} else {
                if ($type == "C") {
                    $consultation_fee = $encounter['article'];
        $type = "C";
include_once $root_path . 'include/inc_date_format_functions.php';
/* Update History */
if (!$newdata) {
    $encounter_obj->setHistorySeen($_SESSION['sess_user_name'], $encounter_nr);
/* Get insurance firm name*/
$insurance_firm_name = $insurance_obj->getFirmName($insurance_firm_id);
/* Check whether config path exists, else use default path */
$photo_path = is_dir($root_path . $GLOBAL_CONFIG['person_foto_path']) ? $GLOBAL_CONFIG['person_foto_path'] : $default_photo_path;
/* Prepare text and resolve the numbers */
require_once $root_path . 'include/inc_patient_encounter_type.php';
/* Save encounter nrs to session */
$_SESSION['sess_pid'] = $pid;
$_SESSION['sess_en'] = $encounter_nr;
$_SESSION['sess_full_en'] = $full_en;
$_SESSION['sess_parent_mod'] = 'admission';
$_SESSION['sess_user_origin'] = 'admission';
$_SESSION['sess_file_return'] = $thisfile;
/* Prepare the photo filename */
require_once $root_path . 'include/inc_photo_filename_resolve.php';
$user = $_COOKIE[$local_user . $sid];
# Start Smarty templating here
Beispiel #2
    $data[] = array($encounter['blood_group'], ar2uni("{$LDBloodGroup} :"));
    $data[] = array(ar2uni($eclass), ar2uni("{$LDAdmitType} :"));
    if ($encounter['encounter_class_nr'] == 1) {
        $data[] = array(ar2uni($current_ward_name), ar2uni("{$LDWard} :"));
    } else {
        $data[] = array(ar2uni($current_dept_name), ar2uni("{$LDDepartment} :"));
    $data[] = array('');
    $data[] = array(ar2uni($encounter['referrer_diagnosis']), ar2uni("{$LDDiagnosis} :"));
    $data[] = array(ar2uni($encounter['referrer_dr']), ar2uni("{$LDRecBy} :"));
    $data[] = array(ar2uni($encounter['referrer_recom_therapy']), ar2uni("{$LDTherapy} :"));
    $data[] = array(ar2uni($encounter['referrer_notes']), ar2uni("{$LDSpecials} :"));
    $data[] = array('');
    $data[] = array(ar2uni($insclass), ar2uni("{$LDBillType} :"));
    $data[] = array($encounter['insurance_nr'], ar2uni("{$LDInsuranceNr} :"));
    $data[] = array(ar2uni($insurance_obj->getFirmName($encounter['insurance_firm_id'])), ar2uni("{$LDInsuranceCo} :"));
    $data[] = array('');
    $data[] = array(ar2uni($encounter['create_id']), ar2uni("{$LDAdmitBy} :"));
    $pdf->ezTable($data, '', '', array('xPos' => 'right', 'xOrientation' => 'left', 'showLines' => 0, 'fontSize' => $report_textsize, 'showHeadings' => 0, 'shaded' => 0, 'cols' => array(0 => array('justification' => 'right'))));
} else {
    # Load the page header #1
    require '../std_plates/pageheader1.php';
    # Load the patient data plate #1
    require '../std_plates/patientdata1.php';
    $data = NULL;
    # make empty line
    # make empty line
    $y = $pdf->ezText("\n", 14);
# Encounter admission date
ImageTTFText($label, 11, 0, $lmargin, $tmargin + 30, $eblack, $arial, $result['pdate']);
# Family name, first name
ImageTTFText($label, 16, 0, $lmargin, $tmargin + 56, $eblack, $arial, ar2uni($result['name_last']) . ', ' . ar2uni($result['name_first']));
# Date of birth
ImageTTFText($label, 11, 0, $lmargin, $tmargin + 74, $eblack, $arial, $result['date_birth']);
# Address street nr, street name
ImageTTFText($label, 11, 0, $lmargin, $tmargin + 93, $eblack, $arial, ucfirst(ar2uni($result['addr_str'])) . ' ' . $result['addr_str_nr']);
# Address, zip, city/town name
ImageTTFText($label, 11, 0, $lmargin, $tmargin + 108, $eblack, $arial, ucfirst(ar2uni($result['addr_zip'])) . ' ' . ar2uni($result['name']));
# Sex
ImageTTFText($label, 14, 0, $lmargin, $tmargin + 130, $eblack, $arial, strtoupper($result['sex']));
# Family name, repeat print
ImageTTFText($label, 14, 0, $lmargin + 30, $tmargin + 130, $eblack, $arial, ar2uni($result['name_last']));
# Insurance co name
ImageTTFText($label, 14, 0, $lmargin, $tmargin + 150, $eblack, $arial, $ins_obj->getFirmName($result['insurance_firm_id']));
# Location
ImageTTFText($label, 9, 0, $lmargin, $tmargin + 170, $eblack, $arial, ar2uni($locstr));
#Blood group
if (stristr('AB', $result['blood_group'])) {
    ImageTTFText($label, 24, 0, $lmargin + 240, $tmargin + 127, $eblack, $arial, $result['blood_group']);
} else {
    ImageTTFText($label, 24, 0, $lmargin + 245, $tmargin + 127, $eblack, $arial, $result['blood_group']);
// place the barcode img
if ($bc) {
    ImageCopy($label, $bc, 110, 4, 9, 9, 170, 37);
if (!$child_img) {
    // *******************************************************************