public function listPatientAccountDetailsAction()
     $visitId = (int) $this->_getParam('visitId');
     $visit = new Visit();
     $visit->visitId = $visitId;
     $facility = $visit->facility;
     // Facility
     $providerDisplayName = $visit->providerDisplayName;
     // Provider
     $summary = $visit->accountDetails;
     $rows = array();
     foreach ($summary['claimFiles']['details'] as $data) {
         $claimFile = $data['claimFile'];
         $visit = $data['visit'];
         $claimFileId = (int) $claimFile->claimFileId;
         $row = array();
         $row['id'] = $visitId;
         $row['data'] = array();
         $row['data'][] = $claimFileId;
         // Id
         $row['data'][] = InsuranceProgram::getInsuranceProgram($claimFile->payerId);
         // Payer Name
         $row['data'][] = substr($claimFile->dateBilled, 0, 10);
         // Date Billed
         $row['data'][] = substr($claimFile->dateTime, 0, 10);
         // Date
         $row['data'][] = '$' . $claimFile->billed;
         // Billed
         $row['data'][] = '$' . $claimFile->paid;
         // Paid
         $row['data'][] = '$' . $claimFile->writeOff;
         // Write Off
         $row['data'][] = '$' . $claimFile->balance;
         // Balance
         $row['data'][] = '';
         // Chk #
         $row['data'][] = $facility;
         // Facility
         $row['data'][] = $providerDisplayName;
         // Provider
         $row['data'][] = $claimFile->enteredBy;
         // Entered By
         if (!isset($rows[$id])) {
             $rows[$id] = array();
         $rows[$id][] = $row;
     $ctr = 0;
     // charges
     foreach ($summary['charges']['details'] as $row) {
         $amount = (double) $row->baseFee;
         $id = $row->visitId;
         if (!isset($rows[$id])) {
             $rows[$id] = array();
         $rows[$id]['info'][] = array('amount' => $amount, 'type' => 'debit');
         $rows[$id][] = array('id' => $id . '-' . $ctr++, 'data' => array('Charge', InsuranceProgram::getInsuranceProgram($row->insuranceProgramId), substr($row->dateTime, 0, 10), '', '$' . $amount, '', '', '', '', $facility, $providerDisplayName, $row->enteredBy));
     // misc charges
     foreach ($summary['miscCharges']['details'] as $row) {
         $amount = (double) $row->amount;
         $id = $row->miscChargeId;
         if (!isset($rows[$id])) {
             $rows[$id] = array();
         $rows[$id]['info'][] = array('amount' => $amount, 'type' => 'debit');
         $rows[$id][] = array('id' => $id, 'data' => array('Misc Charge', '', substr($row->chargeDate, 0, 10), '', '$' . $amount, '', '', '', '', $facility, $providerDisplayName, $row->enteredBy));
     // payments
     foreach ($summary['payments']['details'] as $row) {
         if ($row instanceof PostingJournal) {
             $amount = (double) $row->amount;
             $id = $row->postingJournalId;
             $datePosted = $row->datePosted;
             $refNum = $row->payment->refNum;
         } else {
             $amount = (double) $row->unallocated;
             $id = $row->paymentId;
             $datePosted = $row->paymentDate;
             $refNum = $row->refNum;
         if (!isset($rows[$id])) {
             $rows[$id] = array();
         $rows[$id]['info'][] = array('amount' => $amount, 'type' => 'credit');
         $rows[$id][] = array('id' => $id, 'data' => array('Payment', InsuranceProgram::getInsuranceProgram($row->payerId), '', substr($datePosted, 0, 10), '', '$' . $amount, '', '', $refNum, $facility, $providerDisplayName, $row->enteredBy));
     // writeoffs
     foreach ($summary['writeOffs']['details'] as $row) {
         $amount = (double) $row->amount;
         $id = $row->writeOffId;
         if (!isset($rows[$id])) {
             $rows[$id] = array();
         $rows[$id]['info'][] = array('amount' => $amount, 'type' => 'credit');
         $rows[$id][] = array('id' => $id, 'data' => array('Write Off', InsuranceProgram::getInsuranceProgram($row->payerId), '', substr($row->timestamp, 0, 10), '', '', '$' . $amount, '', '', $facility, $providerDisplayName, $row->enteredBy));
     $data = array('rows' => array());
     $balance = 0;
     foreach ($rows as $values) {
         $info = $values['info'];
         foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
             $amount = $info[$key]['amount'];
             if ($info[$key]['type'] == 'debit') {
                 $balance += $amount;
             } else {
                 $balance -= $amount;
             $value['data'][7] = '$' . abs($balance);
             $data['rows'][] = $value;
     $json = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('json');
     $json->suppressExit = true;
Beispiel #2
 public function getInsuranceProgram()
     return InsuranceProgram::getInsuranceProgram($this->activePayerId);
Beispiel #3
 public static function listCharges(array $filters)
     $db = Zend_Registry::get('dbAdapter');
     $sqlSelect = $db->select()->from('claimLines')->join('encounter', 'encounter.encounter_id = claimLines.visitId', array('SUM(claimLines.baseFee) AS totalBaseFee', 'SUM(claimLines.adjustedFee) AS totalAdjustedFee'))->order('claimLines.dateTime DESC')->order('claimLines.claimId DESC')->order('encounter.appointmentId')->group('encounter.encounter_id');
     $sqlSelect = $db->select()->from('encounter')->order('encounter.date_of_treatment DESC');
     $mscSelect = $db->select()->from('misc_charge', array('misc_charge.misc_charge_id AS id', 'misc_charge.amount AS billed', 'CONCAT(\'0\') AS paid', 'CONCAT(\'0\') AS writeOff', 'CONCAT(\'Misc Charge\') AS payer', 'encounter.date_of_treatment AS dateOfTreatment', 'misc_charge.charge_date AS dateBilled', 'CONCAT(patient.last_name,\', \',patient.first_name,\' \',patient.middle_name) AS patientName', 'CONCAT(\'\') AS facility', 'CONCAT(provider.last_name,\', \',provider.first_name,\' \',provider.middle_name) AS providerName'))->join('encounter', 'encounter.encounter_id = misc_charge.encounter_id')->join(array('patient' => 'person'), 'patient.person_id = encounter.patient_id')->join(array('provider' => 'person'), 'provider.person_id = encounter.treating_person_id')->order('misc_charge.charge_date DESC');
     foreach ($filters as $key => $value) {
         switch ($key) {
             case 'dateRange':
                 $sqlSelect->where("encounter.date_of_treatment BETWEEN '{$value['start']} 00:00:00' AND '{$value['end']} 23:59:59'");
                 $mscSelect->where("encounter.date_of_treatment BETWEEN '{$value['start']} 00:00:00' AND '{$value['end']} 23:59:59'");
             case 'facilities':
                 // practice, building, room
                 if (!is_array($value)) {
                     $value = array($value);
                 $facilities = array();
                 foreach ($value as $val) {
                     $facilities[] = 'encounter.practice_id = ' . (int) $val['practice'] . ' AND encounter.building_id = ' . (int) $val['building'] . ' AND encounter.room_id = ' . (int) $val['room'];
                 $sqlSelect->where(implode(' OR ', $facilities));
                 $mscSelect->where(implode(' OR ', $facilities));
             case 'payers':
                 $payers = array();
                 foreach ($value as $payerId) {
                     $payers[] = (int) $payerId;
                 $payers = implode(',', $payers);
                 $sqlSelect->where('encounter.activePayerId IN (' . $payers . ')');
                 $mscSelect->where('encounter.activePayerId IN (' . $payers . ')');
             case 'facility':
                 // practice, building, room
                 $sqlSelect->where('encounter.practice_id = ?', (int) $value['practice']);
                 $sqlSelect->where('encounter.building_id = ?', (int) $value['building']);
                 $sqlSelect->where('encounter.room_id = ?', (int) $value['room']);
                 // practice, building, room
                 $mscSelect->where('encounter.practice_id = ?', (int) $value['practice']);
                 $mscSelect->where('encounter.building_id = ?', (int) $value['building']);
                 $mscSelect->where('encounter.room_id = ?', (int) $value['room']);
             case 'insurer':
                 $sqlSelect->where('encounter.activePayerId = ?', (int) $value);
                 $mscSelect->where('encounter.activePayerId = ?', (int) $value);
             case 'visitId':
                 $sqlSelect->where('encounter.encounter_id = ?', (int) $value);
                 $mscSelect->where('encounter.encounter_id = ?', (int) $value);
             case 'provider':
                 $value = array($value);
             case 'providers':
                 $providers = array();
                 foreach ($value as $providerId) {
                     $providers[] = (int) $providerId;
                 $providers = implode(',', $providers);
                 $sqlSelect->where('encounter.treating_person_id IN (' . $providers . ')');
                 $mscSelect->where('encounter.treating_person_id IN (' . $providers . ')');
             case 'closed':
                 $sqlSelect->where('encounter.closed = ?', (int) $value);
                 $mscSelect->where('encounter.closed = ?', (int) $value);
             case 'void':
                 $sqlSelect->where('encounter.void = ?', (int) $value);
                 $mscSelect->where('encounter.void = ?', (int) $value);
     $rows = array();
     $visits = array();
     $payers = array();
     $facilities = array();
     $patients = array();
     $providers = array();
     $stmt = $db->query($sqlSelect);
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
         $visit = new Visit();
         $visitId = (int) $visit->visitId;
         $acct = $visit->accountSummary;
         $paid = $acct['payment'];
         $writeoff = $acct['writeoff'];
         $total = $acct['total'];
         $billed = $acct['billed'];
         $balance = $acct['balance'];
         $payerId = isset($acct['claimLine']) ? $acct['claimLine']->insuranceProgramId : $visit->activePayerId;
         if (!isset($payers[$payerId])) {
             $payers[$payerId] = InsuranceProgram::getInsuranceProgram($payerId);
         $patientId = (int) $visit->patientId;
         if (!isset($patients[$patientId])) {
             $patient = new Patient();
             $patient->personId = $patientId;
             $patients[$patientId] = $patient;
         $facilityId = (int) $visit->roomId;
         if (!isset($facilities[$facilityId])) {
             $facilities[$facilityId] = $visit->facility;
         $providerId = (int) $visit->providerId;
         if (!isset($providers[$providerId])) {
             $provider = new Provider();
             $provider->personId = $providerId;
             $providers[$providerId] = $provider;
         $tmp = array();
         $tmp['id'] = $visitId;
         $tmp['total'] = $total;
         $tmp['billed'] = $billed;
         $tmp['paid'] = $paid;
         $tmp['writeOff'] = $writeoff;
         $tmp['balance'] = $balance;
         $tmp['payer'] = $payers[$payerId];
         $tmp['dateOfTreatment'] = $visit->dateOfTreatment;
         $tmp['dateBilled'] = isset($acct['claimLine']) ? $acct['claimLine']->dateTime : $visit->dateOfTreatment;
         $patientName = $patients[$patientId]->personId > 0 ? $patients[$patientId]->person->displayName : '';
         $tmp['patientName'] = $patientName;
         $tmp['facility'] = $facilities[$facilityId];
         $providerName = $providers[$providerId]->personId > 0 ? $providers[$providerId]->person->displayName : '';
         $tmp['providerName'] = $providerName;
         $rows[] = $tmp;
     $stmt = $db->query($mscSelect);
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
         $row['balance'] = (double) $row['billed'] - ((double) $row['paid'] + (double) $row['writeOff']);
         $rows[] = $row;
     return $rows;
Beispiel #4
 public function getInsuranceDisplay()
     $payerId = (int) $this->payer_id;
     $ret = '';
     if ($payerId > 0) {
         $ret = InsuranceProgram::getInsuranceProgram($payerId);
     return $ret;
 public function listPaymentHistoryAction()
     $visitId = (int) $this->_getParam('visitId');
     $filters = array('visitId' => $visitId, 'unposted' => true);
     $iterators = ClaimLine::getPaymentHistory($filters);
     $rows = array();
     foreach ($iterators as $iterator) {
         foreach ($iterator as $item) {
             $row = array();
             $row['data'] = array();
             if ($item instanceof PostingJournal) {
                 $row['id'] = $item->postingJournalId;
                 $row['data'][] = $item->datePosted;
                 $row['data'][] = '';
                 $row['data'][] = $item->amount;
                 $row['data'][] = '';
                 $row['data'][] = InsuranceProgram::getInsuranceProgram($item->payerId);
                 $row['data'][] = $item->note;
                 $row['data'][] = 'P';
             } else {
                 if ($item instanceof Payment) {
                     $row['id'] = $item->paymentId;
                     $row['data'][] = $item->paymentDate;
                     $row['data'][] = '';
                     $row['data'][] = $item->unallocated;
                     $row['data'][] = '';
                     $row['data'][] = InsuranceProgram::getInsuranceProgram($item->payerId);
                     $row['data'][] = $item->title;
                     $row['data'][] = 'U';
                 } else {
                     $row['id'] = $item->writeOffId;
                     $row['data'][] = substr($item->timestamp, 0, 10);
                     $row['data'][] = '';
                     $row['data'][] = '';
                     $row['data'][] = $item->amount;
                     $row['data'][] = InsuranceProgram::getInsuranceProgram($item->payerId);
                     $row['data'][] = $item->title;
                     $row['data'][] = 'U';
             $rows[] = $row;
     $json = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('json');
     $json->suppressExit = true;
     $json->direct(array('rows' => $rows));