  * Create a thumbnail for the given file with the given width and height.
  * @param string $name name of the image to create the thumbnail of
  * @param string $fullPath absolute path to the image to create the thumbnail of
  * @param int $width width to resize to (Set to 0 to preserve aspect ratio)
  * @param int $height height to resize to (Set to 0 to preserve aspect ratio)
  * @param bool $exact This will preserve aspect ratio by using a crop after the resize
  * @return string path where the thumbnail was created
  * @throws phMagickException
  * @throws Zend_Exception
 public function createThumbnailFromPath($name, $fullPath, $width, $height, $exact = true)
     /** @var SettingModel $settingModel */
     $settingModel = MidasLoader::loadModel('Setting');
     $provider = $settingModel->getValueByName(MIDAS_THUMBNAILCREATOR_PROVIDER_KEY, $this->moduleName);
     $useThumbnailer = $settingModel->getValueByName(MIDAS_THUMBNAILCREATOR_USE_THUMBNAILER_KEY, $this->moduleName);
     $preprocessedFormats = array('mha', 'nrrd');
     $ext = strtolower(substr(strrchr($name, '.'), 1));
     if ($useThumbnailer === 1 && $provider === 'phmagick' && in_array($ext, $preprocessedFormats)) {
         // pre-process the file to get a temporary JPEG file and then feed it to ImageMagick later.
         $preprocessedJpeg = $this->preprocessByThumbnailer($name, $fullPath);
         if (isset($preprocessedJpeg) && file_exists($preprocessedJpeg)) {
             $fullPath = $preprocessedJpeg;
             $ext = strtolower(substr(strrchr($preprocessedJpeg, '.'), 1));
     // create destination
     $tmpPath = UtilityComponent::getTempDirectory('thumbnailcreator');
     $format = $settingModel->getValueByName(MIDAS_THUMBNAILCREATOR_FORMAT_KEY, $this->moduleName);
     if ($format === 'jpeg') {
     /** @var RandomComponent $randomComponent */
     $randomComponent = MidasLoader::loadComponent('Random');
     $destination = $tmpPath . '/' . $randomComponent->generateInt() . '.' . $format;
     while (file_exists($destination)) {
         $destination = $tmpPath . '/' . $randomComponent->generateInt() . '.' . $format;
     $pathThumbnail = $destination;
     if ($provider === 'phmagick') {
         $imageMagickPath = $settingModel->getValueByName(MIDAS_THUMBNAILCREATOR_IMAGE_MAGICK_KEY, $this->moduleName);
         switch ($ext) {
             case 'pdf':
             case 'mpg':
             case 'mpeg':
             case 'mp4':
             case 'm4v':
             case 'avi':
             case 'mov':
             case 'flv':
             case 'rm':
                 // If this is a video, we have to have the file extension, so symlink it
                 if (function_exists('symlink') && symlink($fullPath, $fullPath . '.' . $ext)) {
                     $p = new phmagick('', $pathThumbnail);
                     $p->acquireFrame($fullPath . '.' . $ext, 0);
                     if ($exact) {
                         // preserve aspect ratio by performing a crop after the resize
                         $p->resizeExactly($width, $height);
                     } else {
                         $p->resize($width, $height);
                     unlink($fullPath . '.' . $ext);
                 // Otherwise it is just a normal image
                 $p = new phmagick($fullPath, $pathThumbnail);
                 if ($exact) {
                     // preserve aspect ratio by performing a crop after the resize
                     $p->resizeExactly($width, $height);
                 } else {
                     $p->resize($width, $height);
         // delete temporary file generated in pre-process step
         if (isset($preprocessedJpeg) && file_exists($preprocessedJpeg)) {
         try {
             $manager = new \Intervention\Image\ImageManager(array('driver' => $provider));
             $image = $manager->make($fullPath);
             if ($height === 0) {
             } elseif ($width === 0) {
             } else {
                 $image->resize($width, $height);
         } catch (\RuntimeException $exception) {
             throw new Zend_Exception('Thumbnail creation failed');
     } else {
         throw new Zend_Exception('No thumbnail provider has been selected');
     return $pathThumbnail;
Beispiel #2
 public function edit($id)
     $ads = Model\Portal\Ads::where('code', $id)->first();
     if ($ads) {
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('show', 'Tampil', 'required');
         if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
             $this->template->build('edit', compact('ads'));
         } else {
             if (isset($_FILES['image'])) {
                 $manager = new Intervention\Image\ImageManager();
                 $image = $manager->make($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']);
                 $image->resize($ads->width, $ads->height);
                 $image->save(PATH_ADS . '/ads_' . $ads->code . '.jpg');
                 $ads->image = 'ads_' . $ads->code . '.jpg';
             $ads->show = $this->input->post('show');
             $ads->link = $this->input->post('link');
             set_message_success('Iklan berhasil diperbarui.');
             redirect('ads', 'refresh');
     } else {
         set_message_error('Iklan tidak ada');
         redirect('ads', 'refresh');
Beispiel #3
 public function uploadFile($file, $type = null)
     $w = null;
     $h = null;
     switch ($type) {
         case 'avatar':
             $h = 300;
             $prefix = "avatars";
     include_once '../vendor/intervention/image/src/Intervention/Image/ImageManager.php';
     $image = new \Intervention\Image\ImageManager();
     $img = $image->make($file->getRealPath());
     $ext = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
     $img->resize($w, $h, function ($constraint) {
     $fname = $this->generateName();
     $fname .= "." . $ext;
     switch (config('filesystems.default')) {
         case 'local':
             Storage::put($prefix . "/" . $fname, $img);
         case 's3':
             Storage::put($prefix . "/" . $fname, $img->stream()->__toString());
     // storage_path always shows local path, even when filesystem set to s3
     // Storage facade does not return the path to remote file, hence for now - fixed one
     $path = "https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/flocc";
     return $path . "/" . $prefix . "/" . $fname;
Beispiel #4
  * Get image either from cache or directly processed
  * and save image in cache if it's not saved yet
  * @param  int  $lifetime
  * @param  bool $returnObj
  * @return mixed
 public function get($lifetime = null, $returnObj = false)
     $lifetime = is_null($lifetime) ? $this->lifetime : intval($lifetime);
     $key = $this->checksum();
     // try to get image from cache
     $cachedImageData = $this->cache->get($key);
     // if imagedata exists in cache
     if ($cachedImageData) {
         // transform into image-object
         if ($returnObj) {
             $image = $this->manager->make($cachedImageData);
             $cachedImage = new CachedImage();
             return $cachedImage->setFromOriginal($image, $key);
         // return raw data
         return $cachedImageData;
     } else {
         // process image data
         $image = $this->process();
         // encode image data only if image is not encoded yet
         $image = $image->encoded ? $image->encoded : $image->encode();
         // save to cache...
         $this->cache->put($key, (string) $image, $lifetime);
         // return processed image
         return $returnObj ? $image : (string) $image;
Beispiel #5
 public function createThumb($fileKey)
     list($width, $height) = getimagesize('C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\filehost\\web\\files/' . $fileKey);
     $imageManager = new \Intervention\Image\ImageManager(array('driver' => 'gd'));
     $image = $imageManager->make('C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\filehost\\web\\files\\' . $fileKey);
     if ($width >= $height) {
         $image->resize(250, null, function ($constraint) {
     } else {
         $image->resize(null, 250, function ($constraint) {
     $image->save('C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\filehost\\web\\files\\thumb\\' . $fileKey);
Beispiel #6
  * Get image either from cache or directly processed
  * and save image in cache if it's not saved yet
  * @param  int  $lifetime
  * @param  bool $returnObj
  * @return mixed
 public function get($lifetime = null, $returnObj = false, $lastModified = null)
     $lifetime = is_null($lifetime) ? $this->lifetime : intval($lifetime);
     $key = $this->checksum();
     // try to get image from cache
     $cachedImageData = unserialize($this->cache->get($key));
     // if imagedata exists in cache
     if ($cachedImageData) {
         if (!empty($lastModified) && $this->checkLastModified($lastModified, $cachedImageData['last_modified'])) {
             return new NotModified();
         // transform into image-object
         if ($returnObj) {
             $image = $this->manager->make($cachedImageData['image']);
             $cachedImage = new CachedImage();
             return $cachedImage->setFromOriginal($image, $key);
         // return raw data
         return $cachedImageData['image'];
     } else {
         // process image data
         $image = $this->process();
         // encode image data only if image is not encoded yet
         $encoded = $image->encoded ? $image->encoded : (string) $image->encode();
         $data = serialize(['last_modified' => gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T", time()), 'image' => $encoded]);
         // save to cache...
         $this->cache->put($key, $data, $lifetime);
         // return processed image
         return $returnObj ? $image : $encoded;
Beispiel #7
  * 本地生成水印api
  * @param mixed $img_url 原图url
  * @param mixed $watermark_img_url 水印url
  * @param mixed $config 水印配置,默认为 array(
  *	'position' => 'center', // top-left, top, top-right, left, center, right, bottom-left, bottom, bottom-right
  *	'width_scale' => 0.5,   // 水印占据原图宽度
  *	'x' => 0,               // X offset
  *	'y' => 0,               // Y offset
  * )
  * @access public
  * @return void
 static function local_watermark_api($img_url, $watermark_img_url, $config = [])
     $config = array_merge(['position' => 'center', 'width_scale' => 0.5, 'x' => 0, 'y' => 0], $config);
     $image = new \Intervention\Image\ImageManager(['driver' => 'imagick']);
     $img = $image->make($img_url);
     $mime = $img->mime();
     $watermark = $image->make($watermark_img_url);
     $watermark->widen(intval($img->width() * $config['width_scale']));
     $img->insert($watermark, $config['position'], $config['x'], $config['y']);
     switch ($mime) {
         case 'image/png':
             $type = 'png';
         case 'image/gif':
             $type = 'gif';
         case 'image/jpeg':
             $type = 'jpeg';
     return $img->encode($type);
Beispiel #8
 public function uploadPhotoAlbum()
     $files = $this->getFiles();
     if (count($files) < 1) {
         return false;
     $fileLink = $this->getDir() . '/temp/' . rand(0, 10000) . time() . md5($files[0]->getName()) . '.jpg';
     /* Optimize */
     $factory = new \ImageOptimizer\OptimizerFactory();
     $optimizer = $factory->get('jpegoptim');
     $filepath = $fileLink;
     /* End Optimize */
     $manger = new \Intervention\Image\ImageManager();
     $image = $manger->make($fileLink);
     //iphone and android
     if (($image->mime === 'image/jpg' || $image->mime === 'image/jpeg') && $image->exif('Orientation')) {
         $this->orientate($image, $image->exif('Orientation'));
     $image = $this->convertToThumbnail($image);
     $image->save($fileLink, 80);
     $locationData = (new fileStorage())->upload($fileLink);
     return $locationData;