
include '../infusionsoft.php';
include 'testUtils.php';
<h1>Testing Add</h1>
$contact = new Infusionsoft_Contact();
$contact->FirstName = 'Joey';
$out = $contact->save();

<h1>Testing Update</h1>
$contact->LastName = 'Novak';
$out = $contact->save();

<h1>Testing Loading of an object by FirstName (findByField)</h1><?php 
$out = Infusionsoft_DataService::findByField(new Infusionsoft_Contact(), 'FirstName', 'Joey', 1, 0);
	ContactId: <input type="text" name="ContactId" value="<?php 
if (isset($_REQUEST['ContactId'])) {
    echo $_REQUEST['ContactId'];
" />
	<input type="submit"/>
include '../infusionsoft.php';
if (isset($_REQUEST['ContactId'])) {
    $contact = new Infusionsoft_Contact($_REQUEST['ContactId']);
    $contact->_LeadScore = $contact->_LeadScore + 1;
    echo 'Lead Score for Contact: ' . $contact->FirstName . ' ' . $contact->LastName . ' is now: ' . $contact->_LeadScore;
  * 		25=ShippingAddress1
  * 		26=ShippingAddress2
  * 		27=ShippingTown
  * 		28=ShippingCounty
  * 		29=ShippingCountry
  * 		30=ShippingPostalCode
  * 		31=ShippingTelephone
 for ($x = 0; $x <= $concount; $x++) {
     if ($ekmcons[$x] == $order[0]) {
         $found = true;
 if ($found != true) {
     // re-create the contact object otherwise we are just editing the same record
     $contact = new Infusionsoft_Contact();
     $contact->AccountId = $order[0];
     $contact->Email = $order[9];
     $contact->FirstName = $order[10];
     $contact->LastName = $order[11];
     $contact->Company = $order[12];
     $contact->StreetAddress1 = $order[13];
     $contact->StreetAddress2 = $order[14];
     $contact->City = $order[15];
     $contact->_County = $order[16];
     $contact->Country = $order[17];
     $contact->PostalCode = $order[18];
     $contact->Phone1 = $order[19];
     $contact->Address2Street1 = $order[21];
 $order = fgetcsv($file);
 /*we use index 0 (ekm account id) to test if the line is an actual contact.
  * if index 0 is not blank then it is account/contact information and the contact
  * details will be found in successive lines.*/
 if ($order[0] != '') {
     // now we run a cursive check with existing ekm account id's to prevent duplicates
     for ($x = 0; $x <= $concount; $x++) {
         if ($ekmids[$x] == $order[0]) {
             $found = true;
             $sel = $x;
     if ($found != true) {
         if ($order[9] != '' && strpos('EKMUNIQUE', $order[9]) == 0 && $order[36] == 'COMPLETE') {
             //echo 'updating for email address '.$order[9].'<br>';
             $contact = new Infusionsoft_Contact();
             $eml = new Infusionsoft_EmailService();
             $grp = new Infusionsoft_ContactGroupAssign();
             $data = new Infusionsoft_DataService();
             $contact->AccountId = $order[0];
             $contact->Email = $order[9];
             $contact->FirstName = $order[10];
             $contact->LastName = $order[11];
             $contact->Company = $order[12];
             $contact->StreetAddress1 = $order[13];
             $contact->StreetAddress2 = $order[14];
Beispiel #5

 * Program focus : To import information from EKM Powershop using a .csv file
 * 				   export as input.  Contact information, product information,
 * 				   invoice information and payment information is imported
 * 				   using the infusionsoft api.
 * Author : John W. Borelli with The Plan B Club, LLC for Rob Drummond and his
 * 			client, Ian Ashland of Ashland Chemicals.
 * Inputs : All input is extracted via .csv file reads
 * Outputs: All output will be found in the form of resulting data being
 * 			imported into the appropriate Infusionsoft app.
// Include required support files
include_once 'EKMConfig.php';
require_once 'Infusionsoft/infusionsoft.php';
require_once 'src/isdk.php';
// Instantiate all required objects
$app = new iSDK();
$app->cfgCon($appname, $appkey);
$con = new Infusionsoft_Contact();

include '../infusionsoft.php';
include 'object_editor_all_tables.php';
include '../tests/testUtils.php';
Infusionsoft_SdkEventManager::attach('loaded', "DataObject.Loaded");
Infusionsoft_SdkEventManager::attach('deleted', "DataObject.Deleted");
Infusionsoft_SdkEventManager::attach('saved', "DataObject.Saved");
Infusionsoft_SdkEventManager::attach('saved2', "DataObject.Saved");
$contact = new Infusionsoft_Contact();
$contact->FirstName = 'TEST';
$contact2 = new Infusionsoft_Contact($contact->Id);
function loaded($event)
    echo 'Loaded!<br/>';
function deleted(Infusionsoft_SdkEvent $event)
    echo 'Deleted!<br/>';
function saved(Infusionsoft_SdkEvent $event)
    echo 'Saved!<br/>';
function saved2(Infusionsoft_SdkEvent $event)
    echo 'Saved2!<br/>';

include '../infusionsoft.php';
$contact = new Infusionsoft_Contact();
$customFields = Infusionsoft_CustomFieldService::getCustomFields(new Infusionsoft_Contact());
/** @var Infusionsoft_DataFormField $customField */
$customFieldsAsArray = array();
foreach ($customFields as $customField) {
    $customFieldsAsArray[] = '_' . $customField->Name;
$contacts = Infusionsoft_DataService::queryWithOrderBy(new Infusionsoft_Contact(), array('Id' => '%'), 'LastUpdated', 1, 1, array('Id'));