function get_row($p_start, $p_end, $p_type_date) { $Res = $this->db->exec_sql("select fo_id ,\n fo_fr_id,\n fo_pos,\n fo_label,\n fo_formula,\n fr_label from form\n inner join formdef on fr_id=fo_fr_id\n where fr_id =" . $this->id . "order by fo_pos"); $Max = Database::num_row($Res); if ($Max == 0) { $this->row = 0; return null; } $col = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $Max; $i++) { $l_line = Database::fetch_array($Res, $i); $col[] = Impress::parse_formula($this->db, $l_line['fo_label'], $l_line['fo_formula'], $p_start, $p_end, true, $p_type_date); } //for ($i $this->row = $col; return $col; }
function compute_formula($p_handle) { while (!feof($p_handle)) { $buffer = trim(fgets($p_handle)); // $a=(Impress::check_formula($buffer) == true)?"$buffer ok<br>":'<font color="red">'.'Pas ok '.$buffer."</font><br>"; // echo $a; // blank line are skipped if (strlen(trim($buffer)) == 0) { continue; } // skip comment if (strpos($buffer, '#') === true) { continue; } // buffer contains a formula A$=.... // We need to eval it $a = Impress::parse_formula($this->db, "{$buffer}", $buffer, $this->from, $this->to, false); $b = str_replace("\$", "\$this->", $a); if (eval("{$b};") === false) { echo_debug(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Code failed with {$b}"); } } // end read form line per line }
function display_csv() { $r = ""; //---Html $array = $this->load_csv(); if (is_array($array) == false) { return $array; } $ix = 0; $prev = 'xx'; $tot_deb = $tot_cred = 0; $aheader = array(); $aheader[] = array("title" => 'Imp. Analytique', 'type' => 'string'); $aheader[] = array("title" => 'Date', 'type' => 'string'); $aheader[] = array("title" => 'Poste', 'type' => 'string'); $aheader[] = array("title" => 'Quick_Code', 'type' => 'string'); $aheader[] = array("title" => 'libelle', 'type' => 'string'); $aheader[] = array("title" => 'Pièce', 'type' => 'string'); $aheader[] = array("title" => 'Num.interne', 'type' => 'string'); $aheader[] = array("title" => 'row', 'type' => 'num'); $aheader[] = array("title" => 'Debit', 'type' => 'string'); $aheader[] = array("title" => 'Credit', 'type' => 'num'); Impress::array_to_csv($array, $aheader); }
static function parse_formula($p_cn, $p_label, $p_formula, $p_start, $p_end, $p_eval = true, $p_type_date = 0, $p_sql = "") { global $g_user; if (Impress::check_formula($p_formula) == false) { if ($p_eval == true) { return array('desc' => $p_label . ' Erreur Formule!', 'montant' => 0); } else { return $p_formula; } } if ($p_type_date == 0) { $cond = sql_filter_per($p_cn, $p_start, $p_end, 'p_id', 'j_tech_per'); } else { $cond = "( j_date >= to_date('{$p_start}','DD.MM.YYYY') and j_date <= to_date('{$p_end}','DD.MM.YYYY'))"; } include_once "class_acc_account_ledger.php"; while (preg_match_all("(\\[[0-9]*[A-Z]*%*c*d*s*\\])", $p_formula, $e) == true) { // remove the [ ] $x = $e[0]; foreach ($x as $line) { $compute = 'all'; if (strpos($line, 'd') != 0) { $compute = 'deb'; } if (strpos($line, 'c') != 0) { $compute = 'cred'; } if (strpos($line, 's') != 0) { $compute = 'signed'; } $line = str_replace("[", "", $line); $line = str_replace("]", "", $line); $line = str_replace("d", "", $line); $line = str_replace("c", "", $line); $line = str_replace("s", "", $line); // If there is a FROM clause we must recompute // the time cond if ($p_type_date == 0 && preg_match("/FROM=[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+/", $p_formula, $afrom) == 1) { // There is a FROM clause // then we must modify the cond for the periode $from = str_replace("FROM=", "", $afrom[0]); // Get the periode /*! \note special value for the clause FROM=00.0000 */ if ($from == '00.0000') { // retrieve the first month of this periode $user_periode = $g_user->get_periode(); $oPeriode = new Periode($p_cn); $periode = $oPeriode->get_exercice($user_periode); list($first, $last) = $oPeriode->get_limit($periode); $ret = $first->get_date_limit(); $end_date = $oPeriode->get_date_limit($p_end); if ($ret == null) { throw new Exception('Pas de limite à cette période', 1); } $cond = sql_filter_per($p_cn, $ret['p_start'], $end_date['p_end'], 'date', 'j_tech_per'); } else { $oPeriode = new Periode($p_cn); try { $pfrom = $oPeriode->find_periode('01.' . $from); $cond = sql_filter_per($p_cn, $pfrom, $p_end, 'p_id', 'j_tech_per'); } catch (Exception $exp) { /* if none periode is found then we take the first periode of the year */ $user_periode = $g_user->get_periode(); $year = $oPeriode->get_exercice($user_periode); list($first, $last) = $oPeriode->get_limit($year); $ret = $first->get_date_limit(); $end_date = $oPeriode->get_date_limit($p_end); if ($ret == null) { throw new Exception('Pas de limite à cette période', 1); } $cond = sql_filter_per($p_cn, $ret['p_start'], $end_date['p_end'], 'date', 'j_tech_per'); } } } if (strpos($p_formula, "FROM") != 0) { // We remove FROM out of the p_formula $p_formula = substr_replace($p_formula, "", strpos($p_formula, "FROM")); } // Get sum of account $P = new Acc_Account_Ledger($p_cn, $line); $detail = $P->get_solde_detail($cond . $p_sql); if ($compute == 'all') { $i = $detail['solde']; } if ($compute == 'deb') { $i = $detail['debit']; } if ($compute == 'cred') { $i = $detail['credit']; } if ($compute == 'signed') { $i = $detail['debit'] - $detail['credit']; } $p_formula = str_replace($x[0], $i, $p_formula); } } // $p_eval is true then we eval and returns result if ($p_eval == true) { $p_formula = "\$result=" . $p_formula . ";"; eval("{$p_formula}"); while (preg_match("/\\[([0-9]+)([Tt]*)\\]/", trim($p_label), $e) == 1) { $nom = "!!" . $e[1] . "!!"; if (Impress::check_formula($e[0])) { $nom = $p_cn->get_value("SELECT pcm_lib AS acct_name FROM tmp_pcmn WHERE pcm_val::text LIKE \$1||'%' ORDER BY pcm_val ASC LIMIT 1", array($e[1])); if ($nom) { if ($e[2] == 'T') { $nom = strtoupper($nom); } if ($e[2] == 't') { $nom = strtolower($nom); } } } $p_label = str_replace($e[0], $nom, $p_label); } $aret = array('desc' => $p_label, 'montant' => $result); return $aret; } else { // $p_eval is false we returns only the string return $p_formula; } }
/** *@brief Display the result of the forecast *@param $p_periode *@return HTML String with the code */ public function display() { bcscale(4); $forecast = new Forecast($this->cn, $this->f_id); $forecast->load(); $str_name = h($forecast->get_parameter('name')); $start = $forecast->get_parameter('start_date'); $end = $forecast->get_parameter('end_date'); if ($start == '') { throw new Exception(_('Période de début non valable')); } if ($end == '') { throw new Exception(_('Période de fin non valable')); } $per = new Periode($this->cn, $start); $str_start = format_date($per->first_day()); $per = new Periode($this->cn, $end); $str_end = format_date($per->last_day()); $r = ""; $aCat = $this->cn->get_array('select fc_id,fc_desc from forecast_cat where f_id=$1 order by fc_order', array($this->f_id)); $aItem = array(); $aReal = array(); $poste = new Acc_Account_Ledger($this->cn, 0); $fiche = new Fiche($this->cn); $aPeriode = $this->cn->get_array("select p_id,to_char(p_start,'MM.YYYY') as myear from parm_periode\n\t where p_start >= (select p_start from parm_periode where p_id={$start})\n and p_end <= (select p_end from parm_periode where p_id={$end})\n\t\t\t\t\t order by p_start;"); $error = array(); for ($j = 0; $j < count($aCat); $j++) { $aItem[$j] = $this->cn->get_array('select fi_card,fi_account,fi_text,fi_amount,fi_debit from forecast_item where fc_id=$1 and fi_pid=0 order by fi_order ', array($aCat[$j]['fc_id'])); $aPerMonth[$j] = $this->cn->get_array('select fi_pid,fi_card,fi_account,fi_text,fi_amount,fi_debit from forecast_item where fc_id=$1 and fi_pid !=0 order by fi_order ', array($aCat[$j]['fc_id'])); /* compute the real amount for periode */ for ($k = 0; $k < count($aItem[$j]); $k++) { /* for each periode */ for ($l = 0; $l < count($aPeriode); $l++) { if ($aItem[$j][$k]['fi_account'] == '') { $fiche->id = $aItem[$j][$k]['fi_card']; $amount = $fiche->get_solde_detail("j_tech_per = " . $aPeriode[$l]['p_id']); if ($aItem[$j][$k]['fi_debit'] == 'C' && $amount['debit'] > $amount['credit']) { $amount['solde'] = $amount["solde"] * -1; } if ($aItem[$j][$k]['fi_debit'] == 'D' && $amount['debit'] < $amount['credit']) { $amount['solde'] = $amount["solde"] * -1; } } else { $poste->id = $aItem[$j][$k]['fi_account']; $aresult = Impress::parse_formula($this->cn, "OK", $poste->id, $aPeriode[$l]['p_id'], $aPeriode[$l]['p_id']); $tmp_label = $aresult['desc']; $amount['solde'] = $aresult['montant']; if ($tmp_label != 'OK') { $error[] = "<li> " . $aItem[$j][$k]['fi_text'] . $poste->id . '</li>'; } } $aReal[$j][$k][$l] = $amount['solde']; } } } ob_start(); require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/template/forecast_result.php'; $r .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $r; }
<?php /* # check the Impress::check_formula and the parse_formula # This file is a part of NOALYSS under GPL # Author D. DE BONTRIDDER */ include_once 'class_impress.php'; echo '<hr>'; foreach (array('1', '(45+5)', 'round([45])', '$A=9', '$S30=($F1 >=0)?$F1:0', '[45%]', '[50]*[51%]', '$A1=[50]*[51%]', '[50]*9', '[50]*9.0', '[50%]*9', '$C1111=[50%]*9', '$C1111=[50%]*9*$D1', '$C10=[10%]', '[50%]*9.0', '[50%]*9.0 FROM=01.2004', '[50%]*9.0FROM=01.2004', 'system', 'unlink', 'ls -1') as $a) { echo "Testing :" . $a; echo Impress::check_formula($a) == false ? 'Non valide ' : 'ok'; echo '<br>'; foreach (array('+', '-', '/') as $b) { $ee = str_replace('*', $b, $a); echo "Testing :" . $ee; echo Impress::check_formula($ee) == false ? 'Non valide ' : 'ok'; echo '<br>'; } for ($e = 0; $e < 3; $e++) { $a .= "*" . $a; echo "Testing :" . $a; echo Impress::check_formula($a) == false ? 'Non valide ' : 'ok'; echo '<br>'; } }