Beispiel #1
 public function authorise()
     // If there's a valid session already, allow access
     $user_type = \Input::param('user_type') ?: 'Admin\\Model_User';
     if (\CMF\Auth::logged_in(null, $user_type)) {
     $auth = explode(' ', \Input::headers('Authorization', ' '));
     $sent_key = \Arr::get($auth, 1);
     // Try and find a valid key
     $key = \CMF\Model\User\Apikey::select('item')->where('item.access_token = :key')->andWhere('item.expires_at > :now')->setParameter('key', $sent_key)->setParameter('now', new \DateTime())->getQuery()->getResult();
     // Check the scope of the key, if one was found
     if (count($key)) {
         $key = $key[0];
         if ($key->scope == 'api') {
     throw new \HttpException('Login Required', \HttpException::UNAUTHORIZED);
Beispiel #2
  * Prints a list of all HTTP request headers.
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function headers()
     // get the current request headers and dump them
     return static::dump(\Input::headers());
Beispiel #3
  * read a cookie
  * @access	private
  * @return  void
 protected function _get_cookie()
     // was the cookie value posted?
     $cookie = \Input::post($this->config['post_cookie_name'], false);
     // if not found, fetch the regular cookie
     if ($cookie === false) {
         $cookie = \Cookie::get($this->config['cookie_name'], false);
     // if not found, was a session-id present in the HTTP header?
     if ($cookie === false) {
         $cookie = \Input::headers($this->config['http_header_name'], false);
     // if not found, check the URL for a cookie
     if ($cookie === false) {
         $cookie = \Input::get($this->config['cookie_name'], false);
     if ($cookie !== false) {
         // fetch the payload
         $this->config['encrypt_cookie'] and $cookie = \Crypt::decode($cookie);
         $cookie = $this->_unserialize($cookie);
         // validate the cookie format: must be an array
         if (is_array($cookie)) {
             // cookies use nested arrays, other drivers have a string value
             if ($this->config['driver'] === 'cookie' and !is_array($cookie[0]) or $this->config['driver'] !== 'cookie' and !is_string($cookie[0])) {
                 // invalid specific format
                 logger('DEBUG', 'Error: Invalid session cookie specific format');
                 $cookie = false;
         } elseif (is_string($cookie) and strlen($cookie) == 32) {
             $cookie = array($cookie);
         } else {
             logger('DEBUG', 'Error: Invalid session cookie general format');
             $cookie = false;
     // and the result
     return $cookie;
Beispiel #4
  * Initializes the framework.  This can only be called once.
  * @access	public
  * @return	void
 public static function init($config)
     if (static::$initialized) {
         throw new \FuelException("You can't initialize Fuel more than once.");
     static::$_paths = array(APPPATH, COREPATH);
     // Is Fuel running on the command line?
     static::$is_cli = (bool) defined('STDIN');
     // Disable output compression if the client doesn't support it
     if (static::$is_cli or !in_array('gzip', explode(', ', \Input::headers('Accept-Encoding', '')))) {
         \Config::set('ob_callback', null);
     // Start up output buffering
     static::$is_cli or ob_start(\Config::get('ob_callback'));
     if (\Config::get('caching', false)) {
     static::$profiling = \Config::get('profiling', false);
     static::$profiling and \Profiler::init();
     // set a default timezone if one is defined
     try {
         static::$timezone = \Config::get('default_timezone') ?: date_default_timezone_get();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new \PHPErrorException($e->getMessage());
     static::$encoding = \Config::get('encoding', static::$encoding);
     MBSTRING and mb_internal_encoding(static::$encoding);
     static::$locale = \Config::get('locale', static::$locale);
     // Set locale, log warning when it fails
     if (static::$locale) {
         setlocale(LC_ALL, static::$locale) or logger(\Fuel::L_WARNING, 'The configured locale ' . static::$locale . ' is not installed on your system.', __METHOD__);
     if (!static::$is_cli) {
         if (\Config::get('base_url') === null) {
             \Config::set('base_url', static::generate_base_url());
     // Run Input Filtering
     \Event::register('fuel-shutdown', 'Fuel::finish');
     // Always load classes, config & language set in always_load.php config
     // Load in the routes
     \Config::load('routes', true);
     // BC FIX FOR APPLICATIONS <= 1.6.1, makes Redis_Db available as Redis,
     // like it was in versions before 1.7
     class_exists('Redis', false) or class_alias('Redis_Db', 'Redis');
     static::$initialized = true;
     // fire any app created events
     \Event::instance()->has_events('app_created') and \Event::instance()->trigger('app_created', '', 'none');
     if (static::$profiling) {
         \Profiler::mark(__METHOD__ . ' End');
  * Authenticate to the desired account.
  * @return boolean True if the authentication was successful, false otherwise.
 public static function authenticate()
     $auth = \Input::headers('X-Authorization');
     // If we're trying to run a JS call...
     if (empty($auth) && \V1\APIRequest::get('consumer_key', null) !== null) {
         // We're making a public call through JS, so we'll mark it as a reduced functionality call.
         \Session::set('public', true);
         // This session variable aids in logging and API functionality later.
         \Session::set('consumer_key', \V1\APIRequest::get('consumer_key'));
         $account_data = \V1\Model\Account::get_account();
         // If the account is invalid, fail.
         if (empty($account_data)) {
             return false;
          * If the account holder wishes to allow for JS based calls, we'll allow safe calls to run
          * with their API key by turning on public mode.
         if ($account_data['js_calls_allowed'] === 0) {
             return false;
          * @TODO JS calls go through the client's IP, so we can't use a whitelist.
          * In the future, perhaps a blacklist deadicated to client IPs is in order?
          * If the account holder uses a whitelist, then they've just disabled their
          * blacklist of the client IPs. It really should be separated, but for now
          * it's unimplemented. 
         // IP ACL
         if ($account_data['acl_type'] === 0 && static::ip_acl_check() === false) {
             return false;
         // We're clear for lift off.
         return true;
     } elseif (!empty($auth)) {
         // Give the call full account access if we succeed in validating the request.
         \Session::set('public', false);
         // Is it an OAuth authorization header?
         if (\Str::sub($auth, 0, 5) !== 'OAuth') {
             return false;
         // Parse the OAuth header into an array
         parse_str(\Str::sub($auth, 6, strlen($auth)), $tokens);
         $required_keys = array('oauth_signature', 'oauth_nonce', 'oauth_timestamp', 'oauth_consumer_key');
         // This session variable aids in logging and API functionality later.
         if (empty($tokens['oauth_consumer_key'])) {
             return false;
         \Session::set('consumer_key', $tokens['oauth_consumer_key']);
         // IP ACL
         if (static::ip_acl_check() === false) {
             return false;
         // Do we have all the correct keys?
         if (count(array_intersect_key(array_flip($required_keys), $tokens)) !== count($required_keys)) {
             return false;
         // Verify the data integrity of the header's components, including if the timestamp is new enough.
         if (!(isset($tokens['oauth_consumer_key'], $tokens['oauth_signature'], $tokens['oauth_nonce']) && static::valid_timestamp($tokens['oauth_timestamp']) === true)) {
             return false;
         // Do we have a valid nonce?
         if (static::valid_nonce($tokens) === false) {
             return false;
         // Verify that the signature matches the content.
         if (static::valid_signature($tokens) === false) {
             return false;
         // If we haven't failed yet, then it's valid.
         return true;
     return false;