $_GET['msg'];
$iInvoiceID = $_GET['id'];
if (!isset($InvLineObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.InvoiceDetailLine.php";
    $InvLineObj = new InvoiceDetailLine();
if (!isset($orgUserObj)) {
    include_once SITE_CLASS_APPLICATION . "user/class.InvoiceOrderHeading.php";
    $invOrdObj = new InvoiceOrderHeading();
if ($msg != 'pop') {
    $msg = '';
if (trim($iInvoiceID) != '' && is_numeric($iInvoiceID)) {
    $view = 'edit';
    $where = ' AND iInvoiceID = "' . $iInvoiceID . '"';
    $invoiceData = $InvLineObj->getDetails('*', $where);
    $invdtls = $invOrdObj->select($iInvoiceID);
    $isdtls = $statusmasterObj->getDetails('*', " AND eFor='Invoice' AND vStatus_en='Issued' ");
    $isdtls = $isdtls[0]['iStatusID'];
    if (!(is_array($invoiceData) && count($invoiceData) > 0)) {
        // header("Location: ".SITE_URL_DUM."invoicelist");
        // exit;
    if ($uorg_type == 'Buyer2') {
        $b2us = $invOrdObj->getInvoiceRfq2Buyer2OrgIds($iInvoiceID);
        if (!in_array($curORGID, $b2us)) {