Beispiel #1
 protected function validate()
     $file = $this->rootPath;
     if (!is_dir($file) || !is_readable($file)) {
         throw new Exception('Program root path "' . $file . '" does not exist or is not readable.');
     // Ensure program is declared in a directory we have access to
     if (!Insight_Helper::getInstance()->getServer()->canServeFile($file)) {
         throw new Exception('Program "' . $file . '" cannot be access remotely. You need to configure acces with ["implements"][""]["paths"].');
     $descriptorFile = $file . '/package.json';
     if (!is_file($descriptorFile) || !is_readable($descriptorFile)) {
         throw new Exception('Package descriptor for program not accessbile: ' . $descriptorFile);
     $this->descriptor = $descriptor = json_decode(file_get_contents($descriptorFile), true);
     if (!json_decode(file_get_contents($descriptorFile))) {
         throw new Exception('Package descriptor for program not valid JSON: ' . $descriptorFile);
     if (!isset($descriptor['mappings'])) {
         throw new Exception('Package descriptor must declare "mappings": ' . $descriptorFile);
     if (!isset($descriptor['implements'])) {
         throw new Exception('Package descriptor must declare "implements": ' . $descriptorFile);
     if (!isset($descriptor['implements'][''])) {
         throw new Exception('Package descriptor must declare "implements" -> "": ' . $descriptorFile);
     if (!isset($descriptor['implements']['']['options'])) {
         throw new Exception('Package descriptor must declare "implements" -> "" -> "options": ' . $descriptorFile);
     if (!isset($descriptor['implements']['']['options']['label'])) {
         throw new Exception('Package descriptor must declare "implements" -> "" -> "options" -> "label": ' . $descriptorFile);
     if (!isset($descriptor['implements']['']['main'])) {
         $descriptor['implements']['']['main'] = 'main';
     return $file;
Beispiel #2
 protected function loadProgram($class, $file = null)
     if (!class_exists($class, false)) {
         if (!$file) {
             // assuming $class is accessible via autoloader
             new $class();
         } else {
             if (!is_file($file) || !is_readable($file)) {
                 throw new Exception('File not accessible: ' . $file);
             if (!(require_once $file)) {
                 throw new Exception('Error while requiring file: ' . $file);
             if (!class_exists($class, false)) {
                 throw new Exception('Class "' . $class . '" not declared in file: ' . $file);
     $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($class);
     // Ensure class is declared in a directory we have access to
     if (!Insight_Helper::getInstance()->getServer()->canServeFile($reflectionClass->getFileName())) {
         throw new Exception('Class "' . $class . '" in file "' . $reflectionClass->getFileName() . ' cannot be access remotely. You need to configure acces with ["implements"][""]["paths"].');
     $program = new $class();
     if (!is_a($program, 'Insight_Program_JavaScript')) {
         throw new Exception('Class "' . $class . '" in file "' . $reflectionClass->getFileName() . '" does not inherit from Insight_Program_JavaScript');
     return $program;
Beispiel #3
 // Print all headers to be sent
 $html = array();
 $html[] = '<div class="box">';
 $html[] = '<div class="header">';
 $html[] = 'headers_list()';
 $html[] = '</div>';
 $html[] = '<div id="response-headers-body" class="body">';
 foreach (headers_list() as $header) {
     $html[] = $header . '<br/>';
 $html[] = '</div>';
 $html[] = '</div>';
 echo implode("\n", $html);
 // Print payload to be fetched by client if applicable
 if (class_exists('Insight_Helper', false)) {
     $insight = Insight_Helper::getInstance();
     if ($insight->getEnabled()) {
         $html = array();
         $html[] = '<div class="box">';
         $html[] = '<div class="header">';
         $html[] = 'Payload';
         $html[] = '</div>';
         $html[] = '<div id="payload-body" class="body">';
         $transport = $insight->getChannel()->getTransport();
         $contents = $transport->getData($transport->getLastKey());
         $contents = str_replace("\n", '<br/>', $contents);
         $html[] = $contents;
         $html[] = '</div>';
         $html[] = '</div>';
         echo implode("\n", $html);
Beispiel #4
function Insight_Helper__shutdown()
    $insight = Insight_Helper::getInstance();
    // only send headers if this was not a transport request
    if (class_exists('Insight_Server', false) && Insight_Util::getRequestHeader('x-insight') == "transport") {
    // if disabled do not flush headers
    if (!$insight->getEnabled()) {
    // call shutdown for all APIs
    $apis = $insight->getApis();
    if ($apis) {
        foreach ($apis as $name => $obj) {
            if (method_exists($obj, '_shutdown')) {
    Insight_Helper::debug('Flushing headers');
    $insight->getDispatcher()->getChannel()->flush(false, true);
    if ($insight->hasListenersFor('payload')) {
        $transport = $insight->getChannel()->getTransport();
        $contents = $transport->getData($transport->getLastKey());
        foreach ($insight->getListenersFor('payload') as $listener) {
            $listener->onPayload($insight->getRequest, $contents);
    // if not authorized we now destroy the cached data as it is no longer needed
    // for later catching
    if ($insight->getAuthorized() !== true) {
        $transport = $insight->getChannel()->getTransport();
        $file = $transport->getPath($transport->getLastKey());
Beispiel #5

// NOTE: You must have FirePHP Companion installed (
// See FirePHP Companion or Firebug Console for result (depending on $_GET['target'])
define('INSIGHT_CONFIG_PATH', dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'package.json');
// force-enable FirePHP
define('FIREPHP_ACTIVATED', true);
require_once 'FirePHP/Init.php';
$console = FirePHP::to('page')->console();
if (isset($_GET['target'])) {
    // set by the drop-down in the reference
    $console = FirePHP::to($_GET['target'])->console();
    if ($_GET['target'] == 'request') {
// register a listener
class PayloadListener
    public function onPayload($request, $payload)
        echo $payload;
Insight_Helper::getInstance()->registerListener('payload', new PayloadListener());
// send a test message
$console->log('Hello World');
Beispiel #6
 protected static function _logUpgradeClientMessage()
     if (self::$upgradeClientMessageLogged) {
     // x-insight: activate request header is sent and FirePHP Extension detected, but not wildfire/insight client
     $info = Insight_Helper::getInstance()->getClientInfo();
     if ($info['client'] == 'firephp' && Insight_Util::getRequestHeader('x-insight') == 'activate') {
         self::$upgradeClientMessageLogged = true;
         $firephp = self::getInstance();
         $enabled = $firephp->getEnabled();
         $firephp->info('Your client only supports some features of the FirePHP library being used on the server. See for information on how to upgrade your client.');
Beispiel #7

// NOTE: You must have FirePHP Companion installed (
// See Firebug Console for result
define('INSIGHT_CONFIG_PATH', dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'package.json');
require_once 'FirePHP/Init.php';
$payload = array();
$payload[] = 'x-wf-protocol-1:';
$payload[] = 'x-wf-1-index: 3';
$payload[] = 'x-wf-1-1-receiver:';
$payload[] = 'x-wf-1-1-1-sender:' . FirePHP::VERSION;
$payload[] = 'x-wf-1-1-1-1: 350|{"target":"info"}|{"links":{"quick":{"Homepage":"http:\\/\\/\\/cadorn\\/firephp-libs\\/tree\\/master\\/programs\\/standalone\\/examples\\/","Bugs":"http:\\/\\/\\/cadorn\\/firephp-libs\\/issues","Discuss":"http:\\/\\/\\/group\\/firephp-dev","Follow":"http:\\/\\/\\/firephplib"}},"description":"FirePHP Examples: Test Runner"}|';
$payload[] = 'x-wf-1-2-receiver:';
$payload[] = 'x-wf-1-2-1-sender:' . FirePHP::VERSION;
$payload[] = 'x-wf-1-2-1-2: 125||{"serverUrl":"http:\\/\\/\\/Tools\\/FirePHPCompanion\\/Run\\/Examples\\/TestRunner\\/_insight_.php"}|';
$payload[] = 'x-wf-1-3-receiver:';
$payload[] = 'x-wf-1-3-1-sender:' . FirePHP::VERSION;
$payload[] = 'x-wf-1-3-1-3: 386|{"context":"page","target":"console","priority":"log","file":"\\/Users\\/cadorn\\/pinf\\/workspaces\\/\\/cadorn\\/firephp-libs\\/programs\\/standalone\\/examples\\/TestRunner\\/insight-devcomp\\/snippets\\/PayloadListener.php","line":33,"":"\\/\\/github\\/renderers\\/packages\\/php\\/master"}|{"origin":{"type":"text","text":"Hello World","lang.type":"string"}}|';
Insight_Helper::getInstance()->relayPayload(implode("\n", $payload));